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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Gear should be properly earnt, not spoon fed to some retarrrded scrub with absolute no skill on how to play against somebody other than the computer.


How people can't understand this issue is absurd? Ok so you PVE? good for you? but that doesn't mean I roll one dungeon, and get the item I want does it? no I have to do it again and again and again? earn it right? please your arguements are flawed you PVE scrubs. We want to earn our gear just like the PVE raiders do, in a proper manner. Unless of course, Gharj drops everyone the item they want first time round?


I hope you freaking understand me, if you can't see the problem, your the problem for not addressing this issue.


Let me break it down for you PVE trolls who dont care for real PvP,


You play hard, learn hard, use your skill, and earn your gear. Person with the better gear, well yes he earnt it because hes better than you. this is not a communist game were everybodies equal, I want competition. not some spoon fed baby with UBER GEAR let me play somebody that has earnt his place.


It is funny how you don't understand that you are beeing spoon fed if you are allowed to get better gear than others .


The game that every pvp'r is dying to play is Guild Wars 2.

Do you know that there is no gear in pvp? All you win is cooler gear.

No one has a stat advantage.


But i guess the WoW generation wants to be spoon fed their rating by having better gear and playing fotm setups so they can feel better about themselves and so they can think they are good players.

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Either a game is intestesting and fun enough to be worth playing without rewards, (eg countstrike back on the day). Or a game motivates players to repeat less interesting content by giving them goals to work towards, (eg WoW and other mmos).



TBH the most fun I had in an online game was the origional Quake Team Fortress. Yes it was FPS. BUT it was team based play that required alot of skill. Either team had the exact same class builds. The only goal was to use strategy and teamwork to beat the enemy team.


This game is basically the same. Honestly for the most part classes are mirrors of each other. For those who fail at reading I will repeat: FOR THE MOST PART.


The only difference is the gear and the WoW mindset.


I do enjoy working towards something and reaping the rewards. Going back to Quake TF...those rewards were setting up a clan match and having those intense battles...only to come out victorious. No gear. No title. Just bragging rights you can throw at the next contender.


SWTOR is a blast to play...and I like the changes coming up. Even with me earning BM pre-ilum zerg.

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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It is funny how you don't understand that you are beeing spoon fed if you are allowed to get better gear than others .


Well if it's good enough for the PvP crowd, the same should be done with PvE. "Hardmodes" aren't all that hard when some people are allowed to show up in better gear then others. Everyone, regardless of PvP or PvE should thus be forced to wear the same gear.


Why even give people gear right? Or have levels? Maybe we should start the game at level 50, everyone in the exact same items. It would be super "balanced", that's for sure.

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Gear should be properly earnt, not spoon fed to some retarrrded scrub with absolute no skill on how to play against somebody other than the computer.


How people can't understand this issue is absurd? Ok so you PVE? good for you? but that doesn't mean I roll one dungeon, and get the item I want does it? no I have to do it again and again and again? earn it right? please your arguements are flawed you PVE scrubs. We want to earn our gear just like the PVE raiders do, in a proper manner. Unless of course, Gharj drops everyone the item they want first time round?


I hope you freaking understand me, if you can't see the problem, your the problem for not addressing this issue.


Let me break it down for you PVE trolls who dont care for real PvP,


You play hard, learn hard, use your skill, and earn your gear. Person with the better gear, well yes he earnt it because hes better than you. this is not a communist game were everybodies equal, I want competition. not some spoon fed baby with UBER GEAR let me play somebody that has earnt his place.


That statement I highlighted in red is a false assumption that the rest of your post is based on.


The guys with good PvP gear are NOT the best players, they are simply the players who have been grinding the longest.


If you take a guy in full Battlemaster gear and put him back in the blues/greens he was wearing when he ding'ed 50, the guy wouldn't still be the best player in PvP land; he'd just be one more fresh 50 getting rolled by the guys who had ground up gear.


PvP should be about competition against humans rather than gear. I want to win half of my PvP matches and loose half. I want it to be a fight for every win. I never want a match to consist of one team completely steamrolling the other team, regardless of which side of that I'm on. I want to see huttball scores of 3-2 instead of 5-0.


If BioWare can come up with a way of matching players based on gear & skill in order to get some even games, I'm all for it.

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Hey smart guy.


The reward is GETTING BETTER RATINGS. Progressing your personal RATING, or TEAM RATING, with your teammates fighting EQUALLY SKILLED opponents is the reward. Is the progression. Were you honestly counting on fighting premades of undergeared people because you are valor 70 or 80 and would have access to tiers of pvp gear above everyone else thus giving you an advantage you require to beat opponents?


What you are crying about is not being able to just grind warzones endlessly so you get to a valor rank higher than fresh 50's. Thus making you unable to kill people.


If you were ACTUALLY good at this game, then you wouldn't care. You would be thinking "Man, I can't wait to get on my ranked warzone team, show off my skills and get high ratings by being better than my opponents." Not: "I'm quitting because everyone can get the same gear as me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Ranked Warzones are not about the gear. It's about the competition. Good players know this.




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I most say Im actually looking forward to that in ever pvp game it becomes about who are the better gear rather then who is more skilled. Of course this isn't always the case but if the system is in place to make that so then it can be discouraging to some people. I hated every new season in wow meant another gear grind through the same old bgs/arenas. Rated wzs will mean something, I dont know aobut you but I can say pvping the last few months has been fun for me Im all for cross server ques but I will miss the good old match ups vs fellow emps/pubs from my server.
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Ihazcrayon I couldnt agree more quake tf was amazing out thinking your opponents and using only what was given to defeat them.


Also another poster above finding a way to que people against certian rank/rating/whatever I think would be a good idea but you would have to be over a few seasons otherwise the higher rated teams would get bored fairly quickly. This was an idea I think the wow arena system could have implemented much like the league back in the day cal/cal-o/cal-p and so on. Once youve reached and maintained a certain rating then you should no longer face the poor little nub that just hit 50 as it could leave tehm discouraged. And it could be aruged that how will they get better of course, but we want to mold these players not pound them in to goo and say just keep getting up it will get better.

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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


This is absolutely hilarious, let me get this straight, a guild that faces EQUAL competition DISBANDS?!


How can this disgrace of a guild even call itself a guild, oh wait, it did the right thing and disbanded.


What you don't understand is even if there was a gear grind still in the game, people would eventually be equal geared anyway. Why therefore does a guild need to disband? I never understood these people screaming "Where is my gear grind?" when inevitably (unless of course they patch it regularly), most people will hit the top level.


What happened to PvP'ing for honour, what happened, and here's something that will BLOW your mind, what happened TO PVP'ING FOR A COMPETITIVE RATING and not gear, isn't that what Rated PvP is about?


Rated PvP (imo), isn't about gear grind, that's for ordinary warzones (although I would rather it didn't exist at all), it's about high end competitive PvP to gain a high rating and compete with better and better teams. What you seem to miss is that Rated PvP is completely based on a team's score, not what gear they have. Even in rated PvP if your team destroys gearless teams eventually you will just be matched with geared teams due to match-making. The hilarious fact is, you will always end up with equal level players anyway.


The final point, which will be re-iterated constantly is this, if you need to be highly geared to win your rating, then you need to go back to PvE, you're not a PvP'er. Stop being scared, go back to church, because those people who used to nearly roflstomp you in Centurians against your Battlemaster gear, is finally going to be dropping you like every girl you knew in high school.


Have fun with weak minded guilds that brittle and break against equal and competitive rivals.


Stop PvP'ing like it's PvE, PvP has always been about competitive gameplay, and that's how it should stay.



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Arnt there any PvPers who enjoy the thought of fighting against people of their OWN skill and equipment, cause they like PvP, and not only login if Bioware lures with epixxx rewards?


I pvp purely for this reason as i like to improve my own skill against harder opponents, turners and othervise less skilled players just doesnt offer enjoyment as it feels same as hitting NPC:s. But if your opponent outplays you after long struggle the "feeling" is alot more awesome even if you just lost.

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Seriously, good riddance to the OP and his ilk. The whole point of rated WZs is that it's meant to be a level playing field. Why is that such a crime? It promotes competition and ensures a better experience for those who want to test themselves against anyone other than fresh lvl 50s. And if you want to run around epeening about how highly rated you are, you get different coloured gear! Perfect! Thank you Bioware for this well thought out patch. let the whiners quit, the community doesn't need them.
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Equal opportunity on gear for everyone seems good in my book. Its great if rating wont mean better gear, thats how it should be. Otherwise if they make gear that requires a rating they could just restrict it to rated WZs. Because isnt that what the OP wants, real equal hardcore pvp?


Then restricted gear to rated WZs would be the way to go. Or is that a bad idea because he wants to own fresh 50s in non-rated WZs in his spare time?


Na gear equality is in my mind a good choice, it will mean more player vs player and less gear vs gear. When gear is limited to a certain rating, the player with most time on their hands will have the upper hand.


I see myself as semi-skilled, I can take care of myself and pull my weight. I dont see myself as the most organized gamer. I enjoy many aspects of the game and I enjoy leveling alts. Gearing is currently great in my book, I can level alts and still gear my main at a decent pace. One shouldnt have to make the game a full time job to get ratings to get gear, thats when games stop being games. I do however like to see people fight at an equal playing field. Something that no rating requirement on gear will achieve.


If you truely are a PvPer you wont PvP for better gear, you will PvP for the sake of PvP, bragging rights, titles and maybe a trophy gear set (new colors). You shouldnt need superior gear to beat the enemy, because then it wouldnt be skill based and rating would be moot.


edit: The time you put in the game should only mean one thing IMO, obtaining stuff or gaining max level faster than someone who plays very little. You shouldnt have priviledges like superior gear for grinding 50 hours a week. Your priviledge is that you get it faster. Everyone should be able to get the exact same things if they spend the exact same amount of time.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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You know people raid mostly for gear.


I think having the gear is more important then the actual stats, for boasting, which imo isnt a bad thing, but you shouldnt wipe the floor with someone that dont have it, it should be mostly for status, champ to bm differance is enough


But it shouldnt be handed out freely and to easy, its kinda like stripes in military ranks


Unfortunetly, it seems a lot PvP mostly for gear these days as well as well.


Years ago, i would have sworn this was a PvE thread.

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*SIGH* PVP lovers vs PVE lovers


*SIGH* PVP lovers vs PVE lovers


*SIGH* PVP lovers vs PVE lovers


*SIGH* PVP lovers vs PVE lovers




and then, and then,

and then, and then,


and then, and then,


*SIGH* *SIGH* *SIGH* "Ooo yes just got free PVP gear requirements for doing nothing but *SIGHING* lets try it again!








x1012312309123 medals! I must be good because I just got the best gear for doing nothing.... I can't believe I did nothing to earn this! ! yet it feels so good to own pro's because I got the best gear by being a complete noob.





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What argument, a whole load of rambling random seeming letters typed out more like.


You have no argument. PVP, the only argument is who on a level basis wins = skilled. To achive that means everyone gets the same gear and when you lose, the only reason you lost was because your crap.


Get over it whiny child.


Actualy, rereading your pathetic reasoning i loved this and it bears the classic example of how many who think there PvP'ers are retarded,




If your the poor Bm who got BM first, 1: how come you didnt get the "better" gear before him?


2: If he did get there after you, and by doing nothing, he wont have a clue how to pvp anyway. Yet you with your glorious effort and hard work (farming low lvl and non exp geared players prior to lvl 50 wz) are afraid up comming fresh BM's going to beat you.


Says it all *******, your not a pvp player at all. Your just a whining child.

Edited by Gruntcruncher
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Unfortunetly, it seems a lot PvP mostly for gear these days as well as well.


Years ago, i would have sworn this was a PvE thread.


Why, because people want something for their efforts?


If a game is rewarding one group of players for their chosen playstyle and not the other, then there's something terribly wrong.


How are "Hardmodes" even hard, if some are wearing the best PvE gear while doing them and others are not? Why isn't everyone forced to do PvE content in the same quality of gear?


Why is it so bad for me to ask for equal treatment and an equal reward?


From the sounds of things, it's the PvE crowd that mainly PvEs that is having all the issues with PvP gear... as they're not PvPing to get it, they're too busy PvEing.

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What argument, a whole load of rambling random seeming letters typed out more like.


You have no argument. PVP, the only argument is who on a level basis wins = skilled. To achive that means everyone gets the same gear and when you lose, the only reason you lost was because your crap.


Get over it whiny child.


How am I a child when I don't want to be spoon fed, please..... learn to earn, this is communism, which isn't fair, you should not reep the benefits and rewards because you arn't skilled enough to obtain the best gear. doing absolutly nothing. you need to earn your place.


Answer me this? do you play on a pvp server? if not? ****? this doesnt concern you


O, I bet all the PVE players would be crying if the best PVE gear could be obtained in a lvl 20 heroic dungeon, of course there arguments would be the same as ours. no challenge........... ? no skill?

Edited by TehHoneyBadger
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What happened to people just playing games for fun. /shrug


Getting epic lewts for my efforts is fun.


The PvE crowd gets epic lewts for the efforts.

The PvE crowd also seems to want to deny me epic lewts, because I'd rather PvP instead.

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Lo, pvp server, theres more pvp go on in half the pve servers you ***.



As it happens, I am a fresh dinged BM, I also creamed BM's while still in champ gear. I take pv kills with more satisfaction knowing that being lower geared I facewipe higher geared people.


Your a child as your whining because Bw have intentionaly decided the best way for people to realy know if there any good at pvp is to make sure they can all fight with equal gear.


Worried that now everyone will soonn be in the same gear as you? Sounds like it as then you will probably find your not so good as you think.


Whiny child comment remains.

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I think the main point all PVP players are trying to get accross here, is



Even themselves want it to be really hard and worth the grind to obtain pvp gear, its what drives people into pvping. And once we get the gear, well, yes you can own others with ease, but thats wat earning things do.


You can't live in a big house if you don't work for it.......... drive a nice car, I really with the dynamics of this game was real life so you PVE players could see the fairness isn't actually fair at all.



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Lo, pvp server, theres more pvp go on in half the pve servers you ***.



As it happens, I am a fresh dinged BM, I also creamed BM's while still in champ gear. I take pv kills with more satisfaction knowing that being lower geared I facewipe higher geared people.


Your a child as your whining because Bw have intentionaly decided the best way for people to realy know if there any good at pvp is to make sure they can all fight with equal gear.


Worried that now everyone will soonn be in the same gear as you? Sounds like it as then you will probably find your not so good as you think.


Whiny child comment remains.


do you believe in communism?

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When you play baseball/soccer/football/etc., what gear do you play for? Do you get the best gear in the NFL/NHL/etc.? Is it epic? How much does it increase your stats?


Are you doing this for money? Get on twitch TV and stream your gameplay.





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As it happens, I am a fresh dinged BM, I also creamed BM's while still in champ gear. I take pv kills with more satisfaction knowing that being lower geared I facewipe higher geared people.

So you're saying you don't have an issue with the current system and it's essntially fine. You're already competitive, even though the current system has you EARN the best items.


Your a child as your whining because Bw have intentionaly decided the best way for people to realy know if there any good at pvp is to make sure they can all fight with equal gear.

Except people ALREADY CAN fight in equal gear, they just have to earn Battlemaster just like everyone else.

Worried that now everyone will soonn be in the same gear as you? Sounds like it as then you will probably find your not so good as you think.

But you already said there's not much of a difference in the current system. Aside from the fact that currently items have to be earned and will soon be handed out.

Whiny child comment remains.

I'm not begging for itemz sans effort.

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If you like PvP you do it because you like to beat the guy sat on the other end of a computer. Not because you want fat shiny loot. PVE crowd play to get fat shiny loot.


You want fat shiny loot, at heart your a pve'er.


I like PvP becasue I want fat shiny loot.


Just look at any professional sport, they hand out trophies and rings to the winners. They don't just give them a pat on the back and say "good job".


Maybe you should go tell Kobe he's soft for wanting to win all those trophies and hardware. Maybe Kobe's soft because he wants the ADVANTAGE of having team mates that are BETTER then the ones on the opposing team.


Isn't it funny, how in pro sports every team does everything they can to get an advantage over their opponents. They try to have the best gear and the best players.

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