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Do you ever not need to patch your patches ? Or maintenance your maintenance ?


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If only I had a team of idiots "install" a program on my computer for 8 hours to then find out it wasn't setup properly then it would be the same...


If only your computer consisted of hundreds of servers and thousands of terabytes of data. Then it would be the same.

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mistakes only for beta and PTS:mad:


There is a measure of difference between a PTS and a Live Server I wager. Yes it sounds like it could very well be just another server but is it really?


As for that beta comment.. well only if the game has no plans for post-release development.

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Amusing to see that you need maintenance immediately following your maintenance. I wonder which bean counter decided Q/A was , shall we say , an unnecessary department.


Beginning to think Vanguards 1 Q/A person/department became a model for all future mmorpg's.


Hi welcome to MMOs sometimes things go wrong. Every game has experienced this from the ends of time. Games from UO, EQ1, EQ2, Ashron's Call, DDO, Champions Online, WoW, and more. Once again welcome to MMOs games with massive code and data information that has to be handled and sometimes even after testing something goes wrong during a patch / maintence period.


I've yet to see any game including some Single player games with Multiplayer Online features that hasn't had a patch or a launch issue. Its just par for course.

Edited by Kindara
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Hi welcome to MMOs sometimes things go wrong. Every game has experienced this from the ends of time. Games from UO, EQ1, EQ2, Ashron's Call, DDO, Champions Online, WoW, and more. Once again welcome to MMOs games with massive code and data information that has to be handled and sometimes even after testing something goes wrong during a patch / maintence period.


I've yet to see any game including some Single player games with Multiplayer Online features that hasn't had a patch or a launch issue. Its just par for course.


Well said! I agree with you 100%.

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The Ice Stone has melted!


You guys expect too much. I remember a couple of years ago in WoW they patched some tiny little patch and this message spammed for 2 weeks every few minutes in all chat channels. When you add code into the game, it changes other code.



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i've played at least a good 1/2 dozen mmorpgs and i've not played one yet where occasionally emergency maintenance didn't need to be performed after a patch. Beta testing cannot catch 100% of bugs. It's just not possible.



(Fixed typo: Should eat lunch while typing!)



Key word there.


Bioware breaks Illum anytime they touch it , so they've given up on it for example.


It's more often than not , not occasionally Bioware has to patch their patch , and maintain their maintenance.


Their moronic idea of a useless PTS server (no character copies or 10x xps or something at launch of it ) means they should have a better Q/A team,


Of course both stupid decisions to have a crappy Q/A team and have to be told by the community you need copies or accelerated xps or something on the PTS to make it populated go hand in hand I suppose.


Just smacks of a minor mmorpg company , not a triple AAA one with the budget they have.


Of course this same Mythic team fubar'd WAR at launch , thought no official forums was a good idea (argued in person with Mark Jacobs at a Warhammer convention about this and told him was stupid idea , he's fired and they have official forums for a while now so I guess his genius wasn't really that great).


Where or where art thou original DAOC team/developers , what crack did you take to make you go down the TOA route and will there ever be an original mmorpg/3 way PVP faction game that isn't on rails and themepark crap again ?


Sorry to off the track just major disappointment after major disappointment in the mmorpg field has gotten old.


WTB mix of original EQ(verant style) , original DAOC , and vanilla WoW please.

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The Ice Stone has melted!


You guys expect too much. I remember a couple of years ago in WoW they patched some tiny little patch and this message spammed for 2 weeks every few minutes in all chat channels. When you add code into the game, it changes other code.




all well and good. however since it takes 3 times as long to reboot less than half the number of servers they must have their lunch staff doing the reboots instead of their inept network team.

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all well and good. however since it takes 3 times as long to reboot less than half the number of servers they must have their lunch staff doing the reboots instead of their inept network team.


Guess what? This isn't WoW, they probably have different servers and different ways of doing things. Stop comparing how a game that has been out 8 years does server restarts to a game that has been out 3 months.

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Guess what? This isn't WoW, they probably have different servers and different ways of doing things. Stop comparing how a game that has been out 8 years does server restarts to a game that has been out 3 months.


that wasn't a complaint, it was an observation. and really, it's just a button on the server isn't it?

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Amusing to see that you need maintenance immediately following your maintenance. I wonder which bean counter decided Q/A was , shall we say , an unnecessary department.


Beginning to think Vanguards 1 Q/A person/department became a model for all future mmorpg's.


36 hour patch "days" were not uncommon in EQ.


WoW's notorious for long maintenance and disasterous patching. As a friend of mine who used to work for Blizzard ranted for three months afterwards -- Patch 3.1 broke everything. The next week's maintenance lasted 9 hours beyond it's scheduled window. When patch 3.2 dropped, mailboxes and looting were unavailable until 9 PM that night. When a minipatch between 3.2 and 3.3 came out (that updated a classic raid), palyers in Dalaran were subjected to a 2 hour long lagspike. These weren't new-MMO patches. These were year 5 patches.


MMOs are exceedingly complex pieces of code, and they only get more complex the older the game gets. If you can't handle this, you should avoid MMOs entirely until humans perfect infallability.


It should only take about 1000 years.

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all well and good. however since it takes 3 times as long to reboot less than half the number of servers they must have their lunch staff doing the reboots instead of their inept network team.


More likely, they applied the fix, restarted the servers, and started making sure the fix worked before they brought them live. Considering that the problem had to do with fleets instancing at absurdly low levels, they need everyone in-house logging on and hopping on the fleet to make sure servers aren't instancing the fleet too early.


I'd much rather them do it this way than have to restart the servers again in half an hour because the fix didn't do the job the first time.

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Amusing to see that you need maintenance immediately following your maintenance. I wonder which bean counter decided Q/A was , shall we say , an unnecessary department.


Beginning to think Vanguards 1 Q/A person/department became a model for all future mmorpg's.


Welcome to mmos, I see you missed the 7 years of WoW having a patch, then another three that week to fix it... every third week.... even late into BC it was a common occurance.


And that's the best mmo ever.

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Amusing to see that you need maintenance immediately following your maintenance. I wonder which bean counter decided Q/A was , shall we say , an unnecessary department.


Beginning to think Vanguards 1 Q/A person/department became a model for all future mmorpg's.


Welcome to MMO's, I take it this is your first :p

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8 hours wasn't long enough, now they need 30 minutes to restart the servers... LOL


Free weekends now; and, get friends to play for 7 days, all signs of what's going on. If the servers don't merge and SOON, no one will be left by next pass of subs.


The servers were not down for 8 hours. Downtime was only about 5 hours.



Also have you seen Rift? Every patch they put out has up to 10 "hot patches" just about every day after the main patch.

Edited by RickRedOne
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Have some respect, you ingrates. Sheesh... The simplest crap sets people off like its the end of the world. It's so sad. :-/


Just because you fail to understand the concept of developing, doesn't mean you can turn your ignorance into unwarranted insults. TRY to figure things out and OPEN your mind instead of being so damn thickheaded and stubborn. Sad excuse for gamers some of you...

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What's QA?! But that costs money! Why hire more QA when our executives need higher salaries and more bonuses!


Seriously... QA actually meant something back in the 90's... now it's a "cost center" and bean counters don't have an underlying grasp of why it actually INCREASES this thing called "return on investment" because more people will be happy with a higher quality product and...


what the hell... I'm just wasting my time here.


Bioware... one of your biggest weaknesses is QA!!!! Take a hint!

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We saw this same behavior in another recent MMO where patches have to patched over and over....This is frustrating beyond belief. If I implemented software in my business that caused these amounts of deficiencies at launch you can bet your *** I'd be out of a job, and damn quick.


We don't know what's going on with the testing as there is no transparency on this issue. We ASSUME that deligent testing is being done on patches post-launch on the test servers; one would hope. It's my belief that the pre-patch testing is an complete and utter failure. How do you NOT identify game breaking issues in testing?


Fact of the matter is, yes I can understand that unexpected problems happen; I can understand that certain things get missed during testing, but I challenge you to DO BETTER not just for your customers, but for the own personal satisfaction of knowing that you can implement something, with hands up, and not worry about your player base (a paying community) loosing their minds cause of yet another "Whoopsy".


I would love to see a report on how much money EA/BW blows on CSR resourcing after a launch dealing with HORDES of complaints (Jesus, that must be a pain to manage!)

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