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1.2 Had better be something special.


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it's skill to exploit the MAV as a sniper elevator? What about IR scopes before their nerf, or flashlights? Noob tubing? Are pyros in 2fort skillful? What about AWP camping?


As for 1.2, I think we all accept the patch is pretty much going to determine the fate of the game. I remain cautiously optimistic.


It's good to see someone else spent a lot of time in the Valve universe. :) I was actually playing a lot of tf2 prior to the release of this game. Makes me wonder now, did our paths ever cross on a gold rush or de_dust map once upon a time? You are correct, fps games have many of the same problems this one does. As for being optimistic about 1.2, I am in the same boat.

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Then there is PvP, the reason I play mmorpgs. At one time getting to Battle Master was a big deal you had to WANT it. You had to have some skill to get the badges and a little luck with others voting for you so you could get the extra valor. Now they are giving the points away. 1500 points for a win was the max I had ever heard of anyone getting now people are getting 2500+ for a loss. Who cares if my team wins or loses just keep on going.


So yeah 1.2 had better be something really special or I see a bunch of people leaving. Lightsabers or not there is no reason to stay in a game that has little to no challenge to it.




I want you to read these two paragraphs carefully OP.


Getting BM is a time investment. Ever heard of TNS? (time not skill)


Next patch there's an elo system. You will have a rating on your character based off performance or "skill".


The old valor system required time. The new elo system requires skill.


Which has more "challenge" to it?

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1.2 is not significant. Hardcores will continue to leave. And anyone that is gone, has no reason to come back. Give the game at east a year to be even slightly competitive.




Fixed that for you.


Still doesn't mean that the game isn't and won't be insanely popular even without being a Raid or die wonderland.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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OK here is my rant take it for what you will.


So far the end game content in this game is a joke. My guild can complete KP and EV in one night with little no no effort and just pugging people in if the core group is not there. So in 2-3 weeks at about 6-8h most of them will be in full rakatta. Then what? What is next. Ohh nothing.


Then there is PvP, the reason I play mmorpgs. At one time getting to Battle Master was a big deal you had to WANT it. You had to have some skill to get the badges and a little luck with others voting for you so you could get the extra valor. Now they are giving the points away. 1500 points for a win was the max I had ever heard of anyone getting now people are getting 2500+ for a loss. Who cares if my team wins or loses just keep on going.


Now I suspect that bioware did all of the above for the casual gamer, many who were not able to compete with the power gamers. The thing is they have dumbed down the game way to much. Is there any sense of accomplishment when you hit Battlemaster or you get that Rakatta piece? For most people the answer is no. In fact they EXPECT to get them, after all everyone else has them why shouldn't I is the thoght process.


So yeah 1.2 had better be something really special or I see a bunch of people leaving. Lightsabers or not there is no reason to stay in a game that has little to no challenge to it.




Firstly if you werent aware that Operations were designed to be easy mode to encourage mass participation (which turned out a failure with 38% participation rate, BW own figures) then you hadnt been following the game before release. Working as intended


Secondly I wouldnt care if every player was gifted BM gear, why? Because skill > gear

The only people who complain about gear are those that dont prefer a challenge & like to rofl stomp over others or need the advantage to win.

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Right now, as they said, only 34% of all level 50s have done operations. Or in other words, so far the vast majority of level 50s haven't done a single operation.


The question there is why. So why is that you might wonder.


I don't wonder. It means 66% of the population, or slightly over 11 million subscribers, given their 1.7 million sub release number, cannot find a group and have given up on it.


The servers are empty, save a few. LFG for pve needs to be implemented.


Please don't respond that it hurts the community. This game has less of a community than WoW.

Edited by johnduane
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So far the end game content in this game is a joke. My guild can complete KP and EV in one night with little no no effort and just pugging people in if the core group is not there.


Wow you can actually pug people? That's awesome.

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What's wrong with creating content for the hardcore crowd? Make Nightmare mode for hardcore pve and arenas for hardcore pvp. If that bothers you than you're no better than the "hardcores" you hate so much.


I'm not a hardcore raider or pvper, I only raid maybe twice a week, three times if the guild lowbies need help. I'm not so blind as to see that losing hardcore raiders hurts in more ways than just losing a sub from them quitting. They are also some of the biggest buyers and sellers in the economy of the game. The economy won't die if they leave, but it will take a hit.


Raid Content as is sucks, it doesn't suck for just hardcores. This content sucks for almost all raiding guilds at the moment, it's simply too easy. Warzones suck for most pvpers at the moment as they mean nothing and playing huttball 8 times in a row gets old. The content coming forth is promising and may fix some of the issues (mostly PvP related).


It's really not hard to fix this problem, Normal for all, hardmode for most, and Nightmare for hardcores. Rank up the gear as it goes along, best gear at the highest levels. There PvE fixed. PvP is even simpler, ranked WZs and Arenas, they just have to give exclusive items and titles to appease the hardcores. Honestly, they seem to be doing a lot of what I would like to see them do. Therefore, with 1.2 it should appease me greatly.


I think the point I'm trying to make is with the tiers of content they have there is absolutely zero excuse for them to not appease the entirety of their population. Just because the majority wants something over the minority doesn't mean that the majority should get it every single time. Also, just because a vocal minority speaks doesn't mean it's best for all. If people aren't happy with that setup maybe they shouldn't play. And "casuals" if the hardest level of difficulty is something you may never beat then GOOD, THAT KEEPS YOU PLAYING. Just my two cents.

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Catering to hardcore players doesn't work for a very simply reason: You cannot create actual content fast enough to keep up with hardcore players. Repetition is the only thing and that's why there are flash points that can be repeated every day.


Pandering to the "hardcore" "power gamers" would be the death knell for this game. Typically such "pro-gamers" move on quickly, which is why they are more at home on a X box or PS3.


These are a very common misconceptions. Hardcore players do NOT consume content faster than casual players. The opposite, is in fact, true. Hardcore players are content to wipe on progression bosses for weeks or months. As long as they are progressing somewhere, they are happy.


Casuals consume content at an astonishing rate. They fail to realize that difficulty is inherently tied to content quality and longevity. They ask for easier and easier content, and then are surprised that after they beat the easy content in a week there is nothing left to do. I hate to make comparisons to WoW, but simply compare how long the Black Temple or Sunwell Plateau raids lasted compared to the newest tier, Dragon Soul.


Casual players like myself took the entirety of Burning Crusade to progress their way up to Black Temple difficulty level - fewer still set foot in Sunwell during the course of the expansion. This content was well tuned and there was clear progression.


Comparatively, a new feature was made called "Raid Finder" (aka. Loot Finder), which was an extremely easy version of the same raids made so that casuals could "experience" the content. The latest raid, Dragon Soul, was consumed by casuals within two weeks -Deathwing slain by the majority of the playerbase (it would have been one week but the second half was gated).


The expansion ended on a pathetic note, more of a whimper, than a bang. Game mechanics aside, beating the strongest villain in the game with half the players asleep and with all relevant raid mechanics trivialized completely removes any semblance of danger. Your big bad boss has been neutered, so to speak. You're not playing in fear of a big bad villain, you're simply snoozing and wondering why on earth it's taking so long for the loot to arrive inside my inventory.


There are valid arguments on both sides - for example, development effort that went into the upper level raids in Burning Crusade was hardly seen by most of the playerbase. On the other hand, casual or less-progressed players would see the hardcore players sporting beautiful, almost unattainable gear. These status symbols gave something for the less progressed players to strive towards. Casuals and hardcores alike had something to work towards the whole time.




Summary: Catering to the casual playerbase is simply not sustainable for content creation as casual players consume content at an astonishing rate due to the lack of difficulty. Extreme accessibility also lessens the motivation for players to strive for the next level by seeing their more progressed peers.


MMO gamers today are a new generation than the last. Before, players would be presented with a challenge, would fail, and ask themselves "How can I improve? How can we work together better to overcome this challenge?". The current generation simply insults the company, demonizes hardcore players, and complains until everything is given to them with no challenge. And they're still not satisfied.


If your development team is good at tuning content difficulty and game mechanics, it's actually very easy to keep hardcore players entertained by having difficult content as you do not need to be constantly churning out art assets. And the difficulty curve keeps casuals entertained as they always have something to work towards and all raid tiers are relevant.

Edited by Jenzali
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That's a load. Vanilla WoW had no benefit to PvP, until they implemented battlefields. Before that, it was just Tauren Hill. Once they did implement battlefields and rewards, many complained about the system implemented. Eventually, Blizzard "dumbed" it down for the rest of the players.


It took a long time for blizzard to cave in and dumb down I.E. replace the competitive PvP system with a non competitive leveling system. It was either the same time or not long after they introduced the welfare PvE system as well.

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