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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I dont know why we still bother posting in this thread


BioWare will ignore it like they has been ignoring us all this time, and then sometime soon they will just close/delete it.



dear BioWare, less forum moderation, more ingame management. we are paying customers, we DEMAND you to fix this utter horse shet you call service.

Edited by blackcerberus
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I take the EGA as a freebie and won't complain about queues. But as soon as you want money from me there shouldn't be any queues left. It's pretty simple, I pay to play and not wait in queue. Never did in any game and won't be starting now.


We paid for the early access..the same amount for these 5 days as 15 regular days

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I do not mind the queue, I have plenty to do, it is a busy time of year, I mean these days our machines can multitask anyway, however this is just early access time...what happens when the game goes live on the 20th?


The servers are almost completely full now, wait times of 1-7 hours Could destroy the launch day?


It will not matter how good the game is, if no one can log in...

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A german community manager jsut said a minute ago that BioWares experts discuss if more servers are need at this very moment....


*** are they talking there? i guess the do a flashpoint while discussing or something


It's a hard choice for them to add servers at this point, because they don't want to get publicity for 'bioware merges servers x and y - population too low'. This is when everyone and their mother tries out the game without even having to buy the full version. The amount of people logging in might even go down on 20th.

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We paid for the early access..the same amount for these 5 days as 15 regular days


No, you didn't. The $5 deposit is taken off the price of the game when you buy it. You payed nothing for early access, it's a pre-order bonus.


On the other hand, boooooooooored of queueing.

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In the ****** ones perhaps yes...


WoW beta and launch, never queues over 20 minutes on EU servers

Rift, never seen queues at launch

EvE, hardly any queues

WAR, no queues at launch


Don't pretend that 4 hour queues are common for MMO's. That just makes you look stupid.




I have played most of the mmorpgs since UO and never been in queues over 1½ hours. Has there been crappy launches and head starts? Yes. Have there been crazy queues that makes you wait for hours only to get kicked back to last place when you get close to playing? No.


Today I was in queue in swtor for over 4½ hours and got kicked out of the line with only 200 people left infront of me. First time. Yes.

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Just sitting here watching more servers fill up. I wanted to count how many full servers there were. Seventeen. Then as I started counting all the very heavies, two more servers went full...


Aye Rogue Moon PvE - Europe have gone from light to standard in under 30 minutes.

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Think some of you are missing the point some of us are making. It's not about the queue times per se, it's more about the fact that for some reason some of the servers we've been allocated on guild deployment are woefully overpopulated relative to other.


It certainly doesn't appear that guilds have been evenly spread across servers. Mismanaged guild system...?

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I got my invite to play on the 14th and I only got on once because of the server queue, my problem is I chose the busiest server (The Red Eclipse, English PVE server) and I refuse to switch to start over again. I understand the problem Bioware has and I think they are doing a good job. I've played MMO's the last 10 years and never before played a more polished game at launch and in beta. I hate to think what the queues will be like on the 20th.
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Really hope they plan on doing something about the server que's I can't see paying a subscription to play the game when you have to wait an hour plus to even get in it's unacceptable the number of players far out weighs the # of servers available you would think they would have been more prepared for such an overload..:mad:
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hi al

come on bioware

been queued for over 2 hours 40 mins and gone from 2200+ down to queue pos 805 this is even worse than my queues in aion on spart server and yes i saw your post , pick another server but yous have caused this prob by not having bigger severs or allowing two many people on , the servers should have been capped or if the servers can hold as many people as it let join then there should be no queues, you should have seen this coming you also had a very long time and this should not happen not today .


i will not leave

tomb of freedom nadd its your prob and mine .

euro pvp

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