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It's time to nerf Smash.


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OMG you QQ'ers will ruin this game even more than you have already. Nerf smash? Oo, add this to the other winning threads, nerf sorcs, nerf healers, nerf marauders. Please go back to WoW or hello kitty.


My hello kitty toon is in all Tier 5 raid gear. I'd go back but I don't like my new outfit.

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Posts like this make me wonder if they're premature nerf requests. Rumor of some new abilities for warriors made you worry you might not be able to decimate juggs like you can now.


I've got a full bm rage just using the champ belt and earpiece for more power like most rage jugs do and yeah, I get my 5k crit medal every round but the most I see on a fresh 50 is 6.8.


Yeah, there are some pve mods out there that'll maybe boost that a little but this full on exaggeration is silly.


Our mobility is our charge, Full bm anything else solo it's almost a guaranteed kill on the warrior.


Sorry you got double charged by a warrior but I assure you people aren't re-rolling them because they're op they're rolling marauders.


You might be seeing a few more on your server because some people shelved their warriors are praying that they might have given us a little more survivability with these rumored new skills and are dusting them off to remember how to play them.


My crits with one power relic up are usually between 4 and 5k on average but most people on my server know how to pvp because I get denied smash a lot.


Find someone else to get nerfed, you're wasting your breath.

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Gee I am not a Juggs or anything <rolleyes> and yes I do run with another Juggs and there have been more than one sorc on my team. Again learn to counter because if I do nor have a heals with me I am so much empty armor and if I do have a heals with me attacking me makes no sense but you guys keep doing it :D
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Oke so you have a warrior doing this


Leap/Charge -> Choke -> Smash


After the choke use your knockback or before and you are fine. I play a jugg myself and the smash ability is easy to counter. And because of the 5meter radius of smash a little knockback is al you need.


I think the smash crit is the most easy ability to counter.


Nice way to miss out on the 4 set vindicators bonus.


You are a terrible juggernaut

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You admit you have no understanding of how the spec works and then follow it up with that it's clearly apparent that something is wrong with the spec. So in other words you admit ignorance but will eager devour sensationalism from stuff being spewed out on the forums as fact. Way to torpedo your own credibility, and you actually have the audacity to say other people's posts are irrelevant?


How can you even begin to talk about balance when you have no understanding of it as you claim? Smash isn't 100% reliable because of the plethora of ways other classes can literally cause it to misfire and go into CD without doing any damage at all. Knockbacks, lags, stuns. The immobilize from Force Charge isn't a guaranteed thing, it's buggy as hell and I've lost count how many times people continues to move after I jump them. Obliterate doesn't even immobilize either.


You said you don'T know enough about the spec and you dont have enough experience fighting them. Too bad on my server premades have enough experience and they know enough about the spec and they can counter it fairly easily. Thats why i reroll to immortal as soon as i can.


I said I don't know enough about the spec as a whole. It's very possible that it's an underwhelming spec. You're taking a single statement completely out of context and ignoring my argument as it stands. Every single thing I said about Smash can be proven empirically. I said that it hits extraordinarily hard. I said that it is 100% reliable in that it's guaranteed to crit. I said that it cannot be countered because it immediately follows an instant cast root with no cost that can be cast on anybody within 30 meters and LOS. These are all true.


If you have problems with force leap not rooting somebody reliably then you're in the minority. Call your internet service provider. The game is not balanced around high pings or bugs.


If this is so easy to counter I'd like you to name a few people who could counter it. Put them 30 meters away from a Warrior then have the Warrior randomly charge one of them with no notice. See how many times that person can stun him before he uses an instant cast spell.



So your complaint is that two Ragernauts on vent, who coordinate their timing and chokes, get their 4stacks, mark and sync a target, then leap and double Smash is OP?


How is that any different than dual Concealment Ops training people? Or double Marks Snipers an target assists? Or double Pyro PT with uber-procs?


Two people on vent saying "Charge <previously marked target> in 3 seconds" is about as little coordination as an organized group could have. Moreover, I have no problem with coordinated attacks being powerful. If 3-4 people switch to a target and CC their defense then that target should die. My problem is that such simple coordination from as little as 2 people can nearly instantly kill a full health target.


Smash is different than other problematic combinations because of its design.


Concealment Ops do very good damage but they have no mobility tools. Their damage must all be done from 4 meters, and they do not have 100% crit chance on their abilities.


Marks Snipers do good damage but they have a cast time and they do not have 100% crit chance.


Deception Assassins do absurd Shock damage, but it must all be done in melee range, requires 3 separate stacked procs to be active and the casted ability itself to proc, it is done in 2 spells, and they do not have 100% crit chance on the ability.


Smash does borderline absurd damage, can be instantly cast on any individual target within 30 meters, immediately follows a spell interrupt and 2 second root, and has a 100% crit chance.


People seriously don't see a problem with this mechanic as it stands? I'm not asking the developers to nerf Rage specced Warriors. I'm asking them to make Smash a balanced ability and, if necessary, buff other parts of the spec if they're underperforming.

Edited by Magdain
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Every single thing I said about Smash can be proven empirically. I said that it hits extraordinarily hard. I said that it is 100% reliable in that it's guaranteed to crit. I said that it cannot be countered because it immediately follows an instant cast root with no cost that can be cast on anybody within 30 meters and LOS. These are all true.


before the root comes the choke. use your breakfree on the choke. use it early. smash will then hit like a wet noodle.


90% of the root time is is taken up by the juggernaugh flying to you (force charge). once the jug actualy lands, the root is over. a jug talenting for it can keep you rooted for one second longer after they land.


the smash is instant cast, but not instant applied. this is where your crying fails.

if smash applied its damage instantly, you would have a valid point. but it doesnt.




the smash damage is applied at the END of its 1.5 sec animation. CCing the jug before the damage is applied effectively cancels the damage.

moving out of the aoe before the end of the 1.5 sec animation effectively avoids the damage.


standing still with your eyes shut whispering "omg here it comes i'm gonna die here it comes this is gonna hurt here it comes" wont help you

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before the root comes the choke. use your breakfree on the choke. use it early. smash will then hit like a wet noodle.


90% of the root time is is taken up by the juggernaugh flying to you (force charge). once the jug actualy lands, the root is over. a jug talenting for it can keep you rooted for one second longer after they land.


the smash is instant cast, but not instant applied. this is where your crying fails.

if smash applied its damage instantly, you would have a valid point. but it doesnt.




the smash damage is applied at the END of its 1.5 sec animation. CCing the jug before the damage is applied effectively cancels the damage.

moving out of the aoe before the end of the 1.5 sec animation effectively avoids the damage.


standing still with your eyes shut whispering "omg here it comes i'm gonna die here it comes this is gonna hurt here it comes" wont help you


Also, its only the rarest juggy who is going to hit, land and crit over 5000 on a regular basis. It takes expensive stims, careful gear picking and a high level of valor; by the time most juggies get there, most players will be trained and geared up themselves. By far most juggies are missing crit 50% of the time and hitting under 3k when they do - they have 50 levels of endurance stacking to unlearn and unload once they realize BW completely screwed up tanks' defense in pvp. You can watch immortal juggies get crucified all day long; without a team, rage build is all solo juggies really have. Get stuck playing premades all day long, realize quickly they deserve to get smashed.

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the thing about smash is, its a single 5k crit after a long, low damage setup. so its really not that bad.

i know its a cliche, but compare that to a BH's setup for their main damage... by the time theyre done stacking on tracer missile, you're almost dead anyway. their buildup has pretty big damage, then they're able to do an even larget hit.

force choke + leap does very little damage, then a 5k crit, great, you still have like at least 10k Hp left, so what?

I've played rage spec for a while, and its really not that great. its got its moments, but in the end, its a lot of build up for one hit, and if it misses youre kinda screwed

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the thing about smash is, its a single 5k crit after a long, low damage setup. so its really not that bad.

i know its a cliche, but compare that to a BH's setup for their main damage... by the time theyre done stacking on tracer missile, you're almost dead anyway. their buildup has pretty big damage, then they're able to do an even larget hit.

force choke + leap does very little damage, then a 5k crit, great, you still have like at least 10k Hp left, so what?

I've played rage spec for a while, and its really not that great. its got its moments, but in the end, its a lot of build up for one hit, and if it misses youre kinda screwed


And how about running slower than every other class? I get a short little sprint out of Obliterate but try even catching somebody to land it once they're running away; without force charge there is no catch, without catch there is no melee, without melee there is no juggernaut. Juggernaut has ONE good attack; take that away and what's the point of catching anybody?

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So, every game I play against the republic now consists of 5 sages and 3 smash spec'd jedi knights.


There's a reason everyone is rolling these 2 classes.





Inb4l2play, stop qq, you're bad, can i have your stuff?, WTFZOMGBBQ



i totaly agree on smash getting nerfed


3k to 8k AOE damage is patheticly OP


i can understand 2k for an AOE based attack but smahs AOE is doing more than most single target dps abilitys.


/signed on nerfing smash <3

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And how about running slower than every other class? I get a short little sprint out of Obliterate but try even catching somebody to land it once they're running away; without force charge there is no catch, without catch there is no melee, without melee there is no juggernaut. Juggernaut has ONE good attack; take that away and what's the point of catching anybody?


ya, exactly, that too. a lot of things have to go right in order to get off a successful smash on someone let alone a group of players. and in the end, its 1 5k hit. what about assassins or operatives who can get off multilpe 2.5+ crits in a few seconds

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Make Smash single target and all is right in the world.


It is stupid that it is AoE.


ya, a melee range AoE. basically, to put it into perspective, if im chasing you with my big smash ready to go, and im like 2m behind you, because of the little hop that i do, ill miss you with it, cause by the time i land, you're already out of range. so not only is there a very obvious like 5 second setup for it, but the target has to be pretty much standing still.

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It's not practical to dodge each smash when you have 3-4 Smash knights a game whilst being cc'd. Let's get real. That strat is fine and dandy 1v1, but to execute that in WZs while capping nodes isn't going to happen.


If you take away smash crit, then let's also take away Grav Round Commandos. These are MUCH more common than any kind of Knights on my server, and they're even more annoying. At least the Knights can't really do anything once their Smash is blown, the grav round mandos just get even more annoying once they pop their cooldown that makes them immune to interrupts.

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Yeah I've changed my mind about Smash. Although it can be overwhelming when multiple Juggs chain smash a group, that's a pretty rare scenario. The rest of that spec has pretty pitiful damage outside of the buffed up Smash, which requires a build up period and can only be done when Force Choke or the 31 point slow ( I forget the name) are off CD. And they have pretty significant cooldowns. I think it's actually good design and how burst of that nature should be treated. Pyroctechs, on the other hand.... Edited by CaptainInsano
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Are people really complaining about the Focus tree? It's a one trick pony with it's best attack on a 12 second CD and requires a setup to function. You can knock ppl away before they sweep. You can use your CC break to get out of the stasis. You can *gasp* stun them back. Sounds to me like you really just need to (ZOMGIMUSTBATROLL) L2P. Sorry if you think any class that has the potential to kill you should be nerfed. You're wrong.
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So, every game I play against the republic now consists of 5 sages and 3 smash spec'd jedi knights.


There's a reason everyone is rolling these 2 classes.





Inb4l2play, stop qq, you're bad, can i have your stuff?, WTFZOMGBBQ


Never mind that literally half the available classes are force users? Lets see, that would put the chances that someone would roll one of those classes at...50%:eek: Not to mention this is a star wars game and ever one wants to be a jedi. It just seems worse since sage/sorc are the best AC out right now.

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i totaly agree on smash getting nerfed


3k to 8k AOE damage is patheticly OP


i can understand 2k for an AOE based attack but smahs AOE is doing more than most single target dps abilitys.


/signed on nerfing smash <3


Judging by your other posts\threads, you'd have *everything* nerfed to 2k. You play an undergeared healer or something?

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