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Free transfers in the future?


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Dear BioWare,


I have, for the last year, accumulated a group of 30-35 people who are now beginning to come online. They are from a diverse number of games I have played in the past. From Alpha 3 on, members of my guild with beta access tested every aspect of the game in order to ensure we had a built-in knowledge of SWTOR on launch. When the product works, we have been pleased with it.


With that said, every last one of us find it insulting to wait in a 2+ hour queue by 8:30am on a Tuesday for a game that we pay for. This isn't a free to play game. You have no wiggle room. Quite simply put, you are in massive breach of our expectations for a AAA title.


There is a solution though. We have an immediate need for guild transfers to underpopulated servers. The fact is that some of my players are already approaching their 40s with several days of game time logged. It is unacceptable that you might ask them to re-level. This is not a beta anymore but a product we are paying you for.


If someone does not either magically solve the queue problem, or if we do not receive a guild transfer offer, I can guarantee you that I will lose 2/3 or more of my players (by this I mean my guild, not your customers as a whole) by this time next week. They may or may not return but either way, I'll never gather them all in one place again. This is not a threat, it is a fact.


We need a guild transfer program effective yesterday.


If you do not have a solution for the queues then please let us know how long it would take to set up this sort of a program. If our server has a queue 400 deep by 8:30am server time on a week day, I doubt I'll get an hour in all weekend. This is going to make me and everybody else very angry.


I don't want to lose this guild to your level of incompetence. Solve the problem now.


Yours truly,

Aeo, paying customer


Edited by Aeon
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I have to agree with the OP.


I moved from Bloodworthy(EU) since the queues are now around 1 and a half hour long. I'm now on Tythas Academy or something which was a low population server. Now there are queues of half an hour.


The wait wouldn't really bother me, its the disconnections that bother me since there is no "keep alive" you have to wait in the queue again to rejoin. Even then its not so much of a problem but when you are in a group with people and you get disconnect it can be extremely frustrating, not only for a player but for the group as well who may have waiting half and hour to get a healer/tank to complete an instance.

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30 minute wait at 11am I am getting really tired of this really fast.


Lol@people who say just reroll like I have that much time to dedicate to Bioware's negligence.


AHHHH They made such a great game why can't they just bring out free xfers, RIFT had them off the bat and that game was trash, it isn't difficult.


Rift did not have free transfers at release. Very few games do.

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Unless BW can quickly bring their servers up to speed hardware wise, this needs to happen NOW. Guild-transfers should be offered as well, to easily move a large bunch of people in one swoop.


Tons of servers are practically empty, while others are Full at all times. Easy solution.

Edited by afootdoc
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Hugely dissapointed, was expecting queue times to drop after release since they should/would have increased online cap. However instead of the usual 1300 queue for Legions of Lettow, today im greeted with 1500.


Glad i have not enteed any payment information yet, I expected so much better. Love the game, no faults there. It's like im playing KOTOR again. the MMO side however has bene a massive dissapointment thus-far. Just hope Bioware/EA can get their **** together before the free month is up. Pandas > staring at a queue for 3 hours.

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dig it. totally. me and friends got scattered just to be able to play without waiting for a couple hours ;(


That's my main complaint, more than the server queues.

Queues are however detrimental, particularly when your playtime is limited, which TOR is supposed to be catering to, as announced by the devs years ago.

I reiterate my support for one free transfer.

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SO! Give us please free transfers!!! At least for now!!! If you won't give us transfers, I think you can discourage many players from playing. I've read a lot of posts saying thah they hate this waiting and they don't want ot start over and over. SO PLEASE!!! I DON'T WANT TO WAIT TOO!!!:)
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If we can not have server transfers now? It might be a good idea to say they are coming in the future. My guild are on Red Eclipse but the queue times are too large.


I would gladly role on another server if I knew at some point I could move that character to Red Eclipse once things had calmed down.


I have a family and don't want to have to repeat levelling and go through the same content just to play in my guild.

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This game must really be a money machine for Biowear - First selling the game - then when ppl starts playing - making server status Full - then demanding money for a transfer to another server - then over and over again ?


Really smart.


If there should be any form of transfer it should be free and to prevent ppl from transfering all the time - set a restriction that a "char" have to wait a week befor it can transfer again.

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I got stuck on a server with constant queues by the guild prelaunch system. Even though I get home at a weird time of night, I still must want 30+ minutes in queue to play. I only get a few hours a night to play, so even 30 minutes is a big chunk of that!


It also means no jumping on for a half hour of play/chatting with guildies/checking auctions before work.


Oh, and it's off topic, but... why the large maintenance schedules at 2am? Couldn't they be at 4am or something instead? :p

Edited by Avanaco
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the full servers should have been locked last night end of story a 1 hour queue yesterday is now a 3 hour queue today so if you want to play for 2 hours you have to log on 2 hours in advance great management Biowear just peachy how the hell can you justify this? The wall of silence says it all.
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Honestly though, most ppl asking for "free transfers" have characters under 20. Nothing is stopping you from rerolling at this point. It's not like you all have max level characters who are geared out. You've played what? 1/4 to 1/3 of the game. Start over.


This is a fair comment for individuals.


For guilds? Not at all.

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