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Huttball is terrible.


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Are you serious? I dont think you played many Huttballs then. Put 8 Sorc (who know how to play) on one side, not even a premade, and they will win 6-0 every game. Period.


Here is a funny one: (notice the side with less sorc lost lol)



Funny you should say that. One of our guild's snipers is still giggling about an insane sorc vs sniper huttball match. LITERALLY all sorcs one side, all snipers on the other. The snipers won. Teamwork and knowing your class, and all that.

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Funny you should say that. One of our guild's snipers is still giggling about an insane sorc vs sniper huttball match. LITERALLY all sorcs one side, all snipers on the other. The snipers won. Teamwork and knowing your class, and all that.


I may actually imagine what you are talking about, but I am having a very hard time. Even if you are correct. have 8 snipers on one side is more of fantasy land. Having 8 sorc on the other hand actually happens more often than you think. That alone says something. What server do you play that 8 snipers actually queued for a WZ let alone be all on the same team?

Edited by Agooz
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This is L2p issue i think from op, i play operative and my role generally is to hang around stealthed at the enemy line for our tank ball carrier to pass to me so i score. Each class has a kinda role to play. My role as a stealther is great, dont get any medqls though but thats just tough. I guess Hutball is more suited to ranged classes with the platforms etc but u just need to avoid the knockbacks, los the ranged and its GG. I love Huttball, most fun MMO pvp experience i think i ever had and thats comming from a vet pvp wow player.
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And CC ... and which class has by FAR the most CC?

Oh right, same class which has force pull, bubble, force speed .... we should simply except ... BW don't want anyone to play anything but Sorcs *sig*.



I do understand this game and play it (until 24.4.).

I played Scoundrel, Knight, Venguard and Merc in warzones.


And Huttball is the map where I don't even try to win anymore with this 4 classes.

- Knight is somewhat usefull with Jump+Knockback but has no pull.

- Venguard has no jump (if not tank spec) but a pull (which is resited more often then not) and no knockback.

- Merc can have 2 knockbacks but no speed, no pull, no jump.

- Scoundrel ... well, this class is gimped in anyway. No speed, no knockbacks, no pull, no jump, incridible poor CC.


If you ever faced a team with 4 Sorcs, 2 Assasin and 2 Marauders you know what's up.

jump pull speed bubble pull ignore-traps ... win 6:0 in less then 5 minutes.

Team as done less then 100k damage or healing as they don't even try to kill stuff. But they will win 6:0 regardles how hard the enemys try!


Funny this. One of the best Huttball players I know is a merc (Arc'Xun). Sometimes he's DPS, sometimes heal spec, always one of the game makers. Apparently no one ever told him he sucks at Huttball.


The operatives/scoundrels(?) I know are friggin serial killers. Useless in Huttball? Are you serious? The good ones are unholy menaces. And snipers (no speed either) are THE best defensive asset you have in Huttball.


Vanguards/Powertechs have a REALLY great pull, that can make the entire game by pulling ball carriers into fire pits. And if you don't know how the resolve bar works, please stop playing the class. Pro tip: it helps if you ask your team to PLEASE not to use stuns on ball carriers unless they're on a fire pit. I play both these classes, and I have dragged so many ball carriers into fire pits that people do the same to all my toons now, even when I'm not carrying the ball (followed by evil chuckles). Saying these classes is useless in Huttball goes against my entire experience.


And I don't know about knights, but juggernauts are excellent in Huttball. They are great at defense, carrying and escorting carriers, pushing threats off the ramps.


In conclusion: I'm really not sure what you're talking about, but I suspect 1) you just suck at playing all your classes 2) you have never played in a Huttball team that knew what it was doing.

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This is L2p issue i think from op


Why does it have to be l2p? I am so sick of everyone using that like a jab to the eye every time they dissagree with someone.


I cannot stand Huttball for all of the reasons the OP listed. Why try to force somone to like it when they clearly do not? Why insist that if they don't like it it's because they suck?


I tolerate it on my assassin because of all the utility I have.


I totally detest it on my Operative.


You either love or hate huttball, and based on all the threads Ive read about it, and all the replies to those threads, I would honestly say its about 50/50.


Flaming someone just because they have diferent taste than you is childish. And as far as I am concearned, anyone that uses L2P as an insult needs to be draped over their mommies knee and spanked like the brat they are.

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I may actually imagine what you are talking about, but I am having a very hard time. Even if you are correct. have 8 snipers on one side is more of fantasy land. Having 8 sorc on the other hand actually happens more often than you think. That alone says something. What server do you play that 8 snipers actually queued for a WZ let alone be all on the same team?


Vornskr is where this happened. Just ask Vodka, he's the one who it happened to. Vornskr is a PVE server, which may be the reason why we get a better mix of classes (with odd exception like the above). People seem to be more willing to try stuff, in stead of immediately jumping on the FOTM DPS bandwagon. On The Fatman, my other server (PVP), you get a lot more of the FOTM stuff.


Either way, a team of snipers who actually knew what they were doing, and played as a team (without vent either) actually beat a team of sorcs. And I'm pretty sure it's not just snipers who can pull this off.

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Why does it have to be l2p? I am so sick of everyone using that like a jab to the eye every time they dissagree with someone.


I cannot stand Huttball for all of the reasons the OP listed. Why try to force somone to like it when they clearly do not? Why insist that if they don't like it it's because they suck?


I tolerate it on my assassin because of all the utility I have.


I totally detest it on my Operative.


You either love or hate huttball, and based on all the threads Ive read about it, and all the replies to those threads, I would honestly say its about 50/50.


Flaming someone just because they have diferent taste than you is childish. And as far as I am concearned, anyone that uses L2P as an insult needs to be draped over their mommies knee and spanked like the brat they are.


Not liking the game is one thing. Claiming your class sucks at it while many of us know from personal experience that this is not the case (or at least, that there are fair numbers of players in that class that do not suck at it) is another matter.

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Funny this. One of the best Huttball players I know is a merc (Arc'Xun). Sometimes he's DPS, sometimes heal spec, always one of the game makers. Apparently no one ever told him he sucks at Huttball.


The operatives/scoundrels(?) I know are friggin serial killers. Useless in Huttball? Are you serious? The good ones are unholy menaces. And snipers (no speed either) are THE best defensive asset you have in Huttball.


Vanguards/Powertechs have a REALLY great pull, that can make the entire game by pulling ball carriers into fire pits. And if you don't know how the resolve bar works, please stop playing the class. Pro tip: it helps if you ask your team to PLEASE not to use stuns on ball carriers unless they're on a fire pit. I play both these classes, and I have dragged so many ball carriers into fire pits that people do the same to all my toons now, even when I'm not carrying the ball (followed by evil chuckles). Saying these classes is useless in Huttball goes against my entire experience.


And I don't know about knights, but juggernauts are excellent in Huttball. They are great at defense, carrying and escorting carriers, pushing threats off the ramps.


In conclusion: I'm really not sure what you're talking about, but I suspect 1) you just suck at playing all your classes 2) you have never played in a Huttball team that knew what it was doing.


Typical BS of one that maybe runs premades. Yea coordinate resolve bar over Ops channel, lol, yea right. You also coordinate and take turns on who will do the next grapple on the ball carrier? you coordinate the stuns too. Guess what, good Sorc players dont even need to coordinate. They can pull someone out of the hazard. They can pull back the ball carrier instantly without worrying about resolve, the one which you "coordinated" pulling yourself.

Telling someone he or she suck at playing does not make your argument stronger. Now go bubble, click your speed boost, and hurry on over the hazards. And dont worry, if you get snared or stunned, dont worry. Your other buddy sorc got your back. Plus there are 2-3 other sorc on backup. you're in good hands.

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Typical BS of one that maybe runs premades. Yea coordinate resolve bar over Ops channel, lol, yea right. You also coordinate and take turns on who will do the next grapple on the ball carrier? you coordinate the stuns too. Guess what, good Sorc players dont even need to coordinate. They can pull someone out of the hazard. They can pull back the ball carrier instantly without worrying about resolve, the one which you "coordinated" pulling yourself.

Telling someone he or she suck at playing does not make your argument stronger. Now go bubble, click your speed boost, and hurry on over the hazards. And dont worry, if you get snared or stunned, dont worry. Your other buddy sorc got your back. Plus there are 2-3 other sorc on backup. you're in good hands.


My guild runs premades, sure. But when we do so (we also pug a lot), we run with ALL classes, we don't hesitate to let new 50s join the premade (as in WAY undergeared, PVP wise), and we only have one level 50 sorc. And we still win more than we lose. Even going against good sorcs.


The entire point here is not that sorcs can be very good in huttball (they can be), it's that people go 'my class sucks in Huttball because it doesn't have sorc abilities'. Which, frankly, is hilarious, especially when classes are named that I KNOW are good in Huttball, if played with skill. The conclusion that the complainer must lack skill is then pretty inescapable, wouldn't you say?

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I keep going through this phase with Huttball: I'll hate it, I'll love it and then I'll hate it again.



On my server it is so much better playing as a pub. Since rolling IMP it's been non-stop Huttball. I get sick to my stomach at the start of every match now.

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My guild runs premades, sure. But when we do so (we also pug a lot), we run with ALL classes, we don't hesitate to let new 50s join the premade (as in WAY undergeared, PVP wise), and we only have one level 50 sorc. And we still win more than we lose. Even going against good sorcs.


The entire point here is not that sorcs can be very good in huttball (they can be), it's that people go 'my class sucks in Huttball because it doesn't have sorc abilities'. Which, frankly, is hilarious, especially when classes are named that I KNOW are good in Huttball, if played with skill. The conclusion that the complainer must lack skill is then pretty inescapable, wouldn't you say?


Premades always have the advantage, regardless of noobness, gear, or sometimes even skill. Because the major advantage is Instant communication.

Also I am not sure if your are specifically speaking to me, because I never once said my class sucks. I play Pyro and I love it. And I know the strengths and weakness of my class. All I was saying is, with EVERYTHING being equal, sorc definitely have more tricks up their sleeves PvP wise (way more than the other 2 heal ACs). In PvE they are on par with any other healing class.

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I'm a stealther to and I don't have any problems contributing in Huttball. If you find yourself constantly in fire/acid/knocked off levels well I'm sorry but that's because you're positioning is terrible.


I rarely get knocked off. Anticipate and position yourself correctly and stop your sooking.

Edited by Acindo
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I keep going through this phase with Huttball: I'll hate it, I'll love it and then I'll hate it again.



On my server it is so much better playing as a pub. Since rolling IMP it's been non-stop Huttball. I get sick to my stomach at the start of every match now.


The thing about Huttball is that when it's bad, it's god damned bloody awful. But when it's good, it can produce some fantastically gripping, competitive gameplay.


What does Voidstar give you? The worst map design in MMO PvP history.


What does Civil War give you? 4 sage healers camped at mid, watching the score tick down for 10 minutes.


Nothing can beat a good game of Huttball.

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As a juggernaut I love huttball, the fun for me is when u get the ball n charge everywhere!


charge force push charge intercede = win...


my advice is pay close attention to ure resolve bar to win in this game really.. plus in huttball u dont have to rely on 8 players to win.

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2) you have never played in a Huttball team that knew what it was doing.


The comment about grapples being resisted is particularly telling. This should never happen even in a good PUG. And squishy sorc receivers? Will usually be spattered on the ground (or more elegantly launched into the pit) long before a ballcarrier comes near enough.


In fact, any team that overcommits to offense with just force-wielders will get rolled by a good team with ranged DPS.

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The thing about Huttball is that when it's bad, it's gosh darned bloody awful. But when it's good, it can produce some fantastically gripping, competitive gameplay.


What does Voidstar give you? The worst map design in MMO PvP history.


What does Civil War give you? 4 sage healers camped at mid, watching the score tick down for 10 minutes.


Nothing can beat a good game of Huttball.


This ^


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Huttball makes me rage too. You think you have a good team, and then find out your're facing 6 sorc/sages, and 2 mara/sents on the other team. Might as well just pull up a lawn chair and see how fast they run up the score. On the other hand, if teams are relatively balanced w/ good players...Huttball can be very intense and competitive.

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i agree, hutball is retarded everytime i play, i just go for my 4 medals, no point in me trying to carry the ball, as a Smuggler, i just kill.


Since there aren't 16 balls (1 per player), it's perfectly acceptable for you to not carry the ball.


Controlling the center is vital for victory, and that means area denial through a combination of CC and DPS.


As is supporting the ball carrier, pushing / pulling enemies away, killing them, CCing them, etc.

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Troopers and Smugglers VS Inquisitors, Operatives and a Warrior..


Clearly the scoundrels, snipers as well as the Commandos (look for the troopers with a healing number and 0 protection) were a factor.


Game was won by controlling the middle and incoming ramps. Though scoring without force speed and friendly leap was difficult, it clearly wasn't impossible.

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I'm a stealther to and I don't have any problems contributing in Huttball. If you find yourself constantly in fire/acid/knocked off levels well I'm sorry but that's because you're positioning is terrible.


I rarely get knocked off. Anticipate and position yourself correctly and stop your sooking.

Right so if they there is a ball carrier supported by his team mates on the ramp I suppose we just avoid them altogether and throw frag grenades rather than get in a "bad position". As soon as you make your first attack out of stealth you are knocked off or cc'd, if you are lucky you will kill them but thats pretty rare and only if they are unsupported (which is bad play anyway).

Edited by Manigma
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Look, you can be fine as a smuggler or gunslinger in Huttball against pug teams. However there is nothing you can do with those classes, that you couldn't do equally well or better if you played something else.


For instance, people tell dps ops 'use stealth, go and stealth to the endzone'.. Well leaving aside the fact that thats a pretty terrible strat in general (for many reasons).. But guess what, you can do that as a tankasin, and in the offtimes when you aren't doing that you have ten times more utility.


As a smuggler healer, I often top healing charts on Huttball as I lurk around the middle and get HOTs on ballcarriers/advancing classes.


The problem is there is nothing I am doing, that say I couldn't also do on my Sorceror.. And in the downtimes when I am dead and back to our endzone, i will actually have some utility.


I've played a lot of mmorpgs, and rarely have I seen a dynamic that is as badly skewed as the current state of Huttball.

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lol who are you punishing by not queuing? Teaching Bioware a lesson? :p


Did you even read what I posted? I don't queue for WZs because I hate Huttball and don't want to screw over my team by leaving them short, and don't want to have to ignore people like you daily for sending me hate tells for dropping from said WZ.


That is why I am all for Account Cancellation for anyone that intentionally leaves a WZ before it ends. LOL. I mean seriously that actually speaks volumes about your character in real life. :p


Case in point.

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That is why I am all for Account Cancellation for anyone that intentionally leaves a WZ before it ends. LOL. I mean seriously that actually speaks volumes about your character in real life. :p

And that's why you don't work at Bioware.

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