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Bioware : I love the way you designed PVP


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The PVP system is great. Also the changes made recently are amazingly well thought through and I couldn't have done any better. I enjoy playing because the PVP system is so balanced.


Sure, there are a few inconsistencies like sorcs pulling ball carriers, or juggernauts jumping to victory, but those are small things, nothing major. There are even classes for the less experienced PVP'ers, troopers for instance can simply press a button the whole time and still do very good, I commend your choice to cater for less experienced PVP'ers.


But not only are new players catered for, the design of the Alderaan map for instance allows for people to be completely out of the fight, for the pacifists, while still doing something useful like guarding a turret. I also would like to thank you for putting a cap on expertise, while still allowing us to get more than enough expertise. I for instance have 600 expertise on my gear, and although I know I can only use 400 of that ( 1% isn't worth 200 expertise imo ) I still feel like I have put my points to good use. I enjoy the dailies alot, because they really challenge me.


It was a really good choice to put 4 random people in an 8 man premade, because otherwise the premades would always win, and where do those other 4 people go to ? At least now they can enjoy playing with a premade so they have a chance at winning and upgrading their level 30 green gear in level 50 WZs. They wouldn't be able to do that without the current premade system, and I always feel like I'm helping out these poorly geared players get better every day.


I love the roleplaying features of the game also, they really add to my overall gaming experience. An example would be the scooter ride in Voidstar. You get to fly through the corridors it's really great!


The way the gear is earned is another really great idea. Every time I open a bag I can't help but enjoy that feeling of suspense. Every time I don't get a commendation ( which isn't a lot, usually at least one in 10 bags drops a commendation, sometimes less though, but that's the luck of the draw ), I enjoy that much more the next bag because it might have that commendation in it.


I really don't see how the PVP could be improved, you did a great job !

Edited by Rensel
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And like with every other MMO "hardcore pvpers" come, *****, rant about the "failings" of THEIR game and poo all over the forums and community before leaving for the next shiny new MMO that will provide "real pvp".... before 2 months in starting the cycle again by ************, ranting about the failings of that game and pooing all over another community, dev team, forums and moving on to the next shiny thing.


It's never short of entertainment value to watch though.

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