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How many players resubscribing for 1.2?


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I'll be cancelling in April. 1.2 looks like more of the same with very little to keep my attention. I equate it to playing WoW for the Achievements.


The game needs work IMO, and I'm not talking content. It needs to run smoother, it needs to be able to handle mass pvp. How is that new version of Illum going to work if they can't handle more than 20 ppl fighting in the same area w/out the game commiting suicide?


Anyhow, when D3 comes out, I'll more than likely jump ship. Who knows if GW2 will be any good? I've played this game, the endgame is buggy, there are credit sinks galore (How many Marauders realize that Rank 6 Cloak of Pain costs 28K credits while only offering 5 more total damage?).



Yadda yadda...the game has issues and the most BW could muster for customer communication was a Sales Pitch for 1.2 ....great guild summit...it was a frigging commercial.


Right. Guild summit was a commercial for 1.2, but your post isn't a commercial for D3 and GW2. Gotcha.

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Right. Guild summit was a commercial for 1.2, but your post isn't a commercial for D3 and GW2. Gotcha.


It's not. Do I detail a sales pitch? I simply say that I don't know what one will bring and that I am looking to move to the other....that's it.


As for the Guild Summit...I was hoping for some real feedback, I was hoping that the invitees would bring up issues like ability delays, $$ sinks, pointless skills, pointless crew skills, the game issues when 20 ppl are PvPing on Illum; possibly discussing the FACT that many class abilities do only 25% of the damage that they are supposed to. The Fact tanks are generally broken. Raid encoutners that are hit or miss because of the buggieness of the encounters...but no.


All it was was a HUGE COMMERCIAL with a bunch of players who looked like deer in headlights because Devs were actually talking to them.


Guild Summit =



..from the invites to the execution, that video sums it up.

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It's not. Do I detail a sales pitch? I simply say that I don't know what one will bring and that I am looking to move to the other....that's it.


As for the Guild Summit...I was hoping for some real feedback, I was hoping that the invitees would bring up issues like ability delays, $$ sinks, pointless skills, pointless crew skills, the game issues when 20 ppl are PvPing on Illum; possibly discussing the FACT that many class abilities do only 25% of the damage that they are supposed to. The Fact tanks are generally broken. Raid encoutners that are hit or miss because of the buggieness of the encounters...but no.


All it was was a HUGE COMMERCIAL with a bunch of players who looked like deer in headlights because Devs were actually talking to them.


Guild Summit =



..from the invites to the execution, that video sums it up.


So what you're saying is, you wanted the developers to be attacked in person for all the things that annoy you, etc. What more could they possibly have said than what they've already said over and over and over again...which is "we recognize that such-and-such problem exists and are working our butts off to fix it"? Please...tell us what more coul dhave been "discussed in depth" about it. No really. we'd like to know. Should they have sat around discussing code? shoul dthey have sat around fielding complaints that they favor Imp over Rep because someone couldn't find the speeder bike? Should they have explained in detail their debugging processes and procedures and what is going on with the "ability delay" fixing on a daily basis? Really...when it comes to bugs or certain issues, what more acncan they say than "we know about it and are trying hard to fix it"?

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They're doing everything in their power to make that May earnings report shine like gold, to include fluff, outright and blatant lies, wishful and fanciful thoughts, and w/e else they can come up with. No way in hell am I paying for a game still stuck in beta.


1.2 is being hyped as an expansion, but the truth is most of the stuff should have been shipped with the game. Engine is borked, it can't even support the massive in MMO, so a year from now it will only get worse.


And this is what tells me this is true, much of 1.2 can be patched right NOW, why do we have to wait for improvements in on huge batch? I can understand the crafting being a total package, but quality of life improvements should ship asap not be used to hold and enlist subscribers, that is sad and pathetic.

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So what you're saying is, you wanted the developers to be attacked in person for all the things that annoy you, etc. What more could they possibly have said than what they've already said over and over and over again...which is "we recognize that such-and-such problem exists and are working our butts off to fix it"? Please...tell us what more coul dhave been "discussed in depth" about it. No really. we'd like to know. Should they have sat around discussing code? shoul dthey have sat around fielding complaints that they favor Imp over Rep because someone couldn't find the speeder bike? Should they have explained in detail their debugging processes and procedures and what is going on with the "ability delay" fixing on a daily basis? Really...when it comes to bugs or certain issues, what more acncan they say than "we know about it and are trying hard to fix it"?


Of which they haven't done. There have been a sprinkling of replies from forum moderators saying that "We'll look into it". However, there has been no statement saying:


"We are familiar with all of the Class Mechanics, Talents, Raid Encounter, Mirror Class, and Exploitation issues. We will/are resolving them as fast as we can and will post updates to issue statuses as we believe them to be, on a periodic basis."


However there is none of that. There are just posts on a forum that go who knows where. It's equivalent to yelling into your toilet (does as much good? Who knows?).


Do I think that the summit should have been the Devs just sitting there taking a beating? Heck no, that's your assumption on what my point is and is baseless. There should have been some kind of feedback. Guilds, players, and server populations are vanishing due to the lack of real feedback from the devs. I'm sorry, but a Friday feature sales pitch is not communication.


What the devs have responded to, and what I believe you FEEL they have responded to are two different animals entirely.

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Right. Guild summit was a commercial for 1.2, but your post isn't a commercial for D3 and GW2. Gotcha.


How much does BW pay you to attempt to derail honest concerns from the playerbase?


(BTW, my accusation is about as baseless as yours is...)

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I have unsubbed with no plans to resub.


Everything that 1.2 has should have launched with the game in the first place.


No LFG in 1.2, no merges or transfers in 1.2


Ill pass.


Guild Wars 2 for me, with a rumored late june release.


I understand where you're coming from. No problem there.


But I will warn you: I really don't think GW2 is going to be your saving grace. Of course that's just my own speculation based on what I've read, seen and heard. Look up as many of the press beta reviews as you can to get more of a feel for what I'm trying to tell you.

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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I understand where you're coming from. No problem there.


But I will warn you: I really don't think GW2 is going to be your saving grace. Of course that's just my own speculation based on what I've read, seen and heard. Look up as many of the press beta reviews as you can to get more of a feel for what I'm trying to tell you.


At this point there arent any other good mmos out now or coming out in the near future.

Based on all the vids i have seen of Guild Wars 2 and the feedback from the press beta it seems like its gonna be a great game. At least GW2 is doing new stuff. But then again GW2 may not be that great, wont know til we get to the closed and public betas.

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At this point there arent any other good mmos out now or coming out in the near future.

Based on all the vids i have seen of Guild Wars 2 and the feedback from the press beta it seems like its gonna be a great game. At least GW2 is doing new stuff. But then again GW2 may not be that great, wont know til we get to the closed and public betas.


My guess is that it's going to suffer from the same issues that plague TOR (or any new MMO for that matter)--no endgame and buggy content. The primary difference is that you wont actually have to pay a monthly fee for GW2. I am anxious to see how it turns out though. I'll probably play it alongside TOR to ensure that I'll never run out of things to do in both games. The great thing about a free game is that you don't feel pressured to get your moneys worth.

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At this point there arent any other good mmos out now or coming out in the near future.

Based on all the vids i have seen of Guild Wars 2 and the feedback from the press beta it seems like its gonna be a great game. At least GW2 is doing new stuff. But then again GW2 may not be that great, wont know til we get to the closed and public betas.


Idk I was actually excited for it until reading some reviews about horrendous FPS issues, depending on the system and number of people, the fact that STILL in the sequel, when most people hated it the first time around, I can only choose 3 abilities to use in combat. Grrrr. And the biggest detraction? A lot of the press reviews said ANY combat scenario, PvP or PvE, was winnable by smashing your hardest hitting attack and using your defensive/healing ones once in a while.


I think the game LOOKS amazing, but for it's time so did the first one. I played the first one quite a bit while playing WoW, waiting on TBC and... it just wasn't my cup of tea. Going through the reviews they didn't change very much that I didn't like about the first one.


Also, no large group activities and no raids is a downer for me.


I will most likely be subbing to SWTOR until I see an MMO that really grabs my attention AND has all the reviews and honest testing to back it up. It's the same reason I came from WoW to SWTOR, and thus far am completely satisfied with my decision.

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Yup I am resubbing and will continue to do so. I don't know if it is my lack of experience with MMOs (this is my first) but I don't understand why everyone on the forums is all gloom and doom. I am having a blast playing this game and I can't find myself stepping away from it. I would like to start iracing again but this game won't allow it right now :p


The forums are a perfect example of the voal minority. Years ago there was a news piece on NPR about a group of people who were major influencers on what gets broadcast on TV because they have an active, organized letter-writing campaign. These people literally influence EVERYTHING that the major networks put out. They have more power than the advertisers themselves. More power than "Standards and Practices" and more power than you or I ever will when it comes to the ****-tube.


Turns out... there were less than a hundred people in the whole group. Once exposed, they folded up, but they were such a vocal minority that everyone stood up and listened when all the different letters arrived, and that's how it is here and on most MMO forums.


The problem is, most marketing and product management folks will make the same mistake the TV networks made - they took an unscientific assumption that the forums represeent an equally proportional measure of how the larger group (ie, all subscribed members) feels. That is, they assume that if 25% of the forum posts are "game is trash", then 25% of all players think that. If 25% of people on the forums think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, then 25% of the overall population must feel that way too.


Problem is, that's a bad thing to assume. There's no real basis for that assumption, as it's well-known that the very disgruntled are the loudest and most often heard (squeaky wheel gets the oil and all). It's also the loudest fans who can stir up a wave of good press. Either way, it's not indicitive of the overall membership. That has to be determined by itself, without taking the forums into account. Hence, most people calling for doom-and-gloom here can safely be ignored as fringers, as can most uber-fans.


End Great-Wall-of-Text.



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Not me, lol.


I already said on month ago they will push 1.2 back until after 20 march to make people re-sub, and seems I was right.


That's not gonna work on me.


I don't care what 1.2 offers, it still doesn't offer an optimized game that allows mass PvP without at the cost of having 5 FPS.


Until the game has been optimized I won't re-sub. Giving us very low shaders is a spit in our faces, it's like we don't know what the real problem is. They keep blaming us the customer while they know it's their crappy engine.


I've had it with this game.


what are you talking about ?, the game runs fine for me



Lets just face it, the game is a bit hardware intensive thats all

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I don't know if it is my lack of experience with MMOs (this is my first) but I don't understand why everyone on the forums is all gloom and doom.

MMO lesson number one, the forums are always all doom and gloom, regardless of the actual state of the game.

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i unsubbed ..



because i wanted to make my own doom and gloom posts about the death of SWTOR . but then i pissed in my face and suddenly lost the urge..






Still debating but.... I may change this to my sig. :D:eek: Thanks (if I do)!!!

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what are you talking about ?, the game runs fine for me



Lets just face it, the game is a bit hardware intensive thats all


Running fine for you doesn't mean it runs fine. The game runs "fine" for me too, though I have a friend with a vastly more powerful machine who has all kinds of issues. It's simply not optimized very well. Try moving and opening your inventory and tell me the game doesn't hiccup.


On that note, I unsubbed from my 3 month sub a little while ago and planned on resubbing if 1.2 had the things I cared about: multi-spec or a dungeon finder. It doesn't have those so I'm done with it when my sub runs out. Until then I'll enjoy the story for alts, but have no plans of sticking around.

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I'm borderline unsubscribing. No world to explore is a huge minus. Dailies get old fast. Ilum has no point now. Warzones make it too easy to level.. and then what?


An update with one new warzone and fp? So what? A new one should be released every month. By April it'd have been 4 months with 1 warzone added. There is no content.


Way too much time and money was put into voiceovers and single path planets.

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The forums are a perfect example of the voal minority. Years ago there was a news piece on NPR about a group of people who were major influencers on what gets broadcast on TV because they have an active, organized letter-writing campaign. These people literally influence EVERYTHING that the major networks put out. They have more power than the advertisers themselves. More power than "Standards and Practices" and more power than you or I ever will when it comes to the ****-tube.


Turns out... there were less than a hundred people in the whole group. Once exposed, they folded up, but they were such a vocal minority that everyone stood up and listened when all the different letters arrived, and that's how it is here and on most MMO forums.


The problem is, most marketing and product management folks will make the same mistake the TV networks made - they took an unscientific assumption that the forums represeent an equally proportional measure of how the larger group (ie, all subscribed members) feels. That is, they assume that if 25% of the forum posts are "game is trash", then 25% of all players think that. If 25% of people on the forums think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, then 25% of the overall population must feel that way too.


Problem is, that's a bad thing to assume. There's no real basis for that assumption, as it's well-known that the very disgruntled are the loudest and most often heard (squeaky wheel gets the oil and all). It's also the loudest fans who can stir up a wave of good press. Either way, it's not indicitive of the overall membership. That has to be determined by itself, without taking the forums into account. Hence, most people calling for doom-and-gloom here can safely be ignored as fringers, as can most uber-fans.


End Great-Wall-of-Text.




I completely understand and I can definitely relate. Everyone I talk to on my server, Rubat Crystal, seems to really enjoy the game whereas the forum hates the game. It's a shame because I like to come on here and learn about how others play the game and how to do the MMO part of it but I need to sift through all the complainers to find anything constructive.

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I'll be here been having a blast since day one; also I love how the hate machine still tries to make out like there was this mass exodus when Bioware just said a couple days ago at the Summit that over 3 million boxes have been sold and that there is way over 2 million active subscribers and with the Asia launch we are probably looking at a whole lot more than that.
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I'm borderline unsubscribing. No world to explore is a huge minus.


This is a huge minus for me also. ANd of course no so strong connections with franchise Kotor beside bits and pieces. Hopes these parts of the game got better in time.


My sub is still active and goes beyond april anyways

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