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So a friend invite discloses your real name?


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It's a friend invite. My friends know my name. Funny thing about friendship... They actually know me.


precisely. Why would you invite a buncha people, using a "friend" invite if you don't want them to know who you are? If you're that concerned with your identity, perhaps it's best if you just avoid that route.

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This bulls**t is a lot like the issues I had with RealID in WoW, which was one of the reasons I quit WoW and refuse to play any of their products ever again.


I have a great many online friends who only know me by my UserID. I do not use my real name and I do not agree to any company handing out my real name.


When I received the news that I could invite 3 people to SW:ToR for a 7 day trial, I immediately started trying to narrow down who to send them to. The I discovered BW had no intention of introducing Combat macros and that the 1.2 patch had been pushed back to early April (probably later now that they have pushed it back once already).


I promptly cancelled my account. I may be back whenever 1.2 comes out if some other game hasn't come along before then.


Now that I know that BW is handing out my Real name, I will not ever send invites out until that stupidity is changed; not that I find the game is currently worth recommending.


1.2 may save the game if they get it out before the losetoo many players andcan no longer afford to develop 1.2 . . .


Except no company does this, YOU have to take steps to use whatever product that gives out your real name. With real ID YOU had to set it up where other people could know your name, etc etc. Don't blame the company for this. The user has the option to not use these features.

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OMG! :eek: they gave my real name! considering the email i use is my name i dont see a problem with this. i invite my friend who i got into lotro, she wont play this because she'd have to pay for it.


i invited a FRIEND, hence she already knows my name.



OP = fail

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I found this rather shocking actually.


So I asked a lot of online friends who would want an invite to the 7 day trial (I have 3 real life friends who basically let me tell them whom to invite aswell) and when I get the first few replies back its basically goes:


<real name> (Valhingen) has invited you to...


Now what makes you think that anyone I get along with online is supposed to know my real name that I trusted you with in my details?

Oh, and very clever that you cannot change your name in the settings either.


Personally I regret having sent out invitations (though my 3 I dont consider critical) but can only advise my friends not to use this.


I know right! Online gaming friends are different from Facebook friends (unless they are Cityville/Farmville/etc. friends just for that purpose, but "social" gaming doesn't really count as gaming but rather a subset of Facebook friend.) are different from forum friends are different from IRL friends (sometimes), and those boundaries need to be respected.

Edited by Agemnon
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This will cause BW some issues if they have any folks from Europe use this. Disclosure of personal information is regulated pretty heavily there. Not to mention the fact it is simply common sense not to disclose personal information from a customer's account.
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I know right! Online gaming friends are different from Facebook friends (unless they are Cityville/Farmville/etc. friends just for that purpose, but "social" gaming doesn't really count as gaming but rather a subset of Facebook friend.) are different from forum friends are different from IRL friends (sometimes), and those boundaries need to be respected.


lol as sarcastic as that sounds pretty much nailed it. Privacy is Privacy don't need a game company deciding that for me.

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People are so scared of privacy on the internet these days...


Yes it is a problem, identity theft is a growing crime, yada, yada.


Seriously, what is he going to do with your name, I can go on facebook and find hundreds and thousands of full names, but that doesn't mean I'm going to find them, break into there house and kill them.


Thin skin.

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I found this rather shocking actually.



To all the replies going over the semantic of the word "friend": face-palm. :p


I agree with you. The matter is not wherever Bioware is providing your name to someone else. The matter is Bioware does it without clearly expressing so.


"on your behalf" is vague. Myself I expected them to use my public account identification (the forum name) not my real name.

A simple "The name used to register your account will appear on the message transmitted with the invitation" or something like that. That would have simply be more clear, and you could decide to proceed or not in good knowledge.


I'm sure if Bioware suddenly replaced the forum names with real names, some of the people who just said their real name does not matter in this thread would suddenly have a change of heart (assuming they used their real name to subscribe). I seem to remember the uproar when another "freezing wind" big game company tried to do it :D

Edited by Elysith
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I agree with everyone going... lolol but they are you friend who cares if they know your name.


However i did look at my invite friend thing and no where does it say your name will be disclosed which i can imagine would be a problem for people who have no friends in real life so aren't used to people knowing their name.


Funny thing is the invite i sent to my mate... HIS EMAIL IS HIS FULL NAME! oh noes.

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Their full, family name? Like of your whole guild, Steam list etc or would you just not call them friends / consider sending an invite?


Actually no, i wouldnt consider sending them an invite since they would be more or less strangers or aquaintances of mine... not actual friends.


sending invites to people on your steam list or your whole guild is tantamount to sending invites to complete strangers.


Why not just invite your friends and if they join, they can invite their friends and so on...

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It's a friend invite. My friends know my name. Funny thing about friendship... They actually know me.


Same here. One, we know eachother back 20 years ago...the other friend is my sister and her partner.


If you invite some 'friends' met on other games that maybe never seen them once..oh well can understand the reason of the OP.

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This doesn't make any sense.


Do you use a fake name when introducing yourself to strangers in real life? You know them even LESS than how you know people in game.


I thought this one made so much *********** sense lol.


I don't know where you guys get that parannoia from and will probably die not knowing... A guy with my name might look me up and then what? Afraid someone you trolled is going to kill you? It'll be too much of a hassle to frame someone else and not get caught.

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Tbh I agree with both sides here.

I mean what are the odds of using my name to purposely track me down and do nasty stuff to me right? It may never happen.


Then again it might.

All it takes is one person deciding on it.


Or several.


You might say "ye but im just sending it to my friends".

Hey man, accidents happen.

Your mail might just be send to the wrong person/adress/whatever.

Paranoid or practical?

If you choose to be active on the internet every little bit of information about you is a key to find out more.


This is why we have legislation concerning privacy.

The internet is not you.

Its the world and there are a lot of sick people out there who couldnt care less about the value you place on your life.

Or, care too much.


Besides this, if a company does not respect their own ToS, why should I?

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