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Why will tomorrow's maintenance last 8 hours?


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Please let players who are not having fun cancel their account. I am tired of you forcing them to pay 15 dollars a month.


Also, please allow them to play other games when the server is down or even possibly do something other than gaming - like go outside. It's not fair that they have to stare at a blank computer screen for 8 hours.

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We don't know what they do behind the scenes, if it takes 8 hours it takes 8 hours, if it takes less cool, we complain when things are broken we complain when they try to fix things, less face it we all just complain about every thing, the dev's can never do anything right it seems, I happy to see down time, patch or not they are doing something to improve the game play.. /shrug
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really tho one thing wow did very well was the ability to patch and play as well as patch and tune the server behind the scenes.... i have no idea how they managed it but its impressive... swtor like most mmo's does the tuning and server side patches during maintenance like wow used to (if they could figure out how to do what blizz does in wow i am sure they would sacrifice all their first born's to the devil) so until the game has more work done on the codes etc we will have long maintenance periods like wow used to.


WoW doesn't have weekly maintenance any more? They did as of last December when I left. Granted, once their latest patch has been out awhile, they usually get by with just server restarts. I wouldn't expect BW to be at that point yet.

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tomorrow's maintenance is to fix the 'SLAP NOob Emote'.. Due to unforseen issues the slap emote had become disabled. The emote allows you to SLAP another player who loots items in party that he has no need for. Anyone who clicks GREED you can press SLAP NOob Hotkey. This then sends a small electrical surge down their network,, emiting a current through their mouse. Only 85 volts but enough to get the message across.
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I get so much entertainment from this message board. So many people who are for and against anything will argue non stop for hours.


Hater: 2+2=4, everyone knows that. Why can't it work like 2+2=4? Everyone else makes it work!


Fanboy: Yes, 2+2=4 but there are 5 pieces so it's just not that simple.


Troll: What does 2+2=4 have to do with the price of tea in Alaska. Nothing, that's what. BioWare just sucks at making games.

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Put yourself in Biowares shoes. You have a small amount of maintenance that shouldnt take too long, but there might some unforeseen glitch, so what do you do? Tell everyone that it should take 2 hours and risk the hate spam when you go overtime, or tell them it'll take 8 hours to be safe?


Sounds like they are being safe to me.

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If they said that the maintenance would only be one hour and they ran into a problem you and many others would be here complaining that BW said the servers would be up and they are not. All they are doing is giving themselves extra time to finish things with a window for solving possible problems.
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Put yourself in Biowares shoes. You have a small amount of maintenance that shouldnt take too long, but there might some unforeseen glitch, so what do you do? Tell everyone that it should take 2 hours and risk the hate spam when you go overtime, or tell them it'll take 8 hours to be safe?


Sounds like they are being safe to me.


This process of thinking is fine if the servers come up 6 hours early. You know... when the 2 hours of actual maintenance should be complete and the 6 hour cushion is no longer necessary.

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tomorrow's maintenance is to fix the 'SLAP NOob Emote'.. Due to unforseen issues the slap emote had become disabled. The emote allows you to SLAP another player who loots items in party that he has no need for. Anyone who clicks GREED you can press SLAP NOob Hotkey. This then sends a small electrical surge down their network,, emiting a current through their mouse. Only 85 volts but enough to get the message across.



Its funny how these emotes are doing CRAZY things..


What I want to know is, are the corrupt devs fired yet?



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I seriously couldn't remember 4 or 8 hour patches since my Everquest days. Glad I am asleep or at work when that is going on.


Than your memory is *********** awful, grandpa. The reality is that everything, no matter what it is, requires maintenance and the amount of time required varies based on certain variables.


Tomorrow's maintenance is projected to take eight hours, suck it up and deal.

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Everyone likes to guess why or what goes on during these maintenance times. For the sake of the thread I will give my assumption now. I believe tomorrow they are going to use the 8 hour downtime to (manually) copy all of the toons that have been accepted to test 1.2 patch over to the test server. I know people are thinking oh that shouldnt take 8 hrs but if you have to do a manual search for each player then copy from one server over to another it could take quite a bit of time depending on the number of testers/toons involved.

Just my 2 credits

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Than your memory is *********** awful, grandpa. The reality is that everything, no matter what it is, requires maintenance and the amount of time required varies based on certain variables.


Tomorrow's maintenance is projected to take eight hours, suck it up and deal.


Oh really slick? What rock have you been living under? I, and many others here, could give a lengthy list of games that implemented background downloads so you can still play while patching. Let me explain slow it down for you...


Download while playing





..... No server down time





..... More play time





..... No girlfriend for you


I mean that pretty much outlines everything for you. Oh, and in the future. When referring to me as your grandfather you need to use a capital 'G'. Otherwise you're just being rude.

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