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Why do so many in mmo's now hate grouping?


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The last time I grouped for a dungeon in EQ2 I was criticized because I had never done it before and I hadn't studied the strategies online so I wouldn't slow down their group :)


This. Bloody this.


In WOW I got hauled through Deadmines at a dead run. After it was all over somebody said they loved the pirate ship in the cave. I said, "What pirate ship?" I was so busy trying to keep up with people who'd done it a dozen times before that I saw nothing.


I finally went back and re ran it at level 35 so I could look around a bit.

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i don't understand why people ask this question. so far, in all the threads i have read with this question, it makes no difference what the solo playrs say, it is just not a good enough reason.


ii'll answer as ifyou did not ever read one. i solo because i like going at my own pace. i enjoy checking out the scenery. i like being able to stop the general questing and just going around killing things. i like not having to worry about wether or not it is inconveniencing others when i decide to go to the fleet (in the case of swtor) and just crafting my stuff and using the gtn, or leaving the comp and doing whatever rl thing that happens to come up.


i also like not having to deal with whichever obnoxious little twit is playing at the moment.

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Don't really enjoy grouping with pugs. I won't group with randoms unless a friend or someone I know vouches for them. It gets tiring having to carry someone along in a hardmode because they don't pull their weight. Nothing pisses me off more than someone that isn't up to snuff. Sorry if that sounds like I'm being an elitist, but I just can't stand having to put forth a far greater effort when I could avoid it by not grouping with pugs.


Not every pug out there does this, so I'm sorry that a select group of people has soured my opinion, but I can only take wiping so many times before I stick with people I know can get the job done.

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Argh pugs. Useless players; people who roll "need" on everything including the one item that drops for your healer char somehow keeping the team alive with this crappy set of players... :mad:


No thanks. More solo content needed - I think we're all well beyond wanting to play with randoms these days.

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Argh pugs. Useless players; people who roll "need" on everything including the one item that drops for your healer char somehow keeping the team alive with this crappy set of players... :mad:


No thanks. More solo content needed - I think we're all well beyond wanting to play with randoms these days.


I guess you never heard of master looter; just control who gets the loot that way, then the greedy people only get what is fair.

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greedy people


Whatever, the people are like this and that's enough to put me off grouping with the leeches.


Much rather solo a game and enjoy myself than help leeches advance.


More solo content needed - this is the future of MMOs.

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


The era where MMO players used to be new to MMOs is over; most people playing SWTOR have probably played quite a few other MMOs before - these people are probably too jaded from all the negative experiences they've had while grouping, and are growing tired of experiencing content with new players at a slower pace.


While I miss the times where players would group up even for the most soloable of quests, I think the trend is for players to become more isolated from each other nowadays; the way content is designed in most MMOs is such that it rewards you for hitting 50 earlier and doing end-game content.

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Grouping is only one part of an MMO. A more accurate term would be persistent online world.


Ever see those "What type of gamer are you" tests? People play MMO's for lots of different reasons. Some people are just explorers. They want to explore the world the devs created. Some people just like to craft, play the economy, etc.


I am primarily interested in PVP, exploring, crafting, and the story quests. I do occasional flashpoints but honestly I could care less about most grouping. Fighting AI in a PUG is just not fun to me. I don't enjoy the fools causing wipes nor the loot arguments. It's usually a boring and annoying time IMO.

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For me its because MMOs were more about community "back in the day", now its seems like people group to get their BIS item as quickly as possible, then move on.


I used to group a lot to defend player towns, or get my realms relics back. I loved doing it when Jou'nar invaded Trinsic, and when the BHs went after the Jedi.


Now its all about the individual, and it makes for a tremendous amount of spoiled people that i don't care to group with....


in my opinion.

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That's why you get a guild. This has nothing to do with people flat out not wanting to group.


Sure it does-if nearly all my experiences with others are negative, why would I subject myself to pugs in the vain hope of finding people who I could stand teaming with often enough to join a guild? And if you mean joining a guild that advertises in general chat or through blind invites then the result will be no different from the average pug horror story.

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Sure it does-if nearly all my experiences with others are negative, why would I subject myself to pugs in the vain hope of finding people who I could stand teaming with often enough to join a guild? And if you mean joining a guild that advertises in general chat or through blind invites then the result will be no different from the average pug horror story.


^^^^^ what he said.

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I, like many here prefer solo. I enjoy grouping, if I can find a good group. But that is so difficult. Like not too long ago I had some jerk curse me out because I didn't know the optimal way to run a FP I had never run before. It sours the whole experience.


I wish there was a casual play server, for people who want to play interesting but sub-optimal builds, and don't want to have to worry about people yelling at them to 'space thru' the dialogue. And where you didn't have to group and raid to get/afford decent end game equipment.

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There seems to be two main reasons that make people less inclined to group:


1. As most folks will tell you (mostly with bad grammar and a self-entitled insulting tone), WoW paved the way for casual players to feel powerful by making it easier to get that "phat lewt" without having to do group quests. Whether you think it is a mistake or not, devs seem to think that an MMO needs to be solo-able to be successful. Hopefully Bioware will find a happy balance between group and solo content, but I have a feeling that they don't mind that most people don't want to group in their game...until they start losing subs anyways.


2. MMO communities are THE WORST, and the bigger the MMO, the more a-holes will flock to it. The vocal majority in these games consist of the most hateful, unhappy, seflish fools on the internet. As a new player (or a player who is a bit intimidated by veterans), why would you group with people who condemn you for every mistake you make? Why would a person group with jerks when they can just play the game by themselves?


Bioware has their work cut out for them balancing this game, but if you want to make a more group-friendly community its up to us as players. Next time you're in a group with a tank who is obviously a noob, try to be helpful and explain his role in the group instead of lambasting him for his lack of skill. If you can get through the instance together you'll be sending out a better tank into the gaming world, thus making for a better community.

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I come home at the end of a stressful day and the LAST thing I feel like doing is grouping with people who might be jerks. So I play solo and enjoy the game. I do like the dynamic environment of a MMO and the economy, etc. But I haven't and won't ever see the inside of any group content.


I don't ask grouping people to play solo for my sake, however, I also don't ask that they mind solo people either.


I really think scalable flashpoints would make the entire group, solo thing mute.

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I loved lotro. Most of the main quest is solo. The problem comes when you are at a group required part. At times, it took all day to find a group. Sometimes I would just ask a higher level guild member to walk me through it, I just got that sick of waiting.


So my issue is not grouping. My issue is making it a requirement to further the game.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I can say that I am VERY picky about the guilds I join. I am too old for drama, and I don't care what some 13 year old boy thinks about some girl at school. I don't care to listen to some one rant about politics in vent. I don't care to spend my "leisure" time being inundated by the drama in other people's lives.


With that said, I have a wonderful small, mature, raid centric guild that I'm very pleased with right now. Took me only 3 months to find it.


As for grouping, the same thing. I have played less then 3 hours 'solo' in my 14 days of continuous game play (per /played, and that was a while ago!) My husband and I enjoy our "date nights" every night, and running content as a duo. We love inviting real life friends, and we love playing the game our way. We're actually very social, BUT....


I don't want to HAVE to group into a 16 person raid just to make a vambrace. I don't want to be forced to do X before I can do Y. What if I had no intention of raiding, and then am invited on a hard mode ops.... but have to decline because I am not geared up? It's the gating that is the problem.


I would be thrilled with a sliding scale system, where I could duo a flashpoint, and have a 1 in a million chance of a drop. It'd be EASIER to get the item in a full group raid, but I would still have the option of saying "screw you guys, you're annoying me today" and drag the poor mistreated man out to tank for me.


See, back in the 90s, we had "hard core" groups who just did things. Now, a "hard core" group requires me to commit to a game as if it were a second job. Since I already have 2 full time jobs, and a family to think about, I really don't want to make my HOBBY into something I dread.


It's the 'forcing players to" and "make players" and "have to" parts that people have problems with. Not the option, but the lack of options.


This ^^


The trend for solo play is the direct result of yesterdays gamers having grown up. We are less tolerant of others and wont be pigeon holed, contrary to some of the reason put up on the first page it has nothing to do with "instant gratification" or an unwillingness to share loot. It's simply a case of being to old to put up with pubeuscent adolesence and uni/college students, hence why we often dont join guilds or if we do takes us a long time to find the right one. For the record we've been playing MMO's before many of you were on solid food.

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


Blame world of warcraft imo they got spoilt with a auto grp finder after 8 years but still thats probably the cause ,so many people yell and scream at people in grps makes them not want to join them i suppose!


But my guild has plenty of people who grp just not with pugs lol

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