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MM snipers and SS gunslingers suffer too much when fighting tank type enemies.


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Well in case some missed the feed back from Bioware recently:


It is a design element for the pure dps classes to largely use mitigated damage types.

Rofl, it's like saying " it is a design element for the pure dps classes to do less damage in pvp", considering nearly every class has defensive cds with defense. Doesn't make sense. We don't even hit harder than hybrids on non tank targets without defensive cds lol.


Pure dps classes: Superior damage scaling through accuracy and other stat itemization vs scaling defence choices for players.
They'd need to make accuracy a lot better than both power and surge for this to happen, and against EVERY TARGET, they'd need to completely rework our stats. Likely won't happen but we can dream. Why do i get the feeling our broken mechanics will be replaced by even worse ones ? :rolleyes:


@Game-Hermit : it does not reduce armor.

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High armor accounts for little in this game, as elemental and internal attacks ignore it. There happens to be alot of elemental and internal damage flying around. Read taugrimm's assessment of damage and tanks.


That's simply not true. Armour is insane in this game. People's perceptions are what is incorrect. Most people think that because some elemental/internal dots exist that armour doesn't do anything. Armour actually mitigates all of jedi knights focus building stuff and a lot of their attacks except the dots. Armour mitigates damage of most shadow stuff, HIB/railshot from vanguard/PT which is a significant part of their damage, sniper/GS damage except 2 dots and a tick of a channel that does a base of 300 based on those dots (most damage is weapon damage), a significant amount of sorc/sage stuff due to them doing kinetic damage, and operative/scoundrel damage (but they get a 30% debuff). Merc/commando have an armour debuff on grav round/tracer missile but it has to stack up and it is only a small debuff. Armour still helps against this.


If you play a class with light armour you will notice the difference when you have heavy armour. This why tanks with their tank stance with even more armour again can be so hard to kill.

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Your accuracy on your sniper is 97 percent... read the stats, learn to play.


Stacking accuracy to kill tanks just makes your damage suck. The lead designer at BW who has a hard on for accuracy is a moron.

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Accuracy has ZERO effect on attacks being shielded. The shield percent is calculated after a hit lands. Accuracy only effect a hit or a miss, not if your attack gets shielded or not. Before you base your post around a concept, at least make sure your concept is accurate.


ORLY? Read the tooltip when you highlight it...

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A commando is god mode due to heavy armor

A commando does more damage then Sniper

A commando 1 button gives energy/armor reduction and tech damage at once

A commando cannot be shutdown. 4 seconds interupt they will tank all your damage with godly heavy armor then kill you in 4 GR/TM despite you are wearing BM Gear.


Yeah but you assume they will only be interrupted once. An assassin tank/marauder can interrupt what.. every 6-7 seconds?


But yes i do believe snipers/gunslingers need some kind of new ability maybe on cool down that gives them x amount of armour penetration or converts weapon damage into elemental damage etc.

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yes we need something, it is absurd, we do less dmg than commandos for examples, havent any healing, our cc is inferior( every ranged have a ranged stun, our is mele, everyone have aoe knowback instant, our need to be in cover, the only thing better is the aoe cc)

but we do 0 dmg against tanks, and less than normal dmg on the others targets


my aimed shot do 4030 on tolltip, so with my 73% crit mult and since it ignore 100% armor it should be hitting for 7k+( critics) and i never have hitted for more than 5k.


so yes, they need to give us some yellow skills or a stance to bypass some armor(like commando) and ofcourse fix our dmg, is absurd that skills that have 100%ignore armor do 20-40% less dmg than on tooltip.

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