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PSA: Rail Shot and you! (from a pt)


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Taken from two separate theads, he goes on about how grapple is op as well and how we can spam it with chain pt's ye right cause it fills resolve to almost full.

Hes been spamming the forums with these baseless numbers, on all other threads about this we've proven him wrong but he still doesn't get it. Notice he says 4-8k on this thread but on another 3-5k and on one more he says 4-7k.


you can be grappled 3 times on 1 resolve bar....it fills not quite half (400 out of 1000?).

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thats already more than the 900 + 400 (tick) + 2.5K + 3.5K + 5K. = 12.5K


Keep in mind those are all crits against a target with no expertise.


now if we go out to 6 GCDs with the same assumption it's:


900 + 400 + 2.5K + 3.5K + 5K + 1.4K ion pulse + 5K railshot = 18K


chances of this happening are 33% crit on normal skills 48% crit on HIIB. 45% chance to refresh stock strike, 30% pulse


.33 * .33 * .33 * .48 * .33 * .48 * .30 = .08% chance


You need to increase all the crits by 25% on a 15s burst window for a pt...for a very obvious reason....you do that, then turn 2 of the crits into normal hits and the damage drops to around 16k (assuming the big hitting rail shot at 73% crit is the least likely to not crit) at a chance in the 85% range.

Edited by Adzzy
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you can be grappled 3 times on 1 resolve bar....it fills not quite half (400 out of 1000?).


a grapple and a stun will fill a resolve bar.


granted i think that knockbacks and pulls should fill resolve all the way. actually the resolve system in general needs works. maybe make any stun/mez/knockback/grapple fill it up, but it only lasts 4-5 seconds (after the effect fades).

Edited by Ryotknife
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You need to increase all the crits by 25% on a 15s burst window for a pt...for a very obvious reason....you do that, then turn 2 of the crits into normal hits and the damage drops to around 16k (assuming the big hitting rail shot at 73% crit is the least likely to not crit) at a chance in the 85% range.


We should also keep in mind that this can only be done once every 2 minutes.


On a 0 expertise target. Do these even exist anymore, w/ the recent changes to Valor/bags?


Most burst dps classes can also bring a world of pain if you let them hit you for 8-10 seconds w/ every single buff/cd stacked.

Edited by Varicite
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a grapple and a stun will fill a resolve bar.


granted i think that knockbacks and pulls should fill resolve all the way. actually the resolve system in general needs works. maybe make any stun/mez/knockback/grapple fill it up, but it only lasts 4-5 seconds (after the effect fades).


grapple (400) and carbonize(500) won't fill the resolve bar, grapple and neural dart (700) will, but it allows, grapple, carbonize, neural dart (followed by charge if you're a tank spec, but this is about pyro spec).

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grapple (400) and carbonize(500) won't fill the resolve bar, grapple and neural dart (700) will, but it allows, grapple, carbonize, neural dart (followed by charge if you're a tank spec, but this is about pyro spec).


Slightly off-topic, but does Grapple w/ No Escape fill the Resolve bar more than 400? I haven't tried any of the ST builds, so I've never tried it.


Immobilizes are off of the Resolve bar, so I always assumed it was still 400.

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The OP is just making stuff up. It's a troll post.


LOL ive made nothing up


average crits are 4-5k range


but 7k (maybe not 8k) would EASILY be attainable one a low expertise light armor wearer





lol sorry for calling you out but your class is faceroll and its out

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LOL ive made nothing up


average crits are 4-5k range


but 7k (maybe not 8k) would EASILY be attainable one a low expertise light armor wearer





lol sorry for calling you out but your class is faceroll and its out


You just made this up.


Average crits are 3-4k range. 5k+ is not easily attainable on a 0 expertise light armor wearer even w/ all buffs stacked, but possible.


7k does not happen.


You also made up that you are a PT, obviously.

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LOL ive made nothing up


average crits are 4-5k range


but 7k (maybe not 8k) would EASILY be attainable one a low expertise light armor wearer





lol sorry for calling you out but your class is faceroll and its out


I smell a troll. Back under your bridge you.


6k crit isn't impossible, but for that lucky 1% who has the optimal gear and the stars align a 6k crit can occur. 95% of pyros will hardly break 5k ever. 3-4k is more like the average RS.


We're heavy hitters no doubt about it. But you show me a 7k crit off of rail shot and I'll cry nerf as hard as you do. At this current gear level 7k RS is just not doable. Simply getting 6k requires every possible thing to go right for the Pyro, thus is nowhere near indicative of the class as a whole. I can state the highest damage hit of any class plus additional damage that simply is not possible and cry nerf. Be reasonable, it's nowhere near as bad as you make it. Could PTs use a tweak? Sure, but so could virtually every class right now.

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I smell a troll. Back under your bridge you.


6k crit isn't impossible, but for that lucky 1% who has the optimal gear and the stars align a 6k crit can occur. 95% of pyros will hardly break 5k ever. 3-4k is more like the average RS.


We're heavy hitters no doubt about it. But you show me a 7k crit off of rail shot and I'll cry nerf as hard as you do. At this current gear level 7k RS is just not doable. Simply getting 6k requires every possible thing to go right for the Pyro, thus is nowhere near indicative of the class as a whole. I can state the highest damage hit of any class plus additional damage that simply is not possible and cry nerf. Be reasonable, it's nowhere near as bad as you make it. Could PTs use a tweak? Sure, but so could virtually every class right now.


dude you wear heavy armor,


you have variable range,


you have a reverse gap closer,


EVERYTHING is instant,


you have 2 stuns,


your hardest hitting abilitys could theortically be up every other gcd



yes it could use a tweaking, atm its un-counterable over the top dmg


tracer spammer? interrupt it.


sorc? interrupt him.


sniper? get him out of cover


melee, kite them




pt pyro? interrupt them? nope cant, out dps them? nope cant... run away.. nope cant..



only classes that stand a chance are classes with serious dmg mitigation or immunity, force shroud, undying rage etc







this guys on my server


he regularly crits for over 5k on heavy armor and high expertise targets

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Slightly off-topic, but does Grapple w/ No Escape fill the Resolve bar more than 400? I haven't tried any of the ST builds, so I've never tried it.


Immobilizes are off of the Resolve bar, so I always assumed it was still 400.


no it makes difference, the root still procs on full resolve (hi2u grapple full resolve fire), the immobilize also works through force shroud (the only cc ability i've seen that does).


I assume you're asking because of doing no escape grapple, carbonize, electro dart, charge for 12.5s of cc (although the first second or so of the no escape root is spent flying through the air), the answer is yes, you can.

Edited by Adzzy
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this guys on my server


he regularly crits for over 5k on heavy armor and high expertise targets


while he isn't critting for 6k-8k like people say (I didnt watch the video, who knows)...that video does showcase how crazy a PT can be right now. But hes fully geared, and using rotations properly. I dunno, let him do what he does.


Why do classes need to be nerfed? Why can't everyone just feel "overpowered" and have cool mecahnics? If you dont like what they can do, or dont like the feel of your class - make a different one. sheesh.


hence me making an Operative now that my Sorc is BM - Im tired of being a pressure bot and chain lightning bot - time to be an open on you at 50% scrub.

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this guys on my server


he regularly crits for over 5k on heavy armor and high expertise targets



He is wearing 4 piece Rakata, using an Aim stim, poping relic + adrenal, mod'd his gear to cap surge and max +power, and is using a build without Thermal Detonator. A pretty specific setup just to max Rail Shot for highlight videos.





here is a screenshot someone else posted from a match with Exphryl and a Sorc does 300k+ MORE damage then Exphryl... err hold on was last week nerf Sorc week or is it this week?


Interesting thing to note... all that damage(and amazing PT burst!!) and the match ended 0 - 0. Nerf healers?

Edited by Xneco
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He is wearing 4 piece Rakata, using an Aim stim, poping relic + adrenal, mod'd his gear to cap surge and max +power, and is using a build without Thermal Detonator. A pretty specific setup just to max Rail Shot for highlight videos.





here is a screenshot someone else posted from a match with Exphryl and a Sorc does 300k+ MORE damage then Exphryl... err hold on was last week nerf Sorc week or is it this week?


Interesting thing to note... all that damage(and amazing PT burst!!) and the match ended 0 - 0. Nerf healers?


Heh. Oddly enough, that match 99% of my damage was JUST on their healers. F'n pain in the *** matches that stacker healers >_<

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as a gunslinger: i don't understand what powertechs do and they melt me when they get close


but the ones that melt me when they get close usually aren't that tanky so I just have to not let them get close and I can usually kill them


i guess it sucks a lot more for people without cover but screw you guys

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2. it is not sorc damage that is OP. it is their utility and their ability to escape. there is a reason why the vast majority of players/guilds will be stacking sorcs (not to the obscene levels like some suggest) when rated WZs come out, whereas having anymore than 2 pts in any WZ will pretty much ensure that team will automatically lose.


No one will be stacking sorc, well no one in the top half of any ranking system.

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Obviously PTs are severely OP and can out damage every other class in the game...




Merc - http://i.imgur.com/6C4vj.jpg


Mara - http://i41.tinypic.com/t5j39c.jpg


Assas - http://s019.radikal.ru/i618/1203/11/bcc5c8ab2865.jpg *fixt*


Jugg - http://s3.mmoguildsites.com/s3/gallery_images/419965/original.jpg?1331212201


Oh, wait... DERP!

Edited by Razuko
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Thats not a sorcerer, thats an assassin, you derphead

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dude you wear heavy armor,


you have variable range,


you have a reverse gap closer,


EVERYTHING is instant,


you have 2 stuns,


your hardest hitting abilitys could theortically be up every other gcd



yes it could use a tweaking, atm its un-counterable over the top dmg


tracer spammer? interrupt it.


sorc? interrupt him.


sniper? get him out of cover


melee, kite them




pt pyro? interrupt them? nope cant, out dps them? nope cant... run away.. nope cant..



only classes that stand a chance are classes with serious dmg mitigation or immunity, force shroud, undying rage etc







this guys on my server


he regularly crits for over 5k on heavy armor and high expertise targets


You realize every clip he puts in this video is with everything popped, right?


Only bad kids use judgement based on burst videos. Get real man

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You need to increase all the crits by 25% on a 15s burst window for a pt...for a very obvious reason....you do that, then turn 2 of the crits into normal hits and the damage drops to around 16k (assuming the big hitting rail shot at 73% crit is the least likely to not crit) at a chance in the 85% range.




ok redoing the math


1.0 * 1.0 * .58 * .58 * .73 * .58 * .30 * .73 = 3.1 % for 18K damage in 6GCDs


Tell me a class that can't do the same damage.

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