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Why do so many in mmo's now hate grouping?


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....And yes, people that want to play an MMORPG where there are no other people where no cooperation in a group to accomplish something is sometimes required really don’t comprehend what an MMO is, same goes for folks that complain about role playing.


Yes you can stand in a football field with no team ( or opposing team ) and run all by yourself and make a goal, don’t expect to be given a super bowl ring or for there to be any fans in the stands cheering you


summary of his position:

" ... you are in a mmorpg, you are required to be in a group".



no offense but, this is one of the most idiotic and narrow minded arguments .... and both the sports analogies were pretty bad too, not related at all. I'm not out to gain a superbowl-ring in this game for one, and i'm not out to 'win' either. I'm just here to adventure and if I get some cool things for my toon in the process, it's a bonus.



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I don't mind grouping, but I do like to play at my own pace. I also am not the most vocal person in real life or in game, Chatty Cathy's really annoy me. I will learn as much about my class of char as I can, and I will play to the best of my ability. I just will not talk to you much. So therefore I do not "sell" myself to others so I don't find groups. It makes it hard in places but that is how I am. I was in the same guild in the game which will not be named for 6 years. They knew my worth and I was invited everywhere. As long as they did not need to be entertained by my wit we were fine.
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I play MMORPGs in the same exact way that I have been doing since I started with AC/EQ back in 1999.


When my Hubby/Friends/Guildmates are around, I group with them.


When none of them are available, I primarily solo. (I've done so even in MMORPGs where this meant that progress took 20x longer... or more...)


Very rarely, I will join the random PuG, but only if asked nicely and if I have the time available to do so.

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I have been noticing this a lot in SWTOR. I asked so many people to quest, or do heroic quests... quests they and I both have and most of the time they say no or dont even respond.


Leveling as a healer is more of a pain than with DPS specs imo so grouping often makes quests get done much quicker.



If I had my way MMOs would give a bonus to people who are groups while questing. Give them a little extra XP, or give them a more loot, or even dmg boost etc.


Questing for 5 hours all by myself is boring many times, but whenever I get to group up in those 5 hours, more quests get done for sure, and I the game is WAY more enjoyable.


Most MMO's do have a grouping exp bonus. I thought I read a while back this game had one but I am probably wrong.


I dont mind grouping if I need to, but real life time limitations and having to afk at moments notice is not fair to anyone I may choose to group with so I play solo 99.99% of the time.

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It doesnt help that the LFG tool isnt really lazy-friendly, people dont wanna stand around spamming for groups.

What would be cool, if you could queue upto a specific dungeon, and all the names come up for people who are wanting to do it, then you just chat to them and form a group, not planet side, but like a loby for each dungeon.



Not everyone is loot orientised, i just need what im gonna use and greed the rest. Im not bothered how much i get because i'll probably make more money selling my own wares.


However, theres just people out there who are greedy and want all of it, which isnt a game design fault, its a bad personality trait.


Like those sado's who sit infront of the auction house all day buying and reselling goods, man why get mega rich in a game lol why not do it for real and be rich in real life if thats all ya care about :p

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So you think the rules of football should change so that someone by themselves with no team, ( and no opposing team ) should also be able to win a super bowl ring


Of course I do, how's you know?


Free Super Bowl rings for everyone!:(

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What I’m hearing from many of the posters is not that they don’t like grouping but that going solo has become the path of least resistance either because of bad experiences from the past or in my case because of the time it takes to put a group together.


I think I fit the definition of a “casual” player as I just hit level 30 on my first toon. At best I get maybe 1-2 hours a night to play after getting home from work and putting the kids to bed. I have spent most of those 30 levels running solo though I did find grouping on the starter and 2nd tier planets rather easy for the heroic missions. I had some great early group experiences especially on Hutta and Dromund Kaas. As I have advanced through planets and the population numbers have dropped I have found grouping more and more difficult. I have run exactly two flashpoints Black Talon and Hammer Station despite spamming General multiple times with grouping requests for Athiss and now Mandolorian Raiders/Cademimu.


I belong to a guild thanks to a RL buddy that belonged to a WOW guild that ported over to TOR but due to my schedule and the fact that most of them leveled to 50 in a matter of weeks I have not grouped with a single member of my guild except in the rare cases where one of their alts happened to be on the same planet as me. I have tried to find a new guild that was more casual and fit my play style better but so far no luck.


Here is my thing, like many “casual” players my biggest issue is TIME. Do I want to group and do heroics, flashpoints, and maybe even an 8-man operation at some point? Yes…I do! Can I spend the time it takes getting a group together (typically 30 mins to 1hr) when I may only have an hour of play time that night? No…I can’t. Can I afford to be grouped with a bunch of players that don’t fit my play style and either run through the content at lightning speed when it’s my first time through, flame me for not knowing exactly how to defeat every mob or drop out suddenly and go AFK? No…I can’t.


And that is why I solo. Time is my most valuable resource both in-game and out. Running solo maximizes my time and enjoyment of the game. I would love to play more as a group, in fact as I read many of the posts here I thought there were a lot of mature people I wouldn’t mind grouping with if I had any way to find you in-game. Unfortunately, SWTOR has been an epic failure for me in this department. I have no way of finding other mature, responsible, casual players that would be interested in running a few grouped missions or the occasional flashpoint. The LFG tool is a complete joke as either mine doesn’t work or no one ever flags LFG. Spamming general is not only annoying for me but I’m sure for everyone else and in the rare cases where I have found a decent PUG I typically sacrifice my enjoyment and play style so we can focus on finishing the content as fast as humanly possible. Also, when and if you do pull a group together you have no way of knowing if that group fits your play style, I’m sure many players that are on their 9th run through Black Talon would find me taking my sweet *** time through my first run just as annoying as I find their hurried frantic pace.


So I guess to answer the original poster’s question, I don’t hate grouping in MMOs…grouping hates me…or at least grouping in SWTOR does.

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Here's a new one (I think):


I don't (or rarely) group because I know I'm not a good player, and if I am to drag someone down, I'd prefer it if it's someone I know, instead of some stranger.


I know, it seems backwards, but I just don't want to spoil the game for someone. Unless they can retaliate the next day, then it's fair game. :D


So with guildmates and friends I do group. But as others said before - I don't like being FORCED to group. That's bad design, "MM"ORPG or not.

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Like those sado's who sit infront of the auction house all day buying and reselling goods, man why get mega rich in a game lol why not do it for real and be rich in real life if thats all ya care about :p


Who are you to tell those people that is a bad way to play the game?


Some quest to see the storyline.


Some spacebar through to rocket to 50.


Some kill everything in their path and run every quest to get as much loot as possible.


We have gear oriented, story oriented, exp oriented, and wealth oriented players. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those goals. It all depends on what you get your enjoyment out of doing.


I will not even address the ridiculous statement made about "why not do it in real life...." if you cannot figure out the difference about playing the market in a GAME vs playing with your own money in real life.


I think if you try hard enough you can figure out the huge difference between the two.

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These are probably the same people that cry because they can't find a group.


Go figure.




I think a lot of these players have come from Wow. The problem is when you get players that like to have fun and players that take it too seriously and constantly criticise lesser experienced members of a group. You must admit this is not a pleasant experience. I have performed many group quests on swtor and understand what you mean. it is noticable that elite opponents are much easier to defeat. What I have also noticed is that most of the group players i have encountered have been far less annoying than on wow. Maybe if we all encourage the more timid players to join in it will improve

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Guessing a combination of things:


1. Wait for go get something done with a group because people are in various stages of the game.


2. Maybe people grown tired getting into group with people who take themselves to serious or downright **** *****.


3. Maybe group content just becoming so much about a ends to a mean, than about the actual social aspect.


Assume people have a various of reason not to enjoy grouping.

Edited by Barzarel
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They should just make a hermit class that gains XP by avoiding contact...


In fact, I heard rumor that the class already exists, and they've become so skilled at avoidance that they are now invincible! You all just haven't seen any of em... cuz they're so good!

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Here's a new one (I think):


I don't (or rarely) group because I know I'm not a good player, and if I am to drag someone down, I'd prefer it if it's someone I know, instead of some stranger.


I know, it seems backwards, but I just don't want to spoil the game for someone. Unless they can retaliate the next day, then it's fair game. :D


So with guildmates and friends I do group. But as others said before - I don't like being FORCED to group. That's bad design, "MM"ORPG or not.


Nah, you're not alone in this. I'm...mediocre on a good day. :)


I also tend to get distracted by RL stuff: pets, husband, in-laws, doorbells etc. and sometimes have to go AFK immediately. I see little sense to expecting anyone to wait whilst I'm helping my 90 y.o. grandmother-in-law with something.


If I had to wait 'til there were no interruptions, I could play between midnight and six a.m. and, well, I tend to be asleep then.

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They should just make a hermit class that gains XP by avoiding contact...


In fact, I heard rumor that the class already exists, and they've become so skilled at avoidance they they are now invincible! You all just haven't seen any of em... cuz they're so good!

what your heard must been a warm up for a Aprils fool ;) one good sarcasme deserves another i think :D
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i have around 100 levels in between 3 characters.


ive never been asked to group once.


Char. name and server and I shall pass on to you every single "drive by" invite I get...about 4 per session, sometimes more.


Drives me nuts, that does, but that is a topic for another thread.

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And here is my fix:

I don’t like throwing out a problem without at least attempting to offer a solution. Here is how I would fix the grouping mechanics and the overall social aspect of SWTOR if I was a dev and didn’t just play one on tv:


1. Change social points from conversation rolls to time spent “in-group”, you could still have additional or bonus points available for the conversation roles.


2. Create in-game profiles that could be accessed through special kiosks on every planet and the fleet. Think of a simplified version of Facebook but just for your toon. Here is a sample of some of the details I would include:

a. Toon Name, class, advanced class, spec, level

b. Preferred role: Tank, DPS, Healer,

c. Preferred play style: Casual, advanced, hardcore

d. LFG Options: (which of the following you are looking to group for)

i. Heriocs

ii. Flashpoints

iii. Operations

e. Foreign war experience: (list other MMOs you have played)

f. Age Range: 0-15, 15-20, 20-25, 25-35, 35+ (this may not be your age but the age range you prefer to run with)

g. Preferred playtime: What time of day you are typically playing (server time)

h. Medals/Commendations/Accomplishments

i. I think this could be really cool if handled the right way. I would include a lot of what is already in your Codex (which no one sees) like defeating high level mobs, what planets you have visited, time in-game and WZ match info. I would also include things like exploring, crafting, gathering, maxing affection with companions, etc. This would all be handled via medals/awards you earn and are displayed here.

i. Legacy family tree (lists your main and all of your alts so you don’t have to create a separate profile for each. Lists which one is currently active and in-game.

j. Which planet active toon is currently on (self explanatory)

k. Flagged for Group (more on this later)

l. Notes:

i. Here you could put a little more about you, your toon and play style.

m. Send message

i. Click to automatically message the player in-game (not through mailbox but more like an IM that doesn’t pop-up on screen but flags your HUD that you have a profile message waiting.


3. Make everything in the profile searchable. For example, I can create a list of the players that are healers looking to group for heroics checked in on Dromund Kaas with a casual play style and are currently flagged for a group.


4. Create grouping zones (I would just use the cantinas since they are on every planet and are basically lifeless despite the number of NPCs). I would also have the grouping zones award social points based on time spent in the grouping zone even when not in a group. This should encourage players to spend some down time in a central area which should hopefully foster more grouping or at least some conversations. These zones would have their own chat channels that could only be accessed when in the group zone. The grouping kiosks would all be found inside the group zone. I would also include GTN vendors so people can buy/sell as they wait. The idea would be to have people head to this zone anytime they want to group rather than standing around and spamming general.


5. Create a LFG flag just like what already exists for PVP. That way I can simply click a button and flag my profile as LFG and not have to put any additional notes in.


6. Make the social rewards more about fun and less about gear and endgame. I would say customization options would be the best, that way even if a lot of toons are running around in the same gear due to the customization options unlocked via social they may not all look the same.


Since I’m not a dev I’m sure there are probably some technical/game reasons that some of the above may not be possible but I think the spirit of trying to help like-minded players team up via some kind of new social system should be a huge priority for a future update.

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I play solo occasionally, in fact quite a lot


I also group


Pug groups, and groups with a guild, and often family and friends.


I have characters that have only soloed


I have characters that have never EVER soloed ( we are doing all content with a 4 person set group on a weekly schedule )


I have characters that do a little of everything


I am glad the game supports all these different styles of play


I DO NOT want them to nerf the rewards for doing the most difficult content achieved with groups ( or operations ) by giving them away to players that don’t achieve them through group cooperation.


I never expect my solo character to have the things that my major group characters will eventually have ( even though he is higher level )


The highest rewards are reserved ( as they should be reserved ) for the most difficult content, content that requires cooperation with other players, a team effort to achieve.

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ppl dont like grouping with random ppl outside their guild or whatever cuz they dont wanna share any loot that drops, and if any loot drops they all want it to themselves. isnt it obvious?


i was told this many times, some random noob needs help killing the boss in a flashpoint, couldnt solo him so he/she asks for help.. i give him/her my help and before we entered the FP he/she types " if any loot drops dont greed or roll for it, just pass up on it" and i was like ***. forget it find somone else to help you then.. and i leave his/her group lol...



this is why ppl dont group.. also this game is easy enough to solo if you really know how to play.


This is closer to the truth than you think.


COV/COH had one of the best grouping systems I've seen in an MMO. You didn't need one, but it sure made the game a lot more fun if you did group.

LOOT was also handled discreetly, If I recall. I didn't see what other players got as drops and we didn't compete for loot when killing a boss, we each got something out of the quest, guaranteed.


Frankly, when I invest 2 hours doing a strike force / flash point / raid, I want to come out of it with something, not lose my chance at loot because someone else needed an item for a companion.


Competing for a loot drop blows.

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There were too many posts to read them all, but here is my two cents.


I can enjoy a group sometimes, but don't always want to mess with it. Too many random variables especially when it's someone totally unknown. I have friends and family I group with, and a guild. Too many times, I've had some random person ask for help with a quest, and when I did, they expected me to drop everything I was doing and run around eternally with them. This feels like being taken advantage of by someone, not having fun with someone. Not fun, and gaming is about having fun.


The social aspects of the game I enjoy most are the random conversations that can get started in general chat, as well as guild chat. In grouping, there is really none of that, and I remember one time a group I was in spent over two hours trying to complete a quest and finally having to just quit because one of the group members kept running out of the area (away from the npcs) and resetting the whole thing, and here we were at half health. Frustrating, not fun!


When I group for extended questing, (rather than to help in a particular quest or because we both/all need however many of the limited npcs are in the area) I prefer to group with people I already have a relationship with. Here is were a guild comes in, or the chat in general. At least then I have an idea of their expectations, and know they will respect mine.

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i have around 100 levels in between 3 characters.


ive never been asked to group once.


I've got 2 servers full of characters ranging from 22 - 50, and have YET to hit 'Social 1' on any of them.


I don't mind playing this game solo, other MMO's you really wanted to group if you wanted to lvl up faster.

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i don't understand why people ask this question. so far, in all the threads i have read with this question, it makes no difference what the solo playrs say, it is just not a good enough reason.


ii'll answer as ifyou did not ever read one. i solo because i like going at my own pace. i enjoy checking out the scenery. i like being able to stop the general questing and just going around killing things. i like not having to worry about wether or not it is inconveniencing others when i decide to go to the fleet (in the case of swtor) and just crafting my stuff and using the gtn, or leaving the comp and doing whatever rl thing that happens to come up.


i also like not having to deal with whichever obnoxious little twit is playing at the moment.




i actually don't mind grouping. And i have a great, mature guild that has been with me through several games. But, when i want to go at my own pace i play by myself. i hate feeling like i'm slowing someone ELSE down. i have a toddler at home, so at times i find myself afk for long periods of time. Other times, i can blow through content like mad. But i can never be sure which i'll be able to do that day. Rather than find myself with a good group of people IGNORING my son, i'd rather solo and be able to afk constantly and without worry, playing in those small groups of time that i can.

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