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PSA: Rail Shot and you! (from a pt)


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rail shot WILL CRIT light armor wearer from 4-8k depending on gear/cooldowns



its instant and its cd can be easily refreshed


4-8k my ***.


I'm a full BM/Rakata/Columi geared Powertech with the PvE bonus of 8% damage to Rail Shot. I have swapped out ALL of my Enhancements to have 23 End/34 Power/48 Surge. I have to pop my Relic + Adrenal to get my 5k medal against someone with 12k HP in WZs.


So 4-8k Rail Shots is COMPLETE BS.


Pyro Powertechs hit hard and are a good burst damage class. But exaggerating just makes you look like a fool that got owned and runs to the forums to cry.


I guarantee that I hit harder than probably 90+% of Powertechs out there. I've never seen a Rail Shot hit harder than about 5.5k. And again, that's fully geared, fully buffed with Relic and Adrenal, and hitting a 0 Expertise target.


In conclusion, bad kids are bad. And they start threads like these and lie through their teeth.

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I really dont get sorcs being OP.


After my marauder i rolled one to 50 hoping to see what it was all about.


They are obnoxious...i can see why people dislike. The static barrier (its not a bubble) and the force speed to run and los is annoying...but only delays the inevitable


Their CC, when specced for instant whirlwind is...ok..yes i can see the annoyance.


Ok its annoying having the crushing darkness and force lighting following you around.


But FFS...i kill soooo slow...chain lighting on instant cast does some average damage, mabey 2-3k crit, its on a CD and i need the instant cast for it to be worth it...other than that im just slowly killing. Theres little to no burst and i can rarely get a crit thats worth noting.


My marauder can flood my screen with the same number i pray my sorc can crit.


Just sayin sorcs are not the gods in pvp people assume. I think they see high total damage and heals, which is aoe damage (we should all know about end of match stat padding and how worthless it is by now) and my heals are just from those 10 death i had with my static barrier on (its not a bubble it doesnt save me it slows my death)



Without my CC that everyone hates...i really wouldnt do much than be a sniper with a super obvious force lighting path leading to my location for a marauder to charge. Only instead of a sniper who does burst its just a slow, annoying, lightning stream dropping low dmg numbers.


At least its fun to play with all the cc. Otherwise i would be sorely dissapointed in the class, and i kind of am dissapointed. Its a CC+DOT class not a glass cannon mage like most games.

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I don't really have a problem with Sorc damage. My only problem is that they can force speed with the huttball....


Rescue is equally annoying.

They are the only class that can run through the fire pits without taking damage.

And jumping the bridge gap in voidstar is just plain unfair.


I don't think they need a nerf exactly... but I definitely have no love for the class. so much so I shelved my own 47 Sage.

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As a full BM, warhero commando healer I must honestly say that PT/Vanguards are the only classes I really need to worry about, the combination of insane bursts, combined with craploads of interrupts/CC + grapple is just ridiculous. Its the only class able to solo a good healer atm.


And everything being instacast? Not that I got any interrupts anyways, but seriously ***. They can top damagecharts in every match not ever having to worry about being interrupted, LoSed or ever having to stop. The funny thing is that commandos actually share the assaulttree, a tree which is specifically made for vanguards, and is utter useless for us.


Even gunnery is a joke in comparison. People can just LoS us (no slows, roots), or just jump in our face and spam interrupts. Against a PT this is impossible (instas + grapple),


Sorry to say it, but PT/Vang is in dire need of some toning down.

Edited by Niconogood
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This just in: glass cannon spec hits hard! Film at 11.


Seriously though, pyro PTs literally have two defensive tools, both on long cooldowns. If your group doesn't have the brains to train them, then that's your problem, not the class. Not even guard and heals can keep them up when focussed.

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This just in: glass cannon spec hits hard! Film at 11.


Seriously though, pyro PTs literally have two defensive tools, both on long cooldowns. If your group doesn't have the brains to train them, then that's your problem, not the class. Not even guard and heals can keep them up when focussed.


This has been my experience, and I'm not even full Pyrotech. I run Parakeet/DPS and I drop like a sack of crap when I get focused.

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You CANNOT CRIT FOR 6K WITH RAILSHOT. PERIOD. I am in full BM/rakatta, with the merc set, with surge/crit mods replacing my accuracy and biochem and surge relics, and I use warzone adrenals.




So, what you're trying to say is that you have a terrible understanding of how to gear properly.

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You can reach 6k only with full power/surge mods full bm and 4piece rakata for 8% set bonus your crit will be only 20% though so you won't be critting alot of the time.


This is with expertise adrenal + power relic and needing the opponent to be a unbubbled sorc with low expertise

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hi folks!


im here to educate on a little known evil


you see trolling may be one of the most overdone act on the internet, however that doesnt matter because im going to troll you all now anyway!


why? because im bad and need to l2p..


why write anything useful at all? when i can just troll all day...


trolling detonator:

holy god i didnt need the 2 mins it took to read this post! good thing some friendly troll was nice enough to create this thread!



here we go


2/2 troll grooming: increases the stupidity of all posts by 6%


3/3 under the bridge : troll posts effectiveness is inceased by 60%


2/2 troll eyes : op ignores 100% of responders' logical counter arguments.


3/3 troll breath: blah blah blah and TROLL POSTS deal 9% more stupidity dmg to all those who read posts


trollinator (instant)

troll missile (instant)

lolimatroll (instant)

troll burst (instant)

troll punch (insant)

lolimatrollt again for the fk of it (instant)




did i miss anything?


this troll post WILL crit you for 4-8k stupid points, regardless of your troll-armor.




so can we leave intelligent discussion behind and all respond to my troll post?

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Funny thing is that the powertech is the most fragile glass cannon, our defense sucks, yeah we can get lucky and get a nice string of burst, but if we get jumped its all over, no tricks, no escape, no powerful defensive cooldowns, just that crappy shield where we still take 75% of the incoming damage.


Tank-Assassins also have a high burst potential and they are much harder to kill than us - also Marauders, they have insane burst and so much more defensive and surivial abilites.


Powertechs are bursty but they are also the real glass cannons in this game.

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pt pyros are OP my friend, with all instant casts and devasting rail shots the class is faceroll..





mercs i feel are weak, they are too dependant on tracer.



sorc's contrary to popular belief. they simply apply group aoe pressure and utility.


but as geared progresses its found that theyve scaled terribly and are an easy kill to any mara, operative, assasin, pt, or sniper that well.. feels liek killing them




if anyone thinks that sorc's are op need a reality check..


lol inconsitent dmg?



please, every BM pt pyro on my server CONSISTENTLY blows up anything in front of him




the class is faceroll


you think mercs and sorcs are facerolll?


pt pyros have NOTHING to cast, no activation times...


theres no counter to it, no interrupting..


5k crits 3k crits everything instant and unstoppable...



the class needs to be touched, either add an activation time to rail shot or nerf its dmg.


Taken from two separate theads, he goes on about how grapple is op as well and how we can spam it with chain pt's ye right cause it fills resolve to almost full.

Hes been spamming the forums with these baseless numbers, on all other threads about this we've proven him wrong but he still doesn't get it. Notice he says 4-8k on this thread but on another 3-5k and on one more he says 4-7k.

Edited by Shredzz
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Funny thing is that the powertech is the most fragile glass cannon, our defense sucks, yeah we can get lucky and get a nice string of burst, but if we get jumped its all over, no tricks, no escape, no powerful defensive cooldowns, just that crappy shield where we still take 75% of the incoming damage.


Tank-Assassins also have a high burst potential and they are much harder to kill than us - also Marauders, they have insane burst and so much more defensive and surivial abilites.


Powertechs are bursty but they are also the real glass cannons in this game.


Play sniper.

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My guild knows how much damage they do so we focus and kill them easily.



The reason they're so amazing is they basically ignore armor. If you leave a pyro PT alive he will destroy you. Luckily they are insanely easy to kill.


They also have problems with ammo/heat. If you can heal through their initial salvo and they don't get super lucky with procs their damage drops off a ton.



If you want to counter one play an assassin/shadow or jugg/guardian and pop your +50% defence CD and laugh as you deflect every railshot/HiB. Their hardest hitting attack is hit hard by the defence stat and accuracy debuffs.

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My guild knows how much damage they do so we focus and kill them easily.



The reason they're so amazing is they basically ignore armor. If you leave a pyro PT alive he will destroy you. Luckily they are insanely easy to kill.


They also have problems with ammo/heat. If you can heal through their initial salvo and they don't get super lucky with procs their damage drops off a ton.



If you want to counter one play an assassin/shadow or jugg/guardian and pop your +50% defence CD and laugh as you deflect every railshot/HiB. Their hardest hitting attack is hit hard by the defence stat and accuracy debuffs.



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You said yourself that Ion Pulse(Flame Burst) and StockStrike(Rocket Punch) have a 30% and 45% chance of refreshing the CD and giving a free High Impact Bolt (Rail Shot) each. That's 75/200% or a 37.5% chance of refreshing High Impact Bolt, Stockstrike is also on a 9 second cooldown, which would actually make it a slightly lower chance past it's first use after the initial Pulse/Shot rotation.


Plz... do not come into a post spewing random math... Take Calculus or at least Pre-Calc before attempting to state facts on probability. You can't simply state 2 percentags, and a fraction form together and get an accurate result. Not disagreeing or agreeing with you or the OP... but random fact stating from more people isn't going to help this post.

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