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Shouldn't tanks hit for nothing?


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Because you are absolutely wrong and we simply dont mitigate that much in pvp, given that 80% of attacks bypass tank defenses completely. And those that dont, dont mitigate THAT much. So much bad information you have and are spreading, I'm really tempted to call you a troll, you'd have to have never played vs a tank in a wz to believe any of this.


Seriously, why dont you roll one and see just how much good that HEAVY ARMOUR does you in a wz.


not 80%, and I can attest that my current Biggest damaging ability:



Aimed Shot

Activation: 2.5 secs

Energy: 15

Cooldown: 15s

Range: 30 m

Fires a well-aimed shot that deals 1004 - 1327 weapon damage. Can only be used from cover. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.


It's telegraphed(puts mark on target), easily interruptable, can be completely negated by shield and bubbles .....it's like 1/2 of our DPS burst and If it doesn't hit, no one's pressing respawn except me.

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not 80%, and I can attest that my current Biggest damaging ability:


It's telegraphed(puts mark on target), easily interruptable, can be completely negated by shield and bubbles .....it's like 1/2 of our DPS burst and If it doesn't hit, no one's pressing respawn except me.


So, this ability that can only be used while in cover is easily interruptable you say?



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Aimed shot


You shouldnt be using that on tanks anyway. Its weapon damage. WHITE DAMAGE procs shields and stuff. ALL YELLOW IGNORES THEM. Maybe not 80% of YOUR damage. But think outside of yourself for a minute. What do people play more of? Sorcs and sages or gunglingers and snipers? I wonder why. :rolleyes: Hell even scoundrels and ops are mostly yellow damage. Same with troopers for thier primary abilities. Minus H.I.B.


The sheer amount of yellow damage in warzones makes it completely not worth being a tanky tank, you know, the ones that dont do any damage. Becuase minus a few actually useful tank skills that flatly drop incomming damage by a percentage, the rest dont do anything because they only effect a very limited type of damage. In assualt spec I tank pretty much just as well as I did in shield spec though I notice a little pick up in what mara's and snipers can do to me. But there just arent that many snipers, So I picked my poison. And my poison was bursting people for 9k with cooldowns.

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So, this ability that can only be used while in cover is easily interruptable you say?




yeah, LOS or some stun....you get 2.5 secs to get out of sight or less than a CGD to stun Sniper...unless you are Tank-ish..then just stand in place...it wont hurt at all.

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yeah, LOS or some stun....you get 2.5 secs to get out of sight or less than a CGD to stun Sniper...unless you are Tank-ish..then just stand in place...it wont hurt at all.
So, what's the problem? It's mitigatable and it can be LOSed? There are no ranged tanks in this game. The closest is the Vanguard and even then, he does most of his work in melee range.


Just like you shouldn't bother with "tanks," I generally don't bother with Snipers because I can't charge them and if I close the distance manually, I'm just going to get knocked-back. I taunt them and get on with my life.

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yeah, LOS or some stun....you get 2.5 secs to get out of sight or less than a CGD to stun Sniper...unless you are Tank-ish..then just stand in place...it wont hurt at all.


Marksman/Sharpshooter damage against heavy armour wearers is a problem with Marksman/Sharpshooter, not with the heavy armour wearers.

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Marksman/Sharpshooter damage against heavy armour wearers is a problem with Marksman/Sharpshooter, not with the heavy armour wearers.


So I have no recourse but just to ignore Heavy Armor foes? Fine. I can do nothing to aid my healer or any other friendly who's being attacked by tank.

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yeah, LOS or some stun....you get 2.5 secs to get out of sight or less than a CGD to stun Sniper...unless you are Tank-ish..then just stand in place...it wont hurt at all.


LOS? Is that something only tanks can do?


Look, if you are going to present some kind of anti-tank argument you might not want to mention something that EVERY SINGLE CLASS can do.


Stuns? I have two. Using both puts you at full resolve and you have an ability to make you immune to stuns for a damn long time.


In cover, you can't be interrupted by abilities specifically designed to interrupt. And, have you tried the DoT build because that hurts me even as a tank.

Edited by Raggok
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In cover, you can't be interrupted by abilities specifically designed to interrupt. And, have you tried the DoT build because that hurts me even as a tank.


respecing today...after last night all I want to do is kill tanks.

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I'm a SS Vanguard with some points in Tactics as well. I engineer the battlefield. I taunt, stun, freeze and damage debuff everyone near me. I interrupt, DoT with Gut, and step back to bring the rain with Mortar Volley. I move in and out of the fight, always keep track of my healers, and distract sorcs by Storming, Gutting, interrupting and debuffing. The AoE Explosive Surge does about 700-900 damage while giving everyone a 4 percent damage debuff for 15 seconds. Keep taunting, keep debuffing and keep interrupting. You are a battlefield engineer. You are not a 1v1 or anything like that. Ion Cell and HIB help pad other people's damage... that is, ATTACK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE ATTACKING. Stockstrike as well. You're there to augment your team's damage while mitigating the bad guy's damage.


Good tanks SEEM overpowered because they spend, at most, 3-5 seconds on a target before switching to someone else who needs interrupting or taunting. Meaning, they don't stick around to get DPS'ed down. The best part is, people don't tend to notice you because you're not facerolling anyone in particular. You're kind of an annoying but very effective bug.

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respecing today...after last night all I want to do is kill tanks.


Dude I'm sorry to tell you this but you are playing the worst classs in the game. You haven't even made it to 50 yet to see the real mitigation set in. I have a BM gunslinger and a BM Jugg. Your classes damage is mitigated in 1 way or another by every single class in the game. Oh and the only damage you can successfully mitigate is your own freaking class. Hopefully they change this after 1.2

Edited by Enforcious
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but 5K slams are very possible in fact I would say a BM with the right spec and knowing what he is doing can pretty much 99% say he can get a 5K on at least 1 player per WZ




I'm a rank 69 Jugg in immortal with a few points in rage and your 100% right, a Jugg in the "right spec" can hit 5k with a slam.


That right spec is not tanking spec with tanking gear, which is what I'm saying and what some people are not getting.


I'm not going to sit and debate if I can or can not hit 5k with slam, I can pretty much guarantee I could. But Juggernaut is only a tank when its spec'd and geared as one.


Just because one is a juggernaut, they are not automatically a tank. A jugg can hit 5k with a slam regularly, a juggernaut tank will not often, if ever hit that high.


Don't just speculate that a BM jugg tank could hit 5k every warzone in your opinion, because you have a BM jugg tank right here telling you that it doesn't happen. In fact, since the updates I have never seen a jugg tank with the 5k hit medal. I have however seen a few dps jugg's with it.

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You could be 100 % percent right. but Its not always the other class. It can actually be


the players skill level and gear.

I'm still trying to understand why the hell you type like this. The rest of the thread isn't even remotely interesting compared to the *********** puzzle that your formatting is.



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There is no such thing as force damage.


Force attacks (just like melee attacks, ranged attacks and tech attacks) deal either energy, kinetic, elemental or internal damage.


Sorcs only have force attacks and most of their force attacks (for example all attacks that look like purple lightning) deal energy damage (which is mitigated by armor).


Hm... Interesting. Because I'm fairly certain that "Energy Damage" is direct weapon damage from blasters and lightsabers...


Sorcerer's lightning damage is "Elemental Damage" which is NOT mitigated by armor.

It's also a "Force Attack" which cannot be avoided (dodge/parry/etc)... Thus, making it the strongest type of attack in the game.

"Force Attacks" and "Tech Attacks" also do not trigger personal shield generators.


Try again.

Edited by DarthNethus
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but 5K slams are very possible in fact I would say a BM with the right spec and knowing what he is doing can pretty much 99% say he can get a 5K on at least 1 player per WZ


That probably correlates almost directly to the fact that there is about a 99% chance that in each WZ there will be at least one under-geared player with less than 200 expertise.



Edited by DarthNethus
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Hm... Interesting. Because I'm fairly certain that "Energy Damage" is direct weapon damage from blasters and lightsabers...
Abilities listed as melee attack that deal weapon damage or ranged attack that deal weapon damage both deal the same damage type as your current weapon (mostly energy, as you write).


They can also be blocked by personal shield generators that tanks might or might not use.


Sorcerer's lightning damage is "Elemental Damage" which is NOT mitigated by armor.
No, sorc lightning deal is a force attack that deal energy damage. Sages rock throwing deal kinetic damage. Energy damage and kinetic damage are both mitigated by armor.


Force (and Tech) attacks can not be blocked by the personal shield generator.


Force Lightning


Force: 30

Cooldown: 6s

Range: 10 m

Deals xxxx energy damage to the target over the duration of the effect. Also slows the movement speed of the target by 50% and immobilizes weak and standard enemies.


"Force Attacks" and "Tech Attacks" also do not trigger personal shield generators.
This is correct. But many many force attacks and tech attacks deal energy or kinetic damage - so they are still mitigated by armor.


I dont think i need to try again. I am pretty sure I am right on this... ;)

Edited by Xenon-se
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Not to get all into the trinity again, But if you're able to mitigate a ton of dmg, shouldn't you be gimped in other areas?


Am I missing something? Isn't it common knowledge that Tanks shouldn't be hitting people for >1000+?


I thought that tanks would only be doing weapon dmg, why am I seeing Tanks sans healers taking on and killing 2-3 peeps at a time? Doing +25k dmg in 10-15 secs, Criting in the +3000 range, and mitigating ~20k in dmg?


I know this isn't a 1v1 balanced game....but shouldn't 2v1 balance something? I can't help but believe something is completely broken in this game.


haha, such knowledge about the game, tank tanks should probably hit harder given the fact that the sheild mechanic is such junk


Just because a class has a tank tree doesnt mean its a tank, every merc isnt a healer, every sorc isnt rdps

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Hm... Interesting. Because I'm fairly certain that "Energy Damage" is direct weapon damage from blasters and lightsabers...


Sorcerer's lightning damage is "Elemental Damage" which is NOT mitigated by armor.

It's also a "Force Attack" which cannot be avoided (dodge/parry/etc)... Thus, making it the strongest type of attack in the game.

"Force Attacks" and "Tech Attacks" also do not trigger personal shield generators.


Try again.

It's mitigated, you try again. Dat Energy damage. Only non mitigated Sorcerer attacks at the basic 15(21 spec) sec dot that does moderate internal damage, the 31 point madness talent, and the death field aoe(also talented), which also deals internal.


Try actually looking things up, before looking like a *******.



#'s on tooltip I can say from actually having a sorc aren't accurate for green gear, maybe in full Rakata, though.

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These posts are getting retarded to the extreme.


If tanks should not do dmg then DPS should be able to 2 shot kills. If a dps gets hit they die. Same thing you are asking for.


Just play the game, your gonna die and you are going to kill. Get over it already if you want GOD mode play somthing else.

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These posts are getting retarded to the extreme.


If tanks should not do dmg then DPS should be able to 2 shot kills. If a dps gets hit they die. Same thing you are asking for.


Just play the game, your gonna die and you are going to kill. Get over it already if you want GOD mode play somthing else.


who has this? Operatives?

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I am tanked specced, and actually hit for over 5k yesterday in Alderaan. So it IS actually possible after all.


I think I got lucky and while virtually the entire enemy team focused me I hit either force-sweep or cyclone-slash, hittling the lot of em.


Needless to say, I have NEVER recieved the hit for 5k damage medal before.

Edited by damolawler
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No, sorc lightning deal is a force attack that deal energy damage. Sages rock throwing deal kinetic damage. Energy damage and kinetic damage are both mitigated by armor.


If that's true, then it's the most idiotic mechanic I've ever heard of.

Since WHEN is "spell damage" mitigated by armor in any game?

And why would they do this?

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