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I wanna know who the heck thought cover preventing interrupts was a good idea.


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Slinger/SS specced here. There are 20 secs of every minute (45sec if talented) when I'm truly unstoppable, hunker down time. But during those 20 secs I'm rooted so you either LOS me or use your defensive CDs to last through it (admittedly harder to do than say) . After that you should CC me out of cover then have your way with me. As simple as that.

What you are asking OP is for me to be rooted by cover and stunned by your, what, 4/6 sec CD interrupt? Does it sound fair to you when I say it like that?

If they change/fix the fact then when rooted I can't enter cover (being stunned DPS wise, every other class can use their big attacks while being rooted) I'm going to be even more dangerous. So be prepared ;).

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Snipers/Gunslingers are Ranged/Casters. They should deal their damage on range. If someone gets close enough to hit them in melee, they should reposition themselfs and start kiting.
Lol, sometimes we can't reposition ourselves because every class has a snare. Our kb is bugged, we don't have a sprint. Entrench fades if we move. other ranged have twice the survability and heals.

Srsly the only thing you need to do to pwn casting snipers is to los them or outdps them if you see entrench (pop saber ward and immune if he's MM spec GG) and to forcechoke/stun/.... if you don't.


Should be easy. Or l2p

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Dunno what you're so desperate about to interrupt. It's not like we heal or or do ****loads of damage with Orbital strikes for example (you can easily avoid being hit). The only thing I can imagine you'd like to interrupt is Ambush, but that isn't our only high damage dealer. The damage you're referring to is probably from ambush + explosive probe. You can't interrupt the probe, so if you interrupt the Ambush you'd still loose a lot of health. Edited by Drungus
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My only gripe is that Cover prevents charging/gripping. I don't mind them having another CD, or another root. It's just so annoying.


That said it's so troll when you charge a guy next to him, and proceed to beat on him.


it's not like we can actually kite anything(sharpshooter/marksman spec, the one that relies the most on cover) seeing as we're the most immobile class in the game. we'd be boned nonstop if you took that away from us.


we already get boned a good amount of the time

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Lol, sometimes we can't reposition ourselves because every class has a snare. Our kb is bugged, we don't have a sprint. Entrench fades if we move. other ranged have twice the survability and heals.

Srsly the only thing you need to do to pwn casting snipers is to los them or outdps them if you see entrench (pop saber ward and immune if he's MM spec GG) and to forcechoke/stun/.... if you don't.


Should be easy. Or l2p

I'm not saying that i have problems with them. I'm just stating that a ranged class should deal his damage on range and that he should kite when someone gets close.

Right now Snipers/GS dont have the tools to kite someone, but they have tools to deal the same amount of damage on melee range. The two other ranged classes lose their full damage potential because they suffer from interrupts and cast-pushbacks.


I believe it would be better to take this advantage in melee for some more mobility and kiting options.

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Blah blah balh. Commandos have the same LOS issues, can have two pushbacks that aren't worth **** vs a melee, and have no god mode cover.


you have no need to push them back when your wearing heavy armor...and got shield..and stun...stun them and spam grav...and them demo.and finish off with full auto :p...GS/sniper wears medium armor and cant take a beating like a BH/trooper..

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Only trouble I have with the class is the AoE mezz they do should fill your resolve bar to full.Fighting a team with two snipers/gunslingers who know how to stun right is annoy as hell.


Its not OPed it sucks tho and its just not fun.Take the AoE mezz bomb away from them and give that poor class a REAL ecaspe skill.

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Yes yes, I know... snipers/gunslingers are gimps and all (*cough*) and they're like the last class that needs a nerf (*cough*). I also know that using the right tool for the job is key, but honestly - cover preventing interrupts?


Follow the toolchain here for a sec:

#1 - Sniper goes into cover against melee

- Melee can no longer use gap closers like force leap as cover prevents them.


#2 - Sniper snares melee as melee tries to close gap on foot

- Melee can break CC here, which is foolish especially since snare does NOT go against resolve.


#3 - Now in melee range, the sniper can

A : Stun and reposition

B : Knockback root (better choice generally)

- The melee can either CC here (which will likely happen) and try to waddle back into range or take it up the but for the duration of the root. For most melees that have short "ranged" attacks (10m), you've just been knocked OUTSIDE of that range as well.


#4 - Melee now can walk back to melee range, but at this point really has no counter to the sniper because he can't interrupt the gosh darn cast that's coming.


The point of a sniper is to stay out of harm's way. They get the tools to do it, yes. But why is it that the counter to this should be them getting treated like a ragdoll once a melee DOES get ahold of them actually isn't remotely possible? I can't hope to defend against a covered sniper/gunslinger even in melee. I cringe when I see that cast bar pop up because I know that I'm likely to watch 1/3 my HP disappear, which by the time I get close enough might be all I have left.


What am I missing here?



Honestly if hunker down gave a 50% damage reduction snipers probably still wouldnt be OP.

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Only trouble I have with the class is the AoE mezz they do should fill your resolve bar to full.Fighting a team with two snipers/gunslingers who know how to stun right is annoy as hell.

Really? The flash grenade annoys you? Did you know is on 1 minute CD (45sec talented) fills 80% of resolve bar and effect breaks on damage? Any other CC after that will top your resolve bar. Just eat the first flash and break the second and you'll have full resolve. If you are getting singled during the first (dmg will set u free), try to run back or LOS. Your m8s should get out of it momentarily and help you out.

Oh and try to keep combat spacing when you can. It's a great strategy to mitigate AoE attacks/CCs.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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