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Engineer spec underrated?


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Hey fellow IA's,


I've been engineering spec ever since I started the game. I've been told Marks is the best for PvE but personally I enjoy having the mass amount of AOE to quickly down pesky mobs and also for certain bosses (Karagga). My current build is 2/31/8 with 2 in Corrosive Microbes and 1 in Lethal injectors in the Lethality tree.


The Cluster Bombs + Imperial Methodology are the main reasons why I chose Engin. and it's the best watching them go off during raids.


Let me know what your guy's opinions on the three different trees PvE wise.


Thanks again,


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engineer HAS uses but its situational, any other spec works all the time. engineer to me looks like an attempt at making an AoE/survival spec, but turned out far to gimicky and low on dps.

there is alot of good things in the tree which makes it popular for hybrids, but higher talents are very lacking or in the wrong tier to be effective (stroke of genius + followthrough = awesome, but not enough points)

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Then engineering spec does have its high points but I'm still only lvl 38 with my sniper and I just feel like when expertise and highly geared tanks come into play in the 50's bracket that engineering will drastically fall short compared to the other specs. Hell most of the time when I pvp I can ambush,explosive probe, Interrogation Probe, and Series of shots someone and thats like 3/4ths of their hp.


I really hope they do buff engineering in 1.2 because I love the play style but I just have this gut feeling that right now in teh 50's bracket all its really good for is guarding points/doors and then help pick on someone already being attacked.

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Yeah, Engineering isn't an "underrated" spec, it simply doesn't stand up to Marks/Lethality at the moment for overall pwnage. Again, nothing wrong with those who play that spec, based on personal experience I believe you're leaving too much single target damage on the table, for AoE crit gains. Trust me, I see folks try Engineering out, and they're not surviving any better and certainly not killing any better, so what is the point?
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Really the only thing engineer has going for it at the moment is better AoE damage than the other specs, and let's face it... AoE is only situationally useful in either pvp or pve, especialy when your best AoE abilities require the enemy to stand still.


I loved engineer while levelling up, especially after getting series of shots + electrified rail, but it's overall damage output pales in comparison to marksman, at least for endgame PvE.

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lol marksman/engineer and leathality/engineer > pure mm or leth builds


I would definitely challenge that thought process. What your basically saying is the cluster bomb talent is better than anything in either tree.

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Perhaps, I think Weakening Blast is pretty sweet for PvP personally if folks like the Lethality game. I think especially when you get folks HP low, the 30% damage increase on poisons + Weakening Blast + Cull = GG. They're dead.


I just used that hybrid spec that takes Cull, the 30% AoE damage talent that folks call home about and PvP videos are being made about and its definitely not as good as folks make it out to be.

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Perhaps, I think Weakening Blast is pretty sweet for PvP personally if folks like the Lethality game. I think especially when you get folks HP low, the 30% damage increase on poisons + Weakening Blast + Cull = GG. They're dead.


I just used that hybrid spec that takes Cull, the 30% AoE damage talent that folks call home about and PvP videos are being made about and its definitely not as good as folks make it out to be.


Sure it is; it's a great build.

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I personally go MM/Engy hybrid and love it. I hit FT every-time its off CD, and can fill the time in-between with my 2 probes, sos, OS, shatter shot, takedown and ambush/snipe to proc. I've never gotten low on energy if I do it properly and if I don't wait my 5 seconds I will pull aggro on bosses (because I always pop relics early to maximize their usage).
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I think people end up looking at engineering as not being as strong as the other possible specs, but in reality it is. I think when looking at the 21 point abilities, they don't realize just how strong EMP Discharge really is, but instead see the damage output of Followthrough and Cull and automatically think they are better. Personally, I don't think investing 31 points is wise in any of our trees simply because I've found from respeccing and testing like a fiend that the hybrid specs are just better (for end game PvE and PvP, imo of course since nothing can be proven yet without logs).


The thing about EMP Discharge and a 21-23point engineering hybrid build is that you will NEVER have energy issues, which cannot be said for any of our other builds. That is power in and of itself simply because you will constantly be able to use your higher damaging abilities as opposed to being out of energy and using Rifle Shot. With Engineering builds as well, Frag grenade hits like a truck and can easily be your main damage dealing ability as opposed to the likes of Snipe, Ambush, Cull, and you still have Series of Shots when Frag is on it's low 3 second cooldown. The other big advantage is Explosive Probe + Cluster Bombs (turns into a free explosive probe from Imp. Methodology) followed by SoS = Lots of damage.


Eng just gets a bad wrap, but honestly has just as much burst as the other specs, but not the energy issues. Of course, until we get combat logs, nothing can really be proven :(

Edited by Wingfoot
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I've been loving it since I started leveling with it. At 26 now and it's a blast in PvP and PvE. I'm sure that things will change as I level some more, but I have zero complaints using it for a leveling spec PvP/PvE. Just had a 47 kill, 1 death WZ last night that was a blast. Perhaps in the lvl 50 WZs people will pay me more attention, but for now, I love sitting back and unloading while getting ignored.
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Perhaps, I think Weakening Blast is pretty sweet for PvP personally if folks like the Lethality game. I think especially when you get folks HP low, the 30% damage increase on poisons + Weakening Blast + Cull = GG. They're dead.


I just used that hybrid spec that takes Cull, the 30% AoE damage talent that folks call home about and PvP videos are being made about and its definitely not as good as folks make it out to be.


If you got Leth/Eng Hybrid.


Dart -> Nade -> Probe -> Cull = CLUSTER ****ED

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I do believe that ppl underate engineer spec. I tried all tree spec, i spent countless amount of money respecing to see what would best fit me. After perfecting my engineer spec, i settle down with 11/30/0.


my rotation depend on the target and situation, but i often use this one


poison dart - interogation probe - ambush/explosive probe - serie of shot - takedown


orbital strike hits like a truck in engineer spec, its the best defensive ability vs melee. Pop entrench then cast orbital strike on yourself. The melee target will either leave you alone for 12 sec or receive around 16k dmg


Also i know emp discharge doesnt hit alot but if someone is really low on life and LoS, you can use your ability to finish them off.


Anyway, everyone has there play of style and i found mine in engineer spec. I do not believe engineer is lackluster compare to marksman or lethality. The real problem is that sniper need bug fixe and tweak.

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The first four tiers of Engi are fantastic - 9% Cunning, half cooldown on one of our mean Aoes, more energy, heavily increased damage on Explosive Probe and all AoEs, efficieny for Explosive Probe and a DoT. However past the first four tiers, everything sucks. Most of the best Sniper specs are hybrids with either 16 or better, 18 points of Engineering.
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The first four tiers of Engi are fantastic - 9% Cunning, half cooldown on one of our mean Aoes, more energy, heavily increased damage on Explosive Probe and all AoEs, efficieny for Explosive Probe and a DoT. However past the first four tiers, everything sucks. Most of the best Sniper specs are hybrids with either 16 or better, 18 points of Engineering.


It's all good really, minus the 31 point skill, lol.

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If you got Leth/Eng Hybrid.


Dart -> Nade -> Probe -> Cull = CLUSTER ****ED


I don't understand this solution really at the end of the day...I see plenty of Snipers with this spec and I don't see the novelty. Yes, you can do some damage however Interrogation Probe doesn't work with Cull, Weakening Blast will increase the Cull effects by 30% (and costs 10 less energy).


The only thing nice is the Energy you gain from the Explosive Probe talent. Other than that, you're either going to take the AoE damage increase, crit on cull (with 30% poison damage, and extra 30% when low on HP), or 6% damage on Snipe, SoS, and Cull. Personally, this spec did not yield a damage increase for me.


I think your post in another thread summed up how you enjoy the spec...you log off once your dailies are done and play your Sorc. Not a knock on you sir, just stating exactly what you said.

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Engineer spec is underrated because it deserves to be underrated.


If something deserves being underrated, wouldn't semantics be wrong if you'd call it that?

Just wondering, isn't an axiom of 'underrated' that something is actually better than percieved? :o


Anyway ... the statement itself is very true.

There are a lot of issues with Plasma Probe being bad for a lot of encounters and you basicly don't have any good DPS talents after spending 18 points in that tree.

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