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I wish the hairstyles for female toons were better.


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I have gone through the complete list of hairstyles for females multiple time and only find 3 of them to be good. The rest of them are awful.


Is it possible to have someone design the hair textures that understands the importance of good hair, and not some engineer that has no idea what a hair brush or curling iron is for. None of the current styles have long hair or a elegant style of hair?


Style 21 is the only one I like. The rest are to faddish or not very pretty. Hair should fit 4 major criteria:


1. Looks good

2. Compliments the outfit and form (body shape)

3. Should be sexy

4. Never have been thought of as neat, or good by an engineer type of person. (if all you have ever spent is 15 bucks for a hair cut at a low end barber shop (e.g., Supercuts, Hair-Cuttery) or a price of 90 bucks for a hairstyle causes immediate cardiac arrest, then you should never be designing hairstyles for women).


Also, bald head or shaving your hair off to mimic a bald hair is not a hairstyle, it is an example of a person who has no style. All that is is a person who had no clue what to do and committed hair suicide.


Thank you

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I agree with the things you have said but would like to add just a couple things:

Any hairstyle which, when the character jumps, shows bald spots when the hair flips up is unacceptable. The long swing bobs do just that. It's distracting to see that big patch of scalp where at least a black head texture could have been applied.


The shaved styles are what I consider to be great ways to look like you just got out of an all women's prison and all the other ladies were scared of you.

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The shaved styles are what I consider to be great ways to look like you just got out of an all women's prison and all the other ladies were scared of you.


Or a mixed gender prison and everybody was scared, and scarred (because), of you...


That said, I found a few more hairstyles passable than the three.

This is, however, a recurring gripe with every game when it comes to female characters.

The body type you can usually choose from is 90-60-90 in different scales, the breast size starts at D and goes up from there. And the hair tends to be ... disturbing (que Dart Vader force choking a designer).

And don't get me started on the clothes. SW:TOR is one of the few games that does this better than most (though clothes tend to be a bit bland and not exactly flattering). Still, there is the Jedi knight outfit that looks like a crop top but nothing similar for the boys. Same with the slave girl outfit.


I really wish game designers would ask fashion designers and tailors for advice on outfits, instead of keeping to draw their inspiration from the likes of Vallejo and Frazetta.

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For me there are only about 4 hairstyles that I like. I really wish that instead of coming up with a bunch of outlandish or elaborate hairstyles they'd just give us a lot of simple variations of classic types of hair. I'd like to see a selection of high and low ponytails and buns, with center parts, side parts, bangs, no bangs. How about a side bun? My Jedi would turn to the darkside for a low and loose side bun and side-swept bangs, I swear.


I'd also love a better selection of short hair. Give me a cute pixie cut or something, rather than the severe slicked back styles we have to choose from. Short hair can be cute, it doesn't have to look like you're a convict or like you just got out of boot camp.


Oh, and they really need to do something about the hairlines on a few of the current styles. Too many of them start so high up that my characters' foreheads turn into fiveheads, you know? If the hairline started at a lower spot I might actually use a couple of those styles, but as it stands now it bothers me too much.


I guess when it comes down to it I really just want hair that looks a lot more... normal. >_>

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I'd have to agree that the game could use some better hairstyles... I spent forever trying to decide on a good one... or, rather, an acceptable one, and I'm still not terribly happy with it. Here's hoping we'll see some hairstylists in a future patch.
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I know it seems like a little thing, but I'm really disappointed that the closest we get to long hair options are a few spinster buns. Yeah, it probably has to do with clipping issues and such, but GW2 seems to have either overcome or ignored the problem and in future expansions, SWTOR should do the same. I'm a hippie girl in real life, what can I say? My hair is down to my butt, and I like it that way in game, too.
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Hair styles are awful in SWToR for both genders. Hair colours, too - the palette could use some strawberry blonde, and redheads\blondes could look at least... realistic - not dyed for a rave party.


Furthermore, I want a barber\hairdresser shop. NAO!!11:D

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I know it seems like a little thing, but I'm really disappointed that the closest we get to long hair options are a few spinster buns. Yeah, it probably has to do with clipping issues and such, but GW2 seems to have either overcome or ignored the problem and in future expansions, SWTOR should do the same. I'm a hippie girl in real life, what can I say? My hair is down to my butt, and I like it that way in game, too.


There is one issue which long hair can cause some issues. Around machinery and in hand to hand combat, hanging down to your butt would make a good substance for your opponent to grab ahold of . Skin heads are very effective in preventing this. Being a x street fighter in my youth, I know what I am talking about. So we do need some realism in the game. Would be nice if we had a macro for taking off our head gear and then the hair could flop loose down to the floor if you wanted it to.

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I actually like the majority of the hair styles, barring a few silly ones.


I think you'll find the real reason most of the styles are short or just a little past neck length has to do with clipping either your character model / gear or a weapon on your shoulder. Actually, WoW with it's ridiculous armor and weapons is far worse for this.


The designers try and work on hair that will not fall below a certain level and this restricts them from providing many of the long hair styles.


Also, as noted above, long hair makes an easy handle for thugs to grab and toss you around by - you don't want it if you make a living fighting.

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I actually like the majority of the hair styles, barring a few silly ones.


I think you'll find the real reason most of the styles are short or just a little past neck length has to do with clipping either your character model / gear or a weapon on your shoulder. Actually, WoW with it's ridiculous armor and weapons is far worse for this.


The designers try and work on hair that will not fall below a certain level and this restricts them from providing many of the long hair styles.


Also, as noted above, long hair makes an easy handle for thugs to grab and toss you around by - you don't want it if you make a living fighting.


Adding more hairstyles sadly is a bit of work. It would have been easier if they had been a bit more consistent with their mix and match approach though. Of course allowing for all combinations would have resulted in a dauntingly long list of styles, but an advanced hairdresser where you get to choose the tail, bangs, bun, sides and all the other variations separately would have been nice. They could even have left the shortlist for the guys (and gals) who mostly wanted to create a female character and were not too fussed with the appearance and hairstyle.


A better and greater choice in colour though should be a relatively minor amount of work. Already the colour is applied separately to the texture so adding a greater variety is a matter of creating a way to offer more choices at character creation (or at a hairdresser! please!)


Regarding the 'long hair allows to grab' argument. If your character lets a man get close enough to grab her she already lost, long hair or short. No matter how strong your girl is and how often she hits the gym, that guy does the same and he outmasses her by 30kg, most of it solid muscle. If he grabs her the fight is essentially over.

Besides, she either carries a blaster or a glowstick. The first should stop anybody long before they get close enough. With the second she simply cuts off the hand of anybody foolish enough to grab her hair.

Edited by MGriffith
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I am going to agree with the OP that hairstyle 21 is the only one I like on my girls.


Some of the chin length hairstyles could be better if the bangs didn't block her eyes or if the non-bang styles showed less forehead.


I am kinda partial to 9 but I wish it wasn't SO short in the back.


And the princess Leia side buns... (11 and 13) aren't the same color as the hair... they seem grey and wrapped in fabric. /sad


14 looks like friar tuck... adding a little pony tail or side burns don't help the situation...


18 looks extremely masculine


I really like the look of 23 EXCEPT for the little ponytail on top :(


24 seems like it would be Halle Berry inspired but still WAY too much forehead.


What the... is going on with 25/27?! looks like a bantha sat on her head!!!


31 is decent but if it could be 1/2 way down her back at least would be a nice style (almost like princess leia with her hair down visiting the ewoks...)


35 is another masculine one reminiscent of Iman.


And while 36 the mohawk is very punk... until we can change hair at a barber at will in game I don't think too many players will pick this one. (unless you add a pink hair option heh)


40 is okay... 39 it's counterpart is horrid


41... oh 41... if you only didn't look like Chewbacca's rear...


Anyhow... 21 is still my fave...


I would like to see the long ponytail from Leia's slave girl scene put in, and perhaps something like Rachel from "Friends"??


I understand coding takes time... but it would be nice to have one day more options... Please and thank you!! ;)

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The only one I particularly like is 40 - the one with the bun in the back and the tendrils on the sides.


Other hairstyles that I would normally like are ruined by mismatched, obnoxious gold hair bands, bald patches and pony tails that have been awkwardly attached to a short style. Even the two wedge haircuts are ruined by the fact that they are too wide, or fixed too high up on the forhead - making them look like ill-fitted wigs.


Never mind the fact that game developers always and I mean always!! ignore the existence of curly hair. That's if they don't cob job with a huge spherical afro. "Look, here's your curly hair!" >.< (Actually I take that back, I just remembered that fem draenei got a long, curliesh 'do that was pretty acceptable, my bad.)


I mentioned some of these things a long time ago but of course it wasn't important to anyone then and it probably never will be. But I'll add my voice in the hopes that someday game developers realize how important character creation (and later alteration) is to players and hopefully take it more seriously.




Lol look at 36, it's the faux hawk without the hawk. Even if I liked an abomination like that and wanted to pick it, I wouldn't because you can still see cornrows underneath it! :D

Edited by grania
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Agreed! I found about 3 female hairstyles that I consider acceptable for my characters, and none of them invoke a "hey, that is quite pretty!" response, more like an "I guess this will do".


I'll echo much of what has already been said in this thread regarding problems with hair:

~ hair is too high on the head, giving the look of a very large forehead

~ unattractively colored bands that you are stuck with

~ random bald patches/clipping

~ ponytails that look like they have been tacked on to short hair

~ poor color palate (only one shade of blond, that almost looks like sandy brown -- really?)


As for long hair, I would love to see it but I understand the clipping issues. However, that is no excuse for not including hair that is long but has been styled so as not to get in the way too much. Other MMO's have done it; this is not a thing that requires some arcane magic to accomplish.


And the "but long hair isn't realistic or practical for combat!" argument doesn't really hold water in this game anyway. We already have Force-users (and not just light armor wearers) running around in floor length skirts, skimpy slave girl outfits on Hoth and Ilum, and several classes that wear long, flowing, easily-caught-on-things capes. ;)


(and the male hair isn't any better IMHO, but that is another topic I suppose :p )

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Yeah I pretty much only like the Star Wars-esque buns with combs (# 6 and 7--my agents have them), the 1940's style bun (#40), and the very Jedi-looking short bob with the leather wrapped ponytail in back (#23). The geisha-inspired styles are interesting but not enough movement (#43 and 44).


The rest are either too trendy, not done realistically (the pony tails with the hair not actually pulled up into the pony), or too butch.


What I would really like:


  • different styles for different races
  • different styles for different classes



edited to clarify: I mean that all races and classes would get the same core styles (like it is now for the most part), plus a few extra race and class specific styles.

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different styles for different races


different styles for different classes


I'm not too keen on the idea of limiting cosmetic options to certain species and classes. It's already like that in some cases, like the Miraluka and the pitifully few hair choices she gets. Or the very white hair which seems to be limited to the Mirialans.

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I'm not too keen on the idea of limiting cosmetic options to certain species and classes. It's already like that in some cases, like the Miraluka and the pitifully few hair choices she gets. Or the very white hair which seems to be limited to the Mirialans.


I don't mean to suggest that races should only get a few styles. Less choice would not be an improvement :p


I mean that all races and classes should get the same core styles (like it is now for the most part), plus a few extra race and class specific styles.

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Are you complaining about SWTOR having a bald option. REALLY? REALLY!?


This is just a thread that proves you can't please everyone. I bet you anything if Bioware didn't have a bald option we'd have a thread with someone up in riots that it wasn't there.


I had a hard time reading your post OP... you just seem to come off as an elitist hair snob. I doubt (sure hope) you're not like that in real life... but that's just the way you came off. Thought I should let you know.

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Are you complaining about SWTOR having a bald option. REALLY? REALLY!? [...] I bet you anything if Bioware didn't have a bald option we'd have a thread with someone up in riots that it wasn't there.


[...]you just seem to come off as an elitist hair snob.




LOL! elitist hair snob? Is there such a thing?? :confused:


Regarding bald: this is a thread about female hair. How many bald females have you seen in game (aside from Rattataki who have no other choice)? It's not generally something a female, either real or roleplayed, would choose. I doubt that if they'd left bald out as an option for females you'd hear many (any?) complaints.

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