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Get Rid Of Heroics


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i don't want to get rid of them, but as i said earlier, a different quest marker for flashpoints and heroics would be nice so i can skip them on my low pop server.


Heroic quests have "HEROIC" before the title of the quest. If you simply remove the tracking for it, it will vanish from your map markers. Or, you can simply abandon them. You can also remove the tracking for Flashpoint quests in your quest log.


It's not hard. Just a couple of clicks...

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ok everyone has stated this point already..... yes we can skip them

BUT... im wondering why bother having them in the game if we can skip them


Are you serious? I mean, really, read what you just posted.


Did you read it again?


Now, are you able to see the flaw in your thinking? They are optional quests, some have nice rewards for completing them. Don't pick them up or turn the tracking off and when you leave the planet abandon them.


Some players enjoy the challenge or have friends to do them with. I suppose you are also wondering why they have Operations at level 50...

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im totalycool with flashpoints and pvp..... but do we NEED HEROIC mishions....?

i find/feel... that they can slow my game time down as im FORCED to find help to do them. that or i feel forced to iggy the mish till im like 4 lvls higer then the heroic mish's lvl come back and do alone if i cant find sumone to do it with..... anyone else finding the same?



you dont need to do them, you can level up miss all the heroics and not be underpowered. just coz you don't like doing them don't mean they should be scraped


just miss them out

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Or ....


They could make every quest a heroic quest, which would force people to group up all the time. This would cut down on LFG time drastically and make the game significantly more socially friendly.


But this'll never happen. Too many single player fanbois that play multi-player games these days. :(

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If you're playing the game solo (which I assume you are since your objection to heroics is that it sucks to find people) then just skip them. If you do all the quests on a planet, all your class quests, the bonus series, some space combat here and there, and a few rounds of PvP as you level you'll end up 50 well before the end of Corellia. And all that stuff is more then soloable. I've done it on a few characters now.


That way Heroics are still there for the people that want to group up and do them. You're in no way forced to complete Heroics.





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Or ....


They could make every quest a heroic quest, which would force people to group up all the time. This would cut down on LFG time drastically and make the game significantly more socially friendly.


But this'll never happen. Too many single player fanbois that play multi-player games these days. :(


Funny, I've heard the same arguments in the past from multiplayer "fanbois" who complain about a single-player game that doesn't have co-op/multiplayer modes.


Why exactly is your $15 a month more important than my $15 a month?

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Or ....


They could make every quest a heroic quest, which would force people to group up all the time. This would cut down on LFG time drastically and make the game significantly more socially friendly.


I'd be down for that, but supposedly that was Aion's downfall. Too much reliance on grouping.



Funny, I've heard the same arguments in the past from multiplayer "fanbois" who complain about a single-player game that doesn't have co-op/multiplayer modes.


Why exactly is your $15 a month more important than my $15 a month?


Both $15 are important, hence why I agree with the current model of having many ways to play, but that no one player is expected to take part in all of it.

Edited by Qonor
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Modern MMOs try to offer a variety of play options. They do this for a variety of reasons.


Some MMOs that required 100% grouping to do any kind of advancement made it so people who had small blocks of time couldn't just log in and do a little bit of something real quick, so more support for single player activities were added.


Grouping is still an important part of MMOs, so they have features like group quests, flashpoints, and Ops, as well as world champions and world bosses. These, while not required to reach level cap, give better rewards then solo content.


Modern MMOs are increasingly adding in mini-games, allowing people to log in and socialize with their friends while still doing some mini-games on the side.


Variety of gameplay no only attracts a wider audience, but it also helps to keep players invested in the game by having a variety of tasks to do so its not the same old same old.

Edited by MaximusRex
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ok everyone has stated this point already..... yes we can skip them

BUT... im wondering why bother having them in the game if we can skip them


This is a multiplayer game. The devs try to make the game appeal to as many people as possible. There is solo content (class story, planetary story), multiplayer co-op content (heroics, flashpoints, ops) and multiplayer competitive content (PvP). You can play one or two aspects of the game and completely skip the rest if you like.


If you're a completionist, then that's all on you. Not everyone thinks that the only point of a game is to get to the end and "finish everything" (by yourself or otherwise). Grouping together with people (especially RL friends or friends you meet through pugs or guilds) and working as a team is fun. I find the Operations and Flashpoints more fun than the solo content (although I DID enjoy it) and even the Heroics.


Also, things are optional for replayability and so that you have some choice. You can think of optional content as "sidequests". Whether you get to endgame through soloing, grouping or PvP is up to you.

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if heroics are optional, and do nothing to move the game forward why have them.


Skipping a bunch of this thread, but this mindset is one of the main problems with Modern MMOs and their communities. Heroics encourage grouping.. the MM part of MMO.. You are not FORCED to do them, however I could see adding a different colour indicator over the quest giver to denote if said side-quest is heroic or solo so you can choose to pick up or not depending on playstyle.


Heroic/group content is a risk v reward thing. Some heroic 4's later in the game are pretty difficult if you don't have an optimal group, and crazy fun if you want to try it as a duo with 2 companions. With that, the rewards from Heroics are generally better than what you will get from soloing content. Much like the rewards you receive from FPs are better than what you get from solo content. These rewards will in some cases last 5-10 levels where the solo content rewards last 1-2.


Just because YOU don't like to do them/can't find a group/don't have a guild/haven't made/invited any friends in game, doesn't mean there aren't people out there who enjoy the content, and actually seek them out. Also, heroic quests are repeatable once per day.


Removing the already shockingly low amount of group oriented content in this game just makes it feel more like a single player game than it already is. This game should already be categorized as ORPG.

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I'd be down for that, but supposedly that was Aion's downfall. Too much reliance on grouping.


No, Aion's downfall was the goldspamtastic gankfest. Aion had a lot of good aspects, but was ruined by the sheer amount of plat farmers, and level capped raids PVP wiping the level 20-30 areas for kicks. There were days where you couldn't walk 20 feet before you had 15 people blowing you up.

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You are not FORCED to do them, however I could see adding a different colour indicator over the quest giver to denote if said side-quest is heroic or solo so you can choose to pick up or not depending on playstyle.


A different color indicator would definitely be useful.


No, Aion's downfall was the goldspamtastic gankfest. Aion had a lot of good aspects, but was ruined by the sheer amount of plat farmers, and level capped raids PVP wiping the level 20-30 areas for kicks. There were days where you couldn't walk 20 feet before you had 15 people blowing you up.


Ouch, that sounds terrible!

Edited by Qonor
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