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Server population is dropping...


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I'm just calling it as I see as a member who's paid for his right too. There is no reason why I have to be protective of the reality of the situation. I've been arguing successfully against fanbois that servers pops aren't increasing before they announced their end of February numbers cause I believe i can forecast a think or 2. Bioware does have the successful making of an MMORPG here, they just need to fix some issues asap.
I see now... that explains everything. :rolleyes: Edited by GalacticKegger
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I love this Game its Awsome but cant keep playing because of this issue. Telling me to just start over its no big deal is so lame I wish it were you.


It was hours of fun and I enjoyed it very much as soon as you re-roll its a Grind baby the and the fun is gone its a rerun at that point.


I am envious of anyone who can find 100+ on their fleet I have only dreamed of 300+.


I logged in last night as it was the last day of my cancelled sub to find 8 people on my fleet. I went to 4 other planets and found 3 with zero pop and one that had 2 souls on it at 7 pm prime West coast hours. I love the game and would have rather cancelled another game that I play as I prefer SWTOR but I also prefer to have people to play with and chat.


I have leveled 4 characters that I love on my server to 40+ My time is valuable telling me to move to another server and re-roll new and start over is a joke I don't want to start over I worked hard on these toons and want to continue with them.


I suppose it's easy to say that if your server is peachy and I hope it happens to you someday maybe then you we can call you haters and cry babies. :mad:


yes the new patch looks fantastic but what good is it when there is no one to play with its just a whole sheep load of more stuff that I cant enjoy so why continue to pay.


so give us transfer paid or free or server merges or listen to the happy people from the 3 maybe 4 servers that I ever see heavy that say life is wonderful all the time.


Ill come back and drop my other MMO that I have played for 7 years like a hot potato but I won't come back a moment before this issue is resolved no matter what content you add.

Edited by VigilanteStudio
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I love this Game its Awsome but cant keep playing because of this issue. Telling me to just start over its no big deal is so lame I wish it were you.


It was hours of fun and I enjoyed it very much as soon as you re-roll its a Grind baby the and the fun is gone its a rerun at that point.


I am envious of anyone who can find 100+ on their fleet I have only dreamed of 300+.


I logged in last night as it was the last day of my cancelled sub to find 8 people on my fleet. I went to 4 other planets and found 3 with zero pop and one that had 2 souls on it at 7 pm prime West coast hours. I love the game and would have rather cancelled another game that I play as I prefer SWTOR but I also prefer to have people to play with and chat.


I have leveled 4 characters that I love on my server to 40+ My time is valuable telling me to move to another server and re-roll new and start over is a joke I don't want to start over I worked hard on these toons and want to continue with them.


I suppose it's easy to say that if your server is peachy and I hope it happens to you someday maybe then you we can call you haters and cry babies. :mad:


yes the new patch looks fantastic but what good is it when there is no one to play with its just a whole sheep load of more stuff that I cant enjoy so why continue to pay.


so give us transfer paid or free or server merges or listen to the happy people from the 3 maybe 4 servers that I ever see heavy that say life is wonderful all the time.


Ill come back and drop my other MMO that I have played for 7 years like a hot potato but I won't come back a moment before this issue is resolved no matter what content you add.


this really says it. agree completely

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Vornskr, one of the original servers with a decent population, is practically dead now around 10pm PST. A month ago it ave 150+ in fleet with tons of traffic. Now there is usuallly 40-50 sitting around GTN afking.
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Mines still going strong, but keep in mind populations have dips between content updates in any MMO.


If I was on a server that had less than 50 on the Fleet during prime time I would either reroll(like I did), or quit.


I am sitting at 4 lev 50s, mostly geared in rakata or columi...all of them...with a legacy lev close to 40...there's only so much rerolling one can do


Without others to play with, be it FPs or OPs, there is no reason to log back in.

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Vornskr, one of the original servers with a decent population, is practically dead now around 10pm PST. A month ago it ave 150+ in fleet with tons of traffic. Now there is usuallly 40-50 sitting around GTN afking.


If I see 40-50 at primetime on my server I think maybe I can run a flashpoint. Thats LUCKY! My question is, has anyone even heard anything about server merges? And for christ sakes can we get the patch already!:(

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Yeah, 1.7 million subscribers, second biggest MMO on the market after 3 months live. Yeah, totally dying a quick death.


Yeah cause people don't lie right??? The game IS totally dying, as IS evident by the EMPTY servers, not the made up numbers.

Edited by DSPD
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


However, if the servers return to queues and heavy lag like they were in December or Starsider was in SWG you would find more players leaving than in the current state.


In fact some of the heavier servers are in their current state because of people leaving due to lag.


I am not against their implementing the industry standard $25US paid character transfer. But I do not see a need for server merges or a FCTS.

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last night highest ever seen (by me, no metrics here) On Daragon Trail


40 in KP, 20in EV and over 60 in fleet - republic.


If your server is in good shape then you get a :). Happy for you. Im not lying about my population. We are just saying that are server is dead and we would like something done about it.

On topic. Character transfers would be great. Its a fact that they over anticipated how many subs they would have in the first place. Character transfers are great for solo peeps but what about the people with guilds. Sucks for them. As why I have said server merges.

Edited by Sccorpion
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If your server is in good shape then you get a :). Happy for you. Im not lying about my population. We are just saying that are server is dead and we would like something done about it.


Something is being done about it you're just not patient enough to wait for it. They can't just snap there fingers and magically have a transfer system in place that doesn't cause more issues then it solves.


So either wait, quit, or re-roll... because complaining about it does absolutely nothing

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I play republic, when I first started at release we had over 300 ppl in fleet most of the time, 400+ on weekends. around 100 on most planets.


Now, I haven't seen fleet get over 70 in probably a month. Most planets have less than 10 people, if there's anywhere there at all. Ilum is dead. Only people on ilum are the people doing HM flash points. So there might be 4 people there for 30 seconds until they zone into flash point.


When I first started playing my server was always Very Heavy... now it's always Light.


I made 2 imps, one when I first started, and one recently too see if population was higher on that side, it is... but by very, very, very little.


I dont know about other peoples servers. But mine is sure as **** dying. This game needs lots and lots of love if it wants to make it. Preferably that love will come in the form of some type of an end game.... As of now, I'm back to playing Guild Wars 1 while my sub runs out, I'll be checking back on this game in a few years, sadly I doubt it's going to make it that long. I really wish it would, this game has tons of potential to be great, but sadly bioware/ea has no clue.


Not trolling, flame away, imo this game is dying, I'll go play a real MMO that i've been playing for 7+ years and still haven't done all of the end game content.

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How can anybody say that this is fine, or even acceptable? yes, some servers are OK, but for servers like The Shadow Runner, it's virtually impossible at any point levelling to get groups for flashpoints or heroic missions. Warzones are restricted to a couple of hours a day when there are enough people online, and only a couple of guilds can manage enough players for raids. The rest have rerolled or simply quit. We need an answer from bioware... fast.


Oh, 2:30AM and there's not a crowd on the fleet, what a surprised. Anyone up that late is probably finishing up a OPS or something and going to bed. The majority of the games players do not play all that late.

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Something is being done about it you're just not patient enough to wait for it. They can't just snap there fingers and magically have a transfer system in place that doesn't cause more issues then it solves.


So either wait, quit, or re-roll... because complaining about it does absolutely nothing


Maybe if you read my post earlier you would have seen that I was asking a question. What is being done about it, besides the patch.?

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I play republic, when I first started at release we had over 300 ppl in fleet most of the time, 400+ on weekends. around 100 on most planets.


Now, I haven't seen fleet get over 70 in probably a month. Most planets have less than 10 people, if there's anywhere there at all. Ilum is dead. Only people on ilum are the people doing HM flash points. So there might be 4 people there for 30 seconds until they zone into flash point.


When I first started playing my server was always Very Heavy... now it's always Light.


I made 2 imps, one when I first started, and one recently too see if population was higher on that side, it is... but by very, very, very little.


I dont know about other peoples servers. But mine is sure as **** dying. This game needs lots and lots of love if it wants to make it. Preferably that love will come in the form of some type of an end game.... As of now, I'm back to playing Guild Wars 1 while my sub runs out, I'll be checking back on this game in a few years, sadly I doubt it's going to make it that long. I really wish it would, this game has tons of potential to be great, but sadly bioware/ea has no clue.


Not trolling, flame away, imo this game is dying, I'll go play a real MMO that i've been playing for 7+ years and still haven't done all of the end game content.


Exactly. I was on Ilum this morning. population me. yes 1. Dont tell me about it being early or on late cause anything less then 20 on one planet is crap.

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knock knock bioware.


Just say somthing, surly you have an idea of how you are going to handle the problem being dicussed here? HUH? MAYBE?


knock knock.


They said a while ago they're working on character transfers, it's just more difficult than other games.

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Something is being done about it you're just not patient enough to wait for it. They can't just snap there fingers and magically have a transfer system in place that doesn't cause more issues then it solves.


So either wait, quit, or re-roll... because complaining about it does absolutely nothing


That isn't true, complaining has this made this a house hold issue and one the biggest conscious issues about the game. This thread got really popular in February and it's no coincidence that after this thread exploded that Bioware anounced fixing this issue was their next top priority

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That isn't true, complaining has this made this a house hold issue and one the biggest conscious issues about the game. This thread got really popular in February and it's no coincidence that after this thread exploded that Bioware anounced fixing this issue was their next top priority


Thankyou brother. someone IS listening!

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It may be a household item, but we still have no real idea of how or when these server transfers will work.


For all we know, they will be region specific for people who are from the Oceanic area but were playing on NA servers until BW got their server farm going in Aussie-land.

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This thread is a joke.. Those people with serious population issues are being overshadowed by numerous trolls complaining that their server isn't packed at 2:30am or very early in the morning on a week day.


Try 10pm server time. There is a serious problem, and not just one server. Maybe you are lucky and your server is great. But mine is dying.

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