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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Ok my 1 hour 25 min que has turn into 3 hours wooooo Bioware you rock I love you guys, you even give it to me with sand paper....we'll at least Return of the king is on starzs.....oh wait that's almost over my que is long than a damn LoTR movie!
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My only question is should I have a chance to play tonight?

I have been waiting for near an hour now. It's Friday night and I had a rough week..


The server time waiting was 30 minutes.. but like any dev estimate is always wrong. been there done that:)


I'm getting old and I don't really care to wait but a queue of 678 make me think I should drop off.

The real question is should I expect that on go live? If the answer is yes, I will just move on.


who cares anyway.. I have plenty of other things to do :)


Best regards


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Have you slept at all???


Was on for 24 hours 32 mins straight the 1st day


Slept 5 hours 30 mins


Back on for another 19.5 hour day


Slept 5 hours


On for 13 hours due to server mait that shut the servers down


Slept 3 hours


Been on today since 7 AM EST (16 hours) and now stuck in que so close to 50

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My only question is should I have a chance to play tonight?

I have been waiting for near an hour now. It's Friday night and I had a rough week..


The server time waiting was 30 minutes.. but like any dev estimate is always wrong. been there done that:)


I'm getting old and I don't really care to wait but a queue of 678 make me think I should drop off.

The real question is should I expect that on go live? If the answer is yes, I will just move on.


who cares anyway.. I have plenty of other things to do :)


Best regards



There are servers with low populaations, to anyone who doesn't have a level >10 toon. I suggest you make a toon on one of those servers.


TO the rest of us, here is hoping for a free character transfer off the 3horu quees !

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As I watch my queue position drop closer and closer to getting in...




I keep wondering, how many of these server spots that have opened up, are from people who were able to log in, then their computer crashed... meaning they will have to wait in line AGAIN for access to the game.



My issue here is, Almost every server is currently FULL with wait times...


Just how close does the TOTAL maximum players online combined for all servers get to the total number of players with early access?

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


It's early entry. It's free time just for per-ordering. This is what happens at early entry. This is part of the prepping process.


I'm in queue right now. I'm thinking great, I still got 6 days ahead of release. Half hour wait? Hour? Who cares.

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Was on for 24 hours 32 mins straight the 1st day


Slept 5 hours 30 mins


Back on for another 19.5 hour day


Slept 5 hours


On for 13 hours due to server mait that shut the servers down


Slept 3 hours


Been on today since 7 AM EST (16 hours) and now stuck in que so close to 50


BioWare should be paying you tbqh.

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Agreed, I am on Mandalore the Indominable and this is simply UNACCEPTABLE!!


I will cancel my subscription if you do not do something about this BW!

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My favorite part is people blaming Bioware. Umm It's the customers thats queing. Meaning they're the ones to blame. Be happy you guys can even play atm. I'm still waiting for my invite!


once you get your invite you still wont be able to play

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ahhh... also on a guild chosen server... 1.5 hour long queue.. finally get to number 1.. and then SERVER error.... restart... you are now 1800th in the queue




i didn't know there were that many people to a server.... WHY CAN I NOT FIND A DAMN HEALER lol :p

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You know that swtor isn't a real place, right? Like those planets don't actually exist in the real world? It isn't comparable to your place of employment.


Haha. Actually I lived in the same town I was born in. I work in video editing from my own studio. Nice attempt at an insult though. :cool:

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Wow. 2 Hours ago, my queue time for 1600+ people was shown as 1h 45m. 2 Hours later there are still 900+ ahead of me, and a time of 2h or more showing in the wait time.


Tell me again why this isn't broken?


Server - The Swiftsure.


and no, it's not an option to move - my guild is here, along with all the other guilds that got here based on the setup chain or whatever (so we could all play together rather like we did back in the day on SWG - funny that, wanting to play an MMO with friends).


Seriously, you guys need to look at tweaking your server specs or something. This is borderline crazy, you haven't even launched yet. 4+ hours to wait to play? I'm not continuing to pay for that if it doesn't change soon...

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Never said it was a perfect replica. Merely a similar concept. They both have limits. That was all. You may disagree by blowing it out of proportion and hurling insults. I have no quarry with that, but the mods do. I know because I was flagged for saying "whiner" in one of my posts, which it truly was whining but I digress.


its not even close to similar i hope to christ your trolling and not this clueless

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>Come home from work

>Turn pc on and log onto TOR expecting a long queue for my server

>Go watch Tron with my father and some beers

>Take a long relaxing shower

>Come back to the pc


>5m later

>My internet goes out...

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My favorite part is people blaming Bioware. Umm It's the customers thats queing. Meaning they're the ones to blame. Be happy you guys can even play atm. I'm still waiting for my invite!


BioWare should have been redirecting people to lesser populated servers. Most of us stuck in queues are stuck in queues cause we got ASSIGNED to the server we're on because OUR GUILD got assigned there.


We don't have the option to simply just bail on our guilds so we can play on demand.


I'm in my guilds vent right now and they needed my juggy tank an HOUR AGO for a Flashpoint (I'm our highest level tank atm) and I've been in queue since 8:45 CST, its now 10:20 CST and I'm still in queue with at least another 45 minutes to wait.


The guild has since abandoned the Flashpoint for the night cause they had no tank for it and the people that were waiting have wandered off to do other things.

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