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Why will tomorrow's maintenance last 8 hours?


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I think maybe perhaps they'll fix the "Disappearing Wookie" bug for repub toons *crosses fingers... maybe that's why this patch is 8 hrs.


Usually regular patches though were scheduled at 4 hrs. and not 8... so who knows what they are fixing this time round.

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Working in IT, I can say with intimate knowledge that 8 hour maintenance is NOT out of place even with today's technology. We've had to do maintenance on our financial servers and the backup time alone was around 2-3 hours let alone the time to run our routine tasks and then once its up to snuff doing another backup and defrag the file system.


The real question is this...if you have a normal job (aside those 2nd or 3rd shift) im talking a 9-5'er, maintenance shouldn't affect you. if it does then A. you are unfortunate to have a wacky work schedule, B. self employed which should already mean get to work you lazy goof, C. in school so get to class you slack, or D. unemployed and thus have no place to QQ over the fact that the fine folks at Bioware doing 'THEIR' job and getting paid for it, so use the time wisely and go take a long shower, eat a balanced breakfast, and go job hunting!!!

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Please state your educational credentials and your intimate knowledge of BW's servers and setup to make this claim.




While I can't speak for their credentials I'm happy to agree with that poster and list mine.


-Bachelors in Computer Science UofL

-Worked in Austin at a different dev house for 6 years in the MMO field

-Published multiple times in technical journals

-Fluent in ASP/All C variants/All .NET/Java and Jscript/LUA/XML/CSS

-Fluent in webServices & multiple network protocols, including inventing one of my own


HeroEngine’s Live Update and World Push technologies allow developers to push any game content including scripts, assets, data definitions, data files, and area data between live, running worlds without having to bring them down or take them offline.


So to reiterate there is no excuse for this type of downtime in 2012 outside of raw hardware updates/changes. BW is lying through their teeth left and right, or are simply so clueless as to their own tech that this is the result.


For the record I could care less about the downtime as it doesn't effect me in the least. That being said, it would be nice if they'd at least be honest, or explain properly to the consumer the reason for such downtime. Sad to see how far they've fallen since the days of the original NWN.

Edited by Primarch_Akurei
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BW is lying through their teeth left and right, or are simply so clueless as to their own tech that this is the result.


This line invalidates anything else you said. They have stated that they have made many changes to the engine to suit their needs, and unless you are familiar with those changes you have absolutely no clue as to what maintenance is required.

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This line invalidates anything else you said. They have stated that they have made many changes to the engine to suit their needs, and unless you are familiar with those changes you have absolutely no clue as to what maintenance is required.


Nah I just worked with Blizzard and NCsoft...I have no clue about how MMOs or how their engines/servers work. But you keep on fighting that good fight. I'm sure you can poke a hole in any sound logic if you looked hard enough.

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Nah I just worked with Blizzard and NCsoft...I have no clue about how MMOs or how their engines/servers work. But you keep on fighting that good fight. I'm sure you can poke a hole in any sound logic if you looked hard enough.


Your arrogance is not appreciated.


So please tell me... what exactly does BW get out of 8 hour maintenance if they don't have to do it? Why would they do it?


Did you ever think they might be starting to add stuff for the 1.2 patch? Revamping the PTS servers to start running said patch?


You don't know as much as you think you do, smart guy.

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I'm a software developer myself, and I strongly disagree with your assessment. There are several aspects to this whole thing that you've neglected, and I can understand why. They have little to do with the act of writing code. However, they are no less important.


First is the issue of project management. You have X people, Y dollars, and Z time. When you need to create a schedule that uses X, Y, and Z effectively, you need to prioritize what actually gets designed and implemented. Perhaps doing hotfixes and such was determined to be of low importance for the time being.

I would imagine "the head executive", sends a memo to the proper department, the expectations of the maintenance. (Corporate, yay! *puke*.. no thanks)

Second, the methods Blizzard (and others) uses to do their maintenance could be (and likely are) proprietary. I doubt (unless there's a patent) the solution they've implemented is available for the whole world to scrutinize. They may even be protected by patents. If so, you have potential legal issues to consider.

I highly doubt any corporation has sole proprietorship over any measures of "solutions" .. other than the "foreign monopoly" whom developed such.. sorry :p

Third, we have no idea what they are doing during this maintenance other than patches. I imagine some of it is database reorgs, access path revisions based on current database statistics, and minor code revisions for performance increases, but god knows what else it is. It depends on exactly how they've constructed the application. One piece of software isn't necessarily the same as the next even though their basic descriptions (MMORPG) are the same. Doing hotfixes or maintenance during uptimes may be a completely new thing on their particular platform. Perhaps it is more hardware dependent and therefore more cost prohibitive for them at the moment.

I just want to point out the luxuries of innovation, and the conveniences they offer, such as out sourced software development + 1 under paid intern, or post grad running a query.. even heaven forbid a REMOTE ADMIN! OMG lolz... Yeah, you know Im right.

But really, it all comes down to the fact that we have absolutely no idea how Bioware is running this game. So we're in no position to judge whether or not their actions are appropriate. The most we can do is request less downtime and hope that makes Bioware move it up the list. And, though the downtime doesn't bother me personally, I think less downtime is a fair request.

At most there are 4-5 lowerling testers whom are paid $10 an hour(and thats being generous enough to consider they originated from our soil), whom are being given orders by the "step up" the totem pole, intern/grad/outsourcee.


I am sorry, but the truth, is the truth.. Im just sayin'

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Much ado about nothing. Here's hoping that some of you harness your raging passions once and a while towards the problems facing your real world communities.


A few basic facts:


- Most of you are probably fairly reasonable, intelligent people. Seriously, I really believe this, despite the venom typically poured out in these forums.


- Most of you are annoyed that there is downtime when you don't want there to be downtime. Some folks are more patient than others, but nobody really likes waiting for something they want.


- Bioware has absolutely no reason to agitate its customers. They fully understand that downtimes are unpopular. No rational company takes a downtime without believing that the downtime is worthwhile.


- None of you, even folks with extensive industry experience, have any idea why this downtime is being taken, and what the work plan might involve. Thus, none of you can possibly judge this downtime based on its merits.


- Zero-downtime techniques do exist, but they are often complicated and expensive to implement. In most cases (including this one, IMO) they are not worth the complexity and cost, especially when the engineering resources they would demand could better be used elsewhere. Opportunity cost is real thing.


So really now...I can understand wanting to vent a bit (see the 'annoyed by downtime' bit above) but arguing about what should/could be done is a bit silly. Just find something else to do during the 1% of the month where you won't be able to play the game. Or, you can try calling up to demand a refund of your fifteen cents or so.


Or even better...Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something. You'll feel much better.

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What they heck did you folks do before Swtor came out?


... We played other games that did not have maintenance right in the middle of our playtime...


... And they had far fewer long maintenances and it was usually because of huge amounts of new content launching...


That's what we did before swtor and why it's not unreasonable to ask why this one or any non patch ones are so long.

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/offtopic on


I am a developer by trade. Would it be acceptable if I told my boss that I can't program something that has already been done before, by multiple organizations, unless my boss gives me R&D 1-2 year lead time? I would probably get terminated or at the very least bumped off the project. Good software development is a balance between using OOTB functionality, using or purchasing existing functionality provided by libraries developed already, or in the last possible situation custom development to meet your needs.


I am just saying... BioWare doesn't need to reinvent the wheel here.


/offtopic off


Lol seriously? And you are a developer? Let me go download all those 'libraries' for MMO server stacks. Why don't they just use Blizzard's API? Maybe there is a web service for this? Perhaps something in the cloud that can be used?

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Why will tomorrow's maintenance last 8 hours when there is no patch?


Because they hate you.


Every week with the maintenance-whiners. They seem to whine whether there is a patch or not.




Anyone know why they would possibly do this? (serious answers welcome, ridiculous ones encouraged. ;) )

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