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Ban PVP Gear from Warzones


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But you are comparing NEW 50 in NON-PVP gear to 50's geared in PvP. The ONLY DIFFERENCE in the gear is PvP gear has expertise. In my full champion gear, I have 12% damage boost to players, 12% damage reduction from players, and 12% healing boost. All from expertise. You take that away and the playing field is suddenly a LOT more level.




Grind commendations and buy gear like everyone else.

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Grind commendations and buy gear like everyone else.


Uhh... right? I am not saying that one should not grind the gear. I did that myself, and will do it again once my assassin hits 50 in 5 levels. I was commenting to the OP saying that PvP gear needs to be removed... where I stated the real issue is Expertise, and to address the OPs concern, it would be better to just remove expertise, to achieve the same result as he is suggesting.


Please go re-read posts before you post.

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You dont have to ban pvp gear from warzones...Then there is no point to pvp or having the gear.


But there are ways to make things better.


First give a scaling effect on how you gain coms/valor. Take what they did with DAoC. Your rank determined how much you were worth. Then depends on what rank the person is who kills you, so a lowbie ranked person would gain a ton more if they were equal rank. So lowbies will raise ranks a ton faster while fighting those higher ranks.


Another way is to remove expertise stat all together. The gear will still exist but the gear would be better stats, and set bonuses that would make you tougher regardless of the expertise stat. I like seeing high crits against non exp new 50s but I do know their pain.


This final way is to make centurion gear much cheaper, so after your 2 dailies and weekly quests done, you should have enough to be fully geared in cent gear.

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What class are you? There are plenty of new 50s who can do things that are useful to help their team win. It's also fairly easy now to at least get centurion gear. Did you play more than 2 wz's at level 50 before coming to this conclusion? Edited by SuperJoo
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What class are you? There are plenty of new 50s who can do things that are useful to help their team win. It's also fairly easy now to at least get centurion gear. Did you play more than 2 wz's at level 50 before coming to this conclusion?


Ive been getting so many centurion commendations I have fully geared out 4 companions in the gear....

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Ive been getting so many centurion commendations I have fully geared out 4 companions in the gear....


Trying to talk to the OP. Not sure why he's so upset. Many classes have some incredible utility in PVP even if he can't rip apart a full BM and farm medals, at least he can help his team win.

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Trying to talk to the OP. Not sure why he's so upset. Many classes have some incredible utility in PVP even if he can't rip apart a full BM and farm medals, at least he can help his team win.


Help your team win? What kinda of crazy talk is that? Isn't PvP just for medal farming?


/sarcasm off

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I tend to agree with separate PvP and PvE gear being a generally bad concept/design for any mmo.


It is grind > skill in any case.


The ideal situation for me would be to have sets of gear available through tokens, that are both obtainable through PvE and PvP.


Either that or completely remove gear importance for PvP (give all players same stats, depending on class, to make it completely fair)


I fail to se the need for this separation.


PvP should be about team coordination and player skill, not which team has grinded the most gear.


It is similar to PvE. You get progressingly better gear, the more you play, but it does not give you a new "hero stat", that gives you an unfair advantage.


Why do the idea of fair pvp stop at 50?

Edited by Cxeepfire
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Hey I got an idea. How bout we just get rid of gear in its entirety. All gear! That way we can use bed sheets. And it would just be for decoration. But the cool thing would be that everyone would look the same and be the same. Yep, thats what we need to do. It would make it fair for everyone.



People who talk like this.....Go play Guild Wars 2.

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Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone queue.


Geared Warzone: All Gear and Premade Groups

Balanced Warzone: same gear for everyone no premades


You still could choose!


This seams like a great idea! Obviously, it is not going to happen for 1.2, but this option looks like a good compromise. I doubt that the "gear" and "no-gear" groups are going to ever agree with each other because they PVP for different reasons. This way they can PVP for the reasons they looking for. The rest of us who don't care/see both sides of the argument would probably be willing to play in both.

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Okay for those people who are a bit slow:


Lets say this is like a formula 1 race: so everyone gets a car you gonna sit in a Ferrari F1 car,

the one next to you in a a Mercedes F1 car and so on and so on. These cars are pretty similar, but they have certain differences. The Ferrari has a higher top speed but the Mercedes goes quicker through curves. In total they are quite balanced.


So lets say the Ferrari is a Juggernaut and the Mercedes is a Merc they are different but are overall balanced in their Battle Master Gear.


Now a third car comes on the track, an Audi R8, even though its a sporty and fast car it could not win.


So what do you think how many races the R8 driver would participate in before he sais:


**** this!


So your solution would be to ban the Ferrari F1 car, let them take a Maranello, and force the Merc to drive an SLK so the R8 driver can compete.


Not much of an F1 race is it.


What they need to do is make entry level gear quick and easier to get ahold of so you can get more and more competitive and I believe that is what they are doing.


Word of advice btw, spend less time insulting other people's intelligence and examine your own reasoning a little more.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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They could just remove Expertise all together in my view and we wouldn't have any issue. Why we need to have separate gear for PVP still doesnt make sense to me. There could be a PVP set bonus or something for a different PVP item set to maybe lower the cooldown on CC breaker or something relevant to warzones etc, but doesnt need the stat. I think this causes an uneven play field unless you all have it.


I enjoy PVP in general but not my main focus in the game, but when I play I like to have an evenly matched game... they are by far the most fun!

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