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PVP abilities do not work...? Help !!!!


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Ok , i have been doing alot of pvp latlety to get some decent gear as i cannot find groups to get into doing HM fp's.


I have only 2 pieces of Cent the rest is champ gear , so nearly there :).


My problem is even in PVP i found Aimed Shot , and Pulse Detonator do not knock back a target at all? These are the only abilities i have to push a target away , and thus i found it very annoying.


I have tested this in a situation with a friend also who is in 0 pvp gear has no effect on him also.....


I would like someone to explain why this is if possible.


Cheers widgetman.

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My problem is even in PVP i found Aimed Shot , and Pulse Detonator do not knock back a target at all? These are the only abilities i have to push a target away , and thus i found it very annoying.


I haven't experienced these problems, but sometimes these abilities don't work. These times are when the enemy has a full resolve bar. Aimed shot gives 75% of resolve bar if it knocks them back and a player with a full resolve bar cannot be knocked back or stunned.


Don't know if this is the issue you're having or not, hope that helps.

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Resolve bar is the most likely issue if you're in a WZ setting or using your CCs in duels (all GS abilities fill the resolve bar very quickly). Another issue in WZs is server latency. I've found that if you're attacking a target who is attacking you, there is generally very little problem, but if you're trying to knock back other targets who are mobile in, say, huttball or on voidstar bridges, more often than not they will move out (or into) range at unexpected times. More than once I've sent ball carriers flying in a direction opposite of where they were standing, or rooted a player who suddenly appeared a few seconds later halfway around a corner out of LoS.


Lastly, there are abilities that negate knockbacks or roots, but I couldn't name them all. Hunker down or the shadow ability are the first that come to mind.

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Guardians can spec for a 4 second CC immunity after using a leap. Vanguards can spec for an on-demand 8 second immunity to knockdowns/roots/snares, but i am not sure if it also applies to knockbacks. Shadows get a 3(5 specced) second immunity to all force/tech effects, i guess GS knockback qualifies.
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If an enemy gets on top of you you are dead and pulse detonation works about 50% of the time.


The best bet is really dirty kick and flashbang and try to reposition yourself.It doesnt work very often but there is no way you can survive a lightsaber class on top of you as a gunslinger in cover Im afraid.

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Be aware that full Resolve bar (the little white bar on their icon that fills up as they get stunned etc) prevents knockbacks from working, along with other forms of CC. I think immobilize (Leg Shot) still works, but that's it.


Correct, snares will work with full resolve, making them extremely powerful in Huttball or other WZs.

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Thanks for the replies guys, looks like im not going mad just very unlucky that i only ever meet 90% sith inquisitors , etc on my server :(


They seem to be able to tangle me up and stun me perma and drain me in seconds and i cant even get a shot off, just thought the abilities at my desposal may have helped and im just not doing it right.


They seem to heal permanently and take near no damage from me, which is annoying, ill just have to battle on and hope it gets better :0

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Pulse detonator is flaky due to its use of the cover system adding precious seconds to a sequence of actions. Sometimes it just don't work due to latency as you try to enter cover and immediately use the pulse detonator, server don't register effect for the other players but on your client it's used and thus on cooldown.


Similarly, latency compounds the problem with the actual position of the players. Ever seen players rubberband or suddenly appear in a different position?...Especially at end of match when the game sync up and everyone is forced to stop moving. E.g Your knockback will look like the enemy player just did a small jump backwards instead of being fully thrown backwards.


Other than that, immunity to knockback like full resolve bar or class immunity abilities(some are situational since they can't leap at you while you are in cover or even being used e.g hold the line ability for vanguard).


To me in pvp, two annoying messages bother me the most while using cover. "You are unable to enter cover at this time", or "Unknown effect". Then you just blink away several seconds doing nothing while enemy players pound on you. lol.

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To me in pvp, two annoying messages bother me the most while using cover. "You are unable to enter cover at this time", or "Unknown effect". Then you just blink away several seconds doing nothing while enemy players pound on you. lol.


Unknown effect is my greatest enemy.

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Thanks for the replies guys, looks like im not going mad just very unlucky that i only ever meet 90% sith inquisitors , etc on my server :(


They seem to be able to tangle me up and stun me perma and drain me in seconds and i cant even get a shot off, just thought the abilities at my desposal may have helped and im just not doing it right.


They seem to heal permanently and take near no damage from me, which is annoying, ill just have to battle on and hope it gets better :0


Are you familiar with Hunker Down? It gives you 20 second immunity to ALL CC, as long as you stay in cover. You move, it's cancelled.


It's however wonderful. Sith Inquisitors of either AC rely very heavily on their stuns, so removing that option makes your life easier.


Try interrupting Force Lightning. Watch them panic.

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Are you familiar with Hunker Down? It gives you 20 second immunity to ALL CC, as long as you stay in cover. You move, it's cancelled.


It's however wonderful. Sith Inquisitors of either AC rely very heavily on their stuns, so removing that option makes your life easier.


Try interrupting Force Lightning. Watch them panic.


A lot of people talk about balancing classes in this game and say that everything is out of whack and Sorcerers and Sages are the number one problems. BW added a great equalizer to almost all classes: Interrupts and stuns.


The way to tell a good PvPer is the use of interrupts and stuns at appropriate times. In fact, as a gunslinger, there isn't a class that I fear to go up against 1 v 1 (except tank classed jedi knights and juggs... can't kill them faster than they kill me, probably because of all the weapon damage they mitigate). The reason for this is that I can recognize key abilities and interrupt them and then when they come around to use them again I stun them.


Interrupts and snares (leg shot) don't add to resolve, so they are a great tool against sorc/sages. First interrupt the lightning, then snare them as they run. When they start to lightning you can stun them or you can wait for the heal (they will heal at some point, unless they super suck) and stun them at that point.


The major issue with the lightning is that it has a snare attached to it. For gunslingers, however, this is not an issue because if they are standing still to do damage to you chances are you are doing considerably more damage to them in the process.


EDIT: Hunker down is an all profit move. If you are specced for it you don't have to wait very long to use it again, so you can *almost* spam hunker down and tell most people to @#$% off.

Edited by Tatermitts
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