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PSA: Rail Shot and you! (from a pt)


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Wait, pyrotechs are calling themselves glass cannons? Do they even comprehend what the 'glass' part is supposed to mean? Have they played other classes to get some perspective? Also, the 'it's only melee' defense is weak when your 2 best skills are 30m. Your burst is insane right now, requires no thought, is all instant, and can be done vs. all armors.


We're not glass cannons, but it's not like a true Pyro Powertech is a tank. I've played every class in beta and release. So yes, I know what I'm talking about.


And yes, a Powertech is melee/ranged hybrid. But if you're not playing a majority of the time from 4m away, you're doing it wrong. Try playing Pyro from 15m+ away from your target and let me know how well you do.


Keep in mind that Rail Shot is weapon damage. So it suffers the same kind of penalties that other weapon damage abilities do.

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The skill trees might be re-arranged in 1.2 so you cannot grab all possible skills to buff rail shot.


This is probably gonna happen to most classes, to make them choose skills, not just grab all goodies.

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We're not glass cannons, but it's not like a true Pyro Powertech is a tank. I've played every class in beta and release. So yes, I know what I'm talking about.


And yes, a Powertech is melee/ranged hybrid. But if you're not playing a majority of the time from 4m away, you're doing it wrong. Try playing Pyro from 15m+ away from your target and let me know how well you do.


Keep in mind that Rail Shot is weapon damage. So it suffers the same kind of penalties that other weapon damage abilities do.


Why would you go toe to toe with mara/sentinel and other melees when you have better range than them?


My vanguard likes to dance in and out to piss those melees off. I have better range than those pure melee classes and have only one I have to use within 4 meter.

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3.2k for a healer? OMG NERF


(I'm just guessing that's the rule of posting on the forum, how'd i do?)




3.2 is either a Shoot first with Adrenal/relic and a very lucky crit. Or a Flyby with adrenal / relic and scrubs who cant avoid the big fire !


I dont mind Pts. I run away self cleanse and use my Dodge CD to remove dots / mess up thier railshot. The persistant ones eventually nail me down and kill me when I run out of CD's and tricks .. but thats the failing of my team not getting the bugger off thier healer.


Honestly for me .. a well played Marauder is far worse (from a Sawbones pov)

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this guy gets it.....


you cant expect the new found MMO community to ever use common sense.......they will continue to do whatever it is that THEY wanna do and ignore what SHOULD be done



good post


That's because 90% of the people that play MMOs don't understand that PvP isn't just about leveling and gearing. They might think they know how to play their class, but they don't know how to play AGAINST other classes. They don't know how to spec or what mods/enhancements to switch out. They don't know when to use offensive or defensive cooldowns, when to burst, when to kite, when to LOS, etc.


So they fight someone that knows how to do all that.......


NERF NERF NERF! CLASS IS OP! It beats me while I tunnel vision and spam buttons every time their cooldown is up while my toon has 70 Power and 500 Accuracy! NERF NERF NERF!

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My guild knows how much damage they do so we focus and kill them easily.



The reason they're so amazing is they basically ignore armor. If you leave a pyro PT alive he will destroy you. Luckily they are insanely easy to kill.


They also have problems with ammo/heat. If you can heal through their initial salvo and they don't get super lucky with procs their damage drops off a ton.



If you want to counter one play an assassin/shadow or jugg/guardian and pop your +50% defence CD and laugh as you deflect every railshot/HiB. Their hardest hitting attack is hit hard by the defence stat and accuracy debuffs.


people who do not know this get offended by "l2p" comments...


this is clearly someone who has "l2p" and whiners could learn a lot from your wisdom, nice post.

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All I can say to the OP is, Paper (sorc) meet Scissors (DPS Powertech).


Huh? That's bad comparison. From what I see, sorcerer is paper to any other class, except dps commando.


DPS commando is bad, but best healer by far, I guess it evens out.


Stop puking nonsense if you have no idea what you are talking about.

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Why would you go toe to toe with mara/sentinel and other melees when you have better range than them?


My vanguard likes to dance in and out to piss those melees off. I have better range than those pure melee classes and have only one I have to use within 4 meter.


There are times where there are exceptions. I try to kite and wear down Marauders. A good 10M kite when they can't hit me while I Flame Burst is effective. But people pretend that Powertechs are a ranged class. They are not. They are a hybrid that heavily relies on being in melee range to get the most out of the class/spec.

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The skill trees might be re-arranged in 1.2 so you cannot grab all possible skills to buff rail shot.


This is probably gonna happen to most classes, to make them choose skills, not just grab all goodies.


There aren't enough talents in a tree to even choose between things, and the only AC/spec I've seen that actually have real choices to make in what to get is hybrid combat medic/gunnery Commando. Most "filler" talents almost look like they were designed to be garbage.


Regardless Vanguard doesn't even work properly and people want it nerfed. Plasma Cell and Mortar Volley are still broken. Ion Pulse Cannon bugs and deals no damage, and troopers randomly bug and start floating which breaks object interaction.


They are too time strapped to fix that but Bioware is supposed to lay down a nerf that will completely break this one dimensional spec which will require a complete redesign of the talent tree. Because it supposedly slightly outperfoms some of its counterparts in a single area, at the highest level of gear in the game only, which we of course don't know is a deliberate design or not. Nerf burst damage while at the same time everyone complains about healer survivability.

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We're not glass cannons, but it's not like a true Pyro Powertech is a tank. I've played every class in beta and release. So yes, I know what I'm talking about.


No, you're not true tanks, but your defense isn't bad either. A couple people earlier in the thread were literally saying 'we're glass cannons'.


And yes, a Powertech is melee/ranged hybrid. But if you're not playing a majority of the time from 4m away, you're doing it wrong. Try playing Pyro from 15m+ away from your target and let me know how well you do.


Yes, you have to be melee to use the class to its full potential. But what I meant by that is you guys don't get shut down by people just out of melee range like some other classes, if someone can get range for a couple seconds. Rail shot/thermal detonator are 30m. Flame burst is 10m and auto applies the slow. There are also dots rolling on the target. Unless they're able to completely escape from you (harpoon on cd or saved for other target), it's not as big a deal vs. fully melee classes. I'm not saying "oh, they really a ranged class", just that some people are acting like you just have to distance a little and you're fine.


Keep in mind that Rail Shot is weapon damage. So it suffers the same kind of penalties that other weapon damage abilities do.


And it is the only white damage you do outside of autoshot/unload. As a SS GS, you won't get much sympathy from me on that. :p You, Vectorx, and others have blown me up (650 expertise, full bm) plenty of times faster than I can kill undergeared sorcs. Pryo/assault burst is just utterly ridiculous right now and seeing people trying to defend it in any way shape or form is pretty stupid.

Edited by durvas
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I do not think you people complaining about PT's realize how annoying the RNG is for a pyro spec.


I cannot count how many times I've gone from 0% heat to 90% heat without proccing railshot ONCE. Since this happens quite often our resource management that drops heat by about 40% and is on a 90 second CD (if specced otherwise 120 secs) is ALWAYS on CD.


A pyro PT that has 75%+ heat is completely useless.


When we get lucky with procs, we will wreck you..... when we don't get lucky we might as well just stand there and die.

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No, you're not true tanks, but your defense isn't bad either. A couple people earlier in the thread were literally saying 'we're glass cannons'.




Yes, you have to be melee to use the class to its full potential. But what I meant by that is you guys don't get shut down by people just out of melee range like some other classes, if someone can get range for a couple seconds. Rail shot/thermal detonator are 30m. Flame burst is 10m and auto applies the slow. There are also dots rolling on the target. Unless they're able to completely escape from you (harpoon on cd or saved for other target), it's not as big a deal vs. fully melee classes. I'm not saying "oh, they really a ranged class", just that some people are acting like you just have to distance a little and you're fine.




And it is the only white damage you do outside of autoshot/unload. As a SS GS, you won't get much sympathy from me on that. :p You, Vectorx, and others have blown me up (650 expertise, full bm) plenty of times faster than I can kill undergeared sorcs. Pryo/assault burst is just utterly ridiculous right now and seeing people trying to defend it in any way shape or form is pretty stupid.


A Gunslinger complaining about powertech pyro? you know in your cover our railshot(MAIN DMG ABILITY) Does **** all to you and is deflected most of the time, if you have the CC shield up we cant stun and grapple to get close, we are literally free kills to you. You're clearly playing wrong

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A Gunslinger complaining about powertech pyro? you know in your cover our railshot(MAIN DMG ABILITY) Does **** all to you and is deflected most of the time, if you have the CC shield up we cant stun and grapple to get close, we are literally free kills to you. You're clearly playing wrong


People don't think of strategies.


I know if I ever lose to a person (and not a fluke, but a legitimate "what the hell" death) I'll talk to him about what he did (people are pretty friendly on my server) so I can build a strategy around it.


Rather then mindlessly dying and then complaining about another class.


In my opinion on PT Counters (top 3)


Tank Sins > Snipers > Maras. Snipers like you said are a pain because their cooldowns line up with ours a lot of times so it's pretty frantic to try to stay in range and kill them before they kill us. (This is in regards to both of us expecting the battle and not a jump on the other)


There is one sniper on our server that annihilates my health probably faster then anybody else I go up against so it's always a fun fight. 50/50 on who will win, with whoever winning having like 100-500hp left.

Edited by exphryl
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I think the biggest complaint most have against Pyro is that it seems to be the RNG burst DPS class, i.e. it does not really take much skill to get kills just luck of the RNG. Edited by Ewgal
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I do not think you people complaining about PT's realize how annoying the RNG is for a pyro spec.


I cannot count how many times I've gone from 0% heat to 90% heat without proccing railshot ONCE. Since this happens quite often our resource management that drops heat by about 40% and is on a 90 second CD (if specced otherwise 120 secs) is ALWAYS on CD.


A pyro PT that has 75%+ heat is completely useless.


When we get lucky with procs, we will wreck you..... when we don't get lucky we might as well just stand there and die.


And then at other times RNG goes in favor proc Rail a few times in a row...

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No, you're not true tanks, but your defense isn't bad either. A couple people earlier in the thread were literally saying 'we're glass cannons'.




Yes, you have to be melee to use the class to its full potential. But what I meant by that is you guys don't get shut down by people just out of melee range like some other classes, if someone can get range for a couple seconds. Rail shot/thermal detonator are 30m. Flame burst is 10m and auto applies the slow. There are also dots rolling on the target. Unless they're able to completely escape from you (harpoon on cd or saved for other target), it's not as big a deal vs. fully melee classes. I'm not saying "oh, they really a ranged class", just that some people are acting like you just have to distance a little and you're fine.




And it is the only white damage you do outside of autoshot/unload. As a SS GS, you won't get much sympathy from me on that. :p You, Vectorx, and others have blown me up (650 expertise, full bm) plenty of times faster than I can kill undergeared sorcs. Pryo/assault burst is just utterly ridiculous right now and seeing people trying to defend it in any way shape or form is pretty stupid.


Why do you keep completely ignoring the fact that Pyro PT brings absolutely nothing to the table outside of burst damage, Grapple, and taunts?


PTs don't get a "bag of tricks" like most classes, they get damage. That's literally it. No uber buffs/debuffs like Maras, no stealth like Ops, no insane utility like Assassins. No real defenses to speak of outside of a 2 min cd.


Nobody cares about armor mitigation, that's not what keeps any class alive. It's defensive cd's that save the day, and PT got the very short end of the stick in that regard. Instead, BW gave us a dps cd, because our only defense is to BLOW YOU UP.


Trying to argue that they don't deserve to do damage when that's almost the only thing they CAN do is pretty stupid, imo.

Edited by Varicite
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And then at other times RNG goes in favor proc Rail a few times in a row...


Exactly..... that's why I stated we will wreck most people if we get lucky.


We will wreck one person and they will complain on the forums.... the next person we attack we might get lucky enough to get 1 railshot in before our heat builds up, and they will think, "man this PT sucks".

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Pyros have no defense, no healing and no escape, the only thing we can do is do damage. Nothing else.


I think the ability of a class to do significant damage, tank damage, stealth, forcerun, heal, stunspam, etc...is far more imbalanced.

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