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Voidstar Issues Discussion


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Lol dang those cobwebs.


The other day i was doing Warzones with 3 guildies of mine, and both voidstar matches we had, the attackers sprinted the gap and capped the door before the bridges were down.


I have two major problems with this exploit, and yes, i feel it is an exploit.


First. Only 1 class has the ability to jump the gap, and to stop someone from jumping the gap is pretty tricky. The sprint ability in some cases can be used to break slows and such, and the assassin/shadow gets an ability to be immune to slows, knockbacks, and stuns anyway. So this means that if the other team has 1 good inquistor or consular, then they can win the 2nd round of doors with ease. The other ways for the gap to be crossed is by warriors/knights jumping it, and the trooper/BH jump/harpoon. These two skills are not exploits, because it requires a defender to already be across the gap, thus giving the defenders someone to stop the bomb being planted.


IF every class had a sprint ability like the inquistor/consular, then it wouldnt be as bad, because at least every player would have the ability, if not the skill, to jump the gap. BUt as it is, only a select class can jump it. And it is not fair for a defending team to loose just becuase they are missing a player from 1 class, or because that player is not skilled enough to jump.


Second, this whole situation only becomes a problem when there are no defenders across the bridge. So, how is this the case? When the defending team is good enough to kill off the attacking team, without dieing. So by allowing this exploit to continue, bioware is basically punishing a solid team for not dieing. Yes, some people can suicide, or be allowed to die, but then they have to wait for the force sheidl to come down and there may not be time enough for that. Also, i dont persoanlyl think it is fair to require a team to have to have players kill themselves, in order to stop the attackers from exploiting


However, i continue to love pvp, even though i play a scoundrel, and i look forward to future warzones and class balances.

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I don't like the adding a door on the bridge suggestion. That thing is such a death trap in so many ways already.


Personally I hate Void Star. And for 1 simple reason: respawn timer is too long. Regardless of the mechanics, I want to play, not be stuck behind a respawn window for 60 seconds each time I die.


nb4 don't die troll

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I don't like the adding a door on the bridge suggestion. That thing is such a death trap in so many ways already.


Personally I hate Void Star. And for 1 simple reason: respawn timer is too long. Regardless of the mechanics, I want to play, not be stuck behind a respawn window for 60 seconds each time I die.


nb4 don't die troll


I agree. The respawn is way too long.

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Second, this whole situation only becomes a problem when there are no defenders across the bridge. So, how is this the case? When the defending team is good enough to kill off the attacking team, without dieing. So by allowing this exploit to continue, bioware is basically punishing a solid team for not dieing. Yes, some people can suicide, or be allowed to die, but then they have to wait for the force sheidl to come down and there may not be time enough for that. Also, i dont persoanlyl think it is fair to require a team to have to have players kill themselves, in order to stop the attackers from exploiting


This is exactly my issue and why when someone said this is not an issue with a Pre-made, he miss the mark. If you have a good team but somehow they get the door open or you have guys waiting to be released, you are WAY behind and will not catch up to defend.


Well put, thank you! Hopefully BW hears/reads this!

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It's being raised because they're adding more badges.


Yes and of which you may need more time to acquire. And if you are on the losing side, it will be even harder. If the first attackers don't get through any doors then you are defending and they pop the doors, game ends and you may get 2-3 badges at best.


And just to be honest, I would rather have end also. (Hence, Surrender option.) I hate being in a one sides WZ. I am just giving you their presented reasons as to why.

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Yes and of which you may need more time to acquire. And if you are on the losing side, it will be even harder. If the first attackers don't get through any doors then you are defending and they pop the doors, game ends and you may get 2-3 badges at best.


And just to be honest, I would rather have end also. (Hence, Surrender option.) I hate being in a one sides WZ. I am just giving you their presented reasons as to why.


As a PVPer, I actually support the surrender option. Too many times I have seen a match go badly and team members simply either desert or move to a safe area to wait out the match.


I think if it is obvious that the match is lost, the losers should have the option to forfeit the match. Admit defeat. Give the option to poll and the majority wins the decision.


And as someone who is known to PUG warzones (yes even as a BM) I hate jumping into a match that is already over. You are just waiting for the timer to hit zero or the other team to get tired of farm killing.


Give the team the option to surrender and maybe you won't get so many desertions.

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Except for the last one I don't really see a problem.


Both sides can do #1 and the jump isn't easy to manage. Most of the times you'll fall to your death looking stupid :)


What I see more as a problem is starting a voidstar with only 4/5 defenders, giving the attackers a free pass on the first door.




Ive fallen to my death (haha sorc)

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I agree with 90% of what is said here.


Two better solutions for a "tie"


TIE BREAKER WIN = whoever got through the last door first if both teams made equal progression


or if a team plants a bomb on the door both teams made it to

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From the way the map is postioned, clearly Bioware intended the gap to be jumped. however, i think it was meant to be jumped from the defender side back across to aid in defense, because there is that speed boost right before the gap. Now, i dont know if bioware intended to allow inquistors/consulars to jump on offense across the gap, but clearly it is possible, and unfair.


Now, there is a simple way to fix this problem that allows players to jump the gap and allow more fairness and can reward the skill of players who can jump it.


Simple. Just place a speed boost on the attacker side on a very low cooldown. This way if an attacker jumps the gap, a defender can also wait a few seconds, jump as well, and if they make it this should give them time to stop the attacker from planting the bomb.


If this solution seems problematic, Bioware could also do two other things


1) they can create soome way for the defenders to cross the room without having the bridges lowered, or without jumping the gap. This could be a teleporter,speeder bike, maybe have the bridges already extended and allow defenders through the force sheild. But you get the point. That way, players dont have to die and wait for respawn and hope they can stop the attackers, they can simply use this system to get to the door side of the gap and stop the planting of the bomb. However, if this were to be done, i would not allow the defenders to use this same system to get back across to the attacker side.


2) Bioware can just abandon this idea and remake the map so that the gap is too long for classes to sprint across.


Any of these three ways would, in my opinion, be a vast improvement over the current system, and would work to balance the middle section of voidstar.

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I'd like to add a mention of the "cover bug" that agents and gunslingers have to deal with. Basically as far as I can tell, if you are in cover when the first phase ends, you wind up stuck in a quasi cover where you appear to be sitting in cover but instead of moving, you slide around the floor. The worst part of this bug is that you aren't actually in cover, so about 70% of your abilities are inaccessible and the game will not let you enter cover while in this state. It often amounts to being horribly gimped for the rest of the match as there seems to be no reliable way to correct this bug with the tools available.
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