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Sorcerers... do they really need ALL these abilities?


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Not to mention a free snare attached to force lightning. Why not!


considering that a sorc/sage must stand still using this abilitiy most of the time waiting for a proc it is by far not over the top. oh and also considering that you do not need more than interrupting this one spell to nearly totally shut down their damage.


but hey, who cares about powertech/vanguard being able to spamm their slow attached to their spammable damage abilitiy WHILE still moving.


to answer the qeustion of the op: YES! they do and actually with their low (lowest single target) damage of all classes it is not enough!


p.s. and not to forget the long cd on many of their utilities that other classes can counter with abilities on lower cd, some even on 15s or 12s.

Edited by me_unknown
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Knockbacks, roots, stuns, sprints, CC AND bubble?


Are all of these really necessary???


most classes have a knockback


most classes have a root


every class has stuns, other classes have more than sorcs in fact


marauders also have a sprint


every class has multiple cc


bubble makes up for our low hp pools and low dmg mitigation







i could make the same argument for other class.. so just go away plz

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For light armor wearers, they're magically tough to kill most of the time.


hmm, take any class and put it against a sage/sorc. let them just do damage and use their damage reducing abilitites but nothing that stops/interrupts the other.


sage/sroc will be at 0% hp when any other one will still be at least above 30% if not 60%.

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Has anybody mentioned that they wear light armour yet?


I mean, it's not like non tank heavy armour mitigation is roughly 30% while light is roughly 20%. Luckily they get a plethora of well, everything, to compensate them.


But its ok, they wear light armour.

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most classes have a knockback


most classes have a root


every class has stuns, other classes have more than sorcs in fact


marauders also have a sprint


every class has multiple cc


bubble makes up for our low hp pools and low dmg mitigation







i could make the same argument for other class.. so just go away plz


So much wrong with this post. /sigh :rolleyes:

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Valour Rank 70 Sorc checking in.


I think Huttball exacerbates most of the "OPness" of Sorcs abilities whereas in the other two WZs it's not as much of an issue.


To address peoples concerns I think firstly the sorc pull should then put the person pulled onto a "not able to be pulled cooldown". As to our other remaining ccs/roots/stuns if the resolve bar system would work properly it wouldn't be as much of a problem but yeah getting perma bubble blinded/slowed/stunned is just ridiculous.


We definately need tweaking - not to our dps or to our healing but our CCs do need to be toned down.


The cries of nerf will become louder as the FOTM crowd swell the amount of Sorcs people see in WZs - hopefully our class we be looked at so that this crowd can go elsewhere to ensure we don't get nerfed into oblivion.

Edited by Nihilistik
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Valour Rank 70 Sorc checking in.


I think Huttball exacerbates most of the "OPness" of Sorcs abilities whereas in the other two WZs it's not as much of an issue.


To address peoples concerns I think firstly the sorc pull should then put the person pulled onto a "not able to be pulled cooldown". As to our other remaining ccs/roots/stuns if the resolve bar system would work properly it wouldn't be as much of a problem but yeah getting perma bubble blinded/slowed/stunned is just ridiculous.


We definately need tweaking - not to our dps or to our healing but our CCs do need to be toned down.

^^ This. I do not play a Sorc/Sage but they are VERY OP in Huttball. However, I do not think that should reflect on them as a whole. When in other areas, they are good healers and decent DPSers but their utilities are not overly impressive. Great support class outside of Huttball.


I think Huttball needs to be fixed, not the class. IMO.

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add lightning to that and they have no other skills. Slightly above the skill level of a merc, SLIGHTLY.


Exactly, no other skills and light armor.


Well, except for the ability to pull an ally to themselves. Oh and the ability to self heal. Oh and a channeled snare. Ranged stun instead of melee stun like almost every other class. Best in class healing when spec'd healer to go with best in class AOE damage when spec'd that way. Ranged interrupt. Plus their bubble can be placed on others like tanks, not just themselves and their root is an AOE root.


But yeah sorcs and sages are only SLIGHTLY above what a merc can do :rolleyes:.

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well, i wonder what. especially what do other do not get to easily make up for it...


Let me think:


  • Stuns (plural, as in multiple),
  • Sprint,
  • A spammable attack with a built in snare
  • A bubble (and a very good bubble at that) with a low cooldown,
  • An almost infinate resource pool to draw from if spec'd correctly,
  • The abiltiy to effectively heal and DPS,
  • One of, if not the, lowest CD KB in the game (did I mentioned that it's AoE)
  • A ranged snare,
  • At least one root,
  • Almost idiotically good synergy within their trees,
  • Excellent sustained damage,
  • Talents that when using your spammable attacked with a built in snare proc instant casts and increased damage on other skills.


To name a few.


Now this is the part where you will tell me the following:


  • We wear light armour (that's the crucial one - seeing as the difference in mitigation between non tank heavy and light is so large)

  • We're susceptible to interupts,
  • We have no burst (even though your burst isn't really that bad at all),
  • and finally l2p.


To summarise the best healing class, the class with the most utility, arguably one of, it not the best all round dps classes in the game and the most easily the most populated


Sound about right?

Edited by Reva
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Exactly, no other skills and light armor.


Well, except for the ability to pull an ally to themselves. Oh and the ability to self heal. Oh and a channeled snare. Ranged stun instead of melee stun like almost every other class. Best in class healing when spec'd healer to go with best in class AOE damage when spec'd that way. Ranged interrupt. Plus their bubble can be placed on others like tanks, not just themselves and their root is an AOE root.


But yeah sorcs and sages are only SLIGHTLY above what a merc can do :rolleyes:.


The problem with people who complain about sorcs is they are almost always just bad. Look at this guy above me, he doesn't know the different between snares and slows.

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The problem with people who complain about sorcs is they are almost always just bad. Look at this guy above me, he doesn't know the different between snares and slows.


I don't play "elves chasing trolls around" MMO ******. Doesn't change anything about what I posted because I used a term you don't like.

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The problem with people who complain about sorcs is they are almost always just bad. Look at this guy above me, he doesn't know the different between snares and slows.


Yeah sorry, how ignorant of me.


  • Spammable attack with a built in slow,


Thank you for correcting me on that.


I could theoretically use resolute to free myself from a snare I wonder what would happen if I tried that against lightning?


Personally I have no problem with sorcs, it just make me laugh when ever anyone challenges a sorc player about the skills they have at their disposale how overly defensive they become.


I don't have my violin with me today so I can't help with the ambiance - sorry guys.

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I could theoretically use resolute to free myself from a snare I wonder what would happen if I tried that against lightning?


You move at normal speed until the next tick of damage hits you - about .5-1 second or so and it still blows the cooldown.

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