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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Totally and utterly frustrated now in the queue for 4 hours dced once on place 58 out of 2300 and re queued got in game 10 mins later the 9k disconnect re queue still at 2k + players at 10:33


so to re queue again not even going to get to play till 1am uk time


nice night for some relaxation.........



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I agree that the queue problems could have been handled better maybe. I don't know how. But I know that I created a character on a healthy server and now I have to wait in queue for almost 2h. You can't expect me to change server now.
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I'm not even in the game yet. No sympathy for you. I would eat a dead cat to be in a 2 hour queue right now.



thanks you made me choke on my soda when I read that.



Honestly, a short queue is ok, but over an hour is a bit much and I REALLY hope BW has plans to adjust that or gives us an opportunity at one free charactor transfer after the 20th.

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We're playing for free before the actual release. Thanks are in order and not complaints.


Thank you.


Did no one every tell you the only thing free is love (and lunch). Were you born in a galaxy far, far away? Come on. You paid for this. I can't believe these people. Makes me lose faith in the human race.

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Think some of you are missing the point some of us are making. It's not about the queue times per se, it's more about the fact that for some reason some of the servers we've been allocated on guild deployment are woefully overpopulated relative to other.


It certainly doesn't appear that guilds have been evenly spread across servers. Mismanaged guild system...?


I don't think even half of the guild that were assigned to a server actually rolled on that server. The problem is, specially with these pvp servers (TOFN, LOL BW), a lot of people migrated there on purpose because they wanted to be where the action is when there's no cross realm bgs. That's why on pvp servers especially there's 2hrs+ queues. There's not much Bioware can do about the queues before they see how many people stop playing and don't actually buy the game.

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Originally Posted by reacher

I pay money and no where in my contract does it say i could have to wait 2 hours to play. How long have mmos been around? A while i figure. And technology keeps advancing right? And i didnt read anywhere in the news that common sense just got banned. ***? Look at every launch and look at all the common mistakes and godamn learn something.


This is unacceptable. Period!

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It's 2:30pm Pacific Time, and Begeren Colony is already showing a heavy load (it's a west coast US RP-PvE server). I acknowledge that it's the weekend. I don't blame this on kids (who should still be in school), or adults, I just blame it on early launch. It isn't "prime time" yet. I'll be getting home from work during prime time.


It's Friday, the weekend is coming, and buttloads of people are coming in. I anticipate queues when I get home this evening.


I can handle queues for the early access, though I won't be very happy. I'll become extraordinarily unhappy, however, if I start seeing hour-long queues (or even 10-minute queues) after December 20. At that point, ignoring the first free month for dropping $60 on the game, I'm paying. If I'm paying, there shouldn't be login queues. It's my hope BioWare has the issue worked out by then.


I'm really hoping they add another PvE and PvP RP server for West Coast soon....ok today before I get home.:o

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They are adding more resources over the next week or so to allow more users on the servers. Have patients. It does suck but you're logging in at peak hours which doesn't help. And remember, this is early access, not launch. People screamed loud and they allowed more than they were planning to stagger in. That's the double edge sword of complaining. Ask and you shall receive.


wrong. They would've gone into queues no matter what. Imagine that there are so many pre-orders going through right now that they can't even let 3 days in a row in just one wave.


Therefore, imagine what's going to be after launch when people read reviews, see the game at their friends etc. .


People complained but they received only because Bioware saw that they were going to run into the same situation no matter what.



edit: remember WoW had 2 hours-long queues even 6 months after launch. This has been a smooth launch. You guys just forgot how it is to have such a massive launch since no other mmo since WoW had such a success. They anticipated high numbers, they did a smooth roll-out, they have over 120 servers online and even so they're having problems. So just chill. What they can do at most is get that grace period up for people who dc'd because of some internet issues like a post on the forums says. I suggest go and /sign that one.

Edited by Xilin
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Yesterday they only hav one rp pvp server for east coast, played on it, now they have a second. Kinda crappy that they would only offer one for east coast and one for west when they want the game to be a cinematic experience(rp) and a fight between the sides (pvp). Guess I'll go *** for 30 minutes. Edited by Somrue
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Four hours waiting for the queue for Tomb of Fredom Nand. Started it at 16:00 when I got out of work. Finally I got in at 20:00, start to sort stuff and realize that I learnt the wrong crew skill by mistake.


Minimize the game to check out the net and not get it wrong again, game crashes.


Tried to get in again, 2200 people in the queue.


Still queueing at 23:38.


So far 8 hours waiting for 5 minutes gameplay.



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We're playing for free before the actual release. Thanks are in order and not complaints.


Thank you.


Yeah because the situation would had been much better for Bioware if they had let everyone in on the same day..




We are actually HELPING Bioware by joining in groups over a period of a few days.



- I Already payed my GAMESTORE shop 200$ for the CE version of the game! So i REFUSE to wait 3 hours in line when i payed for this product.


I wouldn't wait 3 hours in line at McDonalds for a Hamburger either.


Beta fine, but not when i have now payed for the product.

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Early days so queue times are expected.


To be honest I am waiting less time than I did in the first weeks of WotLK and the estimated time is less than the speed I am dropping in the queue.


Rather have stable Servers than crashes every five minutes and it does give me time to chuckle at the QQers here in the forums. :)

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Yeah because the situation would had been much better for Bioware if they had let everyone in on the same day..




We are actually HELPING Bioware by joining in groups over a period of a few days.



- I Already payed my GAMESTORE shop 200$ for the CE version of the game! So i REFUSE to wait 3 hours in line when i payed for this product.


I wouldn't wait 3 hours in line at McDonalds for a Hamburger either.


Beta fine, but not when i have now payed for the product.



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I made the mistake of being responsible and logging out to eat. I come back to being 1019 in a queue. Not too bad I thought after my beta experience, but this queue decreases very slowly. The initial estimated waitimg time was < 1hr 15mins. Two hours later I am 250 in the queue, so it's goodnight from me, I'm not waiting nearly another hour to get in.


It is all very well saying choose another less heavily loaded server, but my guild was placed on Frostclaw and I already have charcters on thet server. It's a great game, but not worth this sort of hassle if it continues into next week.

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Early days so queue times are expected.


To be honest I am waiting less time than I did in the first weeks of WotLK and the estimated time is less than the speed I am dropping in the queue.


Rather have stable Servers than crashes every five minutes and it does give me time to chuckle at the QQers here in the forums. :)


Um, why is everyone aware of how massive this game was going to be EXCEPT the developers. I chuckle at people who defend those who should know better.

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