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Voting for the Real MVP


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So yesterday we were losing an Alderan match and my team did a great job and got the 2nd turret. As soon as the battle turned our way I left the battle for the 2nd turret and went to get the three cap. I saw that it would be guarded by only 1 guy and I took the opportunity. That is how I roll. When I single-handedly captured it I made sure to let everyone in /ops know what I had done.


Then we had all three and were able to hold them and win. We needed all three to win. (If you don't know the math go back to 3rd grade) So the match ends and I can not vote for myself for MVP??? Are you kidding me?


I realize all the noobs will vote for themselves all the time but come on. Talk about MVP, you serious Bioware.

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Why does it even matter?


They should just take it out all together because you can't see what everyone is doing all the time; and the ones you do, I bet you don't remember their name. So pointless.


Maybe if they had a spectator system of so,me sort, people watching could vote. Now that could be cool, but people would just vote for their friends.

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I give my vote to the best healer or the person that provided the most protection.


So you look at the stats at the end to do this? You do realize how flawed that is? Not that any method for chosing who to vote for would be flawed.

Edited by Parali
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I give my vote to the best healer or the person that provided the most protection.


Did you read what I did????

/Boggle on what you are even talking about. It was a move that won the entire match for us.

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People vote friends, people they like or people who did something exraordinary.


But I would probably never vote someone who uses the chat to let others know what amazing thing he did :)


If you deserve the MVP there is not really any need to point it out, right?

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I give my vote to the best healer or the person that provided the most protection.


Uhhh, did you miss the story behind the OP's post?? He wanted to vote himself MVP because he single-handedly capped a turret in order to get a three-cap and comeback for the win.


He didn't mention kill count or damage once.....



I'm starting to think that this MVP voting should be removed, except for the soon to come rated WZs. Too many stupid voters out there only looking at numbers.

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So yesterday we were losing an Alderan match and my team did a great job and got the 2nd turret. As soon as the battle turned our way I left the battle for the 2nd turret and went to get the three cap. I saw that it would be guarded by only 1 guy and I took the opportunity. That is how I roll. When I single-handedly captured it I made sure to let everyone in /ops know what I had done.


Then we had all three and were able to hold them and win. We needed all three to win. (If you don't know the math go back to 3rd grade) So the match ends and I can not vote for myself for MVP??? Are you kidding me?


I realize all the noobs will vote for themselves all the time but come on. Talk about MVP, you serious Bioware.


Translated to


Bioware...Seriously someone took my rattle and threw it out of my pram, then my mum wouldn't give me any sweets....



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People vote friends, people they like or people who did something exraordinary.


But I would probably never vote someone who uses the chat to let others know what amazing thing he did :)


If you deserve the MVP there is not really any need to point it out, right?


QFT. In the heat of the moment, if I saw someone do this, I would just /ignore immediately. Think to myself "Who cares?", and move on with my life.

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I'm used to not being recognized for scoring, passing, etc. as most players can't see the goal. Yes, it's true that people will vote for friends or people they know, but I've noticed that my frequency of MVP votes have gone up with the number of matches played as my character's name becomes familiar to the other players. Personally, I'd be fine with getting rid of it altogether or having the results analyzed to determine the top 3 players on each team and giving them MVP rewards based on their score. However, I don't trust BW to come up with an intelligent scoring system. :D Edited by Bamajawn
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While I can understand how important you think you were, it took the TEAM to win...not JUST you...no matter how much you feel you did, others were ALSO doing stuff that allowed you to do what you did.


And now, coming here whining about not being voted for MVP?! Really?! Queue up again...give 100% again. Get over it.

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I give my vote to the best healer or the person that provided the most protection.


If I ain't killing the other team, they are killing us and guess what? You're dead and we lose.

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I agree that there's an issue with MVP votes, but being able to vote for yourself is moronic.


What they need to do is; redo the point values for objectives/make them more consistent.


In one match of huttball I've; scored multiple points, passed the ball to people to score, defended the line, guarded the ball carrier, and killed the enemy ball carrier. Just to end up with a measly 300 objective points at the end of the match... It really makes no sense, I am focusing on winning, yet my efforts aren't reflected at all. I don't even get to the 4 medal cap sometimes because of the intense focus it takes to carry a team.


Am I just missing something? Is it 100 objective points for a score if you lose and 1000 if you win? How the hell is it calculated.


Once objective is properly reflected, MVP votes will sort themselves out.

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Often times I'll cap a node under the sith's nose, or guard a node through a heavy attack, or cc people while someone else is capping, guard a ball carrier, etc.


I'm always surprised and happy when I'm voted MVP in a PuG group. When I'm not, I just move on to the next WZ.


Many a rose is born to bloom unseen and waste it's petals on the desert sand.

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Many a rose is born to bloom unseen and waste it's petals on the desert sand.


I am a shakespeare aficianado myself bro.



but being able to vote for yourself is moronic.....in one match of huttball I've; scored multiple points, passed the ball to people to score, defended the line, guarded the ball carrier, and killed the enemy ball carrier. Just to end up with a measly 300 objective points at the end of the match.


Bro, sounds like voting for your self is the answer.

Edited by richardya
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So yesterday we were losing an Alderan match and my team did a great job and got the 2nd turret. As soon as the battle turned our way I left the battle for the 2nd turret and went to get the three cap. I saw that it would be guarded by only 1 guy and I took the opportunity. That is how I roll. When I single-handedly captured it I made sure to let everyone in /ops know what I had done.


Then we had all three and were able to hold them and win. We needed all three to win. (If you don't know the math go back to 3rd grade) So the match ends and I can not vote for myself for MVP??? Are you kidding me?


I realize all the noobs will vote for themselves all the time but come on. Talk about MVP, you serious Bioware.



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The more you play the more your ame gets out there, Ive noticed that the more people get to see me and see that Im a constant performing(gaurding/taunting/passing/objectives) the more votes I get. You say you single handedly won the game like someone said you may have capped the 3rd turret you needed to win but your team held off the others since they over played and left that one open for the taking.


Also whose to saying you weren't barking "**** you idiots we need a three cap to win do I have to do everything myself?! " then you went and capped it and said " look im the best I just capped it for us im so the mvp " becuase if I saw that I know I wouldn't ever toss my mvp to you. More often then not I give my vote to a person that stayed to gaurd when I go out to smash faces/protect others should I get a vote for that maybe, but when I dont I do not get upset about it.


Like someone posted above now mvp votes dont mean much but a notch in your belt so does it really keep you up at night?

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The only time I've gotten an MVP vote that I felt I truly deserved was in a 4-4 Huttball match, last couple of seconds we have the ball and the ball carrier is swimming in a melee mosh pit. I pulled the guy out right before he died, had 2 seconds left on the clock.


I only got one vote, but meh, votes are pretty meaningless most of the time. Hard to track how much every single teammate is contributing to a match.

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