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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Just a tought from my side. Me and my guildis have done all raids on nightmare, we all have full rakata, and full BM. The last 2-3 weeks we all have been offline cause there nothing more to do. What do you think will happen when 1.2 come and there isnt more to work for, cause we all are competive pvpers. And our main tought was to focus pvp in 1.2 and become one of servers best pvp guild, but all my guildis said, if there is no high rated gear to work for, whats the point?



Edited by carbocat
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So you're saying warzones need to be competitive, but people should not be playing competitively.


Also, people who are prepared for PvP are geeks.


I can't tell if you're being serious. This has to be trolling.


His point way people that play extreme amounts of time and get, or expect, better stats for that time played so they can have an advantage over people that don't play as often.


That is not being competitive. Competitive is not having an advantage and seeing if you can beat another player with your skill.

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What do you think will happen when 1.2 come and there isnt more to work for, cause we all are competive pvpers


If you're "competitive pvpers", you will continue to do rated warzones for the competition, to show that you're the best. And if not, then you're lying and you're really not competitive at all.

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If you're "competitive pvpers", you will continue to do rated warzones for the competition, to show that you're the best. And if not, then you're lying and you're really not competitive at all.


do competive PvP with 4 man? are you seriouse? when all guildis got BM just so we could start with 8 man premade. bad troll -10'



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let the scrubs quit. they dont like the fact they wont be able to faceroll new 50's with 2 abilitys anymore and will actualy have to put effort into pvp to win.


This is exactly what people said about World PvP back in the old beta forums.




Now there is absolutely zero PvP'ing outside of warzones, since all of the 50s hang out on their respective fleets and are too lazy to protect their lowbies on other planets. And as it stands there is absolutely zero value in PvP'ing within warzones.


This is by far the worst community I have ever been associated with.

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His point way people that play extreme amounts of time and get, or expect, better stats for that time played so they can have an advantage over people that don't play as often.


That is not being competitive. Competitive is not having an advantage and seeing if you can beat another player with your skill.



The reward for PvP as it stands, is gear. This is how SWTOR works. The operating thought process is simply, "I PvP more than you, and so therefore I should be rewarded and my progression should be shown." This is how SWTOR has conditioned it's players to think.


The easiest thing for the developers to do, make us fight for better gear. It's too easy, and that's why developers do it. Implementing items with stats to be earned is far easier than implementing a creative system by which whole factions can participate. Gear based rewards are given on an individual level and are far easier for developers to manage.

There needs to be a reward system in place, because PvP for the sake of PvP died years ago. PvP'ers want something to fight for.


I would be glad to give up a gear based reward structure if we could be given something, anything, tangible in return. Give us system that rewards the winning faction or team as a whole.


This is a case of Bioware being lazy and the PvP community suffers for it.


Whatever, Guild Wars 2.

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Yes, it is. Sorry to shatter the little world you live in.


There are hundreds of servers, count them up, most are not pvp. Monitoring the populations across them, the pvp servers are generally lower compared to the pve and rp servers. Pvp is a minority, and a dying one at that.


Also, just because the 'majority' of a few thousand forum ranters are dedicated pvp players, does not mean the million+ other players are also dedicated pvp. There is a lot to do in the game outside the mini-game that is warzones. Bioware themselves even said that only nearly half even tried playing warzones. Of that nearly half, I'm pretty sure not all of them are dedicated to pvp players. Regardless, nearly half != majority.


Lastly, its only the hard core pvp players that seem to care enough to make such a ruckus on the forums. Imagine what would happen it all the roleplayers, all the pve players, and casual players came to the forums to give their side? Well, needless to say, the servers would die from the load. It can barely keep up with the ranting nonsense of pvp players.


Of course, none of this will sink in and I do not know why I am bothering. The delusional never listen to logic and reason.



Get off your high horse. Bioware just finished telling us MORE THAN 50% of the SWTOR playerbase PvPs every day.

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This is exactly what people said about World PvP back in the old beta forums.




Now there is absolutely zero PvP'ing outside of warzones, since all of the 50s hang out on their respective fleets and are too lazy to protect their lowbies on other planets. And as it stands there is absolutely zero value in PvP'ing within warzones.


This is by far the worst community I have ever been associated with.


That is because there is NO community mate , here it is each on it own , people dont care about what others think if they will leave ,stay, ruin other peoples game.


Nops all that matters is how the I can take the most I can.


Even if it means ruining the game to everyone else it does not matter. Only the I matter.


People only band together while it benefits them , otherwise it is each man for himself.

Edited by rzrknight
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Just a tought from my side. Me and my guildis have done all raids on nightmare, we all have full rakata, and full BM. The last 2-3 weeks we all have been offline cause there nothing more to do. What do you think will happen when 1.2 come and there isnt more to work for, cause we all are competive pvpers. And our main tought was to focus pvp in 1.2 and become one of servers best pvp guild, but all my guildis said, if there is no high rated gear to work for, whats the point?




Assuming ranked matches work right, there is your goal system. Being the best you can.


That simple.

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The reward for PvP as it stands, is gear. This is how SWTOR works. The operating thought process is simply, "I PvP more than you, and so therefore I should be rewarded and my progression should be shown." This is how SWTOR has conditioned it's players to think.


The easiest thing for the developers to do, make us fight for better gear. It's too easy, and that's why developers do it. Implementing items with stats to be earned is far easier than implementing a creative system by which whole factions can participate. Gear based rewards are given on an individual level and are far easier for developers to manage.

There needs to be a reward system in place, because PvP for the sake of PvP died years ago. PvP'ers want something to fight for.


I would be glad to give up a gear based reward structure if we could be given something, anything, tangible in return. Give us system that rewards the winning faction or team as a whole.


This is a case of Bioware being lazy and the PvP community suffers for it.


Whatever, Guild Wars 2.


I totally agree that's what BW has made, and its terrible.


As for a 'tangible' progression system. If vanity items aren't tangible enough then the only thing you're going to like is stat based progression. But for me, a vanity system is the way to go and I would be more then happy to have gear not play any role in who wins or loses.

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I'd also like to report some news since we don't need any facts to support it.


1.) Ciggaretts are good for you.

2.) The earth is in fact flat like we initially assumed.

3.) Unicorn related deaths rose 213% in the month of February.

4.) Reptile people are in control of the Isrealy government.

5.) Bigfoot is real. He is going to be on the View in April.

6.) I have a 13 inch *****.

7.) Mars not only has life, it has women with three *******.

8.) The tsunami in japan was in fact Godzilla.

9.) Star wars the mmo is doomed.

10.) JFK was assassinated by the Grape Ape.

11.) Battle Los Angeles was a documentary.

12.) WWII was staged to remove a peaceful humanitarian from power in Germany.

13.) God is not only real, he is a woman, and she loves people who read her book and hang out at her house one day a week.

14.) The moon landing was fake. We can't go to the moon. It is already inhabited by giant robots.

15.) Megan Fox is a man.

16.) Dinosaur bones are merely a test of faith, they never lived.

17.) Guild Wars 2 is the best mmo ever.

18.) Titan is the best mmo ever.

19.) Secret World is the best mmo ever.

20.) All pvp guilds are quitting because one cry baby on the forums says so.


More made up **** masqurading as facts at 11.


Lol. Made my day.

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I don't get this, when did everyone began needing rewards for doing something that should be fun? I am rank 45 and won't get any new upgrades in BF3 but I sure as hell keep playing that game (when battlelog permits...) because it is fun. If you feel the need to be rewarded for playing a game then don't play it as you obviously don't think it is fun enough, seriously. This is something that MMOs in general are plagued by (the endless carrot on the stick) as the games never are fun enough to just jump in an play for fun, you always need to have a grind set out for you. Bleh.
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to all the people saying that you don't need Rewards to PvP that's Fine. I say you don't need rewards to PvE either. So Bio-ware should remove all loot from Operations and flash points and make it buyable for creds and let people do the instances for the challenge only. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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This is something that MMOs in general are plagued by (the endless carrot on the stick) as the games never are fun enough to just jump in an play for fun, you always need to have a grind set out for you. Bleh.


Yep, this is the main problem with modern MMOs. They trade fun for grind far too often and its something i had hoped this game would actually begin to end.


Not the case so far.

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Yep, this is the main problem with modern MMOs. They trade fun for grind far too often and its something i had hoped this game would actually begin to end.


Not the case so far.


fun\=\Being handed virtual items that "take no skill to get" But you still don't have :rolleyes:

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to all the people saying that you don't need Rewards to PvP that's Fine. I say you don't need rewards to PvE either. So Bio-ware should remove all loot from Operations and flash points and make it buyable for creds and let people do the instances for the challenge only. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


^^this....why can people not fathom that pvp & pve are seperate systems and since launch we were told that we could progress through the game using the pvp system. Why are pvp'ers always treated as second class citizens? If these changes occur I will post daily on the hm/ops forums until I get rakata gear made available for credits. If people don't have to put their time in to pvp competitively end game then I shouldn't have to put my time in to run end game pve content.

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I have my 2nd 50 to BM and that was done against established 50s in the new bracket on a PvP server.


What was i "handed"?


Battlemaster doesn't make you good or mean you understand that gear progression from high ratings is something a lot of players want.Considering the state of world pvp every server is pve,so I don't really understand why people would say that like it matters.



I also like that you assume I'm talking directly about you being handed things. I mean we don't need to have top level gear handed to people. I would be fine with a slight stat boost like we have now. Promoting what they plan to do is only going to make things worse. If I had to make a suggestion it would be to add augment slots to the pvp gear you get from the higher rating.

Edited by Ainew
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Battlemaster doesn't make you good or mean you understand that gear progression from high ratings is something a lot of players want.Considering the state of world pvp every server is pve,so I don't really understand why people would say that like it matters.



I also like that you assume I'm talking directly about you being handed things. I mean we don't need to have top level gear handed to people. I would be fine with a slight stat boost like we have now.


Thing is, top level PvPers shouldn't need a stat boost. All this patch is doing is putting everyone on equal footing in the gear department (though the hardcore will no doubt gear up faster) and rewarding the best PvPers with different looking gear and titles and such.


We might even see something like that in PvE, a move away from grinding gear for stats to grinding gear for appearance, which would be great so long as the content was fun enough to support this.

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