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Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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Achievement Mission Terminals :

Several Achievement Mission Terminals are located in fleets of the two factions that now unlock achievement rewards for doing certain flashpoints, operations, etc.

These feats require boss kills and more to unlock special speeder skins/colors.


So i take it pure pvpers are screwed on this?


Dude, if you don't do PvE, why would you deserve rewards for PvE conquests????

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Zabrak and Human can be anything already. Human to 50 gets presence buff, Zabrak to 50 just unlocks different patterns/colors normally restricted to the other side, and Cyborg unlocks the different "pieces" that go on faces depending on the class. These are things that can benefit a single character without having to reroll (when they add a "barber shop" eventually like they said) and don't put more isolated races out there as easily for everyone, so the pricing makes sense.


Thank you for clarifying.

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And so the nerfs begin... You could always rename it "How to hurt a already damaged game", nerfing always causes hassle & upset, no matter whatever flavour you make it!


Try giving your child a ice cream, now "slap" their face & take the ice cream away, are they upset? Now eat the ice cream with them watching! Well done, you have mastered the art of Nerfing ©Blizzard/Trion/BW.


PS. And no, my main isn't a Sage or Sorc or BH. But the rest of the classes are next, long runs the fox in the world that has become FOTMMMORPGs. :o


You don't even know what the adjustment is yet, nor have you played with it, and you're already this upset about it?


Maybe you should consider taking a break from the game.

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The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is the voice restraining bolt for the ship droids. Any news on that?


I think I should have the option of programming my destination when I go through the door So I can arrive there quicker.


Not that a restraining bolt for the droid isn't something I would also purchase.

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Great post, but is there any specifics on new PvP & PvE gear? As well as customization options.


I've been searching the various sites and there seems to be very little to no info on that subject. To be fair though there's really not a whole lot more we need to know, we already know what the sets look like or at least we know what the new tier pve or pvp sets look like as it's unclear which the ones shown in the video are. We know the stats are being completely reworked, we know that the grades of them are changing somehow as they want to phase out orange from PvP. We also know the currency for the new PvP set.

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So to unlock Legacy stuff you have to have legacy levels and then pay credits?


Now, I remember reading that people who didn't have legacy levels could buy these legacy things with cash.


So really, is this either/or....or do people without legacy levels have to pay even more?


I'm just starting to wonder what these legacy levels are worth now because if you have to pay tons of credits anyways, it kinda devaluates the whole thing.

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So to unlock Legacy stuff you have to have legacy levels and then pay credits?


Now, I remember reading that people who didn't have legacy levels could buy these legacy things with cash.


So really, is this either/or....or do people without legacy levels have to pay even more?


I'm just starting to wonder what these legacy levels are worth now because if you have to pay tons of credits anyways, it kinda devaluates the whole thing.


I would say they are too cheap!


500,000 is nothing after you have played for a couple of months. MMO lasts more than a couple of months. Plus, the economy in this game is already inflated when there is nothing to buy in GTN.

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So to unlock Legacy stuff you have to have legacy levels and then pay credits?


Now, I remember reading that people who didn't have legacy levels could buy these legacy things with cash.


So really, is this either/or....or do people without legacy levels have to pay even more?


I'm just starting to wonder what these legacy levels are worth now because if you have to pay tons of credits anyways, it kinda devaluates the whole thing.


That is a terrible idea, the point is to have to level up your legacy.


Is there no extent they will not go to in an effort to belittle every accomplishment in this game so casuals can get everything with no effort.

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What am saying is we should get the same for our pvp speeders though pvp :)


Since when do you need a speeder to PVP... The trip from the PVP terminal to the PVP items guys and the Class trainers is all of what.. 10ft? (if you "only" PVP)

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I would say they are too cheap!


500,000 is nothing after you have played for a couple of months. MMO lasts more than a couple of months. Plus, the economy in this game is already inflated when there is nothing to buy in GTN.


you have to remember that the economist for the game at the guild summit said that something like 80% of all 50's have less than 400,000 credits. so the prices with that in mind are decent. if anything the price of 5mil for the Trade network and or rocket boots is too much.


but until the patch comes out i guess final prices are speculation, but that is why they put all those money sinks into the game pre 1.2 so that people would blow their credits on stuff, and have to work towards the legacy stuff.

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That is a terrible idea, the point is to have to level up your legacy.


Is there no extent they will not go to in an effort to belittle every accomplishment in this game so casuals can get everything with no effort.


They have already said that you can buy them if you do not want to grind legacy.


It has also already been clarified by DH that it is an either or thing, either you hit Legacy level X or spend X credits.


My question is, do we "spend" legacy levels. I.E. I have 27 legacy atm, if I unlock Sith Purebloods, do I then have 19?






Edit- I apparently was misinformed.


You have to be that level and pay the creds. I see much credit sinking in my future.

Edited by Caille
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Great post, but is there any specifics on new PvP & PvE gear? As well as customization options.


Two new PvP-sets and a new PvE-set are coming out:

  1. A PvP set to bridge the gear-gap between being a fresh Level 50 to Centurion gear
  2. And a War Hero set that has some very marginal stat increases compared to BM (it's really a cosmetic upgrade over the BM set)
  3. There is a new PvE set that is to come out of the new Operation. Not much details there.

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