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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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1. The game tunnels you thru levels and forces your path instead of giving the player abilty to roam and explore..one of the most important aspects of players intrest in swtor was to explore the star wars universe. People hate the Maze and Overuse of Instances. There is No Free Roam Planets.


2. No player Housing or area to collect and store trophy's. The ship could be a player housing type system but they didnt put a system to put stuff in there and personalize..Mistake BW..Big One. They also could of used a lvl of fleet for Apts..or an

area of a planet around the missing social hubs.....


3. Social Aspect of an MMO is Missing from the game. There are no social hangouts in the game. The Fleet is the only place to meet other players pretty much. The Fleet is just a vendor hub and a ship docking area. It has no Music Stage or interactive music instruments to play, so no one dances..theres no dance floor..theres no games, no dual area, no jukebox that everyone can hear with actual decent music, no fun anything in fleet. Also the chat and channel system is just too crippled. You cant interact with anyone barely..You cannot bind emotes to hotkeys because of the absence of a basic macro system. Its too hard to RP using emotes and actions and such..they really dont promote and social activity except heroics and flashpoints, but even that is fail and let me tell you why...


4. No Dungeon Finder makes finding a group for heroics or flashpoints SUCK. Who likes waiting days to find a group. Especially if your on a ...


5. Dead or Low Population Servers. They made too many servers for expected sales, and didnt think they would lose such a massive amount of subscriptions. now at this point in the game they dont want to admit it, so they are avoiding addressing the problem. Pretty much resolving in players not having fun because they cant get a group together and pretty much have to play solo. Wich isnt MMO? Right? But Low Pop servers also cause


6. Hard to get crafted gear. The absence of an ORDER Request System pretty much makes someone playing on a low pop server have a really low chance to find someone to make the stuff they need. also...


7. Crafting also is a dissapointment for Crafter Type Players...they pretty much are left with a gimped system where they cant even craft there own stuff and thats what they like to do.. BW alienated the Crafter Type players using there crafting system. Its about half of what it needs to be.


8. Loot sucks..Who wants to invest tons of time playing a game that doesnt feel very epic or fun when you complete a flashpoint or heroic etc..and the gear feels pretty much the same with a diffrent skin..The variants of the graphics are many..but where is the imbued stuff with added procs..where is the diffrence other than a cpl of points? That is demoralizing..where is the special effects and glowy flashy epic gear? The first several tiers have NONE. Also there isnt much of a way to have anything unique. There isnt any rarity to anything but clicking a button and hoping your companion gets a purple once in a while...There are no rare spawns or nothing to camp. No excitement in loot or gear or items honestly...except the droids/pets...but they gimped that too..only one allowed at a time..


9. No Sense of Community...The Galactic Civil War Feel of Star Wars is Missing. Where are the PLAYER EVENTS? Why isnt there a galactic civil war breakout once in awhile flashing global messages to players to goto X to participate? Because there arent any player to player trades instead people use the marketplace. BW gimped the player community forums. No one wants to read thru other server's bussiness while trying find events or trade info. BW gives no incentive to use the server forum at all. The PVP community is the only interaction with other players. And on Low Pop Servers there is no equality or fairness to teams. The servers are really unbalanced as well, Some are 1 Republic to 6 Imperials. Republic is going to need a new class or 2 to change this...So no Dev In Game Events and also no Player In Game Events because they didnt give anything to do in this game except Quests...right? Makes me sad..really sad...


10. In Game Support lacks timely responce and care. I will however vouch for phone support was helpful and curteous. Although its been a couple weeks and still no resolution for the probelm. So there not timely either...Were sick to death of unhelpful responses. If your gonna charge a premium in the day and age of F2P MMO's then you need to adhere to a few things.

a. Provide Customer Service worth paying $15 a month for. Be helpful and fast. Dont respond with useless information.

b. Listen to the Player Base. We know what we want to play, and what were willing to pay for. When we say add social activity in to the game, do it. Dont put our first place issue last.


Bioware basically delivered a 1 player game with server access for multiplayer. But Not an MMO


Please Respond and vote what numbers you agree with, and discuss...I want to give Bioware a little insight and have a chance to fix the issues that are important to us!

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I leveled to 50 three times and maxed battlemaster gear on all... I unsubbed...to many bugs leveling up and end game is to easy and your at 100% beat within 2 months.

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Nope! Haven't been able to log in because of loading screen problems for 5 days now and their technical support through email is absolutely absurd! Please have a technical support department with the working knowledge of the game that is accessible to your paying subscribers. If I told my customers that I couldn't help them and to email someone else and wait 12-14 hours between responses I can guarantee you that they would no longer be my customer.


How long do you think an MMO gamer would stick around if they couldn't play for 6 days, no increase in subscription time offered and only 5 responses back in that time frame? You and I both know the answer to that!

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I had unsubbed last month, resubbed for another (currently account runs out again), cause i want to finish the very nice Agent Storyline (wich frankly, blows every other Storyline out of the water).


BW made a nice storyline game, but once you get 50, its the same old, cheap MMO - Content of "Hardmodes" and "Raiding" and "PvP-Grind". WoW, with a pseudo-StarWars paintjob.


The Stories were fun, but in the Endgame, the Story is not included.


Funnily, the whole Legacy-System ist just there, to promote yes ANOTHER playthough. It was fun, whilst it lasted, though, so i dont feel cheated. There is just zero reason to stay, once the class stories are done.


Proper RP support helps players to do their own content.. here its not at all supported, and outright rp-hostile (Sitting on all chairs, nooo, we never thought players want that...)


Sandboxing Elements like a customizable housing that makes players spend days hunting down items to decorate their housing as they want, or even determine the color of their clothes..... nope.


The story is great.. but underneath its a shallow mainstream MMO.

Edited by Kheldras
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Nope. Unsubbed, got 4 weeks left.

Was fun for about a month, but then the severe lack of variety and things to do kicked in.

Too many missing MMO features, too many bugs, too linear.

Might check back in 6-12 months though to see if they improved the game a lot by then.

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1. The game tunnels you thru levels and forces your path instead of giving the player abilty to roam and explore..one of the most important aspects of players intrest in swtor was to explore the star wars universe. People hate the Maze and Overuse of Instances. There is No Free Roam Planets.


2. No player Housing or area to collect and store trophy's. The ship could be a player housing type system but they didnt put a system to put stuff in there and personalize..Mistake BW..Big One. They also could of used a lvl of fleet for Apts..or an

area of a planet around the missing social hubs.....


3. Social Aspect of an MMO is Missing from the game. There are no social hangouts in the game. The Fleet is the only place to meet other players pretty much. The Fleet is just a vendor hub and a ship docking area. It has no Music Stage or interactive music instruments to play, so no one dances..theres no dance floor..theres no games, no dual area, no jukebox that everyone can hear with actual decent music, no fun anything in fleet. Also the chat and channel system is just too crippled. You cant interact with anyone barely..You cannot bind emotes to hotkeys because of the absence of a basic macro system. Its too hard to RP using emotes and actions and such..they really dont promote and social activity except heroics and flashpoints, but even that is fail and let me tell you why...


4. No Dungeon Finder makes finding a group for heroics or flashpoints SUCK. Who likes waiting days to find a group. Especially if your on a ...


5. Dead or Low Population Servers. They made too many servers for expected sales, and didnt think they would lose such a massive amount of subscriptions. now at this point in the game they dont want to admit it, so they are avoiding addressing the problem. Pretty much resolving in players not having fun because they cant get a group together and pretty much have to play solo. Wich isnt MMO? Right? But Low Pop servers also cause


6. Hard to get crafted gear. The absence of an ORDER Request System pretty much makes someone playing on a low pop server have a really low chance to find someone to make the stuff they need. also...


7. Crafting also is a dissapointment for Crafter Type Players...they pretty much are left with a gimped system where they cant even craft there own stuff and thats what they like to do.. BW alienated the Crafter Type players using there crafting system. Its about half of what it needs to be.


8. Loot sucks..Who wants to invest tons of time playing a game that doesnt feel very epic or fun when you complete a flashpoint or heroic etc..and the gear feels pretty much the same with a diffrent skin..The variants of the graphics are many..but where is the imbued stuff with added procs..where is the diffrence other than a cpl of points? That is demoralizing..where is the special effects and glowy flashy epic gear? The first several tiers have NONE. Also there isnt much of a way to have anything unique. There isnt any rarity to anything but clicking a button and hoping your companion gets a purple once in a while...There are no rare spawns or nothing to camp. No excitement in loot or gear or items honestly...except the droids/pets...but they gimped that too..only one allowed at a time..


9. No Sense of Community...The Galactic Civil War Feel of Star Wars is Missing. Where are the PLAYER EVENTS? Why isnt there a galactic civil war breakout once in awhile flashing global messages to players to goto X to participate? Because there arent any player to player trades instead people use the marketplace. BW gimped the player community forums. No one wants to read thru other server's bussiness while trying find events or trade info. BW gives no incentive to use the server forum at all. The PVP community is the only interaction with other players. And on Low Pop Servers there is no equality or fairness to teams. The servers are really unbalanced as well, Some are 1 Republic to 6 Imperials. Republic is going to need a new class or 2 to change this...So no Dev In Game Events and also no Player In Game Events because they didnt give anything to do in this game except Quests...right? Makes me sad..really sad...


10. In Game Support lacks timely responce and care. I will however vouch for phone support was helpful and curteous. Although its been a couple weeks and still no resolution for the probelm. So there not timely either...Were sick to death of unhelpful responses. If your gonna charge a premium in the day and age of F2P MMO's then you need to adhere to a few things.

a. Provide Customer Service worth paying $15 a month for. Be helpful and fast. Dont respond with useless information.

b. Listen to the Player Base. We know what we want to play, and what were willing to pay for. When we say add social activity in to the game, do it. Dont put our first place issue last.


Bioware basically delivered a 1 player game with server access for multiplayer. But Not an MMO


Please Respond and vote what numbers you agree with, and discuss...I want to give Bioware a little insight and have a chance to fix the issues that are important to us!

Some of the stuff is the cause of players. Some BioWare and some just don't exist. Like #3. There is a jukebox that you can select the music. Every planet has a cantina, you can duel anywhere except fleet, flashpoints and warzones. Just saying.

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3. Social Aspect of an MMO is Missing from the game. There are no social hangouts in the game. The Fleet is the only place to meet other players pretty much. The Fleet is just a vendor hub and a ship docking area. It has no Music Stage or interactive music instruments to play, so no one dances..theres no dance floor..theres no games, no dual area, no jukebox that everyone can hear with actual decent music, no fun anything in fleet. Also the chat and channel system is just too crippled. You cant interact with anyone barely..You cannot bind emotes to hotkeys because of the absence of a basic macro system. Its too hard to RP using emotes and actions and such..they really dont promote and social activity except heroics and flashpoints, but even that is fail and let me tell you why...


4. No Dungeon Finder makes finding a group for heroics or flashpoints SUCK. Who likes waiting days to find a group. Especially if your on a ...


5. Dead or Low Population Servers. They made too many servers for expected sales, and didnt think they would lose such a massive amount of subscriptions. now at this point in the game they dont want to admit it, so they are avoiding addressing the problem. Pretty much resolving in players not having fun because they cant get a group together and pretty much have to play solo. Wich isnt MMO? Right? But Low Pop servers also cause



9. No Sense of Community...The Galactic Civil War Feel of Star Wars is Missing. Where are the PLAYER EVENTS? Why isnt there a galactic civil war breakout once in awhile flashing global messages to players to goto X to participate? Because there arent any player to player trades instead people use the marketplace. BW gimped the player community forums. No one wants to read thru other server's bussiness while trying find events or trade info. BW gives no incentive to use the server forum at all. The PVP community is the only interaction with other players. And on Low Pop Servers there is no equality or fairness to teams. The servers are really unbalanced as well, Some are 1 Republic to 6 Imperials. Republic is going to need a new class or 2 to change this...So no Dev In Game Events and also no Player In Game Events because they didnt give anything to do in this game except Quests...right? Makes me sad..really sad...


10. In Game Support lacks timely responce and care. I will however vouch for phone support was helpful and curteous. Although its been a couple weeks and still no resolution for the probelm. So there not timely either...Were sick to death of unhelpful responses. If your gonna charge a premium in the day and age of F2P MMO's then you need to adhere to a few things.

a. Provide Customer Service worth paying $15 a month for. Be helpful and fast. Dont respond with useless information.

b. Listen to the Player Base. We know what we want to play, and what were willing to pay for. When we say add social activity in to the game, do it. Dont put our first place issue last.


Bioware basically delivered a 1 player game with server access for multiplayer. But Not an MMO


Please Respond and vote what numbers you agree with, and discuss...I want to give Bioware a little insight and have a chance to fix the issues that are important to us!


Preach it brother. I just unsubscribed. Leveling with my boyfriend was fine, I was healer he was tank, we could find groups okay usually. I moved servers to play with my Dad and bf lost internet, now I am bored out of my mind. I cant find a group, and since most of us are leveling we don't sit around the fleet to find a group.


Server group forums are fail, I don't want to have to drudge through 10 pages to find 3 ads for guilds on my server. I want to go to a SERVER discussion and find a group, friends, trash talk PvP, get to know who i play with etc.


I feel like i might as well be playing Skyrim, better graphics, expansive areas and single player....which is what i feel like SWTOR has is/become.


Also, i work in customer service and I am not one to complain about it but my god the 2 times I have had to contact them was a nightmare. Automated responses that made NO sense to my problem and both are still unresolved (I just gave up.) I still have an active ticket that has not been responded to even though I responded to their questions for more information...even though most of requested was already provided on the original ticket.


Bugs, I have gotten stuck so many times. SO many times. And what is really ridiculous is I have gotten stuck trying to get datacrons. I jump down somewhere I shouldn't and I get stuck in a rock? Annoying but totally my fault...I get stuck trying to get an item that you want us to find and i get stuck? I'm frustrated.


I could deal with the poor customer service, or the low population severs if I could find an active group to play with easily, if I could transfer to another server, if i could add my friends when they are logged off...etc etc etc. I am disappointed about this game and thus my need to give feedback prevailed, I have been through MMOs for years now but this is the first one I have actually left my feedback on. So long SWTOR /wave

Edited by Elsela
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Some of the stuff is the cause of players. Some BioWare and some just don't exist. Like #3. There is a jukebox that you can select the music. Every planet has a cantina, you can duel anywhere except fleet, flashpoints and warzones. Just saying.


Amen to that. Just preach it Brother. Preach it. You're speaking my language.


What they say in my generation: Word to your Father in Heaven. Word to God.

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Amen to that. Just preach it Brother. Preach it. You're speaking my language.


What they say in my generation: Word to your Father in Heaven. .


I agree with 3 and some parts. But you forgot making it wheelchair accessible and friendly so that. People who like 10 - 15 year stuck inside adults body. Kind of Like: The Movie Forest Gump. With so many adversities and personal issues. It's not funny.:(:(.


Like John Cena said on he's shirt: Raise Up The Hate.


We need to have those things in place. Fair play, love, understanding. Sympathy, caring and love. Nutshell have online in-game personal support for those who are having personal emotional problems. Or having a really tough time finding.

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I agree with 3 and some parts. But you forgot making it wheelchair accessible and friendly so that. People who like 10 - 15 year stuck inside adults body. Kind of Like: The Movie Forest Gump. With so many adversities and personal issues. It's not funny.:(:(.


Like John Cena said on he's shirt: Raise Up The Hate.


We need to have those things in place. Fair play, love, understanding. Sympathy, caring and love. Nutshell have online in-game personal support for those who are having personal emotional problems. Or having a really tough time finding.


Wait? You're a replying to your own post AND you're quoting John Cena as if he's some sort of fountain of wisdom?






Keep your delusions aka. faith out these message boards. Mmm'kay?

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Yah play the Sith side.


You'll get tired of it. Trust me.


lol yes...10 huttbal 1 voidstar...10 huttball 1 voidstar...7 huttball 1 alderaan....That is ok though...1.2 will change that. Be more variety when going up against your own faction :cool:

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lol yes...10 huttbal 1 voidstar...10 huttball 1 voidstar...7 huttball 1 alderaan....That is ok though...1.2 will change that. Be more variety when going up against your own faction :cool:


Problem is , I didn't sign up for an MMO which forces me to fight my own faction. How can you kill people that essentially are supposed to have the same common causes and goals?


It's stupid.


I want to PVP another faction, and play a game with some relevance, not just rack up points for loot in another grind to the top in a faction farm.



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Problem is , I didn't sign up for an MMO which forces me to fight my own faction. How can you kill people that essentially are supposed to have the same common causes and goals?


It's stupid.


I want to PVP another faction, and play a game with some relevance, not just rack up points for loot in another grind to the top in a faction farm.




Assuming you're talking from an RP-perspective with killing, the same-faction BGs are training excercises. I.e. imagine they're using a far more advanced version of paintball/laser tag.


Relevance in this matter is purely subjective, if you feel you're not killing your pixels in a sufficiently appreciable way I'm sorry for that *hands tissue*

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Problem is , I didn't sign up for an MMO which forces me to fight my own faction. How can you kill people that essentially are supposed to have the same common causes and goals?


It's stupid.


I want to PVP another faction, and play a game with some relevance, not just rack up points for loot in another grind to the top in a faction farm.




The empire fights itself all the time. It's in their nature, which is a shame. Less targets for the Republic.

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Assuming you're talking from an RP-perspective with killing, the same-faction BGs are training excercises. I.e. imagine they're using a far more advanced version of paintball/laser tag.


Relevance in this matter is purely subjective, if you feel you're not killing your pixels in a sufficiently appreciable way I'm sorry for that *hands tissue*


No the issue is that PVP become essentially pointless except as another loot grind.

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No the issue is that PVP become essentially pointless except as another loot grind.


Please expand on why are you playing pvp? Is it not to test your skills ( gear lulz) against others? Being able to rank against your own "kind" seems quite a nice feat to me, more people to "beat".

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Please expand on why are you playing pvp? Is it not to test your skills ( gear lulz) against others? Being able to rank against your own "kind" seems quite a nice feat to me, more people to "beat".

I play on a PVP server. I'm hoping some sort of territorial and open world PVP other than an Ilum valor farm is added to the game-- I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I do the BG's in order to be properly geared for open world PVP.


But Bg's eventually deteriorate into a gear issue and not a skill issue, especially in this day of PVP stats like expertise and what not. If you aren't geared in that stat you'll get mauled in PVP. Ask any new level 50 what its like to PVP until you gear up and you'll know what I mean.


Skill? That's essentially removed in a game where its about the BG grind, because of PVP stats being introduced. While its important, it's not nearly as important as having enough expertise in your gear. Not enough and you could get one shot. This will get worse as gear levels increase in the game.


Now if everyone was on the same playing field, where a gear drop in a raid was the same as PVP gear or the same as random world drop then things would be different.


It would be a level playing field again.

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No the issue is that PVP become essentially pointless except as another loot grind.


If you don't PvP to challenge yourself against other players, then it was pointless to begin with. We're not dealing with WoW here where you can't even compete without gear. Gear in TOR is not NEARLY as important. Nice, but not the determining factor in fights.


Skills? It's working pretty good now in PvP, and 1.2 is going to balance it even further. Are you playing a class that is currently over-performing? Sorry, but it happens. I'm playing a class that over-performing, and I can't wait until I'm brought back in line and actually see some challenge in PvP.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Wait? You're a replying to your own post AND you're quoting John Cena as if he's some sort of fountain of wisdom?






Keep your delusions aka. faith out these message boards. Mmm'kay?

Wisdom can come from the most unlikely of places sometimes. Take Calvin & Hobbes comic strip for example. One of the most profound statements has been made in that strip.

Life cannot be bad enough that it couldn't get any worse.


Just saying.



No the issue is that PVP become essentially pointless except as another loot grind.

I'm sorry I don't PvP for the gear. I get the gear so that I can PvP better. Getting all the best gear in PvP isn't the end of PvP for me... It's where the fun starts.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Wisdom can come from the most unlikely of places sometimes. Take Calvin & Hobbes comic strip for example. One of the most profound statements has been made in that strip.

Life cannot be bad enough that it couldn't get any worse.


Just saying.




I'm sorry I don't PvP for the gear. I get the gear so that I can PvP better. Getting all the best gear in PvP isn't the end of PvP for me... It's where the fun starts.


Is PVP better for it though?


I like to PVP for territory and influence, not loot. I'm old school like that. When SWTOR first came out there was all sorts of promises about viable open world PVP that have yet to be fulfilled.


In fact players are being reprimanded in some cases for open world PVP, even in warzones.


The fact that I can upgrade my gear through PVP is but a side note, yet most of the player base wants it that way.


Just an observation.

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