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So a friend invite discloses your real name?


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I actually logged on to say that this thread is completely silly. You're upset because they know your name? It says, in my case



"Donavin Northrup (Teodoro) has invited you)


It doesn't list my FULL name, my address, last 4 of my credit card, or any major information. Stop being dramatic, and if you're going to complain about something not being "secure" don't play online games. Lock your front door, never answer your phone, and always use fake information for registration.



(Not to mention, it's more likely someone who hacks a database uses your information for harm than anything else. So why'd ya register with your real name anyway?)

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A predictable reply...so everybody you know online and maybe like/play with knows your real name? Or you would only invite people that know your real name?


If they are people you like, what is the problem with them knowing your real name? You like playing with people you can't trust IRL?

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It's a friend invite. My friends know my name. Funny thing about friendship... They actually know me.


Yar. This in spades.


The program is "invite a friend". Why would BioWare expect your friends to not know your name? Are you on the run from the law? In witness protection? What?

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They should put a warning on the invite page that says:


Warning: Sending an invite will reveal your name as registered on your SWTOR account.!


so then it would be your choice to send or not to send, and it would be similar in function to the facebook / other online tie-ins that reveal your name as registered with facebook / etc.


I agree that would avoid any issues.


However if I am inviting friends I have no issue with them seeing my real name. Most know it anyway.

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I found this rather shocking actually.


So I asked a lot of online friends who would want an invite to the 7 day trial (I have 3 real life friends who basically let me tell them whom to invite aswell) and when I get the first few replies back its basically goes:


<real name> (Valhingen) has invited you to...


Now what makes you think that anyone I get along with online is supposed to know my real name that I trusted you with in my details?

Oh, and very clever that you cannot change your name in the settings either.


Personally I regret having sent out invitations (though my 3 I dont consider critical) but can only advise my friends not to use this.


Referring Americas Most wanted to your account.. Obviously you're hiding something.. Seriously it is meant for FRIENDS not so schmo that belongs to the same facebook group as you. And those people would know your name..



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ok folks feeding time is over and all the good trollolos need a rest now.


please toss your used drink containers into the proper receptacles.


visiting hours are from 8 am to 8 pm daily, but we only feed trollolos once a day.


thank you for visiting, please come again.

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I guess I can only agree to disagree on the majority of points...so what do we have...


Its invite a "friend" - yes, my fault for not being more knitpicking and I hope they will have an invite an "acquaintance" program in the future too


What I am worried about - I did not say I am worried anything particular happens. This is about privacy and (what I feel) to be my right for it.


All my online friends know my full name - Your call and your level of privacy, fair enough but that does not mean I have the same standarts. Also I need to remember to stop calling people in my guild or my contact list friends for a while.


And the newest one - having something to hide...again, its about privacy *sigh*


In fact, even if all those I sent the invite to 'would' know my full (family), I still feel (obviously most disagree) that it is not acceptable to disclose it like that or for bio to assume/make the choice.

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Sorry, but this is significant. I'm glad I didn't send any out. If I choose to share my real life information, that's MY prerogative...and I generally don't.


Bioware should go by my FORUM name.

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If you can google personal information about yourself, you seriously need to review how you've been using the internet. I've been using the internet for 16 years now & as far as it's concerned, I don't exist.


Wow, this is what I understand from that statement:

1 - You never were part of a team (if I'm wrong, you weren't successful as you would have been named on the roster or in the paper for doing something good)

2 - You have not had any success in your career (if you say 16 years of using the internet I'm assuming you're at least 21 years old at minimum and you would be listed in LinkedIn, or a magazine of some kine)

2a - If you aren't old enough to have a career and are still in school, you aren't that intelligent as if you were you'd be listed as being an honor student or part of the honor society or something along those lines.

3 - I could be completely off and you are a multi-millionaire who has paid a hacker to delete all information about you on the internet to keep your privacy.


Just some thoughts about how stupid your statement was.

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What is this, death note? So they know your real name who cares lol.


No worries, they need a face to go along with that too.


OP, I think that if you can't trust someone with your name, then they probably really aren't your friend. Like it has been said, assuming they didn't have something saying they will use your real name, they should have. However, look at it from the perspective of the person receiving the invite. If you get an invite to some high profile game through your e-mail, yet you do not know how or who it is from, are you really going to be stupid enough to click on it?


The name associates that invite with someone you know allowing you to trust who it is coming from. Therefore, it really makes sense for them to give out your name. The fact that you refuse to tell the people you consider friends your real name proves they aren't. I haven't used it because my friends already play this game, but if any of them didn't, including online friends, I'd be more than happy to let them use my name seeing as they already know it. I trust my friends enough that they can know it.


Fortunately though, unlike most people I am also smart enough to use an alias on most sites so that I never put my real name out there. My friends know my alias as well for the sake of recognition, but it certainly makes things a lot easier.

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A predictable reply...so everybody you know online and maybe like/play with knows your real name? Or you would only invite people that know your real name?


The key word you skipped over completely there was "friend" If you consider internet stangers you don't really know to be"friends" then I personally feel you have some real issues facing you in internet land.


It's not an "invite total strangers that I would not trust to know my name" program you know.


Tip: by making it a name disclose approach, Bioware is actually encouraging people to invite actual real "friends" and maybe "family". You know, people that actually know enough about you that they even know you by name. :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Their full, family name? Like of your whole guild, Steam list etc or would you just not call them friends / consider sending an invite?


Yes. I know all of their first and lst names, and they all know mine.


I am completely open online, letting people know who I am and where I live....


The internet is for interaction, not hiding behind a screen name.

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What I am worried about - I did not say I am worried anything particular happens. This is about privacy and (what I feel) to be my right for it.


Dude, the program is something you decide if you would like to participate in or not. They are not forcing you to particapte, so there is no privacy issue. They are not disclosing your name through the program, YOU ARE, if you accept the terms of the program AND actually make use of it.


From a practica standpoint, people are more likely to accept an invitation to an MMO from someone they actually know, then from some stranger (or person whose identity is not disclosed). It's an anti-spam measure to help insure that people don't toss it back to Bioware saying they were spammed.

Edited by Andryah
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It's a legitimate beef and BW should maybe think about just letting you enter whatever nametag yuo want...like maybe yuor online name that they know you by if they don't know your real name. I mean, not everyone I'm "friends" with online is an "RL" friend or more than just an "online friend" who I play games with but don't reallyk know outside of that context.
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Honestly people, what is the purpose of jumping down this guy's throat? You feel better now?

I'd be upset too if the game used my real name instead of forum name without my knowledge upfront. That's the key... if it said that it was going to send personal information upfront, then it's on him. However, that doesn't sound like the situation here.

How you define friends doesn't mean squat either. Telling him that he shouldn't consider online friends as "real" friends is completely besides the point. And then insulting him for the chance that he does is absolutely moronic.

If you don't think your personal information, including your full name, is sensative information, then I sure hope you don't find out the hard way by having your identity stolen.

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No matter how anyone spins it, attaching your RL name to your alias on invitations is a big no no. Specially when the purpose is marketing they should be facilitateting the process. This must obviously be an oversight which needs to be corrected ASAP.


I also form part of a gaming community, and we know each other by our aliases and nothing more and for years we've been content segregating our real and online lives.

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The OP is just complaining to complain, so is just about everyone else who is going "I AGREE! We should have to AGREE before they give out our name!" Don't send the invite to random *** people then. Not to mention your name? Not a big deal. EVERY credit card receipt you have, someone who even LOOKS at your card, someone who runs your name through a registry has your name. You give your card to the random person at Wal-Mart who can follow your car home without a second thought, yet you worry about someone 7 states over having your, likely to be common anyway, name in an e-mail?


Wow. I think our fore-fathers are crying in disgust right now.

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Honestly people, what is the purpose of jumping down this guy's throat? You feel better now?

I'd be upset too if the game used my real name instead of forum name without my knowledge upfront. That's the key... if it said that it was going to send personal information upfront, then it's on him. However, that doesn't sound like the situation here.

How you define friends doesn't mean squat either. Telling him that he shouldn't consider online friends as "real" friends is completely besides the point. And then insulting him for the chance that he does is absolutely moronic.

If you don't think your personal information, including your full name, is sensative information, then I sure hope you don't find out the hard way by having your identity stolen.


You will -never- have your identity stolen by your name delivered via e-mail. You WILL have it stolen by the clerk at a grocery store, or someone breaking into your HR departments files, electronically or physically. Not by someone having your FIRST AND LAST NAME.

Edited by Notannos
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