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why im quitting swtor


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Words cannot describe the excitement and hope I felt in learning of the release of swtor however it has done little but enrage me. In this whinge I shall out line the reasons for my disappointment in swtor. I have long been a fan of the star wars universe I have seen all movies more than 10 times and read many of the star wars novels and even most of the comics not to mention the other star wars games none of these have disappointed me and i felt as that George Lucas had some kind of power of veto over them. Ok here we go!

1. Lack of dungeon finder I have never been able to get a group for the flashpoints. you guys stole everything else from wow so why not that.

2. I feel the realm sizes were too small.

3. Too much talk and time wasting many pointless areas like air locks and such having to go threw 3 or more loading screens to get to were I'm going is too much. Once i arrive in my the area of my choice having to spend the next 30 min talking to quest givers .... as a sith I would often ask my self what would Lord Vader do ? Force choke the quest givers of course how dare they waste the time of a sith with pleasantries and grovelling 4 help...

4. Lack of choice in lvling areas

5. Stupid specs, I played as all the classes and was disappointed in them all the sith warrior for instance I picked marauder it has 3 dps specs...... surely one of those could be tank 2 sabers are good 4 dps yes but surely that could increase parry also

6. You guys just ignored the light saber properties, why doesn't my saber cut bits off things? was rather looking forward to dismembering enemies....

7. Spent alot of time fiddling with my gear augments and such, ok this was a good idea but really takes too long. More killing less fiddling would be good.

8. No choice in companions shouldn't i just be able to walk into a canteena and hire companions? no instead I'm stuck with vete or similar

9. Racials that do nothing. I choose sith so I could beat my companion in to subjugation or force choke them for there failure..... the racial doesn't do anything at all, in effect its just a emote.

10. Lack of race selections, how many races r there in star wars ? alot and I can only pick from 4 or 5.... ok i know the games new but really 5 races come on I'm sure you guys are addressing this but ye ....hurry up

11. Lack of in game support.. Ok seriously, I'm sick of having a quest log full of quests I can't abandon. I don't want to go back and do them and I can't dump them. The answer I got for raising this issue and what should I do in the mean time 'keep an eye on the forums and patch notes". I've had these quests for a week after release.....


I know u guys are probably thinking *** is this doing on the forums, I really don't know how else to get my voice heard buy u guys ( and it probably still wont be heard) I know you wouldn't read my email or answer my phone call lol nor would you have the patience to sit through my extreme nerd rage so here it is. I'm cancelling my subscription maybe I'll come back in a year or so see if you guys fixed it up ....is a big maybe that the game will last that long tho lol you guys got big competition coming.

thank you for reading I hope you enjoy doing what ever it is you do

ps I don't give a banthas turd about spelling or punctuation such is the domain of the weak minded fool.

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The only thing that might gonna make me quit this game is same gender romances and the mobile security key issue( I can't update my iPad because if I do I will lose the SK)


So, wait. A completely optional part of the game that you will never have to experience if you don't want to, is going to make you quit the game?


Woah, that's sad.

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You got to love this "I am leaving xx game". It's so universal over all MMOs I've played so far.


On topic, you can have your reasons for leaving, which is fine with me. What I am not entire sure of is why we need to know. I mean, if these were reasons for leaving we'd all be faced with them. It would be like kicking down the open door.


Second, if anyone should be hearing it it's customer support and they are on different channels. So your e-rage is a bit misdirected and will most likely result in a lot of "don't care"-s.


Finally, what I find sad about this type of post is this: instead of focusing about the good things about the game, you burn your energy on what is according to you so bad about it. I can only pity such an attitude for it is most likely to set you up for a lot of disappointments in life.


MMO's are and always have been a work in progress. If every MMO was ever 'done' and 'perfect' the company building it would most likely gone down flaming in bankruptcy 10 times over.

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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile constructive feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics. Don't forget that you can also use the In-Game Customer Service Portal to report any issues you encounter!


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


Thank you!

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