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BATTLEMASTER AND 650 expetise in (6 Days)


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For all you beliebers out there, do the math, there is no way in HELL he got to BM AND got a few pieces in the process, while having a full time job and a nagging wife, in just 6 days.


This is just a clever post on bashing the new valor gains, probably by a somewhat older player (speaking of played time not age), yet again complaining about not having unfair advantages.


you'd be stupid if you believed a word he said in the OP, and its sad people like him go to such lenghts to avoid learning to play their class, instead relying on gear entirely.

Edited by Shredbull
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Congrats, you did a crap load of WZs over a 6 day period and attained BM. Now lets not act like earning BM was every actually difficult, it was just a grind and required no actual skill at all. So BW didn't change the difficulty in attaining it one bit.


The best you can hope for is some day they add a ranking system similar to WoW arenas but even those were not a great indicator of skill and more often just pointed out the classes that were OP.

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600 expertise is doable in 2 days from hitting 50 ... start out with 1000/1000 comms and a champ bag pre-purchased in inventory....


Thats 6 bags the moment you hit 50


Turn in your 4 daily quests and 2 weekly ones.... thats anoither 10 bags



240 Centurion commendation

112 Champ commendations


while doing WZ's to complete daily/weekly youll get another 900-1800 warzone comms, which buy another 2-3 champ bags.


Buy 2 CHAMPION level PVP Relics first before buying any other champ gear.. follow with Champ implants and earpiece.. these represent the best "Bang for buck" or in this case, "Expertise for Commendations"


16-19 champ bags is easily achievable 2 days and so is being decently geared for PVP.. not even counting the additional gear which you get from (lucky) bags that contain champ tokens

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Congrats, you did a crap load of WZs over a 6 day period and attained BM. Now lets not act like earning BM was every actually difficult, it was just a grind and required no actual skill at all. So BW didn't change the difficulty in attaining it one bit.


The best you can hope for is some day they add a ranking system similar to WoW arenas but even those were not a great indicator of skill and more often just pointed out the classes that were OP.


Actually valor gain is so much higher now even on losses you get more valor than on wins previously..


Its MUCH easier to gain valor ranks now.

Theyve increased net valor gain by somewhere close to 2.5-3 times what it was pre.1.1.5


People who ground out Valor 70 before 1.1.5 would probably gain Valor 85 in the same number of warzones today.


One good example is valor lvls 58-60


Pre 1.1.5 you could expect to do about 100 warzones to grind out those valor levels (close to 110k valor).


Post 1.1.5 you can do it in approx 38 warzones.

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One good example is valor lvls 58-60...


Post 1.1.5 you can do it in approx 38 warzones.


38 warzones @ 15 minutes each (incl queue) = 9.5 hours of playtime and that's just 58 -> 60


Just not seeing why that would be any sort of issue.

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So yea I rolled a maurader alt, hit 50 6 days ago with 49 valor, and I am now BM with 65b expertise, And I work a full time job, and have a pregnant fiance that is constantly nagging me to get off. This system is not for us serious pvpers anymore, BW listened to the QQ of casuals that put no effort in, and now they hand the pvp gear, and valor like its candy, I shouldnt be able to wreck fully geared war heros that put in there time since launch in less than a week, and 1.2 is going to make it even easier for the people that play for an hour a day.....im all for skill VS skill, but I also think a reward for so much effort should be gear alot more powerful than tier 1 or 2 that takes only a few days to get.


I have a very understanding wife, I'm on vacation, I'm in this game 18/24 for the last 10 days, play mostly warzones and rolled rank 60 almost 5 days ago and the best I managed to get is 4 pieces of BM set.


So my question to you is:


If in 6 days you managed to get all BM set, then you must be playing this game 23:59:59/24.. so no offense, but.. are you sure it is you that got your gf pregnant???

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I just got an alt to 50 last friday. I have 500 expertise now. Almost entirely centurion gear (god, the stats suck, but who cares, I can win with it) and I think the gear curve is fantastic now. You get your initial PvP set very quickly now so that you aren't useless for 2 weeks if you have ****** RNG luck.



I like that gear is going to be even because when it is I win. Hell, our republic re-roll pre-made went undefeated last night (well we lost one when not all 4 of us were there) and we even had our guardian (DPS spec) with under 12000 HP not die in his 2 first WZs at 50. 3 of us have mostly centurion gear and not one of us has more than 14500 HP. We won against full BM and champ squads.


Keeping the guardian alive as long as possible even became a game within itself.



There will still be plenty of gear differentiation to strive for in PvP as you work on the perfect set with min-maxed mods and enhancements to get that extra 2-3%. I love that part of maximum optimization at the top level. Getting the perfect mods, enhancements and augments with the right looking set will be a lot of fun for me.


The crutch of gear mattering a ton in PvP started with WoW and I always hoped it would END with WoW. Looking cooler is a genuine goal for many people in games these days (and definitely for myself and my guild) and I hope that SWTOR embraces it and makes the high rating PvP sets look amazing.


If you only want time = gear = power = free wins to be your progression than I feel bad for your shallow goals. Live a little and be happy that if you're amazing at PvP people will be able to take one look at you and say "holy ****, that guy has over 2600 rating" with out being able to say "lol, yeah but he had a huge gear advantage and was just facerolling to the top with his no-life pre-made, those guys suck without the gear".

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So yea I rolled a maurader alt, hit 50 6 days ago with 49 valor, and I am now BM with 65b expertise, And I work a full time job, and have a pregnant fiance that is constantly nagging me to get off. This system is not for us serious pvpers anymore, BW listened to the QQ of casuals that put no effort in, and now they hand the pvp gear, and valor like its candy, I shouldnt be able to wreck fully geared war heros that put in there time since launch in less than a week, and 1.2 is going to make it even easier for the people that play for an hour a day.....im all for skill VS skill, but I also think a reward for so much effort should be gear alot more powerful than tier 1 or 2 that takes only a few days to get.


Your fiance called. The divorce papers are on the table.


Good troll attempt thought.

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Yea this is definately bs. You can't even get enough bags to drop token for 650 expertise.... And you definately couldn't farm bm tokens with comms... Especially at 4k a piece. And it took me 14hours of game play just doing pvp to go from 58 to 60... Getting 7-10 medals per match.


Anyways it's a good change. Make it skill based pvp game with consistent gear progression.

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So yea I rolled a maurader alt, hit 50 6 days ago with 49 valor, and I am now BM with 65b expertise, And I work a full time job, and have a pregnant fiance that is constantly nagging me to get off. This system is not for us serious pvpers anymore, BW listened to the QQ of casuals that put no effort in, and now they hand the pvp gear, and valor like its candy, I shouldnt be able to wreck fully geared war heros that put in there time since launch in less than a week, and 1.2 is going to make it even easier for the people that play for an hour a day.....im all for skill VS skill, but I also think a reward for so much effort should be gear alot more powerful than tier 1 or 2 that takes only a few days to get.


I seriously doubt the accuracy of your statement. Having said that, enjoy it while you can homie cuz once that baby comes you'd better be a man and put your "serious" pvp'ing on the back burner ;)

Edited by Delltron
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Its MUCH easier to gain valor ranks now.


Do not confuse difficult with time consuming, because they are two very different things. Even under the old system you could reach BM and never win a single game, hell you could AFK to it.

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So yea I rolled a maurader alt, hit 50 6 days ago with 49 valor, and I am now BM with 65b expertise, And I work a full time job, and have a pregnant fiance that is constantly nagging me to get off. This system is not for us serious pvpers anymore, BW listened to the QQ of casuals that put no effort in, and now they hand the pvp gear, and valor like its candy, I shouldnt be able to wreck fully geared war heros that put in there time since launch in less than a week, and 1.2 is going to make it even easier for the people that play for an hour a day.....im all for skill VS skill, but I also think a reward for so much effort should be gear alot more powerful than tier 1 or 2 that takes only a few days to get.


Don't you have a job, kids, something to do?


6 days from 49 to 60?


Jesus man, you got to be tired..

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so you have a full time job, a nagging wife, but you include yourself in "us serious players?"




Btw, BM rank doesn't mean you have BM gear.



BM rank is like the beginning of farm for BM gear, which you will probably getting in another few weeks or more than a month.

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The OP is full of ****. Have a full time job was valor rank 53 when patch hit rank 57 in 6 days. Im not sure what sort of life he claims he has outside of the game maybe has that girlfriend and job in his dreams?
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You have a pregnant fiance that you ignore to play this game? I really don't have words for how sad that is...



Better to play swtor than drowning in alcohol or think all the day "Damn u condom made in china why u did not work properly?!!!"

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