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How many players resubscribing for 1.2?


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So what you're saying is, you wanted the developers to be attacked in person for all the things that annoy you, etc. What more could they possibly have said than what they've already said over and over and over again...which is "we recognize that such-and-such problem exists and are working our butts off to fix it"? Please...tell us what more coul dhave been "discussed in depth" about it. No really. we'd like to know. Should they have sat around discussing code? shoul dthey have sat around fielding complaints that they favor Imp over Rep because someone couldn't find the speeder bike? Should they have explained in detail their debugging processes and procedures and what is going on with the "ability delay" fixing on a daily basis? Really...when it comes to bugs or certain issues, what more acncan they say than "we know about it and are trying hard to fix it"?


ehm ok? Then where is the statement that they acknowledge the FPS issues? Must have missed that inbetween the "You have a crap underpowered pc wich can only run this game on very low, sorry for the trouble bu-bye" posts? I know they're trying to fix a lot of issues but isnt this the most gamebreaking one?

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I'm borderline unsubscribing. No world to explore is a huge minus. Dailies get old fast. Ilum has no point now. Warzones make it too easy to level.. and then what?


An update with one new warzone and fp? So what? A new one should be released every month. By April it'd have been 4 months with 1 warzone added. There is no content.


Way too much time and money was put into voiceovers and single path planets.


No, it's going to have one new Flashpoint, Warzone, Raid, Ui customization, new medals for warzones, A whole buttload of stuff for legacy, They're improving character textures, Warzone rankings, not that important but adding new pets, Guild bank, and a whole new teir set for PVE and PVP. Please hate on a game blindly somewhere else. Or if you want your open world that you don't explore once you're level cap there is Wow, which hasn't released anything since 4.3 almost 4 months ago and doesn't even have a release date on anything coming up yet so probably at least another 2 or 3 months for them. I am happy and will continue to resub each month to this game as long as they're putting out content and doing as well as they have been up to this point.

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My game time card runs out in 15 days, but I will be buying a new one. I am really enjoying this game (even though my server is a ghost town) and am really looking forward to the Legacy system, because I love creating alts. Edited by FantasyWriter
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Out of curiosity, are there players still lingering around the forums that are planning on resubscribing after 1.2 hits live? If so, what content are you most interested in?


I'd guess that we'll see a pretty healthy population surge when it finally does, God knows we need some revitalization on some servers. It's going to be a big moment for Bioware that could potentially define the longevity of their pay to play model.


Those who want to play will play. Those that don't won't. These threads are stupid.

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I have unsubbed with no plans to resub.


Everything that 1.2 has should have launched with the game in the first place.


No LFG in 1.2, no merges or transfers in 1.2


Ill pass.


Guild Wars 2 for me, with a rumored late june release.


Excellent! So after the launch of GW2 we will see you posting on their forums everything that is wrong with that game.


There will be a post just like this one saying Titan for me this game(GW2) just doesn't do it for me.


No MMO is perfect at launch, no MMO is perfect 3 months, 6 months or even a year down the road. No MMO is ever perfect. The reason for this is it is meant to appeal to the masses and not a specific target audience.


I will not disagree with you that much of 1.2 content should have been in at launch. It should have been but lets face it EA and its investors pushed for a too early launch. This game needed 6 more months of development. Unlike many of the MMOs that launched it is however playable. Are there issues? Hell yes! Will they get fixed? Of course but it will take time.


I think the problem here is you expect an MMO to be a perfect fit for you. I hate to disappoint you but the only way that will happen is if you create the game itself.

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Excellent! So after the launch of GW2 we will see you posting on their forums everything that is wrong with that game.


There will be a post just like this one saying Titan for me this game(GW2) just doesn't do it for me.


No MMO is perfect at launch, no MMO is perfect 3 months, 6 months or even a year down the road. No MMO is ever perfect. The reason for this is it is meant to appeal to the masses and not a specific target audience.


I will not disagree with you that much of 1.2 content should have been in at launch. It should have been but lets face it EA and its investors pushed for a too early launch. This game needed 6 more months of development. Unlike many of the MMOs that launched it is however playable. Are there issues? Hell yes! Will they get fixed? Of course but it will take time.


I think the problem here is you expect an MMO to be a perfect fit for you. I hate to disappoint you but the only way that will happen is if you create the game itself.


Arenanet has decided it won't provide the stage for Trolls and those with an agenda... so no official forums; I guess he can scream in silence when he finds out the game is basically stomping on frost worms and catching butterflies. :rolleyes:

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I think the problem here is you expect an MMO to be a perfect fit for you. I hate to disappoint you but the only way that will happen is if you create the game itself.


Nobody expected the game to be perfect, but people expected better progress. I'm willing to excuse some things from launch, but that doesn't mean I don't expect them. 6 months after launch for a dungeon finder, multi-spec or server transfers is too is unsatisfactory.


Part of the reason I was optimistic about this game was the backing of EA. Say what you will about them, they have resources. I'd be even more upset if I were one of the people that had technical issues that have yet to be resolved.


A lot of people like me are optimistic about GW2 because it has a system in place that fixes many of our issues. No more spamming for a tank or healer, since it doesn't have them. No need for a dungeon finder when you only need bodies, not classes.

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