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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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I'm sick of PvP rewards that are single player based anyway.


PvP should be for your faction, and "rewards" should be server based. Winning a WZ, holding an open world objective, killing another player, etc. It should make a difference on your server, not just give you more personal loot.

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What do you not understand that a recolor of gear everyone can get easily isn't a suitable reward for the effort put in. Question are you posting directly from the 99% offices or are you just using their wi fi ?


And what do you not get about more then just gear recolors.


But I'm done... you have no reasonable argument any more and the game finally finished installing.


Last words, you are most certainly one of the ones that has to have their gear advantage. I mean In another thread I had the exact same argument and when I asked that same question, 'why isn't a vanity progression as good as a stat progression' he said it didn't matter. So fair enough with him, you however. Your the one whining here, not me.


I've done and am doing my time with the system as is and not QQ'ed about a single aspect, only thing I've said is I would like to see no stat progression, just vanity and there are just as many (if not more) in these threads that agree with that as disagree.


So have fun QQing with whoever follows up, but you're not worth my time any more.

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


i bet then all the weak players rule lol, sounds like real life in America

Edited by EpikWang
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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


Boo fricken hoo.


Yeah...you got BM in a day from exploiting Ilum turrets. Yeah...you win 38 of 40 matches due to that major faction imbalances with gear....due to your cheating. Yeah...you whine that skill > gear.


Now that gear may be a non-factor you cry? That is awesome and it makes me happy. :)



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It's not that hard really, the "grind" for gear keeps people playing both in PvP and in PvE. Many (I would say the majority) players playing a MMORPG will quit if enough time goes by without them having the possibility of improving their characters in some way. SWTOR is at the moment loosing a lot of players because they made beating content and gaining gear much to easy.


Making the new tier of PvP gear something that comes after Battlemaster is in my mind not something that will let "hardcore" players steamroll new pvpers. After the latest patch gaining the Battlemaster rank is 2-3 times faster and a more casual player will get it after maybe a month? or so if they just pvp regularly. Also as has been pointed out by many others the difference between tiers of gear is not that great in SWTOR atm. I am quite sure that the difference between full Champion and full Battlemaster gear does not make a Battlemaster invincible in any way. I would say that teamwork, class balance, spec & individual skill makes the difference between Battlemaster and Champion gear pale. Also anyone that has been raiding in PvE since the game started should have full Rakata. It's not like Rakata is not good in PvP, I have not done any math on the subject but I feel confident that someone in full Rakata will indeed have a good shot at killing someone in Champion or BM gear.


If a MMORPG removes the grinding of gear from PvP they must replace it with something innovative that is truly fun and truly a challenge. The warzones in SWTOR are not bad imho and I have had a lot of fun playing them. But if Bioware removed the incentive of gear from PvP or lessened the grind to much (alrdy done/in the works) many players will PvP a lot less.


As it stands now adding content that takes a lot of time to grind is what will keep SWTOR alive because the game when it comes to both PvP and PvE is by no means truly innovative.

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Yes, it is. Sorry to shatter the little world you live in.


There are hundreds of servers, count them up, most are not pvp. Monitoring the populations across them, the pvp servers are generally lower compared to the pve and rp servers. Pvp is a minority, and a dying one at that.


Also, just because the 'majority' of a few thousand forum ranters are dedicated pvp players, does not mean the million+ other players are also dedicated pvp. There is a lot to do in the game outside the mini-game that is warzones. Bioware themselves even said that only nearly half even tried playing warzones. Of that nearly half, I'm pretty sure not all of them are dedicated to pvp players. Regardless, nearly half != majority.


Lastly, its only the hard core pvp players that seem to care enough to make such a ruckus on the forums. Imagine what would happen it all the roleplayers, all the pve players, and casual players came to the forums to give their side? Well, needless to say, the servers would die from the load. It can barely keep up with the ranting nonsense of pvp players.


Of course, none of this will sink in and I do not know why I am bothering. The delusional never listen to logic and reason.




Yea hundred's of servers with most only having 200+ players on them or less that a lot to you lol, and what you think the pve'ers are going to play a game that everyone gets the best gear for little work to down 2 8-16man flashpoints every week my guild does them in one night on NM mode and you dont think that coming soon with all the whiners.


You could give all you poster the best gear in game and you would still sux because you dont know how to pvp or pve and then you'll whine and ask that the good plays have there stats lowered so you can beat them and there a thread already asking for that on the forums.


It's sad that you all want a game that just stop and try to make everyone equal, it will never happen there are great player, good players, there are Avg players and poor players that just the way it is, no one want to play a game with avg and poor players.


I look at all the trolls on this thread how you want a easy mode game do you know any MMO that is like this and not F2P, this game is just as much a pvp game as pve


Lose the great and good player and this is just another fail game that limp along for a couple of years and i get those emails to come back and play because it now free to play and you can now buy the gear in game on their website for real money dont think it will happen watch and see with 3 to 4 new games coming out this year lol star wars goes down to under a million player by Dec 2012.



so have fun, enjoy and best wish's to you all. I hope you get everything you want

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And what do you not get about more then just gear recolors.


But I'm done... you have no reasonable argument any more and the game finally finished installing.


Last words, you are most certainly one of the ones that has to have their gear advantage. I mean In another thread I had the exact same argument and when I asked that same question, 'why isn't a vanity progression as good as a stat progression' he said it didn't matter. So fair enough with him, you however. Your the one whining here, not me.


I've done and am doing my time with the system as is and not QQ'ed about a single aspect, only thing I've said is I would like to see no stat progression, just vanity and there are just as many (if not more) in these threads that agree with that as disagree.


So have fun QQing with whoever follows up, but you're not worth my time any more.


I'm being told how pvp changes should be made by someone without the game even installed that really validates a lot :rolleyes:



Judging by your attitude I can see why you take losing so personal and look for excuses as to why you lost.


On a more serious not this only proves what has been said over and over the gear advantage given is hardly notable,and the only people even bothered by it our people who don't understand that they are losing because they are out played. Our society in general has turned into instant gratification people. If people can't get things now and the same as everyone else no one can have it. I really hope bioware changes their stance on this. You can't expect people to play pvp simply for a recolor the cheapest possible way to add something,with a mount recolor. Give us some unique models,or an augment slot like the orange gear. No one is asking for some blown out of proportion advantage that some people seem to think exist even now,But you have to understand people want rewards for effort.


You can not de validate someones effort simply because the only path to take was massive time investment. While saying you should have the same.I want six pack abs and dimples its only fair since some people have them,How can I get women on a level and fair playing field if I don't have the same things.


Fair will never exist in an mmo its a living game,and like the living world is not fair.

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Yea hundred's of servers with most only having 200+ players on them or less that a lot to you lol, and what you think the pve'ers are going to play a game that everyone gets the best gear for little work to down 2 8-16man flashpoints every week my guild does them in one night on NM mode and you dont think that coming soon with all the whiners.


You could give all you poster the best gear in game and you would still sux because you dont know how to pvp or pve and then you'll whine and ask that the good plays have there stats lowered so you can beat them and there a thread already asking for that on the forums.


It's sad that you all want a game that just stop and try to make everyone equal, it will never happen there are great player, good players, there are Avg players and poor players that just the way it is, no one want to play a game with avg and poor players.


I look at all the trolls on this thread how you want a easy mode game do you know any MMO that is like this and not F2P, this game is just as much a pvp game as pve


Lose the great and good player and this is just another fail game that limp along for a couple of years and i get those emails to come back and play because it now free to play and you can now buy the gear in game on their website for real money dont think it will happen watch and see with 3 to 4 new games coming out this year lol star wars goes down to under a million player by Dec 2012.



so have fun, enjoy and best wish's to you all. I hope you get everything you want


Thank you, it's funny how casual players are so blind to everything but their own gain. Stupidity is a god damn disease..

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I'm being told how pvp changes should be made by someone without the game even installed that really validates a lot :rolleyes:



Judging by your attitude I can see why you take losing so personal and look for excuses as to why you lost.


On a more serious not this only proves what has been said over and over the gear advantage given is hardly notable,and the only people even bothered by it our people who don't understand that they are losing because they are out played. Our society in general has turned into instant gratification people. If people can't get things now and the same as everyone else no one can have it. I really hope bioware changes their stance on this. You can't expect people to play pvp simply for a recolor the cheapest possible way to add something,with a mount recolor. Give us some unique models,or an augment slot like the orange gear. No one is asking for some blown out of proportion advantage that some people seem to think exist even now,But you have to understand people want rewards for effort.


You can not de validate someones effort simply because the only path to take was massive time investment. While saying you should have the same.I want six pack abs and dimples its only fair since some people have them,How can I get women on a level and fair playing field if I don't have the same things.


Fair will never exist in an mmo its a living game,and like the living world is not fair.


Thanks for pointing out the value difference between Champion and Battlemaster is very minor. People just go like this ''OMG that BM just killed me, thats because of his epic - he is just a looser with no life since he has put so much time into pvp'' You guys find the easiest explanation as to why you didn't win. If you'd just put the same effort into improving your gameplay you can easily beat a BM, cus there are a lot of bad ones out there - and then there are those who invested the time and have the skill, they will beat you, but that wouldnt change if your stats where 100% identical

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I'm being told how pvp changes should be made by someone without the game even installed that really validates a lot :rolleyes:



Judging by your attitude I can see why you take losing so personal and look for excuses as to why you lost.


On a more serious not this only proves what has been said over and over the gear advantage given is hardly notable,and the only people even bothered by it our people who don't understand that they are losing because they are out played. Our society in general has turned into instant gratification people. If people can't get things now and the same as everyone else no one can have it. I really hope bioware changes their stance on this. You can't expect people to play pvp simply for a recolor the cheapest possible way to add something,with a mount recolor. Give us some unique models,or an augment slot like the orange gear. No one is asking for some blown out of proportion advantage that some people seem to think exist even now,But you have to understand people want rewards for effort.


You can not de validate someones effort simply because the only path to take was massive time investment. While saying you should have the same.I want six pack abs and dimples its only fair since some people have them,How can I get women on a level and fair playing field if I don't have the same things.


Fair will never exist in an mmo its a living game,and like the living world is not fair.

I can see your point in this i really can. But i have a 9 to 5 job and a college class load that would make a grad student vomit but i love this game i love playing when i have time and i really do love pvp. having said that getting rolled by people who played nonstop to get war hero and rocking full bm gear i don't feel like their better then me in anyway infact i still give them a run for their money *still die* but even then not a huge deal but the argument they should do better cause they put more time in? now that's silly if it was a win to lose ratio and bracketed like it will be for rated in 1.2 ok sure yes they should get more gear but not cause they played longer. but even more so you kill the game by building a gear cap people leave games even when they don't hate the game. real life kills your game time job shifts change hell you might have to eat with a strict money budget but at the end of the day people leave. no new players would play ever if everyone was full bm or what ever the new stuff is cause getting rolled for 2 months while they get gear is just not fun its a grind that makes people ask why am i working in a game xD.

Edited by Monkeymortar
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I can see your point in this i really can. But i have a 9 to 5 job and a college class load that would make a grad student vomit but i love this game i love playing when i have time and i really do love pvp. having said that getting rolled by people who played nonstop to get war hero and rocking full bm gear i don't feel like their better then me in anyway infact i still give them a run for their money *still die* but even then not a huge deal but the argument they should do better cause they put more time in? now that's silly if it was a win to lose ratio and bracketed like it will be for rated in 1.2 ok sure yes they should get more gear but not cause they played longer. but even more so you kill the game by building a gear cap people leave games even when they don't hate the game. real life kills your game time job shifts change hell you might have to eat with a strict money budget but at the end of the day people leave. no new players would play ever if everyone was full bm or what ever the new stuff is cause getting rolled for 2 months while they get gear is just not fun its a grind that makes people ask why am i working in a game xD.


I can only imagine that it'd suck to not be able to invest as much time into a game, as you'd like. But its not that demanding to get Champion gear, and with champion gear it is very possible to beat a BM geared players - his stat advantage is very minor

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I can only imagine that it'd suck to not be able to invest as much time into a game, as you'd like. But its not that demanding to get Champion gear, and with champion gear it is very possible to beat a BM geared players - his stat advantage is very minor


I agree full champ here not that hard to fight toe to toe with people but the argument is they want new rated wz gear and sorry gear gap from start is pretty large atm its not 2 month large anymore say 2 weeks of grinding and it would get better but still 2 weeks of getting stuffed now im cool with that but once you get into rated style pvp and gear to go with it things get dark and grim and new pvpers cease to be games die out and 6 months later pvp is dead with pvp ques of 2 hours id rather have everyone in close to = gear and have a pvp pop that is more then 3 digits XD

Edited by Monkeymortar
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Bye, op. You won't be missed.


Many people said that they don't want any kind of special rewards for competitive pvp. Myself included by the way, WoW arena was a terrible gamebreaking experience for me, one of many reasons why I've quit it.

I've never really understood why the better player should be rewarded something special, especially gear. Why would give a better gear to an already better player, I just don't get it. Between him and a less skilled player he'd win anyway, so what's the point, are you planning to make him totally immortal or something, so he could brag about his awesomeness even more? No sir. Bad idea. Pvp gear should be available to everyone who can be arsed to spend some relatively sane time with the game. Current system is fine, we do not need pvp elitists. In fact, the moment they add some special pvp gear/titles/mounts for those with high rank, I quit this game for sure.

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I'm not a fan of this. There is absolutely 0 reason to queue for regular warzones (why get BM trash gear, when you can get War hero gear with a 5% win rate), and there's not a huge motivation to win (like say, compared to WoW arena. Either the rewards for winning need to be insanely high, or the rewards for losing be extremely low for a system like this to work.


I enjoy having something to work towards, a goal; ____ rating, and be rewarded with something awesome once I achieve that. When your goal is 1,000,000 ranked warzone comms a week, that's just a borefest that makes people unsubscribe.

Edited by Anbokr
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Bye, op. You won't be missed.


Many people said that they don't want any kind of special rewards for competitive pvp. Myself included by the way, WoW arena was a terrible gamebreaking experience for me, one of many reasons why I've quit it.

I've never really understood why the better player should be rewarded something special, especially gear. Why would give a better gear to an already better player, I just don't get it. Between him and a less skilled player he'd win anyway, so what's the point, are you planning to make him totally immortal or something, so he could brag about his awesomeness even more? No sir. Bad idea. Pvp gear should be available to everyone who can be arsed to spend some relatively sane time with the game. Current system is fine, we do not need pvp elitists. In fact, the moment they add some special pvp gear/titles/mounts for those with high rank, I quit this game for sure.

no problem with titles and mounts gear i agree but good players should get spiffy titles for their work and or mounts like pvers now rated gear i agree gets into the death of pvp side of the fence. i think a cosmetic to gear would good for those guys *look as ****** as you are* kind of deal irl i work as a computer tech i wear a shirt and tie to work and normal shoes if i ever start shooting force lighting and chucking people i plan to wear a *********** cape

Edited by Monkeymortar
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Bye, op. You won't be missed.


Many people said that they don't want any kind of special rewards for competitive pvp. Myself included by the way, WoW arena was a terrible gamebreaking experience for me, one of many reasons why I've quit it.

I've never really understood why the better player should be rewarded something special, especially gear. Why would give a better gear to an already better player, I just don't get it. Between him and a less skilled player he'd win anyway, so what's the point, are you planning to make him totally immortal or something, so he could brag about his awesomeness even more? No sir. Bad idea. Pvp gear should be available to everyone who can be arsed to spend some relatively sane time with the game. Current system is fine, we do not need pvp elitists. In fact, the moment they add some special pvp gear/titles/mounts for those with high rank, I quit this game for sure.


If you dont get rewarded for doing something, then many people wont bother. Also the exact same model applies to the PvE raiding system, those who kill the best/hardest bosses will get the best gear thus making them better than those who cant beat these bosses.


Sure I will love braging rights, but I want a reward along with it, and its not like it has to be something that hugely pump my stats - visual effects would be cool.


You never want to alienate new players, but you also want to make sure that hardcore players are satisfied.

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Give empty gear pieces for certain levels of Ranked Rating (also possibly mounts and titles). Have a few different sets so that you can have different sets for different levels. These pieces will be "cosmetic" in the sense that they are pvp gear that provide not real bonus since you're just taking out the mods and inserting them into the gear. I don't want something that's going to make me roflstomp people, I want something that will make me look cool and won't be obtainable by everyone and their mother. It's a fair compromise, there is no gear advantage due to massive time differential, but the gear look is different and it allows the time and effort I put forth to show in a way that doesn't make the gear difference larger.
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I can't wait for players like that to quit. This makes me happy. PvP should be skill based, not gear based.


Thanks bw for this.


And I cant wait for rated WZ, where casual players like you will get equal gear, and start looking for a new excuse as to why you keep losing.


PvE should also be skill based and not gear based, right?

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Yep, this is the main problem with modern MMOs. They trade fun for grind far too often and its something i had hoped this game would actually begin to end.


Not the case so far.

Agreed. Granted, SWTOR is the first that actually has tried to have legitimate content that doesn't come down to a mindless grind for phat lewts, namely the questing experience which is better than some singleplayer games out there and that says alot, as singleplayer games tend to get alot more focus and dedication on being, well, singleplayer. This is where SWTOR excels imo and it has broken the mold a bit, but just as a singleplayer game you will stop playing it after a while and the thing about MMOs is that you shouldn't stop playing it, ever.

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I hate to sound childish, but yes good bye 2 u @OP PLEASE take all your fellow players with you, from those guilds who just like face rolling fresh 50's - THAT is not competitive and its NOT balanced game play. Do you want to fight a side with fair odds, or just walk your way through a wz with little challenge. I know which one I would get bored with before long ;)


And I cant wait for rated WZ, where casual players like you will get equal gear, and start looking for a new excuse as to why you keep losing.


PvE should also be skill based and not gear based, right?


Yes you also know where the door is - if you don't like the changes. The changes have actually not made that much difference to anything - anyway !

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