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PSA: Rail Shot and you! (from a pt)


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I have some beachfront property in Iowa for sale. Wanna buy it? You seem gullible enough.


what are you talking about he streams on twitch.tv..if your not wearing the mercenary pvp set for crit bonus on rail shot ur doing it wrong. cause he ends games like alderan with 650k...and thats normal Voidstar 700-900k...his single target goes 5k-4k while his dots tick and people fall over its not hard at all...

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1. lol 8k. getting 5k crit with railshot is EXTREMELY rare and requires a lot of stat stacking with exp buff/relic/adrenal. doable, but in a 1 out of 1000 kind of scenario and 90+% of the pyro pts out there it is literally impossible as they do not have the best of the best gear.


2. it is not sorc damage that is OP. it is their utility and their ability to escape. there is a reason why the vast majority of players/guilds will be stacking sorcs (not to the obscene levels like some suggest) when rated WZs come out, whereas having anymore than 2 pts in any WZ will pretty much ensure that team will automatically lose.


but please, keep making yourself look like a fool. im laughing so hard right now.


also, you realize that pyros have abysmal heat management (in regardles to flame burst being spammable) and that railshot has a 15 second CD without procs to reset it right?


not saying sorcs are OP or not...but one of the most annoying thing in the world is trying to kill a sorc as a melee class(mara)...it is soooo infuriating...run up to them, they stun u and sprint away, then you charge, then they knock back and root you and run away...THEN, if you are some how able to again get in range for the third time, they still have another stun just waiting for you...god is it annoying


although this is more of a resolve issue than a sorc issue...but they do really have too many ccs...and that bubble needs to either have a timed cast and CD, or be limited to a single person(like the merc equivalent is)

Edited by longgrassgrows
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Sorry, the numbers don't lie. That burst is OP regardless if Railshot can "only" crit for 5k (in reality, you can achieve crits closer to 6k with the proper gear set up and trinkets popped). The chance to refresh Railshot should just be removed entirely and replaced with stronger DoT damage on the other attacks. Random overwhelming burst like that, on a heavy armor class no less, is over the top and gimmicky. DPS Powertechs are a low played class or you could be sure there would be many more complaints. They're doing burst on par with pre-nerf Operatives but right now they're a bit under the radar. I think we'll start to see more and more of them until they get a burst nerf. I know a few people who have rolled one already.
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Sorry, the numbers don't lie. That burst is OP regardless if Railshot can "only" crit for 5k (in reality, you can achieve crits closer to 6k with the proper gear set up and trinkets popped). The chance to refresh Railshot should just be removed entirely and replaced with stronger DoT damage on the other attacks. Random overwhelming burst like that, on a heavy armor class no less, is over the top and gimmicky. DPS Powertechs are a low played class or you could be sure there would be many more complaints. They're doing burst on par with pre-nerf Operatives but right now they're a bit under the radar. I think we'll start to see more and more of them until they get a burst nerf. I know a few people who have rolled one already.


sorry the numbers dont lie. my assassin in the 10-49 bracket crits HARDER than my full champ pt pyro. my assassin has crit for 3.5k WITHOUT relics, exp buff, or adrenals.


and no, pre nerf ops can burst someone down in 5 seconds, ive yet to face another pt that can kill me in under 15. 5k crits with railshots are extremely hard to get.


pyro pts dont anywhere even remotely close to the amount of burst pre nerf ops had, hell pyro pts dont have the burst POST NERF OPS HAVE. not that it matters to me, gut the class if you want ive already rerolled from that failure of a class. fun in pve though, i have to give pts that.


and let me tell you, the grass is truly greener on the other side. the force classes are WORLDS better than pts in just about every imaginable way. better utility, better escape, better survivability, same damage. assassins especially overshadow pts in every single way possible.

Edited by Ryotknife
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sorry the numbers dont lie. my assassin in the 10-49 bracket crits HARDER than my full champ pt pyro.


and no, pre nerf ops can burst someone down in 5 seconds, ive yet to face another pt that can kill me in under 15. 5k crits with railshots are extremely hard to get.


pyro pts dont anywhere even remotely close to the amount of burst pre nerf ops had, hell pyro pts dont have the burst POST NERF OPS HAVE. not that it matters to me, gut the class if you want ive already rerolled from that failure of a class. fun in pve though, i have to give pts that.


and let me tell you, the grass is truly greener on the other side. the force classes are WORLDS better than pts in just about every imaginable way. better utility, better escape, better survivability, same damage. assassins especially overshadow pts in every single way possible.


Buahaha trolling? My guildy vanguard does 10k in 1.5 seconds and 16k in 4.5 seconds...he ends games with 500-900k depending on the warzone

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Buahaha trolling? My guildy vanguard does 10k in 1.5 seconds and 16k in 4.5 seconds...he ends games with 500-900k depending on the warzone


who is trolling whom?


that is not even possible without hacking the game.


please try harder. im seriously laughing so hard right now.

Edited by Ryotknife
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My highest Rail Shot has been 6.1k. On a fresh level 50(Or I assumed fresh since they had under 13k HP). This was wearing 4 Piece Rakata for 8% bonus damage to Rail Shot, rest PvP gear and with Expertise buff.


Versus equally geared opponents? 3.5k-4.1k depending on their armor and natural damage reduction. Highest TD has been 4.8k on a fresh 50 yet again, mitigated by armor.


If people want to remove Pyrotech damage, sure but on one condition. Give them more survival. Even with 30% DR and Energy Shield up(Our only crap defensive CD) a Tank Hybrid Assassin/Shadow or Sent/Maur completely chews through me. Or make it so Grapple is no longer affected by resolve since it's our only gap closer.


Better yet, reduce the heat costs of our abilities so we can spam them more like most think we can do, see how others like us then.

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Sorry, the numbers don't lie. That burst is OP regardless if Railshot can "only" crit for 5k (in reality, you can achieve crits closer to 6k with the proper gear set up and trinkets popped). The chance to refresh Railshot should just be removed entirely and replaced with stronger DoT damage on the other attacks. Random overwhelming burst like that, on a heavy armor class no less, is over the top and gimmicky. DPS Powertechs are a low played class or you could be sure there would be many more complaints. They're doing burst on par with pre-nerf Operatives but right now they're a bit under the radar. I think we'll start to see more and more of them until they get a burst nerf. I know a few people who have rolled one already.


You CANNOT CRIT FOR 6K WITH RAILSHOT. PERIOD. I am in full BM/rakatta, with the merc set, with surge/crit mods replacing my accuracy and biochem and surge relics, and I use warzone adrenals. I am also specced WITHOUT THERMAL DETONATOR in order to get more damage on railshot and my other abilities.


I am LITERALLY the most capable of doing a high damage railshot in existence, I could not squeeze out another drop of railshot dmg. not one drop. I crit for 5k once ever on someone in light armour with 0 expertise, I Rarely ever get above 4.5k, most hits are under 4k.




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The problem with PT pyro and Assault Vg's is that they retain guard pull utility while having the highest burst spikes on ANY armor type.


Compare to a sin / shadow tank which is only spec that can get pull, and their dmg is sustained there is no burst (unless you consider a 4s channel that can be interrupted with stun / knockback / knockdown / LOS as burst dmg lol). Same with jugg / Guardian.


They need to either remove some of the dmg from this specs, or cut some utility (like putting the pull as a talent in the tanking tree, and further tie the synergy in the dps trees to combustive gas / plasma cell so they can't stay in tank cell / gas cylinder without any big loss to their dps).


Easy to do fixes to balance them really.

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You CANNOT CRIT FOR 6K WITH RAILSHOT. PERIOD. I am in full BM/rakatta, with the merc set, with surge/crit mods replacing my accuracy and biochem and surge relics, and I use warzone adrenals. I am also specced WITHOUT THERMAL DETONATOR in order to get more damage on railshot and my other abilities.


I am LITERALLY the most capable of doing a high damage railshot in existence, I could not squeeze out another drop of railshot dmg. not one drop. I crit for 5k once ever on someone in light armour with 0 expertise, I Rarely ever get above 4.5k, most hits are under 4k.






First fight in the video there.


That was on a heavy armor target (17k hp so he had decent gear)


This was 4 Days ago.


Yes if you notice also, there is a whole republic "Winfree" guild with multiple variations of Oprah as the first name. :)


Your move sir


Also, to the guy comparing this to a Tank Sin. That's the silliest comparison I've seen yet for a Pyro. They still do great damage and have much better survivability and utility then a Pyro does. Not sure what you are trying to say there.

Edited by exphryl
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The problem with PT pyro and Assault Vg's is that they retain guard pull utility while having the highest burst spikes on ANY armor type.


Compare to a sin / shadow tank which is only spec that can get pull, and their dmg is sustained there is no burst (unless you consider a 4s channel that can be interrupted with stun / knockback / knockdown / LOS as burst dmg lol). Same with jugg / Guardian.


They need to either remove some of the dmg from this specs, or cut some utility (like putting the pull as a talent in the tanking tree, and further tie the synergy in the dps trees to combustive gas / plasma cell so they can't stay in tank cell / gas cylinder without any big loss to their dps).


Easy to do fixes to balance them really.


Grapple and taunts are the only real utility I bring, though. :c


Compare this to the bag of tricks that other dps specs are bringing to the table for a moment, please. Other than that, it's just our high dps and no real defenses.

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Grapple and taunts are the only real utility I bring, though. :c


Compare this to the bag of tricks that other dps specs are bringing to the table for a moment, please. Other than that, it's just our high dps and no real defenses.


No, you will also bring guard and tank armor since you will run with Ion cell / gas cyl. You also have a stun and an interrupt.


As I said in my post the damage would not be a problem if you did not have guard available as well and tank armor (not everyone has full elemental dmg + 90% armor pen, so yes, your mitigation does matter in how fast you can be brought down).


You are only dps who can pull a target out of guard range and 2-3 shot it by yourself, any target.


Let's be fair here, nobody wants a class with highest and easiest burst setup, having same utility as other dps not so gifted in their burst / sustained or durability departments.


Imagine marauders / sents having force push as well (and resetting their charge too). Wouldn't that be far too stretched for one of the better dps melee with great mobility avoidance and defensive CDs, coupled with their group utility and CC as well?


Am not jealous nor do I want nerfed your spec, I just want it to be a tradeoff for your burst dmg and your utility and self preservation. That's why I said, force VG / PT to use combustive / plasma for their dps spec, or severly gimp their dmg potencial if they choose to play in Ion cell / gas cylinder.


Why can't shadows / sins stay in tank stance, get force pull, and mantain their respective dps tree burst / sustained dmg capabilities?


Is not about making all specs same, but about balanced choices: I want increased utility and self preservation, then I must give up some of the damage I can do, I want increased sustained and burst, then I must give up some utility and defenses.


Makes sense? :>

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First fight in the video there.


That was on a heavy armor target (17k hp so he had decent gear)


This was 4 Days ago.


Yes if you notice also, there is a whole republic "Winfree" guild with multiple variations of Oprah as the first name. :)


Your move sir


Also, to the guy comparing this to a Tank Sin. That's the silliest comparison I've seen yet for a Pyro. They still do great damage and have much better survivability and utility then a Pyro does. Not sure what you are trying to say there.


You're using the PvE with 4 set bonus: 8% damage to rail shot?

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Sigh. So much misinformation in this post.


No, you will also bring guard and tank armor since you will run with Ion cell / gas cyl. You also have a stun and an interrupt.


Running Ion as a Pyro is gimping us as we do not have any other of the defensive talents, plus we lose our main dot ability from CGC which in turn, will result in us over heating sooner.

As I said in my post the damage would not be a problem if you did not have guard available as well and tank armor (not everyone has full elemental dmg + 90% armor pen, so yes, your mitigation does matter in how fast you can be brought down).


Again, Guard is in Ion. All "Tank" ACs can guard in their Tank Stance. The only one that can't do great burst in their DPS Trees though is Juggs, they can just do a big crit and be worthless for the next 12-15 seconds. So running CGC our Armor Mitigation is not much different then other classes. (While higher, it's not as much as people make it out to be)


You are only dps who can pull a target out of guard range and 2-3 shot it by yourself, any target.


You are rolling with 12k HP in a Warzone? I think that's your problem sir.


Let's be fair here, nobody wants a class with highest and easiest burst setup, having same utility as other dps not so gifted in their burst / sustained or durability departments.


Our Utility as DPS is two things. One, Grapple, which any BH/Trooper Gets. The other is being able to Taunt still. The rest of our utility is face melting. (I count that as a utility)



Am not jealous nor do I want nerfed your spec, I just want it to be a tradeoff for your burst dmg and your utility and self preservation. That's why I said, force VG / PT to use combustive / plasma for their dps spec, or severly gimp their dmg potencial if they choose to play in Ion cell / gas cylinder.


Again, we have to if we want to do max damage. You seem to be a little confused on this aspect.


Why can't shadows / sins stay in tank stance, get force pull, and mantain their respective dps tree burst / sustained dmg capabilities?


Tank Sins have great burst, not to mention amazing survivability and utility (force speed + pull + vanish + better stuns + self healing + force shroud)


Listen, I'll gladly trade my baseline grapple for all that.


Take the blinders off and look at what a class can do before focusing on a small aspect of it.





You're using the PvE with 4 set bonus: 8% damage to rail shot?


When I run the 27 Point build I do, since Rail Shot is my main damage component. When I run a TD build I use eliminators since I like the higher crit chance with Rail Shot to go off with the TD Explosion.

Edited by exphryl
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pt pyro is a melee range class.. they GRAPPLE THE ENEMIES TOWARD THEM


its other classses that try to escape from them


jeese dude


and its not just sorcs, its any non tanky class


i understand im blowing up your spot but the truth is out, pt pyro is more OP and faceroll than sorcs will ever be


I understand that PT pyro and Vanguard assault are pretty good DPSers, but that dosen't put the sorc off of the top of the mountain.


Good Sorc will move out of LoS around pillars to self heal and continue to deal damage, they'll make you chase them and then you're stunned with 3-4 people wailing on you, since they're ALWAYS hiding behind someone on their team. If you have trouble with other ranged class, time to review your playstyle, Sorcs are the best class to kite with and to use LoS to your advantage. Sure, you'll get pulled by VG / PT, use your CC and get out of LoS.


If you expect to stand and fight toe to toe with a class that ONLY have a pull on 45sec cooldown and a 4s stun (that everybody else have), you're defenitely not using all the tools available to you. You should basically avoid fighting any VG / PT 1v1, tanking their damage, YOU CAN'T, you're wearing a ROBE. DoT, use CC, LoS, kite, DoT, Pyro and assault don't have a leap so they'll have trouble killing you if you play intelligently. This isn't a DPS race, because from the get go, you should expect those specced AC to deal more burst than you, don't try to self heal while tanking their damage, YOU CAN'T, you HAVE to LoS. So funny watching people melting to a bunch of RDPS because they don't know HOW TO PLAY, just LoS. But, they are much more vulnerable than you are, they have NO ESCAPE if they are focus fired, but I guess it's a matter of skill at this point. Pulling someone isn't gonna help a pyro / assault survive.


Funny how a sorc is gonna post lies like 8k rail shots, or even 7k though. Bad DPS Sorc is bad. I have a fun story to share. I think most Sorcs are terrible, they just stand there taking a beating while they try to channel their lightning or heal like whackamoles, but I fought a good DPS sorc yesterday, killing him was terribly annoying, pillar humping / self healing / CCing / DoTing me up untill I was dead, that dude was all over the place, he finished top DPS and HEALS, he also had help from his teammates as he stood BEHIND them the whole fight, he used them the way a ranged class should use his melee teammates. You know what ? VG assault / PT pyro can't self heal, can't kite, can't chase a good sorc. But those good sorc players are like 2% of the Sorc population. If more people would know how to play Sorcs we'd see even more 'nerf Sorcs !!1' threads.



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No, you will also bring guard and tank armor since you will run with Ion cell / gas cyl. You also have a stun and an interrupt.


As I said in my post the damage would not be a problem if you did not have guard available as well and tank armor (not everyone has full elemental dmg + 90% armor pen, so yes, your mitigation does matter in how fast you can be brought down).


You are only dps who can pull a target out of guard range and 2-3 shot it by yourself, any target.


Let's be fair here, nobody wants a class with highest and easiest burst setup, having same utility as other dps not so gifted in their burst / sustained or durability departments.


Imagine marauders / sents having force push as well (and resetting their charge too). Wouldn't that be far too stretched for one of the better dps melee with great mobility avoidance and defensive CDs, coupled with their group utility and CC as well?


Am not jealous nor do I want nerfed your spec, I just want it to be a tradeoff for your burst dmg and your utility and self preservation. That's why I said, force VG / PT to use combustive / plasma for their dps spec, or severly gimp their dmg potencial if they choose to play in Ion cell / gas cylinder.


Why can't shadows / sins stay in tank stance, get force pull, and mantain their respective dps tree burst / sustained dmg capabilities?


Is not about making all specs same, but about balanced choices: I want increased utility and self preservation, then I must give up some of the damage I can do, I want increased sustained and burst, then I must give up some utility and defenses.


Makes sense? :>


No, because we're talking about Pyro Powertechs, and we don't run in IGC. Pyro Powertechs run in Combustible Gas Cylinder, which doesn't allow us to use Guard; if we use the tank stance, we immediately waste half of our talents and destroy the tiny bit of heat management that we do have.


Most classes have a stun and an interrupt; I don't consider this to be any sort of unique utility. Sent/Maras don't need a Force Push, because they have a leap to close distances on less than half the cd of a talented Grapple. It also interrupts, on top of their normal interrupt. You don't seem to have a problem w/ their utility and damage.


Tanks who do run in IGC are not 2-3 shotting anything after pulling it out of Guard range.


You seem to be very confused about Powertechs in general. Pyro Powertechs do give up the defenses you're talking about, for damage. Tank Powertechs trade that damage for the survivability that you seem to be complaining about.


You can't have both.

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Must not be many good pyro on my server.... I shred then as arsenal and as arsenal out dps everyone in hardmodes and ops. 19 k HP doesn't burn fast enough to the pyro getting rail,traced,heatseaking , and unload all in 5 seconds....
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No, you will also bring guard and tank armor since you will run with Ion cell / gas cyl. You also have a stun and an interrupt.


As I said in my post the damage would not be a problem if you did not have guard available as well and tank armor (not everyone has full elemental dmg + 90% armor pen, so yes, your mitigation does matter in how fast you can be brought down).


You are only dps who can pull a target out of guard range and 2-3 shot it by yourself, any target.


Well, most classes can be beastly when specced 31/31/31

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When I run the 27 Point build I do, since Rail Shot is my main damage component. When I run a TD build I use eliminators since I like the higher crit chance with Rail Shot to go off with the TD Explosion.


Just think it should be pointed out that the 6k is a specific build with specific gear set/mods. I mean you likely have the most optimal setup(4 piece Rakata, rest BM, lots of +Power mods with Surge soft capped?) for max Rail Shot damage... and that is not whatever that plays a Powertech will be doing.

Edited by Xneco
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The amount of QQers on the PvP boards never ceases to amaze me.


There are so many outright lies about different specs (8K Rail Shot crit for example) and everyone pisses and moans about how overpowered the other guy is.


Know what? Re-roll and see how the other half lives. There is ONE burst/glass cannon class in the game, and it's Operative/Smuggler. And you all whined until they got nerfed. Now you're getting your asses kicked by other classes so they must be overpowered too. L2P.


You melee sissies just expect to roflpwn everyone on the map just because you have a glow stick. For you, there's no such thing as balance until you become the alpha class and live out your childhood dream of being a Sith/Jedi that wrecks everything in sight. 90% of you who talk about the "bads" don't realize that it's you who are the crappy player who has no idea how to play their class.


I'm a decent player. I'm in full Battlemaster, so it's not about gear anymore. The ones who manage to take me down 1vs1 are simply better than me. I know these players by name, and they come from all classes, both Empire and Republic. But a lot of you whiners are like the majority of players I meet on the battlefield that get curb stomped: they're simply outsmarted because they think they can do it all.

Edited by TheronFett
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First fight in the video there.


That was on a heavy armor target (17k hp so he had decent gear)


This was 4 Days ago.


Yes if you notice also, there is a whole republic "Winfree" guild with multiple variations of Oprah as the first name. :)


Your move sir


Also, to the guy comparing this to a Tank Sin. That's the silliest comparison I've seen yet for a Pyro. They still do great damage and have much better survivability and utility then a Pyro does. Not sure what you are trying to say there.


I think the number of buffs he has stacked here should be noted. : )


However, very impressive. Most Pyros won't be doing that, and I doubt even Exphryl sees this more than once a WZ, if that often.

Edited by Varicite
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hi folks!


im here to educate on a little known evil


you see pt pyro may be one of the least played builds in the game, however that doesnt change the absolute facerollness of the class!


why? instants.. and rail shot


why cast anything at all! or channel! gosh darn thats so annoying...


thermal detonator:

holy god i didnt need half my hp! good thing some friendly pt pyro was nice enough to toss this baby on me! (instant)


rail shot:

here we go


2/2 rail loaders: increases dmg of rail shot 6%


3/3 puncture : rail shot ignores 60% of the targets armor


2/2 superheated rail : rail shot ignores 30% of the targets armor and blah blah blah


3/3 rain of fire: blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT deal 9% more dmg to burning targets


2/2 firebug: increases the critical bonus dmg of blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT 30%



now RAIL SHOT is instant cast and on a short cooldown BUT WAIT!


3/3 prototype particle accelerator: flame burst (INSTANT AND SPAMMABLE) has a 30% chance and rocket punch (instant) has a 45% chance to reset the cd on rail shot and make it free!!!






thermal detontor (instant)

incendiary missile (instant)

lolrail shot (instant)

flame burst (instant)

rocket punch (insant)

lolrail shot again for the fk of it (instant)




did i miss anything?


rail shot WILL CRIT light armor wearer from 4-8k depending on gear/cooldowns



its instant and its cd can be easily refreshed




so can we leave sorcs alone for a bit?


Shut up and heal harder

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