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Did BW ever play the greatest crafting game ever?


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You can say alot of things about SWG. However, people crafted entire cities. That was just ridiculous. There were numerous crafting subskillsets from architecture to weapons and armor crafting. Hell you crafted the tools you needed to craft the tools you needed etc...


There was randomly occuring resources to gather that you had to actually find... Some folks got rich on simply knowing the resources and speculating. Resource had several stats each of which each stat had different effects on different properties of final crafted outcomes... that system was staggering and possibly the best and most intercate game system I've ever had the pleasure to be involved in.


As a non-crafter the shopping experience for gear was simply incredible. Hell there was even advertising... insane.


The only thing that even comes close is the economy of eve, but that lacks the "crafty" feel and personalized touches of player built stores, malls etc...


I'd love to see a sci-fi game come out with such a robust crafting system again.

Edited by VoidJustice
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As a non-crafter the shopping experience for gear was simply incredible. Hell there was even advertising... insane.


And sadly enough, people despised it. We get a bit of human creativity in a mmo, and in the end people would rather sit at an auction house waiting to queue a dungeon.

Edited by Marlaine
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As a Chef in SWG (Naritus Server) I had working relationships with MANY crafters to ensure that my products were readily available. I took orders, filled my vendors, catered a wedding...yes, catered a wedding with custom named treats for the guests. It was fun.


I knew A LOT of in game players and made some long lasting friends that I'm playing this game with (well, for as long they can sub...1 already quit).


SWG had me hook line and sinker.



This game has SOOOOO much potential. Please listen BW....please add some complexity and some customization to the crafting that makes it that much better than every other MMO.





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Oops sorry, I dropped this link here: http://www.projectswg.com/forums/index.php


Wow, I didn't think people were still trying to make those emulators. I think I have seen several projects start up but never get finished.


And Jakev, I think I remember you. I'm pretty sure I crafted a few high end weapons for you there at the end of the game. My crafter was named Completely useless

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Wow, I didn't think people were still trying to make those emulators. I think I have seen several projects start up but never get finished.


And Jakev, I think I remember you. I'm pretty sure I crafted a few high end weapons for you there at the end of the game. My crafter was named Completely useless


you did


Also so its on this page -


Oops I dropped the link a second time.. http://www.projectswg.com/forums/index.php

Edited by Jakev-
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SWG did NOT have even decent space combat, niether does Eve. want good space combat?


give it real space/flight mechanics, and give us a flight stick to play (sorry i tried SWG space, it sucked dog*****)


Freelancer had good space combat... I hated SWG flight also.

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you did


Also so its on this page -


Oops I dropped the link a second time.. http://www.projectswg.com/forums/index.php


Lol, I thought your name sounded familiar. Well I hope the weapons served you well till then end, and I think one of them the dps capped sucked, so again my bad on that.


I had forgotten how frustrating and also rewarding crafting on that game was, I do wish this game had more involvement with crafting. Something to help boost the marketplace. As it is now, I rarely ever use the GTN, I don't need anything off it. I remember on a daily basis I was checking the bazaar on Swg to see what others had added to vendors and trying to get good deals. More than the crafting, I think Swg had the most unique economy.

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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.


My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG.


If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ).


I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME.


Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.


Please make crafting awesome again.


I loved SWG crafting as well, BUT that kind of setup wont work in a Themepark MMO.,

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Your opinion but people who write about MMOs for a living disagree.




that list is based entirely on opinion. there is no other criteria in that article. citing that as a defense, especially one that you are attempting to snub me with, is pretty terrible. look at the sheer number of "terrible" movies, as panned by critics, that did well in theaters and was well received by the general public.

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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.


My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG.


If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ).


I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME.


Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.


Please make crafting awesome again.



Experience is subjective. To each, their own.

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Pre CU, there was so much about crafting that I enjoyed. I see most of it come up in these type of discussions, but my absolute favorite part is never mentioned. I liked how when a new material came out (non organic), I could survey for a couple hours, plant my harvesters, load them with credits/energy...then play the game part of the game for a week! I didnt have to stare at a HUD while sending crew out, I didnt have to go from node to node hoping the correct thing was up, I could play the game while gathering resources.


Then, when I had all the resources I needed, Id spend maybe an hour making my schematics...then I could play the game again! It was hardcore crafting, while giving you time to enjoy the game.


Okay, I also enjoyed the notoriety. Originally I started out as just a guild crafter, but a friend realized that I had some of the best mats on the server. I opened up a vendor in his mall and for a year I made the best armor on the server. Other crafters were asking for my schematics, copying my armor line names, and one person even created a character with a similar name to sell knockoffs.


SWG was the only game Ive ever played that the crafting system itself was a form of PvP. Good times...

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crafting in SWG was great because of a few simple reasons:


1. and most important, it was essential. Structure traders were needed for furniture/deco items and spaceship parts. Domestic traders were needed for RP/social gear and stims, engineering traders made weapons and munitions traders made armors. all but structure traders were needed to assemble SEAs (skill enhancing attachments).


2. the social aspect. you needed to make contact to a traders to make you custom gear, adjusted to your profession, skill set up and preferred play style.

on the other side the trader also needed the service of combat characters, like gathering hard to get animal resources (e.g. krayt dragon scales) or rare schematic loot from heroics.


3. crafted gear > looted gear. pretty much all looted gear was crap, except some weapon skins (mostly just cosmetic value) and very few nice to have heroic loot (like ig-88's head). most of the really desirable loot instead was furniture/deco stuff, like rare paintings or the exar khun mural.


there were several ways to become a well known and respected player on an swg server. either you were a very good pvp'er, a social event manager, or a good crafter.


i do think though, that BW is heading into the right direction with gu 1.2, so i have hope.:)

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There was nothing awesome or epic about SWG's crafting system. Nothing.


It was boring, time consuming and so random as to be laughingly absurd and really only appealed to the small group of people that find accounting and creating spreadsheets fun.


Where Bioware's crafting system is somewhat simplistic, SWG's was overly complex. That is because in SWG, crafting was a major portion of game play while in SWTOR crafting is a minor secondary aspect of game play.


In SWG my first character was a crafter. I bought a second account just to create a combat character that could go out and enjoy the world with friends because a crafter who was serious about crafting had to drop points into the Merchant advanced tree and didn't have enough points available for things like advanced combat trees. Not to mention the fact that being a crafter meant that every single structure lot you had was dedicated to crafting. I needed the extra account just for material storage and that was after resource lot sizes were increased from 100 stacks to 1000 stacks to 100k stacks.


You would spend hour after endless hour surveying or checking various websites that had information others had gathered and if you were really lucky you might actually get a small harvester down on the one empty patch that other people hadn't found yet just to get the one resource out of 1000 spawns of that resource that had stats you could actually use to make good items.


Then you would have to spend hours traveling planet to planet to empty your harvesters and to make sure the spawn was still there. When you couldn't find a good resource you needed in spawn, you grabbed the best resource available in hopes you could trade it for something you needed.


When you finally got your resources, you dropped down factories and began churning out the endless sub-components you needed in order to craft the final product. When you finally got that final product, you would be lucky to be able to sell it for even a tenth of the value of all the work you put into it.


There is nothing "fun" about any of that. It might be enjoyable for a little while but it took no time at all before I stopped crafting completely and instead spent my time selling resources and loot and concentrating mostly on the space game (which was the one thing SWG did better than SWTOR does).


This isn't a crafting game. You want a crafting game, go play the endless Facebook games that let you build/grow/whatever.

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If only there was a crafting game out there that you could play... a game devoted to craft, so to speak... perhaps a game with, shall we say, mining and crafting? Where you, at first, would mine, and then craft. Mine. Craft.




Well, can't think of a game like that, so let's try changing SWTOR into this game I only looked at with rose tinted glasses on... while wearing some pink goggles on top of them... not to mention the light red monocle...

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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.


My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG.


If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ).


I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME.


Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.


Please make crafting awesome again.


If Bioware wanted to make crafting as prominent in TOR as it was in SWG then they would need to have spent as much development time on it as SoE did, and would have had to make it as necessary to the game as SoE did, and if they did so then they'd lock in the couple hundred thousand players that SWG did, but lose the couple million players that TOR has earned. A fair trade-off, I suppose. :rolleyes:


I imagine that TOR's crafting system will continue to grow in complexity and usefulness as time goes on, but they did the right thing to give it fairly minimal priority until they get the rest of the game locked down, something the SWG developers got completely upside-down on.

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Personally I'd rather craft my own gear than spend countless hours in some raid dungeon doing the same crap over and over again. Oh look, Heroics for some odd chance to loot a single blue texted item, now lets do it all again in Hard mode for a purple texted item, yay, oh the joy. Unfortunately that's what game devs want these days, waste more time grinding loot in instances for a longer paid subscription, no thanks I have better things to do with my time.


The SWG crafting system was and will always be the best system out there, that alone kept me playing the game for 2 yrs up until the CU. No one made better buffs or stimpacks than me on the Intrepid server and I took pride in knowing that my services were in high demand. If it wasn't for the lack of +2 armor enhancement mods I would have had the best armor on that server too lol.


Agreed crafting is not everyone's preferred style of play but alas it's not good enough in swtor for me to stay playing. I have no desire to raid for gear even when it's better than crafted items and loot those Biometric Alloys or whatever just so I can craft my own gear. Make crafted gear better than raid gear with no raid requirements and then maybe it would be worth it, but odds are that will never happen. Far too much of a credit sink in this game for it to be worthwhile.

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Yeah, I don't have the fondest memories of SWG. What did you want me to say? "Aah, getting marooned on Yavin 4, trying to win a RACE as a Jedi just to get a lightsaber which I never got, space flight with hard to use controls, good times."? Yeah. Not gonna happen. I think SWTOR is way better, IMO.
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What you are observing is my mounting hatred for this game and everything about it. I want it to be another game and I want it to attract different players but it isn't and it won't.

And yet, you have an account, and are on their website. Ironic, isn't it?

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