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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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Cant argue with that, but its still better then any other mmo launch to date.


You just agreed with:


Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?



And you think this was the best launch ever? How many MMO launches have you been in, hehe. No, because of those two things alone, it made this launch one of the worst and will be remembered for years by MMO enthusiasts.

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


1. It wasn't intended to prevent server queues.

2. Yes it did. People have leveled and move on as they have been in.

3. Yes it did. I found many many people looking for groups and have made a few new friends.

4. How on earth could Bioware have controlled what faction people roll? Would you want them telling you that you can't be Sith or Jedi depending on your server? No game I know of does this.


1. Sure. What's the problem with this? Among guilds and friends people level at different rates anyways.

2. Only people who didn't read the FAQ's and have no patience.

3. Bioware had nothing to do with that. Whining and fit throwing by posters did it. So posters made themselves look that way.

4. The information was there for anyone who spent two seconds looking at it. It was in an email...in a sticky on the forums and on Twitter many many times. The onus is not on Bioware to call each person and let them know the details. Which is the only thing they haven't done.


The point was to get bulk parts of the population out of the starter areas and let them move on before letting more people in.

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After being at the launch of many a game over the last 10 years, personally I think this was the best so far for as head starts go. What I'm more concerned about is the number of servers already heavily populated and suffering from lag issues and this is before the release...not everyone opted for the head start, lots more people will be joining the servers come release day...release day is going to be the problem I feel... There will be a great disturbance in the force!
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you whiners are completely missing the point of the entire EGA... Its not so bioware could be nice and let you play the game early... it was all done to have a smooth launch... and oh look were having the smoothest launch ive seen in an mmo, yea theres queues, but the servers are consistantly up....


the EGA so far has been a HUGE success

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Cant argue with that, but its still better then any other mmo launch to date.


I am still totally looking forward to playing this game, I wouldn't have ordered it after the beta if I hate it.


But there is a reason that all MMO companies previous to this launch haven't tried to reinvent the wheel. It works...not prefectlly I admit, but getting your future customer base in the game as soon as possible is a must. You'll only keep so many people playing of storyline, PvP and raiding. An MMO is about community and to quote Yoda..."This is why you failed."

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Thanks for a job well done, Bioware.


Some of us actually do hard work and don't expect everything to be handed to us on a platter, and understand that life sometimes means waiting in lines, not getting exactly what you thought you were getting, and other sad realities that have not yet occurred to children.


I swear, one of you claimed the TC was "old" and "out of touch?" I'm a 32 year old lifelong gamer and if all this crybaby nonsense is "being in touch," I can't wait for my next birthday, because the more unlike you I am, the more successful I continue to be.


Quick life lesson for anyone not too ignorant to learn it: Complaining is not protesting. It's just venting with no productive effects.

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Thanks for a job well done, Bioware.


Some of us actually do hard work and don't expect everything to be handed to us on a platter, and understand that life sometimes means waiting in lines, not getting exactly what you thought you were getting, and other sad realities that have not yet occurred to children.


I swear, one of you claimed the TC was "old" and "out of touch?" I'm a 32 year old lifelong gamer and if all this crybaby nonsense is "being in touch," I can't wait for my next birthday, because the more unlike you I am, the more successful I continue to be.


Quick life lesson for anyone not too ignorant to learn it: Complaining is not protesting. It's just venting with no productive effects.


There is hope for humanity. Not much. But a little. Glad you exist, my friend. :)

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Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?





Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?


No. Any customer you're alluding to here is not feeling left due to Bioware's fault. Their own lack of reading comprehension is to blame.

1. Early access was originally described as 'up to 5 days early'. If you can not critically read and understand that you were not guaranteed 5 days of early access, nothing will help you succeed in the real world.

2. When the extended early access was announced, it was indeed written, albeit at the end of the email, that early access would be determined by the order of pre order code redemption. Again, the inability to comprehend the process created any feelings of being left out.


Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?


As was already adequately said, no, you do that on your own, both by your childish ranting, and your lack of reading comprehension.


Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


I understood everything communicated to me just fine. Does the EGA show us your lack of communication skills? May God have mercy on you, your life will be hard.

Edited by thegreatheed
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Gota love the Fanboi posts from guys that have been in 3 days already what dont you understand thousands of people have and are still left out!!!!!!


You know who else is left out? The people that haven't bought it yet. What do you want to do to make it fair to them? Oh, wait...you're ok with getting in before them because you preordered, right? But it's CRAZY and unfair that people who preordered before you get in before you?


I'm amazed you people have the capability of even turning ON a computer. In fact, maybe you shouldn't. You are all dangerously stupid.

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You just agreed with:


Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?



And you think this was the best launch ever? How many MMO launches have you been in, hehe. No, because of those two things alone, it made this launch one of the worst and will be remembered for years by MMO enthusiasts.


The best launch I have ever been part of was rift. Everyone got in with early access on the same day and the wait time was only 2 hours. My server never crashed and the lag was not that bad despite the number of people in it.

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I have been involved in a large number of MMO launches since the beta of UO


This has been by far the best, smoothest, cleanest, and best handled of any MMO launch I have ever seen. They have exceeded expectations in nearly every way.


Every time I hoped for something, I got it earlier and better than I expected.

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no, the standard should be that everyone gets equal access.


the way it works now, is people who ordered first get access, unless you pre-ordered through another retailer or had issues with your account. Then it feels like you are arbitrarily waiting extra days to play the game, its unfair


everyone feels cheated when they order the game and are forced to wait



it probably feels even worse when your friends are in there leveling and you're waiting 2+ extra days


YAY now i get to level alone without my friends thanks bioware


everyone can get in without waiting when the game is released on December 20th.


EGA was ALWAYS a situation conditional on you agreeing to certain restrictions (such as staggered access, etc) you had to agree to in order to get the BONUS of early access. If you don't like how they did it, just have you and your friends buy the game when it gets released.

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Uhm, you asked if the EGA made you look like a 5 year old child. I answered your question.


As to the rest, you are stating what you think the EGA was for and then saying it didn't accomplish those things.


Let me rebut then oh wise guru of logic with a question of my own and there's only one really.


Did the EGA let people access the game early?


I'm sure you can't handle the raw logic of this being the only question needed...so let me help by abbreviating EGA.




Mission accomplished. ****.


Did the EGA let people access the game early? No it did not, the community if divided, not everyone got in day one. Like I said before I ordered late so I'm fine with this, I don't have a guild or friends playing. But for those who do it's a failure for a MMO to segregate them. The only reason I posted what I did is to let Bio-Ware, if they read this, know that this was not a good idea and should not be repeated. You of course are entitled to your opinion.


Last post I will make, have a good day my friends.

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you whiners are completely missing the point of the entire EGA... Its not so bioware could be nice and let you play the game early... it was all done to have a smooth launch... and oh look were having the smoothest launch ive seen in an mmo, yea theres queues, but the servers are consistantly up....


the EGA so far has been a HUGE success


You did not play rift then.

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Thanks for a job well done, Bioware.


Some of us actually do hard work and don't expect everything to be handed to us on a platter, and understand that life sometimes means waiting in lines, not getting exactly what you thought you were getting, and other sad realities that have not yet occurred to children.


I swear, one of you claimed the TC was "old" and "out of touch?" I'm a 32 year old lifelong gamer and if all this crybaby nonsense is "being in touch," I can't wait for my next birthday, because the more unlike you I am, the more successful I continue to be.


Quick life lesson for anyone not too ignorant to learn it: Complaining is not protesting. It's just venting with no productive effects.


Wrong. The very definition of Protesting is:


an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.


Complaining because of the disapproval of the way something in handled, is in fact protesting. In fact, the very definition of protesting states that it's in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid.


32 and lifelong gamer doesn't mean much btw, I'm 34 and a lifelong gamer. Quick life lesson: Never stand back and take things you do not approve of. Always fight for what you think is right. Lemmings stand back and do nothing.

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Did the EGA let people access the game early? No it did not, the community if divided, not everyone got in day one.


I'm sorry. I think you misunderstood my question.


I asked...Did the EGA let people access the game early?


I think you THOUGHT I asked "Did the EGA let people access the game on day 1 of early access?" which is an entirely different question. Though you've already demonstrated your lack of reading comprehension so this shouldn't shock me.


Let me help you out. Did the EGA let people access the game early? Yes.


EVERYONE will be in by today barring huge problem...already verified. Let's assume they have a huge problem and a few dont get in until tomorrow...or Sunday.


Result: EGA let people access the game early.

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That I did not have to race and claim-jump mission objectives (even if they respawn within a few seconds) made this brilliant IMHO.


You wouldnt have to wait the zones are instanced

Edited by Meluna
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Lots of fail in this thread. Those who think this is bad have never seen a bad launch.


The title has been unchallenged for many many years


WW2OL - 1 month after launch the servers had still never been up for more than 4 hours in a single day.

Edited by Dayln
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Lots of fail in this thread. Those who think this is bad have never seen a bad launch.




Funny thing is how irrational the whiners are. I mean, they don't even make sense at all most of the time.


People forget that WoW launch melted the servers and they were taken off line for 3 whole days.

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