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Ban PVP Gear from Warzones


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In my opinion the current PVP system will make new people avoid warzones.

I really enjoy warzones but when you reach lvl 50 the fun is over. A new player just dies after 3 hits. I do believe that the players have to be rewarded for pvp. There is nothing wrong with giving out gear but it leads to a major imbalance in warzones.


A game doesn't have to be fair, and its okay to have challenges but its not a challenge to fight a battlemaster with normal lvl 50 gear. It's simply suicide!


I think pvp gear belongs into open pvp or some sort of arena fights, a ban of pvp gear in warzones would make it more enjoyable.




Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone queue.


Geared Warzone: All Gear and Premade Groups

Balanced Warzone: same gear for everyone no premades


You still could choose!




Edited by GorZie
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In my opinion the current PVP system will make new people avoid warzones.

I really enjoy warzones but when you reach lvl 50 the fun is over. A new player just dies after 3 hits. I do believe that the players have to be rewarded for pvp. There is nothing wrong with giving out gear but it leads to a major imbalance in warzones.


A game doesn't have to be fair, and its okay to have challenges but its not a challenge to fight a battlemaster with normal lvl 50 gear. It's simply suicide!


I think pvp gear belongs into open pvp or some sort of arena fights, a ban of pvp gear in warzones would make it more enjoyable.




Well the situation is only going to get worse with the introduction of the "Hero Set", this is why I would rather delete my pvp character at 50 and reroll just to play the 1-49 bracket all over again. At least the 1-49 bracket has a reasonable level playing field

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Okay for those people who are a bit slow:


Lets say this is like a formula 1 race: so everyone gets a car you gonna sit in a Ferrari F1 car,

the one next to you in a a Mercedes F1 car and so on and so on. These cars are pretty similar, but they have certain differences. The Ferrari has a higher top speed but the Mercedes goes quicker through curves. In total they are quite balanced.


So lets say the Ferrari is a Juggernaut and the Mercedes is a Merc they are different but are overall balanced in their Battle Master Gear.


Now a third car comes on the track, an Audi R8, even though its a sporty and fast car it could not win.


So what do you think how many races the R8 driver would participate in before he sais:


**** this!

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Okay for those people who are a bit slow:


Lets say this is like a formula 1 race: so everyone gets a car you gonna sit in a Ferrari F1 car,

the one next to you in a a Mercedes F1 car and so on and so on. These cars are pretty similar, but they have certain differences. The Ferrari has a higher top speed but the Mercedes goes quicker through curves. In total they are quite balanced.


So lets say the Ferrari is a Juggernaut and the Mercedes is a Merc they are different but are overall balanced in their Battle Master Gear.


Now a third car comes on the track, an Audi R8, even though its a sporty and fast car it could not win.


So what do you think how many races the R8 driver would participate in before he sais:


**** this!


Well... It really is ridiculous trying to get up to speed with the gear everyone else has... I mean i've opened about 48 champion bags and haven't even gotten one piece of gear. On top of that I have only been able to get my two pieces of champ gear with the commendations lol. But I am doing better in pvp. At first it was ridiculous... For anyone wanting to lvl an alt and pvp with him... It's truly suicide. And as someone else pointed out, that the new "Hero" set will make it even worse.

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banning pvp gear from pvp would be a horrible idea as 75% of the pvp community would /ragequit instantly because they worked hard for that gear so they could have a challenging fight against similarly geared people and /faceroll everyone wearing pve gear. if you wanna grind out pvp gear then do so, if not then don't, but they would never ban pvp gear in warzones because it causes too large of a fallout in the game community.
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I have a new 50, this char dies quick in pvp, being republic we also win less to begin with .... its fine though, I get rewards, I'll save them up and get better pvp gear.


The people who already have the gear earned it, I just need to earn it too, it will involve lots of deaths and I'm fine with that... if the deaths in Warzones came with repair costs however I'd stop pvp altogether as I'd go broke trying to get the pvp gear :)

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Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone ( no gear no premade) queue.

You could get your commedations ,valor and daylies/weeklies in both of them.


I promise you the Geared Warzones would be mostly empty after 2 weeks.


BTW there is heaps more to pvp than just warzones, open pvp for example or city raids.

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Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone ( no gear no premade) queue.

You could get your commedations ,valor and daylies/weeklies in both of them.


I promise you the Geared Warzones would be mostly empty after 2 weeks.


BTW there is heaps more to pvp than just warzones, open pvp for example or city raids.


Why go to a Warzone if you cant use the gear you get or join with friends?

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Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone ( no gear no premade) queue.

You could get your commedations ,valor and daylies/weeklies in both of them.


I promise you the Geared Warzones would be mostly empty after 2 weeks.


BTW there is heaps more to pvp than just warzones, open pvp for example or city raids.


You get what you deserves through hardships.


If not... I'm afraid you're not in your kind of game.

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Sorry, but it takes maybe 2 days to get almost all centurion gear. Do you want to ban full Rakata gear too?


It's very very easy to start the 50 bracket if you have a clue about gearing up. If you didn't open 6 centurion bags the second you hit 50 you didn't do your homework. The problem is so many try to enter with level 40 gear, the wrong spec and the wrong rotation and expect to succeed against the die hard PVPers and that's not gonna happen.

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The suggestion takes the wrong approach but isnt entirley wrong.


I think what needs to be done is "another" bracket.


We have PVP for level 1-49


We have PVP for level 50


But there is a ****-ton of expertease gear that ultimatley destroys any fair play for the early level 50's and thats due to two things, class imbalance and overpowered expertease rating.


Heres what I propose, which would work a ****-ton better.


Battlemasters Get Seperated from Any Rank Below in PVP.


So, you have a level 1-49 range


You have a level 50-champion range


And a Battlemaster-War Hero range.


Ultimatley this creates a branching PVP system where the champion gear can still be equalised by pvp daylies and everything else.


While the guys at the top can busy themselves away fighting each other.


(And dont give me the excuse battlemaster is hard, it isnt after a few days of "Actual" Ilum)


Either way, this would work significantly better than the current system and be a favourable medium for everyone.

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While I've never liked "resilience/expertise" on gear I doubt it will change. Personally I would rather beat the player with skill rather than beat on someone with all my cd's and might only to bounce off them like gummi bears and not see a dent in their hp.


Beat the player instead of having the gear beat on me...


skill > gear would be my ideal


It does suck dying till you get on par with gear, but perhaps it will console you to know that they had to die till getting caught up as well (or afk in ilum pre 1.1.5...)


I thought I did read a post about battle masters and up getting a new bracket, I don't know if has been confirmed. So that might alleviate some of the NEW to 50 frustration (oh yeah... I was there too).


There are also the people who afk to Battle Master (see here) Is it too much to ask to not have to carry afker's to Battle Master while getting torn up like a wet tissue??


There are a lot of things I could say about PvP but I doubt they will ever remove "resilience/expertise" from gear as the players who have the gear will most likely cry. [insert troll flame here]

Edited by xyloh
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Why go to a Warzone if you cant use the gear you get or join with friends?


okay I make it ovious for you



Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone queue.


Geared Warzone: All Gear and Premade Groups

Balanced Warzone: same gear for everyone no premades


You still could choose!


I just want to enjoy WZ as I did from 10-49

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This is a troll thread right?




I honestly didn't have nearly as much trouble as I was expecting when I started PvPing at level 50 as a sniper. I was expecting to be 2 or 3 shotted consistently, and not be able to do any DPS. I started out going for the softer targets and not targeting people with battlemaster or war hero titles, and, guess what? I actually did far better than I expected. Sure I died a lot, and I couldn't exactly solo BM tanks, but I was able to play effectively, and, especially if I was playing to the objective, help my team out while getting a decent number of kills.


You can't run around solo without support as a fresh 50 and be effective, but if you group up just a little bit and pick your targets you will be just fine.


I'm in mostly champion gear now, and I honestly haven't noticed a huge difference. When I run off by myself like an idyot I get killed and feel silly, but when I stick with my team and focus on the objective I get kills, and get wins. If I'm playing with a healer buddy then I occasionally do exceedingly well.


I'm not claiming to be a super skilled player -- I get excited if I hit 200k damage as a MM sniper, granted I'm mostly PvE spec'd, but I'm consistently put to shame by other snipers and sorcs doing 300k plus. Maybe as I play more and get smarter, in addition to improving my gear, I'll be able to break the 300k plus barrier.


A large part of the problem is going from top dawg in the 1-49 brackets, to the runt of the litter in the 50s and having to change your expectations, but to say that it is broken and unbalanced or unfair or whatever because some people are progressing their characters by playing in an MMO is asinine.


tl;dr - Use your head and you'll be alright.

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It isn't the gear.


It is the expertise.


I have said it time and again... remove expertise. Give different tiers of PvP gear, like there are different tiers of PvE gear... but simply remove the Expertise from the equation. THAT is the real issue, not the fact that people get gear from doing PvP.

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okay I make it ovious for you



Lets say they would integrate an option where you can choose between an Geared Warzone

and an Balanced Warzone queue.


Geared Warzone: All Gear and Premade Groups

Balanced Warzone: same gear for everyone no premades


You still could choose!


I just want to enjoy WZ as I did from 10-49


The one with the gear and premades, I don't mind dying, I don't mind losing, I do want to have fun with my mates and get shiny new toys now and then :)


Edit: I Also assume the hard core, geared, pvp people will go ranked when that's out.

Edited by spoonguy
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@ SurgeonUFO:


I know that it gets easier with better gear i have full champions gear and valor 53 pre 1.1.5

however it's still not as much fun as it was around level 35.




I don't think that expertise is a problem, I think you get about 15% +/- dmg of targets with 0 expertise when you have full champion equip. I recon its only 5% difference between champion and battle master gear, but I don't know for sure.


@ spoonguy


I don't mind dying either neither do I mind losing. But think of someone who starts playing in lets say a month time and it takes him 1 month to get to 50. By that time we will have the war hero gear and the newbee might just think: Okay done the 50 but thats where this game becomes annoying. unsub.

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I don't think that expertise is a problem, I think you get about 15% +/- dmg of targets with 0 expertise when you have full champion equip. I recon its only 5% difference between champion and battle master gear, but I don't know for sure.



But you are comparing NEW 50 in NON-PVP gear to 50's geared in PvP. The ONLY DIFFERENCE in the gear is PvP gear has expertise. In my full champion gear, I have 12% damage boost to players, 12% damage reduction from players, and 12% healing boost. All from expertise. You take that away and the playing field is suddenly a LOT more level.


The different in stats between Centrurion, Champion, Battlemaster isn't as huge as one might think, not really any different than the difference between players in 10-49 pvp (which I do a lot of on a sub-50 character).


If you want to make 50 PvP be more like sub-50 PvP, then you want to remove expertise, plain and simple, as that is the MAIN factor in the disparity between the geared and non-geared players.

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