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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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We might even see something like that in PvE, a move away from grinding gear for stats to grinding gear for appearance, which would be great so long as the content was fun enough to support this.


Which is exactly the point i was making. Most MMOs do not have content which is fun enough to make players play it infinitely without the increase in gear they will gain from doing it.


So you just confirmed my original point.


If something is fun, players will do it for no reward. If you have to reward players for doing something its because you and they know it is not fun. Make the content fun first and foremost and then rewards will be boosts, not the entire purpose of doing content.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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hey smart guy.


The reward is getting better ratings. Progressing your personal rating, or team rating, with your teammates fighting equally skilled opponents is the reward. Is the progression. Were you honestly counting on fighting premades of undergeared people because you are valor 70 or 80 and would have access to tiers of pvp gear above everyone else thus giving you an advantage you require to beat opponents?


What you are crying about is not being able to just grind warzones endlessly so you get to a valor rank higher than fresh 50's. Thus making you unable to kill people.


If you were actually good at this game, then you wouldn't care. You would be thinking "man, i can't wait to get on my ranked warzone team, show off my skills and get high ratings by being better than my opponents." not: "i'm quitting because everyone can get the same gear as me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


ranked warzones are not about the gear. It's about the competition. Good players know this.



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The point is you put time into a game to get the best gear, titles, and so forth whats the point of playing if i can just get the same **** the best players get without the effort? No incentive for REAL gamers.... all you noob asses go ahead and pay im out.
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The point is you put time into a game to get the best gear, titles, and so forth whats the point of playing if i can just get the same **** the best players get without the effort? No incentive for REAL gamers.... all you noob asses go ahead and pay im out.


and thats why u fail

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Hardcore pvpers "Gear doesn't make you better, it's all skills."


BW puts out patch where hardcores don't have better gear.


Hardcores "OMG how can I winz now!?!?!"


Let them put out a patch where hardcore pve'ers don't have better gear. Hardcore pve'ers "OMG how can I raidz now!?!?!" See how it works both ways. Take away pve gear progression and just make raiding entirely based on skill, cause if your not raiding just for fun then your doing it wrong. See how much sense your logic makes?

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im still wondering why any so called " top pvp guilds " would even play this game for pvp.


Because there are no good games with open world pvp so we might as well get the best instanced pvp possible which happens to bne skill-based as opposed to gear based.


Maybe there will be an mmo with good open world in the near future, but until then pvpers are kind of limited right now.

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Thing is, top level PvPers shouldn't need a stat boost. All this patch is doing is putting everyone on equal footing in the gear department (though the hardcore will no doubt gear up faster) and rewarding the best PvPers with different looking gear and titles and such.


We might even see something like that in PvE, a move away from grinding gear for stats to grinding gear for appearance, which would be great so long as the content was fun enough to support this.


Here we go again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again



Can you not read previous posts or use your eyes to look at the vendors ? The stats between cet and BM gear is not a huge amount. Champion gear is an utter joke to attain. The difference is hardly notable at all. Unless you are a fresh 50 you are simply being out played. If you have Cet/champ gear and still lose to BM maybe you should consider playing better or making a premade of your own.


It's honestly astonishing I ask for a slight stat boost in gear 50 expertise for a full set like the current system and terrible players come on here saying they are losing because of BM gear. This we should remove gear progression. Read my previous example would you be in favor of hardmode flash points dropping the same gear as a nightmare raid ? If not you should probably slap yourself in the face and take a look at what you're saying.

Edited by Ainew
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Here we go again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again



Can you not read previous posts or use your eyes to look at the vendors ? The stats between cet and BM gear is not a huge amount. Champion gear is an utter joke to attain. The difference is hardly notable at all. Unless you are a fresh 50 you are simply being out played. If you have Cet/champ gear and still lose to BM maybe you should consider playing better or making a premade of your own.


It's honestly astonishing I ask for a slight stat boost in gear 50 expertise for a full set like the current system and terrible players come on here saying they are losing because of BM gear. This we should remove gear progression. Read my previous example would you be in favor of hardmode flash points dropping the same gear as a nightmare raid ? If not you should probably slap yourself in the face and take a look at what you're saying.


it has nothing to do with the difference that exists. Its about the concept of upping stats every few months being a stupid way of doing things. Because the more tiers you have the more new players are separated from the top tier and how the more stats you add the more damage it does to game balance because they start breaking equations.


On the flip side why do you have to have the damn stats? You want progression, vanity items and having a higher rank in the rated system. If thats not good enough then you just need an advanatage don't you, that right there shows the flaw.

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to all the people saying that you don't need Rewards to PvP that's Fine. I say you don't need rewards to PvE either. So Bio-ware should remove all loot from Operations and flash points and make it buyable for creds and let people do the instances for the challenge only. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


lol this.



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Another person who gets it.


This is reminding me of what SWG went out and let EVERYONE become a jedi so easily..which essentially led to the demise of the game.


This isn't quite As drastic, but I agree. And remember Jedi weren't invincible even though they were hard to unlock. I think high ranking players should have either very slight bonuses or aesthetic differences, so that fresh 50's can win with organization and skill, but experienced players have some clear and present incentive.

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Let them put out a patch where hardcore pve'ers don't have better gear. Hardcore pve'ers "OMG how can I raidz now!?!?!" See how it works both ways. Take away pve gear progression and just make raiding entirely based on skill, cause if your not raiding just for fun then your doing it wrong. See how much sense your logic makes?


hahaha +1000 to mate.

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if the top PVPers are so good, they should have no problems defeating a team of "clickers" with the same tier gear.


I find it humorous how clicking anything with your mouse all of a sudden, apparently, makes someone bad at PvP. That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

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you should probably slap yourself in the face and take a look at what you're saying.


Back at you for not comprehending that PvE, IE: PLAYER VS ENVIRONMENT (AI, mobs, non-competitive against other players) is vastly different from PLAYER VS PLAYER IE: You're competing against other PLAYERS. They are two completely seperate gamestyles and need to follow seperate rules. When a player is competing against another player the most level and fair playing field is the only way to have a successful game.


Care to play chess with me? Only you get 4 pawns, and have to earn other pieces through multiple wins. I on the other hand will start with a full piece count and a spare queen. This will also be ranked with prizes going to the winner. Sound good?

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Dont get me wrong, i love this game, and i have real fun pvping, but whats the point of rated if you just play with your friends to have fun?t




This is not rocket surgery. And besides, there will be plenty of character customization options coming down the pike, from what I gather.


No, you are not going to get a chestplate with a sign on it that says "L337 PWNZ0R."

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Anyone who quits the game over this "problem" with gear is better to have gone anyway.


If you are not satisfied with vanity rewards, too bad, BW is making it right. If only they used same thing for PvE it would be marvelous.


Skill >>>> gear. Deal with it.

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Back at you for not comprehending that PvE, IE: PLAYER VS ENVIRONMENT (AI, mobs, non-competitive against other players) is vastly different from PLAYER VS PLAYER IE: You're competing against other PLAYERS. They are two completely seperate gamestyles and need to follow seperate rules. When a player is competing against another player the most level and fair playing field is the only way to have a successful game.


Care to play chess with me? Only you get 4 pawns, and have to earn other pieces through multiple wins. I on the other hand will start with a full piece count and a spare queen. This will also be ranked with prizes going to the winner. Sound good?


Your chess is silly the gear difference won't be that big. More tiers of pvp gear can be easily fixed by adding new champion gear that's closer and attained the same way. People play competitive pve are you IMPLYING PEOPLE DON'T PLAY PVE JUST TO PVE WAHHHHHHT ? Its honestly hilarious how ignorant a majority of the swtor pvp base is :rolleyes:





The playing field is fair once again you choose to ignore the fact that the difference in champion and battlemaster gear is miniscule.

Edited by Ainew
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