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Server population is dropping...


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I'm sick of people proposing cross server tools as a solution to dead servers.


It fixes nothing...


You are still on a dead server, I don't care about being able to faceroll stupid flashpoint groups. I care about having a large vibrant server of familiar faces to do raids and form guilds with. Cross server lfd tools do not provide this.


Cross server tools are for solo players and ultra casuals. They are a cop out for getting out of the hassle of having to merge servers from the developers standpoint.


Merge the servers or provide transfers... That is the ONLY real solution.

Edited by savagepotato
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I'm sick of people proposing cross server tools as a solution to dead servers.


It fixes nothing...


You are still on a dead server, I don't care about being able to faceroll stupid flashpoint groups. I care about having a large vibrant server of familiar faces to do raids and form guilds with. Cross server lfd tools do not provide this.


Cross server tools are for solo players and ultra casuals.


Merge the servers or provide transfers... That is the ONLY real solution.


Or fix the game and improve content.

People are leaving because the game isn't that good once they reach the end, there's nothing to keep them coming back other than to grind credits and the same crappy looking gears.


Free weekends and friend passes won't solve anything, it didn't solve the problem with other MMOs and it won't solve anything here either because the core game is still incomplete and incompetently put together.

The lack of customization is a huge issue in this game, and they're not going to address that issue properly anytime soon when they're still rolling out credit sinks and promoting farmers.

They need to work on a more "living" game soon, otherwise people who are done with the game will simply be done, more raids/flashpoint/warzones won't solve anything when they still drop the same ugly unimaginative clone crap.

1.2 should have been there since launch, features that defined the game shouldn't have taken this long to put back in, now they're suffering for it with no real solutions on the table.


Cross server content wouldn't help, and server mergers wouldn't help much either because of the idiotic design that went into the game's character saved location. I've never liked this whole binding a character to a single server crap, just set up a character server and log that into the world, generate as many shards as needed and provide grouping and syncing to the same shard when needed. You'd never have to worry about server merges, or low population issues, ever.


Follow the mold and you'll get the same issues, server population isn't going to climb anytime soon when they're still focusing on the same stereotypical "endgame" content releases as other games (raid/pvp only). Unless you learn to "grow" your MMO into a living creature, your population will keep dropping, just like how WoW is still losing people.

Edited by Talorya
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I'm sick of people proposing cross server tools as a solution to dead servers.


It fixes nothing...


You are still on a dead server, I don't care about being able to faceroll stupid flashpoint groups. I care about having a large vibrant server of familiar faces to do raids and form guilds with. Cross server lfd tools do not provide this.


Cross server tools are for solo players and ultra casuals. They are a cop out for getting out of the hassle of having to merge servers from the developers standpoint.


Merge the servers or provide transfers... That is the ONLY real solution.

Quite so. Cross server LFD only helps for flashpoints and warzones.

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Or fix the game and improve content.

People are leaving because the game isn't that good once they reach the end, there's nothing to keep them coming back other than to grind credits and the same crappy looking gears.


Free weekends and friend passes won't solve anything, it didn't solve the problem with other MMOs and it won't solve anything here either because the core game is still incomplete and incompetently put together.

The lack of customization is a huge issue in this game, and they're not going to address that issue properly anytime soon when they're still rolling out credit sinks and promoting farmers.

They need to work on a more "living" game soon, otherwise people who are done with the game will simply be done, more raids/flashpoint/warzones won't solve anything when they still drop the same ugly unimaginative clone crap.

1.2 should have been there since launch, features that defined the game shouldn't have taken this long to put back in, now they're suffering for it with no real solutions on the table.


Cross server content wouldn't help, and server mergers wouldn't help much either because of the idiotic design that went into the game's character saved location. I've never liked this whole binding a character to a single server crap, just set up a character server and log that into the world, generate as many shards as needed and provide grouping and syncing to the same shard when needed. You'd never have to worry about server merges, or low population issues, ever.


Follow the mold and you'll get the same issues, server population isn't going to climb anytime soon when they're still focusing on the same stereotypical "endgame" content releases as other games (raid/pvp only). Unless you learn to "grow" your MMO into a living creature, your population will keep dropping, just like how WoW is still losing people.


Well, clearly in the bigger picture something truly new is desperately needed. I have been advocating for a long time that one world design like EVE is something all games should be focusing on developing.


More and more people are saying the same thing, which is that they want something new, and not the same old raid and repeatable content game. No developer has the guts to take the risk on building it though.


And sadly, this game is never going to be it.

Edited by savagepotato
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this thread is still going on in one form or another since the game came out?


Probably because the server population has been dropping since the end of December. Not necessarily in canceled subs, but in players actually logging in, the evidence is as plain as day.

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Probably because the server population has been dropping since the end of December. Not necessarily in canceled subs, but in players actually logging in, the evidence is as plain as day.


Yep, it's as plain as day. Every morning a big sign comes up on the horizon when you first log in that says, "There are fewer people online today than there were yesterday." Just like the sun. :rolleyes:



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Well the server I started on with 4 friends, Thendys Noori, is now almost completely empty on the Republic side. There are less than 5 players on any of the first 6 planets during peak times and less than 25 at fleet during the same times. After spending a considerable amount of time on multiple characters, it sucks that I had to restart a different character on a high population server, so playing with other players is possible. The ironic thing is that my friends are huge Star Wars fans and got me to play this game, but they've all quit playing due to population issues and I continue to play even though Star Wars isn't even that big to me. I could really care less if the game is gaining or losing subscribers, but if servers continue to lose people playing on them it seems natural to allow people to move characters or to combine populations to provide a better experience to the players.


To be honest, I'm not sure that players that see dwindling populations on their servers are going to continue playing this game if it's obvious that the issue is being ignored, because subscription levels seem to be staying level.

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Yep, it's as plain as day. Every morning a big sign comes up on the horizon when you first log in that says, "There are fewer people online today than there were yesterday." Just like the sun. :rolleyes:




Yeah, ironically it's in the top left hand corner of the screen, attached to the chat window. I see you must have noticed it too.

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help support free server transfers and server merges. be active and support posts like this in the forum and let bioware know that it is important to us.


Support server mergers until you are blue in the face. You won't get them. Regardless of the state of a game, server mergers do nothing but invite bad press.


Yes, much worse press than the complaining that the servers are dead.

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Population is dropping period ... anyone who says otherwise is dilusional. I would bet my left you know what on it ... I remember it wasnt long ago we were all complaining that we had to wait 15 mins in que to log on .. now all I see is standard/low for population on server screen. I wish it wasnt this way though ..


Gotta love the posts like this: Believe me or you are stupid. Even though I don't know what I'm really talking about.

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I'm sick of people proposing cross server tools as a solution to dead servers.


It fixes nothing...


You are still on a dead server, I don't care about being able to faceroll stupid flashpoint groups. I care about having a large vibrant server of familiar faces to do raids and form guilds with. Cross server lfd tools do not provide this.


Cross server tools are for solo players and ultra casuals. They are a cop out for getting out of the hassle of having to merge servers from the developers standpoint.


Merge the servers or provide transfers... That is the ONLY real solution.


Server mergers = bad press. LFG tools = Happy (mostly) Playerbase


Which one do you think Bioware will choose.

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Yeah, ironically it's in the top left hand corner of the screen, attached to the chat window. I see you must have noticed it too.


And here I just thought that told me the number of people on the planet and in the shard tthat I am in.


And all this time it was an indication of the entire game and it's playerbase's population. Boy, do I have egg on my face. :rolleyes:

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should be another big drop in pops this coming week as the folks who bought to time cards to play run out, Face it BIO its an american made game and as always because of that fact it will never run right and it will alway suck,but keep telling yourselves your the greatest,lmfao
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should be another big drop in pops this coming week as the folks who bought to time cards to play run out, Face it BIO its an american made game and as always because of that fact it will never run right and it will alway suck,but keep telling yourselves your the greatest,lmfao




you can't even spell. when you insult americans, you have to use every ounce of your being to attain the proper level of smug.


so that being said: you are a bad forum poster.

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should be another big drop in pops this coming week as the folks who bought to time cards to play run out, Face it BIO its an american made game and as always because of that fact it will never run right and it will alway suck,but keep telling yourselves your the greatest,lmfao


Another big drop? There has been previous big drops? Source? And I'd prefer factual sources, not made up. I haven't seen a drop personally.

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Another big drop? There has been previous big drops? Source? And I'd prefer factual sources, not made up. I haven't seen a drop personally.


The mere fact the forum is constantly complaining about it should be proof enough. You will never see a truthful answer from ea or bioware about the pop. Thats why it was a mad rush to get an asian launch going to skew the numbers just like blizzard does.


Asia uses time cards that are based on hourly play.. each card gets counted as a subscription by blizzard.. So the same chinese kid who plays 5 times a week on 5 different time cards, get counted 5 times.. you get it? Bioware moved super fast to get an asian launch and the numbers will be just as skewed as blizzards.


If you want real numbers of how many actually play wow.. go google how many boxes they sold to their last expansion... something like 4 million world wide...


Blizzard/wow have maybe 1-2 million subs world wide. But they blow it way out of proportion to give the illusion its such a great game when in fact its crap. And what bothers me is no one can see this as far as devs go so they continue to make clones of it when games could be done so much better.

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The mere fact the forum is constantly complaining about it should be proof enough.


You mean like the constant complaining on every other MMO board in existence?? Cuse if WoW lost subscribers every time someone complained on those boards, there would be 3 people playing that game right now.

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You mean like the constant complaining on every other MMO board in existence?? Cuse if WoW lost subscribers every time someone complained on those boards, there would be 3 people playing that game right now.


When I played swg pre cu, no one complained about lack of population.. the game, for its size was very populated.


Eq2, never once saw complaints like what i see here about mergers.. There was the odd post but not like here.


I personally think bioware should bite the bullet and make about 20 N.A servers and 10 Eu.. That would be sufficient enough to support the 300 or 400k still logging in to this game. Regardless what they claim as active subs, its no where near that amount actually playing.

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When I played swg pre cu, no one complained about lack of population.. the game, for its size was very populated.


Eq2, never once saw complaints like what i see here about mergers.. There was the odd post but not like here.


I personally think bioware should bite the bullet and make about 20 N.A servers and 10 Eu.. That would be sufficient enough to support the 300 or 400k still logging in to this game. Regardless what they claim as active subs, its no where near that amount actually playing.


You are comparing two completely different eras of gaming. SWG and EQ2 were released in the era where people played a game to have fun, and realized that MMO's were always being improved and expanded upon. It was an era of patience and tolerance.


SWTOR was released amidst the era of entitlement and instant gratification. If something isn't perfect, the keyboard warriors head to internet forums to whine.


Apples and oranges friend, apples and oranges.

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The mere fact the forum is constantly complaining about it should be proof enough. You will never see a truthful answer from ea or bioware about the pop. Thats why it was a mad rush to get an asian launch going to skew the numbers just like blizzard does.


Asia uses time cards that are based on hourly play.. each card gets counted as a subscription by blizzard.. So the same chinese kid who plays 5 times a week on 5 different time cards, get counted 5 times.. you get it? Bioware moved super fast to get an asian launch and the numbers will be just as skewed as blizzards.


If you want real numbers of how many actually play wow.. go google how many boxes they sold to their last expansion... something like 4 million world wide...


Blizzard/wow have maybe 1-2 million subs world wide. But they blow it way out of proportion to give the illusion its such a great game when in fact its crap. And what bothers me is no one can see this as far as devs go so they continue to make clones of it when games could be done so much better.


boxes =/= copies of the game


I bought mine as digital, doesn't count towards box sales. But yes WoW has used clever marketing tactics to hide their true numbers. Difference is WoW has tools that are built in the game like Cross server PvP/Dungeons that allow people to enjoy themselves if there server is in trouble, this game doesn't and is a very very bad costly design decision

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You mean like the constant complaining on every other MMO board in existence?? Cuse if WoW lost subscribers every time someone complained on those boards, there would be 3 people playing that game right now.


These boards are the worst I've personally seen in any MMORPG period, for months 9/10's of all messages posted were something negative, and that is WITH devs deleting every thread they possibly could

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