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Patch 1.2 We will be able to buy champion gear for credits.


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I actually don't mind being out geared for a while simply because it makes me a better player. However it is a lot less fun when you can beat people without thinking or trying because of gear.


I don't mind a small gear progression with a low ceiling. I don't get people who care about this. What if someone buys champion gear with credits they got from warzones? They would have done the same thing, warzones, to get the gear.


Dont care. Would prefer there was no such thing as pvp gear, or pvp stats. Its... annoying and terrible. Would prefer to see access to new styles, or new craftable styles, or new vanity pets, new whatever.


honestly, I just like getting a shiny. Basically, I want a reward.


Because Im paying to play this game, and I like carrots. Its really that simple. I dont need or want faceroll gear. I actually like playing against people on even footing. When I win, Id like to know I won because Im good at my class. Not because my gear laughs at someone.


Kind of why I stopped playing a concealment op once I got BM gear. If I fight anyone that doesnt have BM gear, they are gonna get facerolled. Its not skill. Its just gear, spec, and consumables.

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So you need to buy them with warzone comms.....emmm...what's so bad about this? People still need to put in the time and effort.


Yea it sucks for current BMs perhaps but...no one held a shotgun to your head forcing you to get it in the past few months.

Edited by Dizzident
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With the sudden surge of scrubs invading the WZ's on my server, I am not excited that they can get welfare gear. Like you said, being outgeared a little makes you a better player. Giving the gear away gives scrubs the illusion that they will be better with better gear and will not have the opportunity to try and get better by being undergeared for a while. I think it would be better to give away cent gear and make ppl grind for anything better. I think we would see better players.


I think it would take a minor act of god for that to happen.


Better players pay attention. They understand that huttball isnt about medal farming, but ball movement. (Thats why most of them fail miserably at it.) Better players dont sit four deep at mid, when its the only turret you hold. (sadly that seems to be a new thing...) Better players fight on the doors, and dont get drawn away for stealthers to plant bombs behind them.....


The list goes on and on. And generally if a decent player makes a mistake like that, its not often. But rare.


Sadly, most pvp players see someone. Run out to kill them. Get owned by the stealther that was tagging along, and lose the objective. The worst part is, they never learn. Gear cant help stupid.

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come 1.2 champ gear will be old tat. the new gear will still require grinding.


if this is true, its not a bad step, it allows fresh 50's quick starter gear (and lets face it, it only takes a week to get a full set of pvp gear atm anyway)


If you have a day, and can finish both weekly's, both dailies, and have 1000/1000 comms....


It takes 1 day to gear up.

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come 1.2 champ gear will be old tat. the new gear will still require grinding.


if this is true, its not a bad step, it allows fresh 50's quick starter gear (and lets face it, it only takes a week to get a full set of pvp gear atm anyway)


Yep plus you can take all the mods out...I mean really who is still going be wearing thier chicken suit?I know I won't I'm going look like a bum like the weakest guy on the map then BAM full modded gear smoking da ***......Still haven't figured out how to not have a purple lightsaber tho...

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If you have a day, and can finish both weekly's, both dailies, and have 1000/1000 comms....


It takes 1 day to gear up.


7 days for cent if bags are banked, 26 days for champ. That's given you complete both dailies every day and buy one extra bag. While more warzones will net faster bags through purchase, unless you are talking about getting it all through comms in one day?


That's 348 tokens just for cent adding in the bag and comms banked for 5 other bags. That would take 25 bag purchases. (ok let's wipe out 8 bags if you do the dalies and weeklies that first day, so 17 bag purchases. Since it takes 800 wz comms to go 200/200 to buy a bag, assuming you win every match and get 100 comms that's 136 warzones just for centurion gear. I doubt anyone is doing that in a day.




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Oh well there's a big difference with a online fps and a mmorpg.


In a fps game everybody is equal to each others and is perfect like that, the games design for that purpose . So you don't need any preparation you just log in and bam you just fight and if you are good you win. You tired of it you just log out and you are pretty sure you wont miss anything since when you log back nothing will gonna change , just rinse and repeat as you want.( you don't wanna pay 15$ a month for those games right? you pay the CD and when you finished content you can play pvp on a server with match like others SW games have done .. remember Jedi knight academy :D)


A mmo for me is more like a real life experience i wanna live ..those games before was meant to be a adventure not a static world the same look and all having a equal chances ..thoses game are not build with a book of human right on a table. With that said, had the most fun with SWG that gave me that experience sometimes we were 4 to try to get a bounty on a Jedi and few month later i was the one who was hard to kill.


So my wish is that TOR become a real MMO not a static first person online game world.

( 300 000 000 $ for this game is a waste they had to make this game solo and a PVP server for those Warzone that most of you want so epic ( look the same and static world like quake or such in fact it would have cost 50 000 000 and a little server maintenance)


This game is same as jedi academy and such but they just been able to get you paid 15 $ a month.


TOR ..to be treated as a new solo game, after a month you get bored and don't know why you pay 15$ a month so u cancel sub and never play again



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7 days for cent in that circumstance, 26 days for champ. That's given you complete both dailies every day and buy one extra bag. While more warzones will net faster bags through purchase, unless you are talking about getting it all through comms in one day?


That's 348 tokens just for cent adding in the bag and comms banked. That would take 25 bag purchases. Since it takes 800 wz comms to go 200/200 to buy a bag, assuming you win every match and get 100 comms that's 200 warzones just for centurion gear. I doubt anyone is doing that in a day.





Uh no.


If you have 1000 wz and 1000 mercs, plus one in your bank thats six. Easily done during the course of leveling up, and still buy an entire fourty set. Both weeklies 3 bags, both dailies give 1.


So, six plus six, plus 2 is 14.

With no gear tokens, you average 15 cent, 7 champ coms.

Math is... 14x15=210, with the average peice costing about 36 comms, coming out to about 5 peices. Thats your entire set of cent gear in one day.... not including the 98 Champ comms you got which will easily buy a peice of gear plus....


So yeah. 1 day.


Almost forgot to mention, that doesnt even include the WZ comms you snag along the way of completing your dailies and weeklies in the course of the day.


Its possible. Its a 12-16 hour day. It can be done though.

Edited by pairadox
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Uh no.


If you have 1000 wz and 1000 mercs, plus one in your bank thats six. Easily done during the course of leveling up, and still buy an entire fourty set. Both weeklies 3 bags, both dailies give 1.


So, six plus six, plus 2 is 14.

With no gear tokens, you average 15 cent, 7 champ coms.

Math is... 14x15=210, with the average peice costing about 36 comms, coming out to about 5 peices. Thats your entire set of cent gear in one day.... not including the 98 Champ comms you got which will easily buy a peice of gear plus....


So yeah. 1 day.


It's not 5 pieces, it's 14

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I like the fact that they are making it easier to gear up... gear should not be a very big factor in any game nor does it make a bad pvp'er a good pvp'er.


I agree! I believe getting good gear shouldn't be a time sink.


Games like WoW make a very gear based game then as a sorry excuse for adding content they put in better gear and another pve dungeon that you have to grind for a while to get that gear. I will not fall for a game like that which is designed to keep you around longer to take your money, new content should be something fun to do not more mad loots to get.

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Most civilized countries (other than the U.S.) already offer college education for free.


I think its you that should pretty much feel stupid for thinking that education should be only for people who can pay for it.

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I agree! I believe getting good gear shouldn't be a time sink.


Games like WoW make a very gear based game then as a sorry excuse for adding content they put in better gear and another pve dungeon that you have to grind for a while to get that gear. I will not fall for a game like that which is designed to keep you around longer to take your money, new content should be something fun to do not more mad loots to get.


It's all about progression. The entire MMO game is based around progression. Didn't you enjoy leveling up. It's a way to keep that factor in the game. They should have just shrunk the gear gap instead of removing it.

Edited by richardya
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It's not 5 pieces, it's 14


Its five peices for your set, and bonus.


The point was that its not that hard to get a decent amount of cent gear coming straight out the gate. If you banked a bag, and had 1000/1000 then the minute you fifty you can afford your chest and legs. So you are walking in with the 2 peice bonus, and gear thats comparable with Tionese.



Forgive me, if I got a little over exuberant in pointing out that its not currently that hard to gear up in basic entry level pvp gear.



Edit: Quite frankly, its harder to get Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear than it is to get PvP gear.

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I agree! I believe getting good gear shouldn't be a time sink.


Games like WoW make a very gear based game then as a sorry excuse for adding content they put in better gear and another pve dungeon that you have to grind for a while to get that gear. I will not fall for a game like that which is designed to keep you around longer to take your money, new content should be something fun to do not more mad loots to get.


Really people WoW is obviously , hell no joke , obviously the most successful MMO , there is NOT even how to argue with that.


Now , yeah maybe this game will be a success by doing this free everything for everyone and their mothers , MUCH MORE than even WoW does , but there is no argue that it will never beat WoW when it is just a face book game in SW pants.


I dont plan in playing WoW again , but really ,this game is simple 0 difficulty so the brainless can play and 0 time so the *very busy* can play, they make these changes and many will really quit , people play for the apple at the end of the stick , if they give it to you and then say go get the stick ... dont think anyone is that stupid.

Edited by rzrknight
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It's all about progression. The entire MMO game is based around progression. Didn't you enjoy leveling up. It's a way to keep that factor in the game. They should have just shrunk the gear gap instead of removing it.


I understand what progression is and that its what mmo's are about, but gear doesn't have to be part of the progression otherwise the people who have absolutely no life at all have the advantage. I see what you're saying though, Cent is so easy to get they should've just made that better.

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2 Major problems, though it is by now too late to change this I suppose, will arise:


Problem 1.) You MASSIVELY shorten the playing time of SWTOR for the average subscriber who is interested in PvP. I believe, and can see on a daily basis in the imperial fleet, that a huge number of PvP players are NOT put off, discouraged and frightened by the prospect of having to equip themselves with PvP gear once they hit 50. However, they WILL spend hours upon hours doing PvP, providing both players and subscription money to the game while happily working towards their PvP gear.

If you remove that incentive, there is just ONE incentive left: Battlemaster. Which is ....


Problem 2.) Lack of incentive. If the first carrot is rank 60, that is actually worse, and less encouraging, than before. You grind out 59 ranks to finally be able to GET something you didnt get upon hitting 50. How is that motivating? It is not. Face it, SWTOR pvp players are, by and large, the same PvP players we saw in Aion, WAR, AoC, WoW and dozen others, incentive-driven pvp games. The Guild Wars (and to a lesser extent DAOC) model is nice and peachy, but you dont have that audience here, or at least not when GW2 hits.

People WILL play less if this change goes live, simply because they have so very little to achieve then. People in MMOs do not play PvP purely for the fun and to MAYBE hit Battlemaster one distant day. You need stuff to tide them over.


And last but not least, the more you stress credits as a resource, the more power to the goldfarmers ...

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Its five peices for your set, and bonus.


The point was that its not that hard to get a decent amount of cent gear coming straight out the gate. If you banked a bag, and had 1000/1000 then the minute you fifty you can afford your chest and legs. So you are walking in with the 2 peice bonus, and gear thats comparable with Tionese.



Forgive me, if I got a little over exuberant in pointing out that its not currently that hard to gear up in basic entry level pvp gear.



Edit: Quite frankly, its harder to get Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear than it is to get PvP gear.


Which, at the cent level, means about crap, as it's all (with some noted exception) about expertise. A 5 piece set does jack all at the cent level, and set bonuses will do nada if you can't survive or do damage. Hell it hardly becomes comparable even at the 14 full set. Now when you start getting into the champ you might get away saying a 5 modified champ piece setup with PVE gear mixed in is geared. But for starters working their way through cent and grabbing their first piece or two of champ they will be dog food till the latter half of the first week at minimum.



When people talk about being geared they are not talking about having bonuses from a set, which takes 2 and 4 pieces, but being outfitted in a pvp set. This will not take just 1 day. You will not be competitive in 1 day. Banking your initial 6 bags plus the 8 you can earn that very first day, You will have a good start, yes. But against 600-800 expertise builds which are becoming more common every day since the patch, you will pay your dues hard in that first week or so.




*not going to touch on the PVE gear, as that really depends on class role



We've waivered off the threads discussion though, and could break down every piece of gear if we wanted too and break out the dictionaries and yadda yadda. Honestly whatever makes ya happy, good luck and have fun ya? Its been a long night and I'm going to bed after these final words, and I left some rum in the fridge if ya want to bother to come over and have some. About a third of a L or so, bah


regardless, I have serious doubt about a lot that is slated for 1.2. I believe a lot is a carrot, and what has been slated for this grand patch will gradually come out during the 1.2 series of patches, not all at once as many have been lead to believe. This allows for a lot of modification while it is rolled out... So as for what may come I'm just sitting at a wait and see attitude at the moment in that regard.

Edited by Maxil
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Most civilized countries (other than the U.S.) already offer college education for free.


I think its you that should pretty much feel stupid for thinking that education should be only for people who can pay for it.


NOT TRUE... Only a FEW countries offer that... and those countries are ones i would not go to to get an education... especially when the United States already has a free Education program at least to high scholl and a minimal college cost education with the use of ATC's and junior colleges... plus the grants and scholarships make it free for lots of people as well... so... no....


maybe ifyou said a DECENT education should be for those who can pay for it then yes...

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I understand what progression is and that its what mmo's are about, but gear doesn't have to be part of the progression otherwise the people who have absolutely no life at all have the advantage. I see what you're saying though, Cent is so easy to get they should've just made that better.


How else do you progress? The whole genre is based on trying to get the next level, next ability, next peice of gear and building a character. They put a level cap in b/c it is easier to control gear progression. If after 4 months at 50 the gap was too big then they start making the lower gear easier. If they add 20 levels it is harder to catch up the lower level people and the beginer sees a huge hurdle in front of him.


If they give champ away but add a tier after Battlemaster it will be fine. But taking away progression is not smart. As I said many times, make the gap smaller but leave the progression. Make War Hero gear and make it 2% better.


Also, if someone has no life and puts in 10 hours a day I am fine giving them an advantage, I can deal with that. There are not that many who can do that and if a few people are superduper, well, so what.

Edited by richardya
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Really people WoW is obviously , hell no joke , obviously the most successful MMO , there is NOT even how to argue with that.


Now , yeah maybe this game will be a success by doing this free everything for everyone and their mothers , MUCH MORE than even WoW does , but there is no argue that it will never beat WoW when it is just a face book game in SW pants.


I dont plan in playing WoW again , but really ,this game is simple 0 difficulty so the brainless can play and 0 time so the *very busy* can play, they make these changes and many will really quit , people play for the apple at the end of the stick , if they give it to you and then say go get the stick ... dont think anyone is that stupid.



Well, you didn't provide any arguement to what I said about WoW. All you're saying is "WoW is the most successful MMO", which doesn't mean anything. Justin Bieber was the most successful person in music last year, are you saying that he was the best?


WoW was successful becuase its easy to play, runs well on very low-end systems, becuase of these it had a lot of people playing, then its a gear based game and the gear grind is a time sink so people stay around to get the mad lewts. It was very good for business but as a game it was crap. It was never designed for PvP and they never came close to getting it right and even they admit to wishing they put more into PvP. WoW was designed so that the person who had no life at all was the best and someone who had work/school or both and friends or girl/boyfriend was at a disadvangtage because they couldn't waste their life away on the computer. WoW was lame, I had a lot more fun in many other mmos.

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