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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The game hasnt even been released officaly yet and everything is FULL!! :mad:

I play on Frost claw and i have to wait over an hour to play! I bought this game to play it not to wait for it..:mad: by the time i can log in i have to go to bed! because its 23:00 and i have to get up at 5:00 Great game while it lasted...:(



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I know exactly what I'm talking about. SWTOR currently have no where near the subscribers WoW, LOTRO and Conan had on their release dates. If you don't believe me, it's simple maths to work it out, check back a few posts to see it, I'm assuming you'll need to.


No one reads my posts i guess. Even if theres a lot of subscribers i'm giving numbers. 100 per starting planet. 100 on each station + 150 on each capital thats 1300 just on starting areas. 80 on each first planet that 160 for a total 1460. lets say 100 people are doing flashpoint 1560. and theres 100 people around high level planets 1660. lets say 2k people are allowed on server by those numbers. That are actually pretty much accurate for ToFN.

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logged in earlier - was 750th (ish) in queue ...took about an hour and a half to get in, then got knocked off and now 1075 (ish) in the queue ...clearly it was going to be a busy evening and being English I'm more than happy to take my place in the line, but I do wonder if it could all have been a bit better managed. It was no way near so bad with the stress tests in beta. Edited by chrissa
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Between 2.5 hour queues on LoL and the ridiculous disconnect (9000) bugs I have now been queueing since 3pm (GMT) to get back into the game.


Thanks for the last 5.5 hours of frustration and disappointment.


I've already rerolled once just so I can play but without my guildies its a pretty hollow experience and now even that server is full with over an hours queue.


I don't really like to be here moaning because the game itself is wonderful, conditions in game are stable and everything is set up for a wonderful time playing SWTOR for many months if not years. This out of game bugs/queues are all that I think are real issues and they aren't going to be going away.

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I see you're talking here about some certain servers... I don't know maybe I play diffrent game but EU English servers are almost all stated as FULL with exception of maybe 2 servers which are stated "Very heavy". I wait now like 1 hour in queue for Basilisk Droid and I'm just in halfway...
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No one reads my posts i guess. Even if theres a lot of subscribers i'm giving numbers. 100 per starting planet. 100 on each station + 150 on each capital thats 1300 just on starting areas. 80 on each first planet that 160 for a total 1460. lets say 100 people are doing flashpoint 1560. and theres 100 people around high level planets 1660. lets say 2k people are allowed on server by those numbers. That are actually pretty much accurate for ToFN.


I don't think this is remotly correct. Don't forget that there are multiple instances of players per location. You only see a fraction of the total population on a server. I bet those servers would just yawn from miniscule 2k people. They sure can hold far more than that.

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Between 2.5 hour queues on LoL and the ridiculous disconnect (9000) bugs I have now been queueing since 3pm (GMT) to get back into the game.


Thanks for the last 5.5 hours of frustration and disappointment.


I've already rerolled once just so I can play but without my guildies its a pretty hollow experience and now even that server is full with over an hours queue.


I don't really like to be here moaning because the game itself is wonderful, conditions in game are stable and everything is set up for a wonderful time playing SWTOR for many months if not years. This out of game bugs/queues are all that I think are real issues and they aren't going to be going away.



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On Tomb of Freedon nadd I'm currently on a 2.20 min waiting queue with 2200 people in front of me..

I mean what the HELL?! If the server is that overpopulated I think they NEED to offer a way out now, because this is *********** insane.. I mean INSANE... I would transfer out but I'm not about to leave my entire guild and a level 25+ character..


I hope they decide to do something about this, and soon..

They've done alot of great things in this game, but currently this is really frustrating and takes away some of the thrill of the game for me..


Would be nice to be abled to logg on and set your crew to work before you go to work for example? Just gotta wait 2 hours first.. :p


Thanks in advance? =p

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No one reads my posts i guess. Even if theres a lot of subscribers i'm giving numbers. 100 per starting planet. 100 on each station + 150 on each capital thats 1300 just on starting areas. 80 on each first planet that 160 for a total 1460. lets say 100 people are doing flashpoint 1560. and theres 100 people around high level planets 1660. lets say 2k people are allowed on server by those numbers. That are actually pretty much accurate for ToFN.


I read your previous post :) and agree with your estimate. As as I've said, nothing in comparison to other mmo's. Here's hoping they have a lot more servers to turn on before official release date, otherwise it's back to WoW for me.

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I don't think this is remotly correct. Don't forget that there are multiple instances of players per location. You only see a fraction of the total population on a server. I bet those servers would just yawn from miniscule 2k people. They sure can hold far more than that.


then how can we trade anything in trade hubs? don't post anything that you haven't confirmed yourself. When u get a friend on the same crowded planet and his on a different phase ill believe that.

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Problme is adding more servers won't cut it. My guild and I are already pretty comfortable in Hydian Way (with characters going into their 20-30), so we can't just start new characters.


They need to increase the cap of each server, maybe initiate full guild transfers to new servers...?

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2 hours in que and still number 230....UNACCEPTABLE!!!

if i wasnt put on this server with guild placement i prolly would choose another sever


If you've really been 2 hours in the same spot, I would strongly advice you to check that your swtor isnt gone in freeze mode :p

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Rename this thread the queue queue thread. What did you expect? Have you ever played a MMO at launch? Love the person saying that this game had less subscribers then AoC, or WOW...go check the VG for preorders.


Lets just revoke all the EGA granted today :)


I have played other MMOs at launch. I never had to queue to get on for more than 10 minutes.


BW knew how many preorders they had and how many people they sent emails to saying early access granted. So why not have the server capacity to match? Inviting say (numbers just for illustration) 10k people when you know your servers will only take 3k is bad business if nothing else.

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I'm surprised so many people are outraged about the queues. I guess getting used to playing on a big WoW server humbles you, leaving the PC on in a queue just gives me more time to make dinner/do laundry/wash the dishes/chat with the significant other. :)
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