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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Anyway... ooh you beat a baddie that earned his BM through time played. That's a shocker, I'm sure that happens ALL the time. That just reinforces what I'm saying about the the reasoning you value the progression system as stupid since it does nothing to show others -YOU- are a good player because you have it.


Just because Bioware screwed up gear progression doesn't make it any less important.


My Shadow runs with Rakata 4 piece and Champion mods paired with expertise bonuses from implants, relics, and earpiece. This is the best way to min/max currently. The best BM pieces are implants and earpiece, the rest are trash if you know how to mod your gear appropriately. So yes, people running full BM are scrubs who get 3-4% damage increase/reduction at absolute best.


I don't "value" the gear progression system, but I can't ignore it's undeniable inherent ability to retain subscribers and keep people logging in. It's the business model WoW has followed for years and it's been working for them. SWTOR has been following WoW's footsteps every single step of the way, but they are truly completely slipping up as of late.

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I don't PVE often, I don't have the time to put into it, and it's boring to me, but I would like PVE gear too pls, the newest and leetest of course.


Where is my PVE vendor who I can by the new gear off of without working for it in nightmare mods. As a PVP player, where is MY PVE gear crutch? Since the casual PVE'er get a PVP gear crutch, I would like the PVE equivalent.




Oh wait.....



You = "HARDCORE!!!!!!" PvPer (lulz)

You = tiny % minority of the population

You = nonfactor.

You get nothing.


Good day.

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I have been playing for a month. I deserve a level 50' date=' full Battlemaster gear and the epic mount that you looted from Soa. I will get this all in 1.2 because I am the 99% [/quote']


Its amazing how you can sum up a majority of this thread like that. Time invested isn't worth anything so everyone should have the same thing.

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You = "HARDCORE!!!!!!" PvPer (lulz)

You = tiny % minority of the population

You = nonfactor.

You get nothing.


Good day.

You're right. We get nothing. Good day to us.


I would be a moron if I didn't think that Bioware would cater to the masses who are casual. I'm not crying about it. Honestly, I can't wait to see all the QQ nerf xxxx class threads once the casuals find out that in the end gear didn't matter and the same ppl keep face rolling them with equal gear.


The gear gap was minimal between champ and BM, and people who think their lack of BM was the reason they were losing are in for a big surprise. I would love to be a fly on the wall to see the casuals face when they still get rolled while wearing the most uber gear in the game. Maybe they will then realize it was because they just sucked flat out, and gear didn't matter much to begin with. I'm sure a large number will still come up with some kind of excuse to why they lost, that had nothing to do with them just admitting defeat.


But that time it will be too late for most PVPer's though, because the new warzone and the rankings with cosmetic bonuses for high valor ranks simply wont be enough to keep the majority of PVPers around more than a couple months. The game will be left to the mainstream casual pve masses who occasionally que up for some PVP.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Because as it stands in 1.2 even the worst of players will have the same gear. Even if you don't believe it that is a turn off for a lot of top tier pvp players.



"Anyway... ooh you beat a baddie that earned his BM through time played."


How does time played factor into me beating battlemasters in a skimpy orange outfit with 200 less expertise and champ mods. If I can do that you can do it wearing 50 less expertise. You seem to think a majority of battlemaster or higher players are bad and only have time played as the advantage.


My entire point is even now gear barely makes a difference so at least let us have a slight advantage for being slightly better.


I don't care how hard or easy the gear is to get. Either way having a progression with ever increasing stats is not a good system imo. As for the 'top tier' pvpers that don't like it, ask me if I care. They certainly wouldn't care what I prefer, so why should I? But my guess is anyone crying about it because of the stats is not top tier.


As for you doing it your little bikini... Big freaking deal, light armor, for all I know you play a light armor class, even if you don't it's pretty common knowledge that armor mitigation is not a big factor. 200 less expertise, good for you... this is when you solo Q you said and 200 is what, about 3-4% difference from the softcap at 10%.


So happy for you that when you are just fooling around you do that, but sounds like your serious premade you run with you wear your real gear because that's when it matters, otherwise you'd just wear the little bikini all the time I'm sure. As for the difference, I'm pretty sure and equally skilled player 1on1 would beat you regardless. So you probably are running into baddies or getting some support.

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I don't "value" the gear progression system, but I can't ignore it's undeniable inherent ability to retain subscribers and keep people logging in. It's the business model WoW has followed for years and it's been working for them. SWTOR has been following WoW's footsteps every single step of the way, but they are truly completely slipping up as of late.


No. They are, in fact, still following it. In wow (well, Cataclysm, which is in fact the only thing I think they did right in that expansion), higher arena/rated battleground rating would only give you gear with different looks, the stats would still be identical to the rating-independent gear (apart from the weapons). People still played. Why wouldn't that be the case here as well?

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I don't care how hard or easy the gear is to get. Either way having a progression with ever increasing stats is not a good system imo. As for the 'top tier' pvpers that don't like it, ask me if I care. They certainly wouldn't care what I prefer, so why should I? But my guess is anyone crying about it because of the stats is not top tier.


As for you doing it your little bikini... Big freaking deal, light armor, for all I know you play a light armor class, even if you don't it's pretty common knowledge that armor mitigation is not a big factor. 200 less expertise, good for you... this is when you solo Q you said and 200 is what, about 3-4% difference from the softcap at 10%.


So happy for you that when you are just fooling around you do that, but sounds like your serious premade you run with you wear your real gear because that's when it matters, otherwise you'd just wear the little bikini all the time I'm sure. As for the difference, I'm pretty sure and equally skilled player 1on1 would beat you regardless. So you probably are running into baddies or getting some support.


If we had it your way there would be one class that did the same damage with every ability and no crits that way we can have pure skill based pvp. Actually I have beaten good players in the bikini,Simply because you don't think you can do it only means we are on different levels.

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No. They are, in fact, still following it. In wow (well, Cataclysm, which is in fact the only thing I think they did right in that expansion), higher arena/rated battleground rating would only give you gear with different looks, the stats would still be identical to the rating-independent gear (apart from the weapons). People still played. Why wouldn't that be the case here as well?


Nice little piece of info, surprised Blizzard did that to be honest.


And considering WoW kiddies are the biggest whiners around that says something about it.


As long as you still have something that they can hang their e-peen on so they can proclaim they are better then someone else, -most- will be happy. The ones that have to have stats generally can't fight without them.

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No. They are, in fact, still following it. In wow (well, Cataclysm, which is in fact the only thing I think they did right in that expansion), higher arena/rated battleground rating would only give you gear with different looks, the stats would still be identical to the rating-independent gear (apart from the weapons). People still played. Why wouldn't that be the case here as well?

Because lighting wont strike twice in the same place. That's why it will fail here. The 3 and soon to be 4 warzones rated or not, and absolutely no open world PVP in this game is simply not enough to keep people who mainly play for PVP to keep subbing without a gear progression grind of some sort.


It just wont.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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If we had it your way there would be one class that did the same damage with every ability and no crits that way we can have pure skill based pvp. Actually I have beaten good players in the bikini,Simply because you don't think you can do it only means we are on different levels.


And who says I haven't done it myself? You make a assumptions about things you havn't got a clue about just because I prefer a different game mechanic then you.


If I thought the pvp balance was totally broken I wouldn't be wasting my breath and I sure as hell wouldn't have spent the day reinstalling the damn game because the engine got corrupted and some textures were f'ed.


As for the one class comment. Uhh no, because the different classes are what make it a TEAM game. Not one class can do everything, although I do still wonder about sorc/sage (really need to make one and find out) but I digress. There should be differences between classes and specs, strengths and weaknesses. But not with gear, 2 players with the exact same class and spec should have the same stats. Because building the spec is part of the skill involved, so even 1 spec point different and it can change how a fight goes.

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Because lighting wont strike twice in the same place. That's why it will fail here. The 3 and soon to be 4 warzones rated or not, and absolutely no open world PVP in this game is simply not enough to keep people who mainly play for PVP to keep subbing without a gear progression grind of some sort.


It just wont.


And we've said numerous times they can have all the progression BW wants to make just minus the stats.


Yes the limited options are annoying, but then you have to keep in mind that pvp for SWTOR is quite literally an after thought more then any other major MMO release since WoW got BG's. But the class balance is pretty damn good considering and that alone would keep people playing, _IF_ BW can get more WZs in at a timely fashion.

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Good thing pvpers are the minority and nobody cares. :D



Strange things, after Bioware anouncing that they will invest into pvp verry hard.


I like PvP, and honestly i cba the changes, it's for the fun after all.

But saying that PvP'ers are the minority in a PvP orientated game is a bit over the top. :)

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Strange things, after Bioware anouncing that they will invest into pvp verry hard.


I like PvP, and honestly i cba the changes, it's for the fun after all.

But saying that PvP'ers are the minority in a PvP orientated game is a bit over the top. :)


lol.. calling it a pvp oriented game is equally over the top... considering pvp is the most broken aspect (ilum) and accounts for what... 0.5% of the content?

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Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


Agreed entirely. PvP in this game is just writing sad chapters from what I can see so far.

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lol.. calling it a pvp oriented game is equally over the top... considering pvp is the most broken aspect (ilum) and accounts for what... 0.5% of the content?


Martyr I know you will never admit it or even acknowledge that your personal player skill is what causes yours lost games not BM gear. When the new patch is released and you like many others come here to start complaining about certain classes. You will find you are losing to mostly the same players and say its a comp problem and to nerf X and Y. I want to you to remember this thread.

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Martyr I know you will never admit it or even acknowledge that your personal player skill is what causes yours lost games not BM gear. When the new patch is released and you like many others come here to start complaining about certain classes. You will find you are losing to mostly the same players and say its a comp problem and to nerf X and Y. I want to you to remember this thread.


Lol, again you are making assumptions about things you are totally clueless about. Hell I already even said IN THIS THREAD, that I thought BW has a pretty damn good class balance compared to other recent games, now I'm suddenly going to be crying about them?


All the 'nerf x' threads for classes I have any experience with I'm always defending the class as fine no less.


Then there is the fact you have no clue if I'm losing now or not, in fact for my server I spend more time at the top of the chart (meaning 1st overall) then in the middle. While playing on an older system that the engine gives terrible FPS with.


So I'm not QQing about losing due to frame rate, not QQing about class imbalance, not even QQing about losing to gear. Show me one place where I said anything about myself getting beaten.


I just think gear shouldn't play a role in PVP. That's all, and suddenly I'm the bad player. I'm thinking its more likely to believe that someone who needs a crutch would be the one wanting a stat advantage.

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Lol, again you are making assumptions about things you are totally clueless about. Hell I already even said IN THIS THREAD, that I thought BW has a pretty damn good class balance compared to other recent games, now I'm suddenly going to be crying about them?


All the 'nerf x' threads for classes I have any experience with I'm always defending the class as fine no less.


Then there is the fact you have no clue if I'm losing now or not, in fact for my server I spend more time at the top of the chart (meaning 1st overall) then in the middle. While playing on an older system that the engine gives terrible FPS with.


So I'm not QQing about losing due to frame rate, not QQing about class imbalance, not even QQing about losing to gear. Show me one place where I said anything about myself getting beaten.


I just think gear shouldn't play a role in PVP. That's all, and suddenly I'm the bad player. I'm thinking its more likely to believe that someone who needs a crutch would be the one wanting a stat advantage.


If you can't honestly see that equalizing all gear for everyone and removing any reason to attempt to play better besides-for the pvps!,is a bad decision you are more dense than I originally believed.

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I just think gear shouldn't play a role in PVP. That's all, and suddenly I'm the bad player. I'm thinking its more likely to believe that someone who needs a crutch would be the one wanting a stat advantage.


You're the one demanding the crutch. You want everything handed to you, while others worked for it.


Why can't I just buy the best PvE gear then? Aren't the people in the best PvE gear using a "crutch" by your definition?

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You're the one demanding the crutch. You want everything handed to you, while others worked for it.


Why can't I just buy the best PvE gear then? Aren't the people in the best PvE gear using a "crutch" by your definition?


lol read and -understand- what I've actually been saying before you open your mouth. I'm not asking for gear, I got my gear just like everyone else did.


I'm saying exactly what you quoted. I don't think gear should play a role in pvp. Do I have to repeat myself again? It has nothing to do with getting what I already have easier.


Sad how so many people are like this.

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I just think gear shouldn't play a role in PVP. That's all, and suddenly I'm the bad player. I'm thinking its more likely to believe that someone who needs a crutch would be the one wanting a stat advantage.


I think this is an RPG, and if gear should not have any role what so ever, then I need to find a new genre.

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If you can't honestly see that equalizing all gear for everyone and removing any reason to attempt to play better besides-for the pvps!,is a bad decision you are more dense than I originally believed.


Except you are the dense one because I never once said there shouldn't be anything as a reward. I'm not going to waste my time and money for anything either.


But again.. for the thousandth *********** time.


Gear (meaning a reward with stats) should not have a role in pvp. But there should still be rewards, many many wonderful and exclusive rewards for those that are good. It's fun to get new stuff and to have a little something to show off and say I'm better then you. But it's more fun to have a really good intense fight with someone equally skilled and to progress how good myself and my character is in combat with experience.


Let me try to make it as clear as possible for the gear babies though.


Rewards = good


-STAT- rewards = bad

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Why can't I just buy the best PvE gear then? Aren't the people in the best PvE gear using a "crutch" by your definition?


This is such sad reasoning.



Seriously. PvP and PvE are two completely different types of game play, so what works in one doesn't automatically need to be applied to the other.


Not to mention the fact that PvE doesn't have any rating system in which you need to maintain a ranking to wear your gear. Doesn't matter if you fail a raid 10 times, and then finally beat it... you get the gear. So your analogy doesn't work anyway.... but again.....



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I think this is an RPG, and if gear should not have any role what so ever, then I need to find a new genre.


Genre is meaningless with PVP. Gear progression in RPG's is a product of PvE, not PvP.


If you don't believe me then all you have to do is look back at all the RPG's and see how there is no class balance so if they were pitted against each other certain classes would always dominate. Things have to be designed for PvP, gear progression is not one of those things that was because when that concept first started PvP didn't exsist. I'm talking D&D pen and paper days people.

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Except you are the dense one because I never once said there shouldn't be anything as a reward. I'm not going to waste my time and money for anything either.


But again.. for the thousandth *********** time.


Gear (meaning a reward with stats) should not have a role in pvp. But there should still be rewards, many many wonderful and exclusive rewards for those that are good. It's fun to get new stuff and to have a little something to show off and say I'm better then you. But it's more fun to have a really good intense fight with someone equally skilled and to progress how good myself and my character is in combat with experience.


Let me try to make it as clear as possible for the gear babies though.


Rewards = good


-STAT- rewards = bad



What do you not understand that a recolor of gear everyone can get easily isn't a suitable reward for the effort put in. Question are you posting directly from the 99% offices or are you just using their wi fi ?

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