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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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After 2x 50s and a few mid 40s i can safetly say i'm done with swtor i feel no urge to login and play at all, even the legacy system won't do it for me at this time (the legacy system centers too much around your companions which are... useless at 50 for ops etc)


Perhaps i will be back in a few months or so, but for now i have left swtor and moved onto STO again which has had a lot of facelifting and content added to it.

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on the fence


I want this game to be good and intresting but some how it is not getting thier for me.


I will stay subbed until 1.2 launchs and see if anything changes how I feel about the game.


I am at best a very casual player I have only one 43 character and have been here since 12-21.


I have 0 intrest in PvP and looks like high end is nothing more then eternal hard mode flashpoints and a few Operations that have 3 modes, seems like end game is more missing then I thought when I 1st started playing.

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Yeah I'll stay. My sub runs out tomorrow but I'll activate the gametime card when it comes from Amazon. I'm slow at levelling and have been playing since 2nd Jan and only have level 47 jedi, level 5 bounty hunter and level 6 trooper. This game keeps me occupied for 2 hours or so per night.

Whoever is leaving.........can I have your stuff?

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Just cancelled.


With only a couple of people on any given planet, whats the point.


At this point, they'd have to merge 5 or 6 servers together to get any chance of a reasonable online, useful population. And that clearly ain't gonna happen.

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Subscription cancelled.


Why? This game is broken and should never have been released this year.


I'll say I'm a huge fan of Bioware games but, this, I cannot understand.


1) Classes are broken, everyone knows this - no one likes to admit it, everyone thinks everyone elses class is overpowered when it's really just an imbalance in skill bursting, cooldowns and/or skill activation.


2) Bugs are being not being repaired correctly, every time this game is patched - something else wigs out.


3) In-game support is shocking I refuse to believe three massive companies are unable to provide in-game support and fall back to using automated responses and bots. This to me is utterly disgusting for the amount of money people spend on MMO games. Bioware, EA and Lucasarts should be disgusted and ashamed of themselves in this regard.


This is small list of why I unsubscribed. I will not even play when this game is patched, I'm not angry, not raging - I'm utterly disappointed, this game could have been amazing. Instead we got an utterly crippled and broken system and I feel scammed.

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I have a 3 month subscription that ends in April and after a few days of testing 1.2 in PTS the answer is yes, definitively yes,

I may even change from 3 to 6 months sub.

Many of my concerns with this game have been addressed in 1.2

and with much more to come, this is a game that i hope to be playing for some time to come.


That said, i would very much like to see some server merges, population in some servers is ridiculously low even in prime time.

Edited by skepticck
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I'm not that impressed with the game play so far. But truth is, I've been a bioware fan for years now, and I've learned that Bioware doesn't know a thing about good gameplay. That said, I only came to this game for the same reason I do any other bioware game; story telling. I'll stay until I get I complete all 8 stories, get really bored, or D3 comes out, which ever comes first. But either way, I'll probably unsubcribe at one point or another; face reality people, bioware doesn't know how to make good game play.


The only thing that can keep me interested is if I can find a good RP group. I'm not really looking, but you usually find friends without trying right? (then again, unlike the rest of the community, I'm generally considered a likable person).


I am a little disappointed. I was hoping someone would come along and give me something better than wow but... wow. So many missing features. For shame bioware, for shame. You did what no amount of bad reviews could ever do. You convinced me not to buy mass effect 3. You deserve an achievement.

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my server is dying, need transfers or server merges. Last 3 weeks has seen a massive drop on my server. People must be unsubbing or re rolling on diff servers


I will be staying for some long while but a server merger is in order imo. Started off with WAY too many, allowing ppl to spread out too much.

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I'm not that impressed with the game play so far. But truth is, I've been a bioware fan for years now, and I've learned that Bioware doesn't know a thing about good gameplay. That said, I only came to this game for the same reason I do any other bioware game; story telling. I'll stay until I get I complete all 8 stories, get really bored, or D3 comes out, which ever comes first. But either way, I'll probably unsubcribe at one point or another; face reality people, bioware doesn't know how to make good game play.


The only thing that can keep me interested is if I can find a good RP group. I'm not really looking, but you usually find friends without trying right? (then again, unlike the rest of the community, I'm generally considered a likable person).


I am a little disappointed. I was hoping someone would come along and give me something better than wow but... wow. So many missing features. For shame bioware, for shame. You did what no amount of bad reviews could ever do. You convinced me not to buy mass effect 3. You deserve an achievement.


Well Said Well Said.


Same here. I'm not very happy with the game. People are really mean from sexual remarks to being invited to a guild.:(:(:(


I look at it from my point of view. And it's not disabled friendly. Where people don't really think about what they are saying. I know that when its late at night people say things that are really rude.


I've been told I was lying about being disabled. The people are really mean. I bought this game because I love star wars and you guys said it was good clean fun.


Another issue: The legacy skills. I see everyone else using it. But I can't. I would like to go back and change the legacy name to a different for my characters legacy.

Edited by MikeRindos
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I will be staying for some long while but a server merger is in order imo. Started off with WAY too many, allowing ppl to spread out too much.


Another well said. I was reading this post. I see he/she is not selling anything or doing anything illegal.


This is part 2: of my complaint. When I promote a website it's wrong. When someone else is doing it. It's alright.


I have research the Internet laws on Data Transfering and social networking. It clearly states that if and when a person says something like what I did. It can be taken out of context. But still no company wants to enforce the internet law. Even Anti-Cyberbullying laws. Including, Cyber harassment too.

"They would be branded as a oppressor. The Anti-Cyberbullying laws should be enforced on the game. If a person is disabled talk to the person via cell phone or home phone. Number can't be giving here. Too people here."


Because it's gotten abusive.

Example: Go check my chats with individuals that I had on Anturi Reach Republic. You'll see a player named Android Tor telling people to ignore me and saying lots of nasty things about me. He's on Silent Order and Atlas on Silent Order.



Believe me I've seen lots of people being abused on here. Go ahead and ask players I've chatted that with me. From being called a troller - spammer. To lying about being disabled.


Since the games you made were in facted MMOs. They are subject to the Internet Laws and Anti-Cyber Bullying Laws. You don't enforce the anti-cyberbullying laws. <----Repeating it again.

Edited by MikeRindos
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I have a 3 month subscription that ends in April and after a few days of testing 1.2 in PTS the answer is yes, definitively yes,

I may even change from 3 to 6 months sub.

Many of my concerns with this game have been addressed in 1.2

and with much more to come, this is a game that i hope to be playing for some time to come.


That said, i would very much like to see some server merges, population in some servers is ridiculously low even in prime time.


100% agreed. There's a few things I'd 'like' to see changed, but they are by no means deal breakers for me. My time spent on PTS with patch 1.2 is fresh air in a coal mine to me.


I agree on populations though

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Still loving the game, my server is very alive, both my guilds are still playing and im still having fun, gonna mess about with the legacy when it comes out and see how the neutral gtn works out with them being on ships.


So im defo staying here for the forseable future. And loving reading the forums daily about the peeps who are quiting and have been since beta but go figure still here arnt they, but its like if they dont have something to complain about that they feel that there life isnt worth living.


Just look on these very forums about people complaining about fix's being put in about stuff the complained about originally. Its like they scream i hate this wall being black paint it white, ok they paint it white and then they go thats the wrong shade of white paint it black. lol

Edited by Shingara
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No. Mediocre game is dying. It isn't fun anymore.


I am at the point that I have fully given up on this game, the direction that this game continues to travel is proof enough to me that the developers have no idea what they are doing.


I never thought I would say this but I hope that it dies off, not out of hate but so that we can get a more competent developer to develop a better Star Wars MMO. The reason that this would have to die is because LucasArts won't let there be two Star Wars MMO's at once, of course who is to say that they won't ever make another Star Wars MMO?


Stupid 3 month sub is taking forever to expire, I unsubbed at the beginning of Feb after not playing towards the last two weeks of Jan, still haven't played since then. Almost did when I read about the white crystal but then I said to myself they would charge you a million creds for it and what do you know, I was right (more like 2 million).

Edited by Tuscad
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Right now I'm leaning towards "no", which is really sad for me because I really want this game to succeed.


The problem I ran into is one that has been mentioned by many people who are way more eloquent then I am: I finished the storyline for my main character and there is little to do (for the kind of player I am) because I can't wait for an hour trying to get a group together for flashpoints.


I'm trying the alternative of leveling alts, but not only is that a stop-gap measure, but as I level I run into the same problem if I want to run those through a flashpoint. Plus, as much as I loved all the other Bioware games, I haven't found the storylines in SWTOR to be on par with their past endeavors as a whole.


I think I'll stick around to see patch 1.2, but after that I'll likely quit for a few years to give them time to add content and flesh out the game some more (I just tried to do "defend the shipment" daily on Illum today, and it's still bugged! Holy s**t, seriously?).

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No, i already unsubbed and have 7 days left. I haven't played in two weeks.


I like the game, and want to love it. But for a casual player, there are alot of bugs that i am seeing that really detract from the game, ie resource nodes not minable, or not despawning, a bunch of quests that i can not abandon, etc. It just seems like a beta product. Plus the classes are not really tuned right. Commando is a wrecking ball, but my sith warrior I can barely take down mobs. (You are doing it wrong, you say. I say, how the heck would I know since there are no measurable statistics on how much damage I am doing over a period of time?)


Crafting is all over the place, i nearly maxed out armorcraft only to learn that it's pretty much useless and i really need cybercraft (or whatever) to make mods. Most of my gear is orange at this pt (level 36).


I really want to love the lightsaber classes, but the dps is so slow. I just can't play like that. I need a game that flows a little faster. Plus the endless walking. It's cool at first, but after several characters, you realize you are spending half of your game time just getting somewhere. That's not fun.


Plus the UI sucks, everyone knows that. It's not customizable whereas WoW and Rift's are (and they have free to 20 plus scroll of resurrection).


Plus no addons, that really kills it for me. Lack of customization means i have to put up with the crappy bioware UI forever. No.


Plus LFG, the other two major games have it, this doesn't, I haven't even seen a single flashpoint in this game. I have very little time to play any more (married w kid), I do not have time to sit in fleet all night begging for a group. I just don't.


Plus the GTN, I used to be an auction house junkie, but the interface is horrible, I can't stand it. That's a huge chunk of a MMO that I will not be able to enjoy whereas I have before in WoW.


I'm currently playing WoW a little bit and plan to resub to Rift when my 7 days in WoW is over. Rift has done amazing work in a year.


I'll come back to TOR if they ever clean up the product. Right now really feels like beta.


Everything your complaining about is being fixed odd. The LFG I could personally live without, but is a good tool for players who hate guilds.

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I cancelled my sub a few minutes ago (24 days remaining on it though).


I'm sure a lot of my gripes with the game will get fixed down the line and that's the thing, it's down the line. Why am I going to continue paying for the game when I don't get much enjoyment out of it now? I felt the same way with Rift when that game came out and stuck with it for two months and gave up on that one. I checked back with it two days ago and the game has vastly improved so I decided to spend my time and money on that one. I'll do what I did with that game and come back next year when everything gets smoothed out and try it again.

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I have no plans to renew and that mostly comes down to the absurd attitude towards any of the non-US countries in relation to server shut downs and release schedule.


Made to wait for official release. (Australia)

Maintenance in prime time. (Expected to pay just as much as elsewhere)

Emergency Shutdowns in prime time.

Not offered CE.

Etc, etc..

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I'm giving it one more month. With the attitude that 1.2 needs to blow my socks off with how great it is or I won't continue the sub. But then again a good guild can keep you going even if game play stagnates temporarily.


I've read the notes for 1.2 and I doubt that will be the case.


I had hoped that Bioware would have broken with the Grind-Rinse-Repeat model and its not the case. Not only is that not the case swtor seems to embrace it with zeal. Its a shame because there are some really fantastic innovations in this game in certain areas. while others are simply clones of WOW.

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