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Why do so many in mmo's now hate grouping?


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Heh. I'm 50 and I'm not even the oldest person in my guild. The first cohort started with MUDs in the 80s and MMOs with UO/EQ in the late 90s.


RL level 59 upcoming next week.


Many folks forget that the "geezers" are the ones who started the whole gaming industry.


As for UO OoooOOOoooooOOO



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Heh. I'm 50 and I'm not even the oldest person in my guild. The first cohort started with MUDs in the 80s and MMOs with UO/EQ in the late 90s.


Right, and they were largely, although not exclusively, picked up by college kids.


2012-1998 = 14 years


18 year old player + 14 years = 32 years old+


Yes, there are individual players that are older, but the first cohort of mmo players are 30+ now.

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Heh. I'm 50 and I'm not even the oldest person in my guild. The first cohort started with MUDs in the 80s and MMOs with UO/EQ in the late 90s.


Hehe 45 here, first game i played was UO and today far less time to game than all the way back then.

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Stuff and nonsense.


Been playing MMOs since there were MMos. :)


If I want a solo game, I have scads of 'em. I like MMOs and that might be because I don't mistake Massively Multiplayer Online for FORCED GROUPING.


So, belay that "don't really belong..." blather. We belong just as much as those who can't seem to move a step without company. :D



I have been playing them from the days when there we no graphics at all and they cost $6 an hour to play.


And yes, people that want to play an MMORPG where there are no other people where no cooperation in a group to accomplish something is sometimes required really don’t comprehend what an MMO is, same goes for folks that complain about role playing.


Yes you can stand in a football field with no team ( or opposing team ) and run all by yourself and make a goal, don’t expect to be given a super bowl ring or for there to be any fans in the stands cheering you

Edited by Dayln
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I Miss the days of DIABLO 2,, Mephisto grind with my sorc or Amazon... Must get that windforce...


The First Age of loot grabber greed....... Still parties helped only on end quest bosses to level up to next phase.... Buriza of pain

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This has sort of gone off topic slightly;)

Its not the grouping it’s the time to get grouped which is the big downer.

I only play a few hours on week nights so when you factor in time to get group + time to do group content, you usually run out of time so the solo stuff becomes more practical when levelling.:)

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I have been playing them from the days when there we no graphics at all and they cost $6 an hour to play.


And yes, people that want to play an MMORPG where there are no other people where no cooperation in a group to accomplish something is sometimes required really don’t comprehend what an MMO is, same goes for folks that complain about role playing.


Yes you can stand in a football field with no team ( or opposing team ) and run all by yourself and make a goal, don’t expect to be given a super bowl ring or for there to be any fans in the stands cheering you


Delphi? CI$? :) GEnie?


I reject your narrowminded definition of MMO. A game that forces a player to do something is not going to do as well as a game that...invites. Human nature. I group when I choose and I solo/duo when I choose. The "CHOOSE" is the keyword there.


You are hidebound in your definition of an MMORPG and you were right...back in the day. But notice how that has changed? What you should, honestly, be saying is that you are angry/upset/disappointed (whichever) that MMOs have evolved away from what you consider they should be.


That would be far more honest than declaring that people who don't agree with you "really don't comprehend".

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Becuase you suck not you personally but most players are bad.I do not want to group with your badness.I run with buds who know what they are doing.Are all of you bad? No of corse not but most of you are.


How can I tell if you are good or bad? I can't so I group with my guild.

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Becuase you suck not you personally but most players are bad.I do not want to group with your badness.I run with buds who know what they are doing.Are all of you bad? No of corse not but most of you are.


How can I tell if you are good or bad? I can't so I group with my guild.


I'm not bad...well okay, I probably am "bad" by your definition and that's fine. I don't mind a bit. I would probably consider you insane. LOL!


But your point is a good one...we tend to flock with those who are like-minded. I could cheerfully MURDER the "spacebar cadets" whilst they probably want to rip my "gotta experience the whole story" head off.


And a good game allows for those two polarities plus the mid-range.

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Gemstone 3, I was the spokesman for the Thieves guild "no really there isn’t an assassin branch" ( chuckle )


I don’t have a narrow opinion, These games have always had the highest rewards for group play, all the way back to the beginnings, that is why we went to On-Line and Multiplayer, for cooperation to accomplish things, like the pen and paper days of old.


We already had solo RPG's you don’t even need an internet connection to play them and you don’t need a subscription for them either.

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i think OP is looking at this in a very black and white sort of way.


so, alot of ppl started playing MMOs around about 10 years ago. and alot of these ppl were in there late teens early 20s. now 10 years later we are early 30s. our lifes in general have gone though big changes in the last 10 years. (this is a huge generalisation but i think it would fit with alot of ppl in my age group) bigger family commitments, more work commitments, to sum it up, we just don't have time to spend 2 hours trying to get a group to do things, nor do we have the patience to bother with the childish arguments that occur when playing with strangers, ninja looters, elitist gear wardens and so on.


so why do we play MMOs then? because we have been playing them for 10 years. this is our genre. we feel comfortable playing them. the MMO is changing, its changing to meet the demands of current demographic that plays them. and i hate to tell you this but elitist and groupists are so year 2000. i been there done that, get with the times bro


**edit** i like to group. but i like to solo aswell.

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Here's a theory:


In the early days of MMOs the only players were the people who sunk their whole lives into it.


Now that millions (tens of millions?) of people play MMOs, a lot of them play erratically or they have distrctions (like kids), so they can't commit to sitting down for 45 minutes with no distractions.


So it's not that fewer people want to group, it's that a smaller overall percentage of people want to group.

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


Many people never "wanted" to group, they "had" to group to accomplish goals in game.


Now we don't have to group. The ones who want to, have the opportunity to do so, but even better for the ones who do not want to group, they do not have to in order to progress in game.


Best of both worlds.

Edited by Saurakk
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Gemstone 3, I was the spokesman for the Thieves guild "no really there isn’t an assassin branch" ( chuckle )


I don’t have a narrow opinion, These games have always had the highest rewards for group play, all the way back to the beginnings, that is why we went to On-Line and Multiplayer, for cooperation to accomplish things, like the pen and paper days of old.


We already had solo RPG's you don’t even need an internet connection to play them and you don’t need a subscription for them either.


Hee! I will NEVER admit to how much money I blew on those "pay by the hour" games. Good grief. Shameful. :)


Yes, I am rather afraid you do have a narrow definition. That's fine so long as you don't expect it to be universal...well and don't let it frustrate you.


MMOs are great fun for those of us who aren't afflicted by the "herd instinct" thing. We chat, we group up when we want, we enjoy the world, we craft, we do pretty much everything that the "groupers" do (sorry, that sounds like that ugly ol' fish...heh) with some exceptions (raiding etc.).


You keep harping on how there are offline games for soloers. Faugh. Again, I have those and have played many, enjoyed them! I also enjoy MMOs but I don't need to be grouped to do so, usually. It's a fallacy that MMOs are about grouping. The acronym simply means that a lot of people can be online playing the same thing at the same time. HOW they do that, well that gets dictated by a game's devs.


This one provides for solo, groups, raid groups etc.


Good. :)

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The guild I'm currently in - they are really no fun to group with. All they ever do is talk about gear...


Most of the 50's just run groups with other guilds that just do HM's.


HM's is the only thing they want.


No body wants to group to just run around and do stuff, or normal FP's. If you suggest a normal FP they rage about "There's no point becuase there's not any LOOT!"


MMO's aren't even about being social any more... they are about the greed for loot.


I'm going to look for a more casual guild I think.

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Here's a theory:


In the early days of MMOs the only players were the people who sunk their whole lives into it.


Now that millions (tens of millions?) of people play MMOs, a lot of them play erratically or they have distrctions (like kids), so they can't commit to sitting down for 45 minutes with no distractions.


So it's not that fewer people want to group, it's that a smaller overall percentage of people want to group.



First off, I don’t ever want to go back to the days of $6 an hour to play, people played to the tune of hundreds of dollars a month


But everyone that did play, was invested in doing so, there was more constructive conversations with the developers and less whining, we all wanted the highest rewardes should be for well coordinated group efforts. I still do, so do most people.


But that was indeed a special time, the community was tighter, because there was nothing casual about $6 an hour to play, the player base was committed to the game, and to one another.

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i think OP is looking at this in a very black and white sort of way.


so, alot of ppl started playing MMOs around about 10 years ago. and alot of these ppl were in there late teens early 20s. now 10 years later we are early 30s. our lifes in general have gone though big changes in the last 10 years. (this is a huge generalisation but i think it would fit with alot of ppl in my age group) bigger family commitments, more work commitments, to sum it up, we just don't have time to spend 2 hours trying to get a group to do things, nor do we have the patience to bother with the childish arguments that occur when playing with strangers, ninja looters, elitist gear wardens and so on.


so why do we play MMOs then? because we have been playing them for 10 years. this is our genre. we feel comfortable playing them. the MMO is changing, its changing to meet the demands of current demographic that plays them. and i hate to tell you this but elitist and groupists are so year 2000. i been there done that, get with the times bro


**edit** i like to group. but i like to solo aswell.


Now quick, everyone tell him your age so that we can avoid discussing the point he's making. It worked last time.


I think there is a lot to this. Grandmthethird is right that the players that started playing MMO's in the first place have aged and now largely are looking for something different out of the games than they were ten years ago. Its not about hating groups or not knowing what a MMO is or any of that.


This wasn't a problem when MMO's started, because there weren't two (roughly) equal sized different age cohorts. The main cohort was college kids and then there were the outliers. Now that cohort is older, the new college kid (and younger) cohort has joined them, and there are still the outliers. Its a different landscape for developers than it used to be.

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


why do these posts come up? one doesnt need a group to pvp or progress in a persistent world, one does however need other people to gauge their performance with. there is no reason ever to group in an MMO, nowhere in MMO does it say "together" every meaningful act in an MMO can be done solo, you need other people to be social and fight against, but you dont need them to be in your group. im glad games are going away from the group scene as it is totally unnecessary and unwanted, if you want to be forced to group you can play DDO...

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


What i call "the counter-strike generation" have invaded our beloved MMO communities. Insults, unserious attitude and loads of slack has become standard.

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because there was nothing casual about $6 an hour to play, the player base was committed to the game, and to one another.


You're right about that. But that was also a different time, and we are no longer there.


The fact is things aren't the same as they were back then. MMO's are now mainstream entertainment, and as such they had to evolve and change to suit the customers desires.


Part of that means that a customer can play for an hour or so, with out needing to spend half or more of that time looking for a group.

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So you think the rules of football should change so that someone by themselves with no team, ( and no opposing team ) should also be able to win a super bowl ring


I disagree

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I have been noticing this a lot in SWTOR. I asked so many people to quest, or do heroic quests... quests they and I both have and most of the time they say no or dont even respond.


Leveling as a healer is more of a pain than with DPS specs imo so grouping often makes quests get done much quicker.



If I had my way MMOs would give a bonus to people who are groups while questing. Give them a little extra XP, or give them a more loot, or even dmg boost etc.


Questing for 5 hours all by myself is boring many times, but whenever I get to group up in those 5 hours, more quests get done for sure, and I the game is WAY more enjoyable.

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These are probably the same people that cry because they can't find a group.


Go figure.




Yup Cuase F standing spaming Genral dps lfg for X FP for 3 God damn hours :mad:


When I do get into agroup after spending all that time lfg If a tank or healer bails we are fooked n have to pop out n reset the FP to get a new tank or healer cuase who wants to help finish a FP.


Atm It is just too much work to put all that effort into trying to get into a group, I'd rather go do some missions, pvp , do some missions or go read a book.

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